Hfcs Pto Minutes 11-10-14

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Holy Family Catholic School

PTO Meeting Minutes

Leila Uhl Secretary

Meeting opened with prayer from Mr. Schmidt.

Meeting Minutes from 9/8/14 voted on and passed.
Mr. Schmidt open the floor to families for questions
Principals Report:
o Grandparents Day was HUGE success. There were some extra food expenses that the
PTO voted on and passed to reimburse.
o Retreat: Thank you to Sister Rebecca and all the volunteers for a wonderful retreat.
o Roadrunners: the hockey team came to talk with the kids of the importance of school
and read to them.
o Enchilada Sale-Raised $4,684.14. BIG thank you to all participated.
Room Count completed to be announced at end of meeting.
Treasures Report: Mrs. King was with her family.
Old Business:
o Carnival:
 Need to start a committee.
 With sub groups for food, baskets, prizes, etc.
 Need to get Date for next year, usually last Saturday in September
o Catholic Schools Week:
 What to do?
 Usually do chili/soup feedback required or committee will decide.
o Extravaganza (formally known as Flashback):11/15/14. Still required help.
New business:
o Need members for upcoming years for chairing events and committees.
o Hayden High will have presentation after meeting
Room Count Winner: 2nd Grade with $67.79.
Reminder of dress down day for the following Wednesday for the students whose parents
Next Meeting: January 14 2015
Closing Prayer by Mr. Schimdt
Items for next meeting:
o Teacher luncheons
o Skating party?

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