New Syllabus

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First LEGO League Syllabus


Emine and Aditya Sharma

Phone +98 108 87 362


Emine: Art Room (if Im ever there)


First LEGO League has been brought to GRS to help you learn practical skills that can be applied doing anything in the
world. You will learn the design process, evaluation, teamwork strategies, project management strategies and basic
computer programming.
This course is designed to be project-based and student centered. You will learn by doing and experimenting. Instructors will
act as facilitators helping you get the resources you need, but YOU will be your own teacher. You will learn core values and
habits that will be applicable to anything in your life henceforth.
You will learn the basic structure of the engineering process while working well in a team.
You will learn basic computer programming using LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0.
You will learn the First LEGO League core values and show that you have internalized through your actions.
Core Values:

We are a team.
We do the work to find solutions with guidance from our coaches and mentors.
We know our coaches and mentors dont have all the answers; we learn together.
We honour the spirit of friendly competition.
What we discover is more important than what we win.
We share our experiences with others.
We display Gracious Professional (encourage high-quality work, emphasize the values of others, and respect
individuals and community) and Coopertiton (displaying kindness and respect in the face of fierce competition) in
everything we do.
We have FUN!

Equipment Usage: Although LEGO is traditionally considered to be a toy, we are using them as TOOLS. It is VITAL that all
pieces remain in their respective area. If pieces go missing entire projects could be ruined. Thus, if anyone is caught stealing
or pieces go missing immediate disciplinary action will be taken.
Attendance: You are allowed to miss two classes provided the Instructor receives an e-mail or a phone call stating why you
are absent. Chronic absences will be discussed on a one-on-one basis if a unique situation should arise.
Grades: If a students grades are severely comprised because they are on the FLL team the student will be placed on two
weeks of probation. During those two weeks the student must provide a progress report to the FLL instructor on each
Thursday. If their grades have improved they may remain on the team, if their grades have not improved they will not be
allowed on the team so they are able to focus on their studies. School comes first.
Citizenship: If at anytime a student is disrespectful or insubordinate to a teacher, instructor or classmate they will be asked to
leave the team.

A team website will be created so students will be able to watch videos, chat with one another and read up on FLL news.
Course Schedule:



First Day Review Syllabus & Communication Skills

Introduction to LEGO, Tech Brick and Programming


Sound and Door Alarm


5 Minute Bot


5 Minute Bot


Touch Sensors to Bot & Light Sensors to Bot


Follow Line with Light Sensor


Line Race


Motorized Claw


Gears, Radius, Circumference, Tire/Gear Relationship,

Traction, Torque, Tug O War Construction and
Evaluation , Tug O War Competition

5.1.2014 9.1.2014

Free Exploration, Alternative Energy, Pneumatics



Plastic Bottle Challenge


Plastic Bottle Challenge


Plastic Bottle Challenge


Black Circle Challenge


Black Circle Challenge


Black Circle Challenge

21.1.2014 25.2.2014

FLL Challenge World Class


FLL Competition


FLL Competition


Party Fun Time!

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