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The Next Big Thing with E-Learning

Kaitlin Boggi
Regent University

In partial fulfillment of UIS 350 Technology in Education, Fall 2014


Online education is a spark that has taken many educators and students by storm and changes the
game when it comes to the world of education. Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big
thing. - Donna J. Abernathy. ("23 Inspirational eLearning Quotes", 2014) With the articles that I have
found, I want to present new ideas when it comes to online education and how it can be looked at from
three different angles. The first one will be how online learning is benefiting gifted learners; the second is
how many Virginia high schools are now requiring students to take at least one online course in order to
graduate; and the last and final article is taking the chance to look into how the flu is leading some schools
to offer the option for students to still be learning, even while they are at home sick.
Beyond the Classroom Walls: Teachers and Students Perspectives on How Online Learning Can
Meet the Needs of Gifted Students is an article that takes a deeper look and appreciation into the subject of
gifted students and how many online environments might provide a good match for the needs of many
gifted learners. (Thomson, 2010) The definition of a gifted student is " used with respect to students,
children, or youth, means students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in
such areas as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who
need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities."
("Definitions of Giftedness") The article goes on to explain that in a generic classroom setting, some gifted
students could possibly not be obtaining everything that the live classroom has to offer. By using an elearning program, along with in class studies, the student is then able to work at their own pace, however
quickly as that may be; take control of how they are learning; and it will also gives them a chance to
engage in independent learning.

(Thomson, 2010)


Virginias new high school graduation requirement: One online course addresses what
is considered to be a controversial topic when it comes to adding another requirement for
graduating Virginia students. Governor Robert McDonell is hoping that it will better prepare
students for the job market of the 21st century (Brown, 2014) by requiring all students to take
an online course. The online courses required will give students the opportunity to better prepare
themselves for the many online courses that are offered on a college campus.
Online Learning Industry Spurred On by H1N1 is an article that was brought on by the
recent takeover of the flu epidemic. With so many students taken out of the classroom and stuck
at home in bed when sick, the article takes a closer look into the need for many school districts to
offer an online program that will allow these students to still access their assignments and lesson
plans so that they do not fall behind in their studies. We must make sure the learning continues
if the flu virus spreads, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in August. (Eisele-Dyrli,
2010) There needs to be online resources for students to learn from home. (Eisele-Dyrli,
2010) This article addresses the issue while focusing on the flu, but the implications for this
technology can help students and school districts year round to overcome the issue of missing
class for health reasons.
I feel that the topics discussed in these articles are important for educators to read about
because throughout our 30 or so years of teaching we will be presented new theories and
engaging with students that we have never had to interact with before. It is important that we
encourage and explore these new ideas and embrace them for what they have to offer. As future
teachers, it will only benefit us to read about how to change our habits and how to help push
gifted students, deal with new policy changes for the district, or even how to keep teaching when
half of our class is out sick with the flu. As technology continues to grow, it will continue to


force teachers to move out of their comfort zones and explore new concepts to expand their
horizons and improve the education system for the betterment of student as it keeps up with the
requirements of the ever changing world of technology.


Brown, E. (2012, April 6). Virginias new high school graduation requirement: One online
course. Retrieved December 13, 2014, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/virginiaschools-insider/post/virginias-new-high-school-graduation-requirement-one-onlinecourse/2012/04/06/gIQAaz7E0S_blog.html

Thomson, D. (2010, January 1). Beyond the Classroom Walls: Teachers and Students
Perspectives on How Online Learning Can Meet the Needs of Gifted Students. Retrieved
December 13, 2014, from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ906118.pdf

Definitions of Giftedness. (n.d.). Retrieved December 13, 2014, from


Eisele-Dyrli, K. (2010, January 1). Online Learning Industry Spurred On by H1N1. Retrieved
December 13, 2014, from http://www.districtadministration.com/article/online-learning-industryspurred-h1n1

23 Inspirational eLearning Quotes For eLearning Professionals - eLearning Industry. (2014,

April 25). Retrieved December 13, 2014, from http://elearningindustry.com/inspirationalelearning-quotes-for-elearning-professionals

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