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MSc Programme

Electrical Power

Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Mathematics
and Computer Science

Electricity is the most flexible and efficient

source of energy to power mankind. If we
improve the exploitation of sustainable energy
sources, electricity is sure to play a leading
role throughout the foreseeable future. In the
decades to come, a revolution will unfold in
the generation and delivery of electrical power,
driven by the large-scale introduction of
renewable and distributed power generation,
the need for environmentally-friendly and
sustainable components and the liberalisation
of the energy markets. Electrical power
engineers are needed in order to design new
components with an eye towards sustainable
materials and efficient conversion processes,
as well as to integrate them into a smart and
adaptable electricity infrastructure.

Masters programme
The Master of Science programme in Electrical
Engineering at TU Delft offers the track: Electrical
Power Engineering. This two-year track is designed
for students with a Bachelors degree in Electrical
Engineering. It is taught in English. Each year of the
programme begins in September.
When you join TU Delfts track in Electrical Power
Engineering, you will get an in-depth understanding
of the challenges that electrical power engineers must
overcome. The programme covers a wide range of
issues, including renewable energy, smart grids,
environmentally friendly material technologies, the
decentralisation of power generation, power-systems
operation, power electronics and electrical machines.

Electrical power conversion

is essential for improving
energy efficiency and
harvesting renewable energy

The Department of Electrical Power Engineering boasts

a number of outstanding research facilities, including
the High-Voltage Laboratory, the Sustainable Energy
Laboratory DENlab, the Real-Time Digital Simulator
and the Power Processing (Electrical Machines and
Electronic Conversion) Laboratory. Research themes
that students are pursuing include intelligent
technologies in the monitoring and control of power

components and systems; asset management of the electricity

grid; sustainable power components and systems; clean, smart
and high energy-density materials; the large-scale introduction
of renewables in the power system; high-efficiency power
conversion; nano composites and photovoltaic devices and
The programme starts with several compulsory courses that
provide you with the basics of Electrical Power Engineering.
During the second semester of the first year, you can choose an
in-depth specialisation based on the profiles suggested below.

Programme Specialisations
The track offers the following specialisations:

Power Electronics and Electro-Mechanics

covers electrical power processing and conversion, with an
emphasis on improving efficiency in industrial processes,
offices, homes and E-mobility.

Asset Management and Reliability of the

Electricity Grid focuses on intelligent technologies that
will significantly affect the future operation and control of
electrical power systems and system components.

Sustainable Electrical Power Components and

Systems covers technologies for the design of sustainable,
environmentally friendly components and systems. Key issues
concern clean materials, as well as new, high-efficiency
methods for renewable energy conversion and the large-scale
introduction of renewable energy sources into the grid.

Control and Operation of future Power

Systems focuses on the generation, transmission and
distribution of electrical energy, and it explores technological
options for the design and operation of future intelligent power
grids, which will be subject to sustainability and reliability

Photovoltaic Technology and Systems

addresses all aspects of photovoltaic technology, from the
design of a PV cell to the implementation of PV systems in
the electricity grid.
The five specialisation profiles defined here are intended
as guidelines. Students are free to compose their own
specialisations by choosing from a list of courses,
in consultation with their thesis supervisors.

Graduation projects
Some examples of recent graduation projects are:
Optimisation of on-site partial discharge measurements and
evaluation of diagnostic parameters for assessing the
condition of distribution cable systems
Control of a multi-terminal voltage-source converter HVDC
for offshore wind power
Sustainable off-grid power for rural areas
Wireless power transfer for e-mobility
Directional relay coordination in ungrounded radial
distribution networks using a real-time digital simulator
Design of fault-tolerant energy conversion systems for
increasing wind turbine reliability

Braham Ferreira
My chair is entitled Power Electronics and Electric Machines,
and I am heading a group that
investigates electrical power
conversion. Examples include
the conversion of mechanical to
electrical power in wind turbines
and the supply of electrical power
to computers and LED lights.
Students consider E-Mobility as
an exciting new application of our
technology. We are playing an
active role in designing drive
systems for electric vehicles and
plug-in hybrid vehicles, ranging from wireless battery-charging
stations to generators for range extenders. The electric
vehicles that we investigate are not limited to automobiles and
bicycles. For example, one of our thesis students designed an
electrical motor that can turn the rotor blades in a hybrid
helicopter using super-conductor windings.
Experimental work is important to us, and we have a wellequipped laboratory in which graduate students work on their
research projects and in which undergraduate students from
electrical, mechanical and aerospace engineering do practicals.
Students consider the study programme stimulating and
challenging because our field is multidisciplinary, requiring a
working knowledge of electronics, electro-mechanics, power
systems and embedded control. Students are also excited by
the level of interest that partners in the industry are showing
for our research. Given that electrical power conversion is
essential for improving energy efficiency and harvesting
renewable energy and because of our good reputation
our students easily find well-paid jobs.

Curriculum Electrical Power Engineering

First Year
1 st Semester

2 nd Semester

Compulsory Core Courses

Specialisation Courses

Electrical Power Systems

High Voltage Technology &


Electrical Power Systems

High Voltage Technology &


Electrical Power Processing

PV Materials & Devices

Electrical Power Processing

PV Materials & Devices

Free electives (15 EC) include: internship, a secondary specialisation, a

foreign language, scientific writing, management skills.

Second Year
1 st Semester

2 nd Semester

Specialisation Courses include: High Voltage DC, Diagnostics for High

Voltage Assets and Lab, Power System Analysis, Power System Dynamics,
Power Electronic Components, A.C. Machines, Photovoltaic Systems,
Photovoltaic Lab.

Graduation Project (45 EC)

Compulsory Core (24 EC)

Specialisation Courses (36 EC)

Free eEectives (15 EC)

Graduation Project (45 EC)

1 EC = 28 hrs study, according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Total amount of credits MSc EE Telecommunication track programme = 120 EC

For more information on all courses:

Career prospects
Career opportunities for electrical power engineers are
exceptionally good, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Graduates can choose from a number of career paths, with
attractive positions open to starting engineers in the areas of
product design, consultancy and research. At higher levels,
electrical power engineers often move into management
positions. Electrical power engineers are found in larger

companies (including distribution and transmission system

operators), as well as in such prominent firms as Siemens,
ALSTOM, ABB, Shell and Philips. They also find employment in
research institutes (e.g. TNO and ECN), high-tech companies
and consultancy firms (e.g. KEMA). Some graduates choose to
continue their education and pursue doctoral studies.

Your imagination and creativity are needed

Your house is equipped with a large number of electrical outlets. Have
you ever wondered what is hidden behind them? An enormous new world
is waiting to be explored. An education from TU Delft gives you the
chance to explore this world in an optimal way. It also provides you with
a sense of security, not only about your studies, but also about your
future as an electrical power engineer. Although the primary goal of this
Masters degree track involves contributing to a sustainable system for
supplying electricity into the future, your imagination and creativity are
needed in order to realise this goal. When I enrolled in the Masters
degree programme in Electrical Power Engineering at TU Delft, I was
sure about my choice. I have found everything I expected with regard to
the organisation, facilities and high level of education. A new world is
waiting for you too, so get on board!

Konstantins Velitsikakis

Admission requirements
and application procedures

For further information

BSc degree from a Dutch university

Please visit the webpage for all details, along

with a full list of requirements, deadlines and
contact information:

Graduates with a BSc in Electrical Engineering (or the

equivalent) are eligible for admission. Students without
adequate undergraduate preparation will be required
to follow a customised bridging course (maximum
30 ECTS). Students who hold a Bachelors degree in a
related field may apply to the programme. If admitted,
however, they may also be required to follow a
customised bridging course. To determine whether
your BSc degree makes you eligible for admission,
please visit

Degree from a Dutch university of

applied sciences (Dutch HBO)
Graduates with a Bachelors degree in Electrical
Engineering from a Dutch Univerity of Apllied Science
are eligible for admission following completion of a
bridging course. Prospective students are advised to
contact the Masters Coordinator before applying. For
additional details, go to

Dr M. Gibescu, Masters Coordinator

T +31 (0)15 2785792
Further information for international applicants
International Office EEMCS
T +31 (0)15 27 83506
EEMCS Faculty
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft

The application procedure is conducted through


International applicants
International applicants must meet the general
admission requirements of TU Delft.
1. A BSc degree (or proof that you have nearly
completed a BSc programme) in electrical
engineering or a field closely related to the MSc
programme in Electrical Engineering
2. A BSc Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at
least 75% of the scale maximum
3. Proof of English language proficiency: A score of
at least 90 on the TOEFL or an overall Band score
of at least 6.5 on the IELTS (academic version)
For international students, the application period starts
in September and closes at April 1. To start a MSc
application, complete the online application and pay the
non-refundable application fee of 50. Then send hard
copies of the application documents to the TU Delft
International Office. Please note that you should apply
early if you wish to apply for a scholarship as well.
For more information about the application
procedure and studying at TU Delft in general,
go to

Introduction week
All international students will be welcomed with the
award-winning introduction programme. The introduction consists of a variety of workshops and projects,
during which you will get to know other international

students, visit the highlights of Delft and learn the ins

and outs of the TU Delft campus.
After this very interesting and fun week, you will be
introduced to the EEMCS faculty. During this three-day
Master Kick Off, you will receive helpful information
about the Dutch education system and meet the fellow
students from your programme in a variety of social and
educational activities.

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