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Jesse Burak... Donnie Brasco monologue No, Donnie, you don’t understand. It ain’t that simple. That’s why | gotta school you. Hitting a guy on a contract is a lot different than whacking a guy over a beef. On a beef, you got a rage about the guy. But ‘ona contract you might not have no feelings one way or the other about a guy, it might not even concern you why the guys getting hit. You got to be able to do it just like a professional job, with no emotion at all. Lots of guys think it’s easy, then they freeze up and can’t do it. Next time | get a contract, Ill take you with me, show you how to do it. Generally, you use a .22. A .22 doesn’t make a clean hole like some bigger calibers. Just right behind the ear. A 22 ricochets around your skull, tears everything up. Next contract | get, Ill take you along. \ Wick

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