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Socratic Seminar: A Reflection

Seminar Topic: _________________________________________________________________

To allow the most accurate assessment of my participation in today's seminar, I have responded
to the following items:
1. I would rank the following aspects of my seminar participation as: clearly shown (+),
somewhat evident (), or little to no visible evidence (0).
____ I took position on a question
____ I used evidence from the text to support a position.
____ I asked a clarifying question or moved dialogue forward from what I said.
____ I made a relevant comment.
____ My comments/encouragement brought others into dialogue.
____ I connected the text with my own ideas/experiences and/or connected the ideas of others
with my own.
Today, I was strongest in (identify area from above) because...

2. What was the best idea or point that I brought to the seminar?

3. Of the things I said during the seminar, what most contributed to the dialogue? Why?

4. What did I do to help others contribute to the dialogue?

5. I demonstrated that I was prepared for and engaged in the seminar by...

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