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Spring 2014

Immersion I Lesson Plan Format

Field Study Teacher:
Amanda Holt
School: Fort Lewis
Grade Level: 4 Grade
Number of Students in Class:25
Unit: Spelling
Lesson Duration: 1-2 weeks
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson: Dec 2, 2014 10:00am
1. Objective(s): Students will be able to access Spelling test on and complete a spelling
2. Colorado Academic Standards: 3:3 Correct sentence formation, grammar,
punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are applied to make the meaning clear to
the reader.

3. Learning Target(s): Log onto and create your user name and password. Then find
our classroom Spelling test and begin typing the correct letters that form the words that are given.
4. Assessment: Students will turn in their test to the teacher to check for their understanding.
Key Vocabulary: Spelling words are: Science, Theory, Computer, Application, Understanding, Focus,
Vocabulary, Witness, Form, Create, Geology, Language, Skills, Patience, and Proof.
Prerequisite Technology Skills: Students can operate a Computer and know how to access the Website.
5. Materials: Computer, Pen, Pencil, and Paper.

6. Introduction/Anticipatory Set: Students will write a full sentence for each of the Vocabulary words
that are given and once they are done, they will read aloud their favorite sentence to the class.

7. Essential Questions or Big Picture Statement: When could you use these words in the future to
enhance your reading and writing skills?
8. ****Step-by-Step Lesson Process:****
Students will log onto their computer and access the website.
They will locate the spelling test for that particular classroom and complete it in the 10 minutes
time given.
Teacher will assist any students with technical related difficulties and if there are any disabled
students they will be given appropriate time to complete the assignment as it pertains to their
level of learning skills.
Students will then be given the opportunity to correct any words that they missed on a blank sheet
of paper to assure that they do know how to spell it. (1/2 credit will be awarded)
Then each students will turn in their Anticipatory set assignment at the end of class to be graded
and use as an Exit ticket.
If a student misses 5 or more of the 15 Words, they will be asked to write the words 10 times on a
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Spring 2014
sheet of paper as homework to assure their understanding of spelling correctly.
9. Reflection on Lesson to complete after you have taught:
1. To what extent did the students meet the learning objective(s), and what evidence do you have to
support your conclusion? All of the students meet my objective proficiently and as a reward they
earned extra recess time.
2. Based on the success in achieving the objective, what would be your next instructional steps? I
will continue to use to create Spelling Tests and incorporate 21st Century Skills
in my classroom.
3. What aspects of the lesson went well, and how do you know? The Sentence writing went well
because all of the students were able to use each of the 15 words correctly in a sentence format
and they had a lot of fun reading their sentence to the class.
4. What would you do differently next time, and how did you know this part of the lesson did not
work as well as it could have for you and/or the students? I would not change anything except for
maybe adding a couple more words to the spelling test for fast learners/extra credit.

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