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1) To open : Double Click MYOB Premier V11

: Start button > All Programs > MYOB Premier V11
2) Command Centre (Aku,Bukan,Superstar,Tapi,Power,In,Casting)
- Account
- Banking
- Sales
Card Files
- Time Billing
3) Under Command Centre (TF,Rosak,Akhlak)
- To-do-list
- Find Transaction Analysis
1) To create :
a) Double click MYOB Premier V11 icon
b) Click create a company file
c) Next
d) Enter information (Company name,address,email,fon&fax no)
e) Next
f) Enter accounting year information
g) Next
h) Comfirm accounting year information
i) Next
j) I Choose to build my own account list once using MYOB
k) Next
l) Next
m) Command Centre
2) Account List(Anak,Lelaki,Emak,Ikut,Cara,Ehsan,OI,OE)
- Asset 1
Cost of Sales
- Liability 2
- Equity 3
Other Income
- Income 4
Other Expenses 9
3) To edit account
a) Click autofeed arrow
b) Highlight > Edit
c) Double click account list
4) To create new account
a) Click New at account list window
b) Specify the account Header / Detail
c) Choose Account Type
d) Enter remaining four digits number
e) Enter account name
f) OK
5) To delete account
a) Click autofeed arrow
b) Select Edit at menu bar
c) Delete Account
6) To record opening balance
a) Setup at menu bar
b) Easy setup assistant
c) Click account button

d) Click next at account list window

e) Enter the amount > Next
To change company information : Setup > Company
Link Account : to automatically create double entry
Header Account: carries total or sub-total accounts under its
Detail Account: transaction are record
1) To record receive money
a) Banking command center
b) Receive money
c) Specify payor by click dropdown button
d) Enter Deposit to account, Amount receive, Date, Payment
method, Memo, Acc#
e) Record
2) To record spend money
a) Banking command center
b) Spend money
c) Ensure bank acc to make payment is correct
d) Select card by click dropdown button for supplier
e) Enter Cheque no, dat6e, amount, memo, acc#
f) Record
3) To perform bank reconciliation
a) Banking command center
b) Reconcile account
c) Select general Cheque Account
d) Enter bank statement date and bank statement balance
e) Tick cheque that have been cleared
f) Click bank entry
g) Enter the service charge and interest erarned
h) Record
i) Reconcile
j) Reconcille
4) To undo last bank reconcile
a) Banking command center
b) Reconcile account
c) Select bank account that to be undone
d) Undo reconciliation button
e) Warning appears > Undo reconciliation button
To recap transaction: Ctrl + R
: Edit > Recap Transaction
Objective reconcile: to tally bank balance of books against
bank statement of the same period
Cause of differences: time lag between recording the
transaction& actual addition
: Deduction of fund from bank account

1) Recording journal entry
a) Account command center
b) Record journal entry
c) Enter date and memo
d) Select account to debit or credit by click dropdown button
e) Record
2) To save as recurring
a) Account command center
b) Record journal
c) Enter details
d) Save as recurring
e) Give name, set frequency,
f) Save
1) Create new customer card
a) Card file command center
b) Card list
c) Customer tab
d) New button
e) Enter the information of customer in profile tab
f) Enter selling details to customer in selling details tab
g) OK
2) Creating new supplier card
a) Card file command center
b) Card list
c) Supplier tab
d) New button
e) Enter the information of supplier at profile tab
f) Enter buying details to supplier at buying details tab
g) OK
3) Creating new inventory
a) Inventory command center
b) Item list
c) New button
d) Enter basic information at profile tab
e) Buying details tab
f) Specify tax and enter information
g) Selling details
h) OK
1) Creating purchase order
a) Purchases command center
b) Enter purchases
c) Click layout button to change to an item layout
d) Select order
e) Click dropdown button to enter supplier
f) Enter purchases# and date
g) At receive column enter quantity, item number, description,
price , discount if any
h) Send to > Disk

2) Convert purchase order to supplier bills

a) Purchase command center
b) Purchase register
c) Orders tab
d) Highlight the purchase order click change to bill button
e) Enter supplier Inv# and date
f) Record
3) Paying supplier bills
a) Purchase command center
b) Pay bills
c) Select bank account
d) Click supplier by click dropdown button
e) Enter cheque number, date, amount of the cheque
f) Enter amount to pay at amount applied column
g) Record
4) Creating supplier credit note (return goods to supplier)
a) Purchase command center
b) Enter purchases
c) Select bills
d) Enter information . at bills put minus sign
e) Record
f) To settle > click the credit note > choose option to settle
Closed bills : Has been paid
Open bills : still outstanding
Supplier credit note will found in returns & debits
Apply to purchase button: belum bayar
Receive refund: dah bayar
1) Creating invoice to customer
a) Sales command center
b) Enter sales
c) Click layout button select item layout
d) Select invoice
e) Select customer by click dropdown button
f) Enter invoice# , date invoice
g) Customer PO reference number
h) Enter quantity, item number, details at description column,
i) Enter comment, shipping method, promised date, journal
j) Record
2) Receive payment from customer
a) Sales command center
b) Receive payments
c) Select bank account
d) Select customer by click dropdown button
e) Enter date and amount payment
f) Enter amount to paid at amount applied
g) Record

3) Creating customer credit note

a) Sales command center
b) Enter sales
c) Select invoice
d) Complete details , ship figure should be negative
e) Record
1) To enter actual opening quantity & value
a) Inventory command center
b) Count inventory
c) Enter the quantity
d) Click adjust inventory
e) Leave default adjustment account as blank and continue
f) Click opening balance button
g) Enter date of first day conversion month
h) Key in unit cost
i) Record
2) Making inventory adjustment
a) Inventory command center
b) Adjust inventory
c) Enter date and memo description
d) Select item number
e) Enter quantity to be adjusted
f) Enter account number to charge adjustment
g) Record
3) Updating physical stock count
a) Inventory command center
b) Count inventory
c) Enter counted quantities under column counted
d) Click adjust inventory
e) Enter default expenses account ( inventory shrinkage &
spoilage 6-4000)
f) Click continue
g) Record
4) Changing item price
a) Inventory command center
b) Set item price
c) Click shortcut button
d) Update all items
e) OK

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