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[ Program: MBA Tech, (Computer Engineering) | Semester: VII | : | Course? E-Commerce (ect t5y | Code: WBCOOTDGR 4 | | ‘Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme > THOTT cml Cannanon Acmonen | | Lecture | Practical | Tutorial | Credit GHrs, Ges) | | | | | 100 Marks) | As per Institute Norms { { - | 2 os | 50 | 50 | | Pre-requisite: Computer Networks(MBCO04001) = Objectives: a J The Objectives of the course are to introduce the critical concepts of electronic { Conimerce from both managerial and technological perspectives enterprises, governments and consumers —_ Outcomes: “After completion of this course students will be able fo 1) Understand how to build up knowledge and skills on Jeading an organization To the road to success in the digital future * This course provides you understanding of how electronic commerce is affecting business | 2 Communication & Value Chain; PC&s and Networking, Email, Internet, | Intranet, Porter’s value chain model, Industry Value chain, SWOT Analysis, | EDI to E-Commerce, EDI UN/EDIFACT; Working of EDI | Tegal & Ethical Issues: Legal Issues: Borders & Jurisdiction, Contracting & Contract Enforcement, Protection of Intellectual Property in Online Business; | | Edhical Issues: Online Crimes, Terrorism & Warfare; Social Issues | Detailed Syllabus: “] | Unit | Description Duration 1 Introduction & Concepts: Advent of ICT (Information and Communication 6 Technology), Evolution of E-Commerce, Applications of E-Commerce, | Benefits & Limitations, E-Commerce Classification, Categories of F. } Commerce: Electronic Matkets,EDLInternot Commerce-Commerce & Trade | Cycle, Future of E-Commerce | 6 4. Security: Online Security Issues, Client : Cookies, Digital Certificates; 8 Communication Channel Security, Secrecy Threats, Integrity Threats, Necessity Threats, Wireless Networks; Encryption Solutions ‘Hash Punctions, Digital Signatures, Symmetric & Asymmetric algorithms; Security for Server computers: Web server, Database, Organizations that promote Computer Security,SSL-Secure Socket Layer; SET-Secure Electronic ‘Transaction : _ | a &,] Payment System: Cybercash/Digicash; Payment cards: credit card, charge 3 card, single-use card; Electronic Cash & Working; Electronic Wallets; Stored- | | Value Cards | 6. E-Commerce Software: Basic functions: Catalog Display, Shopping Cart, 8 Transaction processing; Advanced functions: Middleware, Enterprise Application Integration & Databases, Web Services; Integration with ERP System, Software for small, Mid-size & Large Businesses, 7) M-Commerce: Growth; Overview; Benefits & Drivers; Applications; Mobile | 6 Computing Infrastructure; Inhibitors and Barriers of M-Commerce Services; Stakeholders; M-Commerce Value Chain; Pervasive Computing; L-Commerce. Total 5 Text Books: Gary PSchneider, (9 Edition)"E-Commerce: Strategy, Technology and Implementation”, Cengage Learning. : Reference Books: 1. David Whitely (2011),"E-Commerce Strategy: Technologies and Application”, Tata McGraw Hill International. 2. ETurban, David King, Jae Lee, Dennis Viehland (2010), (6 Edition)” Electronic Commerce, A Managerial Perspective”, Pearson Education. | 5. ETurban, David King, Jae Lee, Dennis Viehland,(2* Edition) (2005) “E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. ‘erm work consists of the following: 2) Minimum 10 practicals. 2) Minimum Three Assignments. 3) Two Test a fase a Seis EF ovens NO Bf Yeas Ve ¢ game, Ye | Program: MBA Tech. (Computer Engineering) ‘Course: Artificial Intelligence — Teaching Scheme 7 Evaluation Scheme - | ] Theory Internal Continuous tee | Pact | Taal Cd Go [Assessment (cay | Marks) | As per Institute Norms a | ee | a 30 | 0 i Prerequisite: Programming Concepts, Data Structures and Algorithms (MBCO03002). | | Objective: a 1 | 1. To impart knowledge of the current theories, methods and techniques in the field of P a Artificial Intelligence 2. To create ability to analyze, design and develop Al-systems. ‘Outcome: | After successful completion of this course, student will be able to 1, Formulate scientific questions and solve problems with the aid of abstraction and modeling, 2. Understand and implement the game playing strategies. 3. Develop basic Al systems. Detailed Syllabus: Unit | Description ‘Duration 1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: 6 | Definition, the Al problems, physical symbol system, physical symbol system hypothesis, Intelligent agents: agents and environment, agent | types, desirable properties of knowledge, AL techniques, different Al i | techniques. Problems, problem spaces and search: 3 Need of a system to solve a problem, problem as a state space search, requirement of a formal description of a problem, production system, | control strategy & its requirement, breadth first search & depth first | | search, | a sh fe, he as \ (ef suas Ye ects} || net, interse | Heuristic search technique: | | Heuristic technique, problems of heuristic technique with real world, | different weak methods such as generate and test, hill climbing, simple hill climbing and steepest ascent hill climbing, problem with hill climbing | such as local maxima, plateau, ridge, simulated annealing, best first | search, OR graphs, A* algorithm, agenda driven search, AND-OR Graphs, | AO* algorithm. | | Knowledge Representation logic and rules T | Predicate logic: facts, representation of fact, mapping between facts and | representation, properties and issues of knowledge representation system, | prepositional logic & predicate logic, Instance relationship, Isa, gt & It | predicate, resolution, conversion to clause form: necessity Herbrand’s theorem, resolution in proportional logic, unification algorithm, resolution in predicate logic, different strategies to speed up resolution procedure, | question answering, natural deduction, | | Rules: procedural versus declarative knowledge, forward versus backward reasoning, forward & backward chaining rule system, combining backward reasoning, matching: indexing, matching with variable, complex & appropriate matching conflict resolution, control knowledge, Weak Slot & filler structure: usefulness of slot & filler structure, semantic mn search, representing non binary predicates by semantic net, partitioned semantic net, frames, frames as sets & instance, different ways of relating classes, slots as full-fledged objects, slots values as object, inheritance revisited. Game playing: Domain of a game, different ways to improve search strategies, plausible move generate, static evaluation function, different static evaluation functions, minimax search procedure, adding alpha-beta cutoff, search efficiency of alpha-beta procedure, futility cutoff, additional refinements such as waiting for quiescence, secondary search, using book move, | iterative deepening, advantage of depth first iterative deepening, Learning: General concept about learning, different learning techniques such as rote | learning, learning by taking advice, learning in the problems solving, | Jearning with macro-operators, learning by chunking, utilities problem, | Iearning from examples, Winston's learning program, version spaces, | candidate elimination algorithm, decision tree, explanation based learning, | ars Expert system: a | Definition, model, characteristic, architecture, development process | imitations, criteria for knowledge representation, knowledge | representation schemes, classification model, general rules used in | classification model, black board model, explanation facilities, causal | model, explanation focus on status, classification; rationalization, its | limitations, knowledge acquisition, different techniques, expert system | tools like language, shells, narrow ES tools, LISP machine, large hybrid ES | | tools, PC based expert system, knowledge acquisition tools, 6 1. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig (2010), “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Third edition, Prentice Hall. | Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, and Shivashankar B, Nair (2008), “Artificial Intelligence”, Third | edition, Tata McGraw Hill Reference Books: Pp ‘Dan W. Patterson (2009), “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System”, PHI. 3. Giarratano and Riley (1998), “Expert System principles and programming”, 3° edition, PWS publishing company. K. Uma Rao (2011), “Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks”, Pearson Education, 5. George F. Luger (2009), “Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem | Solving”, Sixth Edition, Addison-Wesley. 1 | | | Patrice H. Winston (2008), ” Artificial Intelligence", Third edition, Addison Wesley: | | ‘Term work consists of the following: * Minimum three assignments © Two dass tests © Atleast ten experiments, based on the syllabus. to

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