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ey Our Effort To Surve You Better Calculus Ae ta LN Analytic Geometry For Book request and Computer Support Join Us Rag ee tee ee ey Pre eae ny a td One Ittpsy/ SolutionTech Dt eae ey ey By IVIL VENA TA me Le) S.M. Yusuf Muhammad Amin Solutions Manual For CALCULUS WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY By ABOARD OF EXPERIENCED PROFESSORS. ‘Kabir Strect, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. 54000 CALCULUS wie ANALYTIC GEOMETRY EDITION seo 2042 PRICE Rs. 300- Composed by ‘MAQSOOD GRAPHICS Refi Plaza, Near Fish Meret Unda Basar Lahore Published by: Printed ot ILM KITAB KIANA ‘ALHUJAZ PRINTERS Kabir Sieet, Usdu Bazar, Darbar Market, Labor. Lahore, Ph: 7353510 Ph: 7238009 ———$———————— CONTENTS lr 7 REAL NUMBERS, LIMITS AND CONTINUITY 7 FRR SOT ancestor Exeeise SOt 12 csinssenvonaenronnemoneneescuent Fierce Sot 13. ar anurans Z_TWE DERIVATIVE _ Stak RAT. oa eae Sot 22 peaerent I Exercise Set 23 s 85 Exersine Sot 24. 75 Erorcie Sei 25, : Exorosa Set 26, : =e Z GENERAL THEOREMS, TAT, INDETERMINATE FORMS = Se Ewercise Set 32 e arta Beorose Set3.3. 2 eet) 7Z_TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION 153 eS Enorcice Set42 eee ee Eyerdse Set 43. 88 Egorese Sold. z os Enerise Sot 48.00 138 Exercise Set 46. “202 BLEDEFINTENTEGRAL 218 Exercise Set 5.1 Siena as Exercise Set 52 : zat Encreieo Sot 5.3. 25 + Exercise Sot 5.4 Se araat _Brereise 5215.5. cousins nein enema TO PLANE CURVES -| 20 TSeenke SAG ae Earese Se 6.2 Doonan Exercise Set 63. oe 397 Exerebe Set GA. sn snrcenene 0 Exorsso Set 55. ae Beorcsa Set 56. ee Exarose Set 67 wr ct 7,_ PLANE CURVES IL Execs Seat 71 Exercise Set 7.2 Exerceo Set 73. Exerciea Set 7.4, Exerese Set 75 Exercise Set 7.6... Exercise Set 77. Exorcon Set 78. Exorcisa Set 7 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THREE DIMENSIONS Bxoreeo S08 Tone z Exercise Set 8.2 Exercise Set 8 3 Bwoicise Seta Exotcise Set 85, Exarcico Set 86... Exercise Sot 87, Bxordise Set a. Brose seta. Brorcico Sot 8.10... Earcice Set 8.11 Exarcise Set 8.72. Exoidise Set 8.13, 3._FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES Bxordlso Set 7 = Eyarcice Set 2 Brordise Seto. Exercise Set 84... Exordico Set 5 Exercise Sot 9.6. Exercise Set 8.7 Brerdse Set 9.2. Exercise Set 9. Exorcice Set 9.10. 70, MULTIPLE INTEGRALS: Brercise Set 10.1 Exoidse Set 10.2 Exorcico Sot 10.5 Exorcise Set 10.4, 465 “476 sad 403 56a REAL NUMBERS, LIMITS [AND CONTINUITY Exercise Set 1.1 (Page 17) Id, be Randa +b=0,provethata = -b |. Since bc ,thoro ican loriont -b c R auch thot oe Chao By hypothesis a+ 3 o @ ‘Adding ~b to both sides of @) and applying the above property of active inverso, we got EHO+ IAD oF oH 4 C1 2 property ofaddition) (associ of et0=-b — bya ie, en b a roquird Dm abforelta, 8 ER, (D+ (a}()= ab Lad) + Co) 61}, (ssocintive property of adeition) or GF CON + 60) 68) = 0b = fo + aN) CD) (Dintitative property) Provo that (-2) Wo have, ab + or 60+ Ca) = 0b ¥0. Le, CaCO= ab,smeee 0=0= 0.64). Prove tht [Jol ~ [bl] = fob] for ners abe Re By Pheorene 1.50), m nye e+ Bl lel [el ® gb Ry =P. (1 weomes fetal @ sinco 1b] = bl Repisea by b in A @ vine 5 By @ -b te hae eis lab} iy ty 1, wo pa Maniepiving het al] 2-la-e or bl 2a Corsbanis 2) hoe [ab] < fal [bl <]o-6l Exercise Sot 1 (Oh. 1} Real Numbers, Limits And Con =e for [al — 16| = la—6). by Theorem 1.5 (io. | RegonB,tetx= 0 |5|> [al ‘thie 4, Expross 3 [2-15] Folse Bol, Welinow that [eal 12-261 Region B tote = 45 Sob, Asiated equation i [2+ 9 ‘This is equivalent to gon ©, tock oes beat @ ‘he elution st @ mebe-24% a? Put MAL a From (1, wegeta = -Sand tom @), wotaves = So Reseda ‘Theos are the boundary nunkare for the gen Ineqmbly. The umber ine dived by the Douay numbers regs as se arias a sown SICH. 1] Real Numbers, Limits And Contiauity eae 2 F-G-) @ seta @ From () and (2), wo Sind = ~ 1,0. ‘These boundary namivers divide the mumber ine as shown! ee sss Teemtensk |-4| Peers aa ee ‘The solution seis (2x <0) {22> 1) = Fo, 0LU Lo 10. 22-264 12>0 Sol. The associated equation is Last 252 412= 0 Bs @B—5 2527 49 2 BANGS =F78 _ W214 9 ‘These boundary numbers divide the rumber Hine 8 shown, gas ear a Region A,tetx= 0: 1220 Te Bytoten 1 12-95 +12>0 Pabee Region C,taste=2 485041250 Trio Testun fez 4) ae Teal 16 un Apt lofts Sol. The asseciated equation ie = or B2-2284 Ite oF ile-10-0 LeVOTeO Ueviei 14 ii is a ‘The point x = 0 is a free Youndary number. These boundery ‘numbore divide the number ine eo shown Exercise Set 115 Region A teste ~ 1 Fale + Region B, tats = 6.0: Tre Region ©, test x = 5 alse Region D, tect Bees | the Ts _ Bie ad + Vi6i Mhocution etic FLEE of evi 12, eonsaf> ra Se) foes 1] 21 ioogualtto Buesivi fretiel Forte inequlig #2-2' 1> Ln asedeted equation eesti sre n= +0 Sonn 0,3. ere bundy muni a!=2 310 he mtrter ine ded by tnd en cows ee an ee fee lel cra rues Wego Gints a2 Berio The Richens fettt [ara <0) U fee > 1} ]-m, of Ullal, Peles 1A cm takiee se dg ba les) Teo mataumecicna. ‘Thas the solution set of (1) is }-, OL w J1, of. Pulvine ge since x occurs in the denominator of the inequality. The boundery numbers divide the number lin into vgions aa chown: 1 Ceff>o me Thesoltionttis tex <0} fe:0 <2 Ce) itey Coe a? > Be + 360 or! 245 + 50.0 @ ‘The smseinted equation of (1) poate + 950=0 or (10-36) —0 ish gives + ~ 10, 36 ae the boundary points, Locata these point {th a number line and ehock whieh repens belong to the sjution 2 ia ye @ ie Es Rogion A,toste= 0: (10) 35) <0 False Region B,testx = 15: (15-10 (15-95) <0 True Region tests ~ 40; (4010405) <0 False ‘MWe the colton ot fora prfitis (x: 10 <2 < 35) [Che 1} Real Numbers, Limits And Continuity Function (from 2 to £ is defined by the given formula, Dotormine the domain of the function (Problems 17-22) Lf) = fr 7h hs soon os the aumorical value of + excoods 1, fl) Socomes inaginary. Hance the domsin of deintion ofthis fanetion it [2] <1. fey Se I. Hare 2) deoomes nfs when « = e and for every cher real Yalu oa we tthe vrresonding weal ala ee Tas he Abomtin cts Runetin othe ae of al real umber exces 1 sf) = maaan Here ls) becomes ‘nite when « = 1 of 2 = 2 Also when 2's I, AL, the valve of fe) becomes imaginary Le fis) ned sefined fer ny yal.oof whers1 <2'<2, Thonors the dome ‘fenton of his fonctin is the staf all ral mune sony whens [1,21 x fe) -\84x5 Vi=z Were when 2 exeooés 7, the value of fle) docs net remain real Similany, whea.x < ~3, fs) doesnot remain real. For overy other ‘al value of, /=)ie defined inthe ot of ual numbers Hones the roquired domcin is the closed interval {-2, 7) teen fe MET ite >2 - The funeticn is defined by tv los for all val numbers, Hence the domais off in 8. fea fe ‘Tho fanevion is not defined whea x = -1, For -t << < 4, tho /ameratir is negative while the denominator is psitiveand oo the Value ofthe function ie imaginary. Hence Dem f= R =-1, aL a Exercise Set lt Draw le gph a oon tons etoms 820 2. f= [sls te-l| false BS), Tse eet fete ede wtunch teeta res Sth ra tafe le sepa yel-t, whenz <0 » yeh | when Osezi @ 22-1, whos sd Bor (1), we have the flownng table of valves aL =a i ape [oe For @, Te graph ic a Tne segment in tha inter == 1 parallel Lo thea-axs sta unit fistance Fer (8), wehhave tho follows table of values tobe potted Ba on} hun 2 »=[2]2]e cis Se roelpra eles “Thus we Rave the graph ae shown 24. fialalel tle 41] fordllx eR r is eam ho rowritton at ufy = fe Ligvex fey) ifasg > mor negative values of that i, fis ineressing in the interval (2, 0) fag < fa) if zg > for pastive values of that, Tis. decreasing inthe Interval 0, Henooswe hows the eran ax shown in the Figure 2 7 fongoree : i fe Hece y 9 definod for al valuce of except When 2 is 4¥0, y is also 4-22 ot reandsheasin-ve.9 * —? io ve, therefore “the Grerh Tes Sn the fist and {third quadrants, Chet Res Numbers, Limits And Continuity Yi 8 decreasing function of x be, as x noreases, y d reases and Moe te graphs arectangularhypeeaat shown 3: the figare [iiteso R=] 0s £0 tins oe singin op fon (1 ifa <0 sis > 0, he esis the raightltney 1 paral rato, Similarly, for x < 0, the graph is tho stright line yank Re fe Seth Sr Sees $5, Headers ale psve Toe raph se ong he ee iho nancy) «name nl pt, a i a of patina val “Ser ere ca "he ergin is aly part of the groph since £0) ~ 6 The pomnts (0, 1) aad @, ~ are not on the reek nd Ghe supretaum 2nd infimum (if they exist) of the given seis (Prubiems 31-34) . ie fo,4225, Tre given wt is [0,352 $ fis clan that .., 9-2, 1 gee lower bounds ef the sets Sinee ny Teal number greater than -I'b not lowor bound, we infer that -f ithe Infor hiepet, Aasin, 1,38. aro per boule ofthe cote But any ra! smaller than Tis net uppar bound Nhu i he Sup ‘Tho sot of al nonnegative integers Sol. Since this at arte fom © and exends 10 +=, Inf = Cand Sup cons net ove Those A= jee R:0< InfA=0 and Sup A= S Thoset B= tee Rex -2-~3 <0} Bol. #299 Implies 3) £1) <0 ‘To case arie: Geoolt #-3> 0 and z+ <0 fay eo $anda Sol, Let e*-1=2 or ot=1 +2 or x=log,(i +2) If x—+0,thone—se Therefore, e4 tin = tina 2 1 zee © "zm leg, Fa) Solo, a+" 1 == Womsumex® = 1) 1: tin SEE @ Sol. Diving hoth the munsrator ane denominator by x, (1) becomes 206 2,8 1-358 jin -3+8 ee Big ote [al Sol, The civ imei ‘esatestee E+ bero 20_{Ch.I]_Real Numbers, Limits And Continuity 20, im &—/F—a) Sol, The given limit is NFB as Fma) sees Bol, Since the limit of a quotiont of polynomiels ag x —» se ia the seme asthe limit of the quetiont of the highest power terme in the ‘numerator and dencminator, weave aeegtet Re gator a ae ae Bhe1 | Clemia1 amir eesti ys At aR ee dn daz. = io a eee = Tim f+ 22-8) im @ Bal. We wile con ae a fiz 2 a an Vis o 2 os 2 in Be El fs Cot ee - te VEE a2 im 5 o 2 e-me Sel. (2) may be writen 2s (e-n@s5 Bl, e aN @-a)@-2) 7 AM \s-x= 1 = 22_{Ch.1] Real Numbers, Limits And Continuity = Hin 1+ tim 24-140, Ibounder forall values of a. ane (8 Et Find ng, fle) and lif) Sol, tis, e~, Jin, Gnas ian fs) = a Gras 3 ites2 32. fw La je teers? 2 ifes2 Find lim fl) and tf) m3 Sol. im, fs) = him @. ity we, (Ee) May fle) = in de) Me ait e-> Bo itxs2 2 0-| noite plored gee ee lim, Ae) = lin, JEFF = YB 7~ 3 5 This tim = im, £2) nf) cox 250 4, Lat f= E ler ites0 Pd im, 0) 38. Sol Sal, Exercise Set.2_23 Te in tim, dm en IDE a ‘hs, tio, fl) = 1 2 iezet Let fix) = xo. Show that im fi) =1 ne fix) = fia we )a1 Ben tg. ot Ho im Be e+e tes Le: fo) = fea Find io that lim) oxsis lis 0) = tim e+ = Lm, ft) = i a =a ithe, esa we mast have Um) = | tm #2) Therefore, 1= a, 8 Branton 2-3 As 295, 00, [g-3) 24-9 =3-% is Baz 1". 8 Terefore, lim, ar Evaluate tim eae iT By igs ese a =e: 24 {Ch t]_Resl Numbers, Limits And Continuity Bol. wo aw (in eo) im, “= te HO=HL=1 y, so na Bsaluate [..}being the bracket function @ jimPle-) @) Imme+n Jim s| Gi Un (2) @ 2) — i_ 5} m1) py wo sel) Do) Um, (2s @—D = ti, (2) in, == 200 Don te be4 = op G0. Bp Cs +11 = DO) =0 im) be + = Thus lim (ie += Tim, tim, be 115 (00) = 9 leal-+ by Theorem 1.32 0) [2] <3 donnen ine wrt in, ny blll ee ets ane 1 Sol. Sol. Exercise Set 1325 Fore < 0,2 = Nee] ee [=> oa Boe anoitas tim, 22] = 0 Exercise Set 1.3 (Page 42) Discuss the continuity of the following functions at the Indicntod pointtset (Problems 1 fel = |e 8] 19) = 13-31 =0 Tm i = te ‘tim, [41 =0 iat | tin, 19-A—A puting = 9h ig, 19-0 puting +h tn, 2) =, [e=3] =, [94-3 puting = ies Tel Ho ‘Thus Jim, A= if Hence ig continuous atx = 3 0 ites lim is) = lira lim @+3)=5 Dut 79)~ 0 (given) Therefore, Him A227) enc fis discontinuous atx = 3 When x= 2, fi) — ‘Tus 2) = 2-4 Therefore, tif) 2) ‘once tne function is eantinaous stx = 2 tees 4 fe tee ‘ 3 2-27 G-B + He4+ Bok Aen 15) = tea “Say = Ln ees 8 o73 Thain fo) “A ay rence the function is discontinuous atx = 3 isnot a definita mame, lig, #2) = lim, sin $= sin ©, Which i alo not a definite amber. Hence the limit of f) doss not exist av x + 0, oo the function discontinuous a: & fie) =sinzforallx eR. Sol. Let Oe any arbiteary real number Tn fe) = lim sin = in @ Tig, = yan Also fo)= sine ‘Thus Tima fle) = lin, = 0 sc 90) is continuous atx = 0 Since dis any reel muscber, sin um, = fla) = 0 ‘Bence i) is continuous at x =a. 8 Determine the points of continuity ofthe function fle) =~ fel for aren. Sol. Here [x isthe bracket function and stance forthe greatest integer ‘ot greater than z. So, when DSx<1,fe]=0; (4) =-1, if-1<2<0 when Ls <2) le) = 4] =-2 if-2se-1 when 22x < 8;{6) = 9 [9] =-9, f- 320-2 ce, Hence the given function may be defined ao foes indsz<1 a sacl inisex? @ 2-2 inder sin eee <é itlz-a\ < ‘Thus by defiattion, (2) is continuous atx = a. i |zoos(t) it re0 lo itz=0 Show that /iscontinuows atx = 0 1a, Lat fin 1 Bol. Har Yd 7011 ~ [x eco!«| ~ [root i ewe ace Senn pon ea aii ee ifxed ety c ifx=0 Bee anya Bee Gen 30_{Ch.1] Real Numbers, Limits And Continuity 0 Goma number betwoon Land = 0 5 ee. Discass the continuity of fat = 0 Sol. Now tim x sin tél at Bm lim ein Pa ers =OnCy=o lig, en “tl= me lim, sind =0.5n1=0 Ths lin, 12) = 0 : 2 Als 70) 0 Honco/is entiniousat = 0 jive ee tale hasnt fet Hees 5 le aed ea ba ee rarmaneun tin fo = jin SE ‘Thus fis continuous at a and since is an arbitrary point of (0, ff Jes eerigurterr rotor ers Ee cece re tase ~ofe-» Now lin ff) = lim rn : aoe 7 By a1 72 eng ep ‘hoo fie contnsoun ax = Lite =} Hence fiscontnvoss on (0,1 fore = 2 a Problems 18~20 find tho point of contin of tho given functions, * fe+4 if -Osr<-z 1 fey=je if-tsec2 4 itgee<6 , Sol. tim, 2) = im = lity, Med tim, ce4 4) = 2 Exercise Set.3_ 34 eee eee Tim, A= Him, 9 ‘iron lf) fel im, amd 30 the function i isontinuas ar = ‘gsin iy fo) = Yi x= im, 76) =" Tim, G4) 2 Tras “lity fl) 10 fol, ime) = im a= 1 lig, = lim, 4-29) =-0 Fr nc) nat on anit = ‘Nex, we find g(0) asx ~» 10 Ui ae) = Ti, 42) = 104 Tig gi) lim, (2 + 46)~ 546 enos: lim a6) dose not oxst and ‘so the function is 2-10 i0 "4 3 Solving (1) end @) cimalkancouly, we blaine = 2,51. Find the interval on which the given function is continuous. Alco find points where i is discontinuous. (Problems 22-26). @ eo : The Function is conto at «= 3 We alan know that sn 3 and BME Saat ‘cos x sre continuous at every point of R. Hence flx) is continuous at very pot of : Sol. The fmeton fo) = == is ot defined ot x= 1, Thos 2 in Ty Problems27- 34, exumine whether the given fotion It ee continuous ats = 0 The moore 6 nents ab erey pot of Fan ols wacom exee fhe danoibator 1. Hons ois wnumuncteery poet ot a pala re ee Sol. fie) = + a0" a fT lim fo)~ fn [4 0)" Sol. fle) is not defined at x = 0 and so it is discoittinuous at: ‘The fo=e Aptian i ontneous a every ater point of Sinco Sud, fle iniscontinuousate= 0 la +a if x40 mm 28. fix) =| ife=0 80 lim, fo)= fin, + a0 but 0) 34 {ch ty ‘Sinewe 1) 71, fie) is dissontinaove, ual ixz0 le it io, 2) = am, + = Clim 1 + 203 ‘And 1 0 é ‘Thus fx} iseontinuoas atx = 0 rook lc itzx0 ia ‘Thus lim, fx) doesnt exist» Hence ) is discontinuous atx Sol. lim. #3) = in, SB f=. Since’ itn fx) #0), fle) i scontinuaus atx = 0 me ‘Thus Lim, 2) + AO) and sof) f ioeotinuor at = ~ 0 GE Dn ct mie (2 2088 ‘Determine whether fog and gof are continuous at itso itx>0 iezo itx>0 Tim, og!) = tim, ce)? = 16 (0) = 18 "Ths fog iscontinuoas etx = 0 Again, (go) x= gift) = te?) = hit so = [x= fx? >0 lim G00) 2) = ~4 3 1, Ge) = tm, be =A ‘Thus tin, go) does nob exit and a» gof is discontinue ot 0, Sol THE DERIVATIVE Exercise Set 2.1 (Page 1) Show that the mation fs) = [x] 4 [x~ 1| is continuous for every value ofx but is notdtferentableat x = Oandiz = 1 Lato be an arbitrary real number. Ve check the continuity off) Jim ft) = tim (| 1p Sees = lal + |o-i} fa)= lal + Jo- 1). Thus /(@) — lin, (G) and so fs) is continuous. But Is any read ‘number. Thorefere, the given funotien is continuous for every real value of mm ae B10) = tm, FD-LO. ~ine ThusL/‘O)= RPO and so the function i uot eiferentiable at 26 Sol, Ei 37 ne, Lf) » RFC) and so the function is not diferentible excise Set 21 Ther ste fe 0eect Leth la-titi ie, Rs 200 afo-dar-2'9-20] ‘Actual profit ralizd from the sale of 200% fan a = P20ol) - PZN00) = [-0.02(20017 + 30012001) - 2000001 = [-0.0212000)" + s00¢2000) - 200000), 2t¢4001)? — 2000) + 300 “0.02@4001) + 500 = -80.02 +500 =21998 i, Re 21008 ‘Thus the marginal profit at = = 2000 is approcmstely equal tothe profi realized from the sle of 2001 st fan. Exercise Set 2.2 (Page 66) Direrontiate with respect, Probleme 11: ay fol Lot y= VB ac 420K a tes eos} an em ve (9) Slesered so a adel estr a9 = so ape ins gk i Gin Ve? 2 Witrti Sol. Lot y= G2 4a 4 1) A 48_ Ch. 2) The Derivative esi ose ans cone 2yzfanz Si DG ee) eset D = ales eat Dew tD _ sin yf os e= inxs a Devas cin’ ok Iny=s#Inz ntl wrt z,wehave 5. fore ceeraesittins : bes 2s meine 7 fae yarn ey Bol Let y= flog FD ~\/2E ED eetdeinx=20+2in9 wot 1 ~~ Woy diane +) Ge Jnl Naweay 4D ae = set.x@ins so @inaeD rues ymerD 10. ne + 4 tonieins) Sol. let y= nG+2) a 4 Difereniting wrt webave Sol. {E> occ eins). (ena) ~ se! ina) cae aL 2 gs, Mtl cox. see? (in =) te Bes eee sine \ Grainy" oan (EERE Bot. acne ewig, nate Z Ing = In faresin3) z | Dieentiting bot ede, we got oa. fe Te (Se a o 200801 sna=zana Louse) s d-203a? Tzesal+ anor 1 1 G-x080 3rux(-3) if necsa+t zsiagene -scona? + fesinoF Ttrecsat teed tata ~ T Brome rt = 8 GH) Putin g « Sol. y= In G? +24 1)-InG?-x+ 1) Bees tain ream) ay emia ea 1 a et ae : cs 5 == Gren $9_1ch.2}_the Derivative 2 [9 ee 8, itfej23 “+9, 1 <3 i hries if |x| <3 So. BF (ee Vere) 2G rer) Bere Ce rare (+3) 15, Dieters PEE TSE wit pc ean Be saeco! fea on fixe i-2) i+ a? + Vi-a) vis aea fied) i cos + Viens, Exercise Set 2251 ay. a Fina ®? @roblems 16-20) 16. y= Bol. Taking earth ofa ies, wehave hy= sy Gao) Now Aitbrantatag wert n west 24882, on neosy Gt ot Gi ie-syos) nw) ~ysiny gauss a" wee BS in pee Sol, Taking guitian cath dos, we hare vines Go)Ine aey ® Digerrtnting at kes war. 3, wo bave Veter a1 2 oe tne ed pies gai o dare a 23 ow Boxe 0 @ From (D, we have (rina) yr Pustingin @), we et Tying _xtss-z__ies Tea +)" ene +0 thes Alternative Method ying=x-y > yl thas) *= or y= Tying Timrensnigut ie ws har oe eso a rene Bol et wnyt end om tine=]___nz G+me? G+ine? 10. Sol. Jn. 2] The Derivative: fuking logarithm of both sides the frat equation iiu=ziny Differentiating wrt, x, we have re Eire La iny fe % sn) ole Ss aouG S+Iny)-»E +13) Now fom u = 2 taking ogc, gt hope =yinz Differentiating wrt, we obtain ‘Tao inet nel de fy w) a Bo ifeeme Movie 8] a Dees er du dy pare Pua PES sis]+elE sine 0 a oitenot ees de Teens itins+7 3] Diferertioting mst 5 weave faMGey-Gs90-y) 4 Gay? Sehr were y= Yisy tat yes oe Patt gt att ay ay or ayy = ale — 9) + yy -7P or yteay pap tee oP ay _ybeterye * de" yey a ® © Paine oc ag tl C OL oot, z span: 20, xt arcsny Sol. x + areiny Differentiating (1) wrt. a, we ave (ea i. aS m2 & ¢-ye Mevir, GSN In Problems 21-20, tie f= 2VieE Sol. f(x) = ew a? oak, i? 2 (a =x) + 2x Cox— 99) _ Sax? a? Mae ert 2. p= n(-S3) Self) et Ind +e) = etn +09) peer ata re se “ite 2. fiymads Sol. Teking In of beth ses, wo got Ini) = nz Ines Ine dia sahe we oa ee Siew =a Ector + Vine 54_1Ch.2} The Derivath Exercise Set22_ 55 ye Derivative a 28, 9 = 3285+ Jinn (9) hes ate me a" Hea aa eens Bsa ro ects) ene Osea far yoa- En. cer a) “kas = 5, Fle) =e% cas (b arctan x) Sol, f(x) = e% cos (b arctan x) PG) =e: acos(b arctan) + stab aau| e+ [acs barcany) 2 Gagensl] \ ee]. ; i Boos = {Sabot + Pom berstans)~d sin 6 artens] * wong 26 f= ee) wire PP grea Soar sarangi oonrentrereal) | t ha eemerioe : seas aaa ren Se eS eee ee ee , ne @ a © dfelesex +f Vootte +2 + 2rceex S =| ore dl ae eee Sor Tang heft wee feta (U+}) Sf apres Dierentiang wt, s, we cba “Waeijowt). o- wal ES woe tn(as Sat aC) “Te onan oe seen(ied)-—ty Dik fay pustigeec weusiereraais 5 fo ~/te[zein(a2)-25q] ‘a sinhx +x sts Ino +0" cosh 50 ich. 2) “the Derwauve Differentiate with respect to x each of the following Problems 31 - 42). a1 Sol. 32. In (arsine) Sol. Let y= In aresine*). ‘Thon 2 acne Boome) 1 L é ine Tine © i @haraine 88, (aresin Sol. Lot =arcin 2 Then o ® 34. # Pre) atop terete D 1 35. Sol. 36. Sol. RE pu Leash s iFem: Using the dentition cach Exercise Sot 2.2 thee, = tent(?) ma) 3 = mala) InGanh 2x) og, be tanh 2) __ Bosch? 2 2 tanh Be ~ pq, Sake ef ouese Paes nl ¥=lmme(*) ey Sar ests caxcoos (./1 x4) etait a) vesnesink =) L Tat j= wuts) 4 Hab: ~ Teouh Be eink & fesh 2 87 {ch.2) The Derivative 40, oein(ccotins) Sol. Tat y= arcsin(rscot n=) % i ae” Frost in ceo Tas a 41, edt +s) Soh Let y= cosh (+37) i os Ue da fa Velen a Jorarae Tere ees 42, sinh tank) 4 & terest ind ot ob ean ca: oa z re Probleme -e6 aa 8 43. ety =Va ee asia vai : Tey tynitao Enercise Set2.2__ 59. ericaset in a+ atts a]m0 2.y%_[,0 a. #19808 +5] js or pt-an) 2 en 48. GPa yhiny Sol. Diterentstingboth des wnt = weave sat +99 Lat ay or sat este(aer arf y : or Fay +9) = BG +8! oy Gai? 497? ehea Bm rogats pp Model 1- G+ 790 Bonin: Bee tscetitnctadom zt: ett LO reErase0 ee po ee ee 3 . tipo: sae Ss af". vege sy) aa | ae we Sa tamge 2 1-2 2-Sae- 34847) pasate 9) ail #2. , isons btn cr simpy, woh 1 1) Trane @)= “ee 80 _{Ch.2] The Derivative ie a gas @OEG Glee ryt al a TS Ni-e@ +2" oe Nine FH -ear ern) ® L+Gty?-Vinw ea i Teer 49.9 = sresin dn )=In (arctan ®) Sol. Dierentting bn on wrt a cae (eee Bae x eden Tee eke i NE aa “2N1-(ne® +2") arctan 2h, peas the oin eee a ide oda: Beceem (esac viata es Tey Jee™ ay +y) oh =: So Satara seeing ner Bol. Dierentinng th seo ee sbore equation 3, Me He 1 Fong ate 19 Wormer st aE g Exercise Sot2.2_ 61 ————— TT er Ga jaa S-0G-\ emo > baie lS HI lla! 12efi ieee dy_ofindae -1 * e (nay? &~ efi =(ny? f= tna Sra ist areee + 9)-8 = 45 anesect! +y) = Gt 97 o ‘Diftentictingboth sides of D, wrt, we get mores) a en etsitalir 8) eta ete Vat eyPaa | e+ 9P)a 1 2 fastener ane (ae ee) EAL bi eteay? by VIEL ey VPA Bey? ee (eaves Viel a salt—aai).y = ati- as) | Differentiating, above equations watt, we get & Fa ait cca) nnd $= 9/0 (sino) =asint . [Ch 2} The Derivative Bet Sa A xeTy eM iee gor, 0+ 80 Bat BY _ Soll + #27) _ sol 8) a asm atm “ar ot ae yj 042) a+aF Pare Bat™ Bot ITB OTe ane ie rate w Diferentiating 1) wit. m we heve “ a ‘2 Boe ete B ae a ot oe GQs.t-1m sea-4) Teas a eeF Now 2) becomes re rate 2th rtPsen at wee e168 Differentiate with respect to = (problems 55-0) w= fee rite fa say ESP o ‘Tekng natural logrithms of both sides of 1), we got t et 4D wenden eae 1 Gne+tnG? + )-aing 19) ® Differentiating bos sdes oF, w..4 x, we got Exercise Sot 2.2 _ 63 G2) DG—D 4 exe Det +) ate DED xn 14 2c 20? ae B+) dy, stPox-t as) R@ ea D gly "9 _st at 2B. mtox: i? Re + DGD By NMG De ‘Sel, ‘Taking natural logarithms of beth sides of the above equation, we ot seq ae ny m9 7 ean @-409 a) oe incites Ferncica van aia G) oe ae 4 ® = E-Dt-o col ieee -b ate lest) 1284) 4 , 164-2) —48 =), @0-%)) a3-@U- te | 16-9012 + er ~RO—m) + 36-40 Ni Asae 4a 16e — he -35 * 38-)-2) [eee ate) or de ~” laxid- ax) * 3-2) 4), afia-2s) [gtesr teas) = Dan' cg ania e210) H-20 (8-4) 21 (tan + (octao tan zy (cores ty Taking naturel logarithms ofboth sidos of (1), wo gt Ina =cotxintang Differentinding (4) wit 2, we have Ade cosee! ay fe) Intans tots 5a cele = ~enecieln tan + —b~ —L Petntanx + = 1 imnxene ~ coved in ann tee: ceones (In tans) sooeds (ne -In tn) = coseets In i = eosce’x. In oot 2) du or Fee w cosce’x Ine cots) = ana)". soseee tn (¢ cot 2) ‘Taking naturel logaithins ofboth ses of (2), we have Inv tena ln cots Dientcng both ic of) wt, wont i 1 Dag7 Ps neat + tans. Compe) BE ane) acetic 1-mo =o sein vans) ese xin ietan 2) =~ ota" sic ne tan) Differentiating bothsides of 3) w rr, we hove aaa 6) Exercise Set 2.265 de, de det de (ia Yeose"e In(ecots)(ootz)" "sees In tan) Bay Bod. Taking natal logarithms ef hath sides, wo got ‘ Iny = Inst + net + In (sin dae) or Inyarine += Iniein(ind) Been eee neem a # Step coscinay. 2 pee (Lins 2.3) 41 ran enf ines i++! SRS Es 1 cosa! orga y(ns+2+! geanal) =#etsinnn(2+Inz+ boot ona) toe G+ DG oF ‘Sol. ‘Teking nctualIgarithms ofboth sides ofthe given equstion, we get Iny= ng +D!-OnG +N +ingt+ 39) or Iny=2linGe +2)=-In e+ 1) Sin Ge +3) ee eee neem 1 TS PROUD TET Fae ™ Diet) 848) — te42) 8) -Beleb2) (eb) e GHD tLe s8) Disb st S04) — (obs Ia% 4046) — Goleta 2 + DG+ DE +S) (n2eb Bobs Be ach Det Be 6808-182 Ae HDs 4 102 «tC ic) + 186? + o8 Ry Det Dee {Ch 21_the Derivative +a ay 16st + Be te 18 oe GrD Sr Gs DErDe +S) +2) ot + 186+ &) Gre +o swore) Sol. Taking ln ofboth sis, we have net) vile Exercise Set 2.3 (Page 75) A indy dy, av = dy iF @® yePoLz=1a6=-05 Gi) y=VGe-Bx= 2 ar= 03 Sol. Bee y = 8-1 o ya Fao 1 eT Salting «= 1, Ae = -05, wo got “y= U- 05/912 0425-15 -0575 From (), we heve é ‘ & = set Therefore, dy = Sede o Ee Se Tenner se Tec SH Wea x-2, dena =3g09 ay = l= 2 VED Setting x= 2, Ac = 03, fag ca a3 48-2 22038-2 02138 by ~ dy 0.136 - 0.2980 = -0.0114 Use differentials to approximate @ yee Gi) YRS io oscr — @) G00 263 ‘We consider y ~ fx) = @ wih = 25 aod A= 12 From (),wehave dy = 31g de ® ao Ys (ea) tan 23" Sobatitting = 2,45 = = 12in vege y= yD = 012 Now, dy dy. ay + by-y =e Me nNe ‘Therefore, 0.12 (269-25 = \262-5 or Y262=5+012= Using celeulator, wofina 26 ~5.1186 ‘Brror in the approximation = 0014 403 Lat oy =f) = VE, win xl and Ae=-0, Now r= ig erie 3-2, ‘Therefore, -0.005656 « YB05-9 or YB09~9 0.006556 = R.9saees SCH 2} The Derivative Using calculstor, Y808 = 3.994443 ‘Brror in epprescmstion ~ 0.000001 we YE Sol. Let = fe) <2! with = =125 and Ae y= ates oe a8 Scag = aynay= f+ a9) fe ‘Thevtre, -one7 = TRS — RB ee {f123~5- 00267 - 49753 Bot {= 49792. byusingeaelaay rrorin the axproxination = 06n01 Ge) csr Sol, Let y= te) “exes with » Play Fea non ew da Ee asin) ai adh dyntgnfe 70) Be 05-0010 .i8e Brom blo 04081 Eee aetenie thon @ or go O),.5= 4x9 (0.00) = 238 Sins dy= y= e+ Asta thera, a6 G09"—2t or G02¢~81 +216 = 5016 But G02)'= sa817 Bnor in approximation = 0.0217 Exercise Set23_ 69. ae Bel, Welet Re) = tans, with x= 2 and bx dy = secte de al (Ge) = $x isp 0.0000 Now dy may = fie-4 &9)-f) ‘Thovefov,- 0.0253 ~ tan 20° — tan 30° 0233 «0.5774 0.0283 A or tanta Te = 99981 But tan 29°= 0.5643, [Error in approximation — -0.0002 3. The side of a cube ie measured with a possible error of 12%. Find the perventage ererin the eurfaco area ef one fare of the cubs. Bol, Lotsbo odge oft cube ‘roa Af afaco'is Ase \ da = 2ede a a Bong ee, Be ios rere Yn 22000 = 2008 renee cee Fics ananassae sian ieee ites hemes at cet tern dine: Von, Istria tots ator Thonfteahma oe date De waa 6a) Bae Rang ine ave 85" (eB)=2 anos a" ‘Thu the error inthe yume of bax ia 19005 cub inches. 7O_1Ch. 2} The Derivative Georeharan aa tcaos fears 0 cunien oo ea ee oS elas eer eerereteree S08, Lat denna Qocreoteaes Than Aa canines Rien secias Calne inthemcnsras aes Sands Bet) = dread eee essa actrees Phir diane Boag me 8. The clameter of a plant was: 8 inches. Aer one year the siroumference ofthe lent increased by? inches. How much did @ the diameter of th plent increase? GH) tho orose-eotionalaroa of tho plant change? Sol. Ifxis theradius ofthe plant, then itsereumforence © ‘Therefore, dC = 2x henge in circumference ie a0 ~ 2 ‘and sothe change 4x in radiae ie given by Bee tact "Thus the diainever increased by 2 inches. ‘Avon A of tho erosecosticn is A=ad A= 2m dr eis robe cag abeddn2nto2e ia, oi ‘7. Sand pouring from a chute forma « sonioal pile wheas altitude io always equal to the radius. Ifthe rads ofthe pil is Idem, find the approximate change in radius whan Volume increases by 2 em! Sol. ‘The volume ofthe conical rile of rads rand height rie 1 vats dV = mridr Now a¥=d¥= 2om?, whoa r= 10 (Chenge in radi ar Hxcrce $et2.3_ 74 1 Therefore, 2~ «002 dr or dra yz 1 jue change in radius = gba om. 8. A dome is in the shape of a hemisphere with radius 60 feet, The dome is to be painted with a layer of 0.01 inch thickness, Us Aiferentias to extimete the anoant ofthe psint required Sol, IfVis vane of hemiophore with radius, then Bar) Lom av=2redr 1 ‘We need change in the volame when change Ar in rie 73g ee é (0, 90 tho amount of paint = 6 aubie ft. 4. ‘Theside ofa building en tho chapo of a square surmounted by an ‘equilateral trang if the length ofthe base is 15 metres with an fertor of 3% find the perstnlage error in the area ofthe sido, Sol. Let rm be the length ofthe base. Then area A of the side is given 5 aoa BeloDe Maciel, Peete Eaan = 6 ow we need to ina 4100 From (), wohave s Deo. i cca 10, 1, Sol ic Tins tf preeniagn oror inthe aren ofthe dle W appro ‘equal Lo 2%, bs ‘Aly makes a paper in the shape of argh cai cove wich Snlght four Simon to reds Tf te acs is hanged oun 2a to 15cm tat. the height romaine four tina the radius Bad the aypolinaie decrease in tke capcity oth cp. 2} __The Dorivative | If the radius ofthe base and fis igh: of the exp, then its value Vie given by 1 af rth = Farin) bet ite. ® vow ts is aes poe eee eae (ee ee ponies Bie gs vies May oo 3 es tae eee LSS Po ona eons titans acest sng Pree dt ae se Ai Pea, (ecole erae ofthe role then ie vty g = 78 or tay or dy = x04 9 dr aS SGaesae: & mage on B08 '= £001, When = 75, relative error in the height 2 12. Bxerege Set28_ id From), we get i spilled from a tanker spreads in a circle whose radius inreases fat the rate of 2 Mace, How foot ia the area increasing when the ‘radius ofthe crso is d0 feet? |. Let rbe the radi of the circle at any instant f, Then area. of the ‘arde is ‘Az art Ase Bort a oon = tating in We have to find $f when $= 2 and r = 40, Substituting into (2), pie : D aeucovd nor par of ec hang 600 rin: eae oe oyna cere ae Mlsondahert panes sbi os =e. To cbr rrr ends coiay = ft mr A ee cee eee Teli eels ee eer pesteomiae Sisaeee tee Gin eb tee : oe a Bake Be le ate ye ond wart fs wears hast Z4_1oh. 21 ahe Derivative "Aer Sve, the dintances ofthe hwo care from O aro eaB4S y=O+I9=40 and s#= 90" +40? trom (1) te, 9=5) Substituting into (2), we get ds S 509% = 30, 11 + 4918 = 390+ 520 = 859 de _ 8t0 a F- Baa ‘Therefore, the distanée between the two cars is changing at the rateot 17 ise. 44, Sand falls from a container at the rate of 10 @/ain and forms a ‘conical pile whose helght always double the radius ofthe base. “low fast is the height inereasing whon tho pil ie & fort high? Gol, Let h’be the height ofthe pil a any inatanté Radius ofthe pile = vue vottnptan Va EaP A wer? ava ana" alt ae FE an carytiwsr tna ae tarde a eee eth dh 0x4 Fae i oe ee isnt eGere tie aac ame Pe ees eenaiemine hg teem nseeragte eae ee ee Pea ees ae er tap 0 ect ct ee aS ao epee Feat a rouse Mee ieee aueee ; ai Preeti nes i w 10. Exercise $2375, Wissen ean ‘Therefore tho tip of man's shadow is moving a the rate of 8 fee. emanates ee eens i bin WA , renee festitin Sistem 5 -sngs Sos ‘Thus the shadow ie changing at tho rote of 8 flee ‘At distance of 4000 fect frm a leunching sito, a man is obsorving fa rodet being Ieunched. If the reeket Ifts off vertically and is, ‘Tsing at speed of €00 (ses. when is at an eid of 9000 feet, Tow fst is the distance between the rocket and the man changing at thisinetant? “Laty be altinude ofthe rocket and x be the distance between the ‘ai and the rocket at any instant Weave a+ 4000? a 2 Whoa y= 9000, we have from (1), "= 30008 + 40008 = 9c09000 + 18000000 3 |, = 26000000 5000 Differentiating (D watt, we get us lo 7 sr ae a hen = 200 3 = to gen we have to in Beas ionic state Boo = 250 ‘Ths the distance between the rocket and man is changing st the rateof 380 Musee. - 78_{Ch.2|_‘The Derivative Y7, Anairplane Niylag horizonsally at an alsiude of Biles anda peed ff 480 milse per hour paseo Grostly abova an obsorver on the round. How fast is the distance of the observer to the airplane Inereasing after 20 seconds? Sol. Lat O be the observer on the 4, x ? round and P be the sieplane at seme instant [et OP=3, AP=y Tis given that OA = 3. Front the right triangle, we have sta ybest o ai ‘The distance travelled by the plane 30 se, after it has passed above tecbserver = 4 miles. Substituting ~ Ain (2) we gets = 6 FS esa a ewes pies on geal aa eae Gil m0 se. = 5-180 3 ‘The rte of change the cstanes of the plane rom the observer = 984 nile 18, A doy fs a Mle a an aldtude of 30 metres 1 the Kite Mis torzonally away fom the Foy athe rate of? mine, how fat is the ving being lot out when the longth ofthe sting rls 0 sete? Sol, Lat xe the length ofthe sting it out ot Some Instant f, be the Mle at aa alta cf dDm ov Ist OA = 7. The to Shes hoviontaty avay from the bey ot the rate of ise. 5 From — AAOK, we have Pe sooty @ sire, En yl ‘ Tremiore, x Sa yl a When a = 71 we have from (1), uh 30 = 4440-909 = 4009 ~ 20.470 a ae ae_wViDod si ing in, wo got = NDE Subatity 5 18. Sol. Exercise Set23_77, afi0 “A water tank is in the shape of frstrum of a cone with height metres and upper and lower radii 4 metros and 2 maetros Tespevtvely, water pours into the tark at th ato of 20 m/min, Tw fost i the water level rising when the water Is half Wew UB? Batond thostank downward 20 as to form scone. Let BO = 3 m s0 thatthe beigh 0 oftheemelsz +6. Suppose that ct oomo inctant water level fant Cwhore BC = y and let CP =r. From similar 4's AOQ and BOR, we get 6: 4a ie, x= 6(= BO) ‘Byem \'s COP and BOR, we have Ye 426_8 ets £828 te, ratE Volume V of the frst with upper radius 7 and lower radius 26 yebety+0-Laarn0 ‘Thus the tring fabeing let out atthe rae af = pig +08 hats a Diftretating (Dw.rtt. webitn wa ay MoE yore o 20 end wo eed in i, at ‘8 Therefore from (2), we have Hp op Hu BP a at OF nauk sway upiz,, when y 20 Tot ireg ttt i 18 eg tr oma, vith ea reo te Aur aa ic fantasia ted ae aera Hay tt be wire a on fstant when the depth ofthe water is 78 {ch.2} ‘Sol, When the watar + f doep, a wrtieal rap eoclan of woler aw 2 ‘The Derivative area = Fx xcs vB Volume of mater at this instants 2 ata. ie z a (24), ae a= (al*ar oma ea Trerefore, Mads Exercise Set’2.4 (Page 80) Use the Newton-Raphson method ta approvimete, up to four pleces of decimal, a root of each of the following: 1 a8-30-3=0 with x,= Sol Lot fle) =23 00-9 ‘Thon fe) = et 3 = 9622-2) ‘Using Newton-Raphson formula: fe : atic. Mae 2225-8 Sef S5y—a8-4 855 43 kann Sap te : 23 anges a Fore= te gat omnes x= S22 Now putting = 2th above quan, we pt Dah 920849. 1643 8 927-87 3x45 “12-37 9 Exe 2419 enon Seam ages AG) + (a3 age an9 OE x@amms) +3 _ ISBT +9 _ 24, 16 © sapas)-5 ~ 12.8704 ~ 10.708 21088 For ny the equation (1) becomes Fore a8 210.1038) + 3 ~3q.10337—3 ean) +8 544260) -3 =2:1088 ‘Thus the sequired roots approsimatly equal to 2.1038. 2 f-or+5=0 wih x,=0 Sol. ffs) =F Ge + 8, thonf'@) = Se? fe) Using Newton Raphson formu 4." 5-77 ( xy=2.1038] Insnma + 3. 216228 132780-9 = 102750, agate, +3 as) an + 5, g-3 [Now putting ép = Oin the chore equation, we get Pern = 4, the equation (becomes ‘ad-3 a6 B57 40-8 200216) =3 x fo 08) == 06551) BAIT 5 Sarasa "00500 orn = 3, the oquation (1) beeames 238 m0s860) "SE" aasHeE—— (A000) 21028508) 3 _ os0o16-3 _ -2ai984 (0.48112): 1.29836 - 5 ~ 8.70684 * 95966 ‘Thus the required root is approximately equal ty 0.6566. % et-snr=0 — withay=05 Sol. 16) = e+ sin, thon F'@) = -€*- 02 = le 4 eco) ‘ w For n=, thooquation (} bosomee € ain OT cone Putting, = 0.5, in the above equation, we eet (05) (@~ 2.71828 and coe (0.5) 05 rad ~23.64789) 0.8065 0.1704 ouz7t 05+ (6065 + 0.896 ~ 95 + Tagat 50.8 + 0.0855 = 0.5856 Forn = 1, the equstion (1) bexomes et singy) See ee ot ees 22890 sn 05855 5 05868-+ Teepe eins (05858) 10.3568 = 0.5527 08855 + 9 5065 + 0.8384 = 0.5653 + 0.0020 = 0.5885 Por 22, the equation 1) becomes OP cose, 225 in O58BD) ‘EP ons 0.5885) © *2 0.8885) 0.55515 — 0.55511 .0c0oe 0.9855 + o 56515 + 0.85177 ~ 05685 + 1 sec02 C6885 + 0.000029 = 0.869529 20.5885 ‘Dhus the required root is approximately equal t0 0.5885. 4-2-0 with Sol. Iffiz) =e -&:. then") = e'-3 Using Newicn-Rephacn formula 0.5885 + we have ie equation (1) besomes x, Putin == wot ood. eco ra te equation () bose. GD o505-1) “Hig ofa LiveTioa =) _ Lsssr e091 =" 16487-3 = 13518 soai01 a gra 2, io equation (1) hares Pe -1 200 61O1—1) | LBHOKI—3 HT g Omg 1808-3 -onte S158 Form = 8, the equation (1) becomes eS) oA (0,6169—1) _ 1.8069 x (0.9611) og” a3 «185GE-3 07071, Sars 6191 For! a = 4,the equation (D becomes 1) sos 1611) Pam y 06180 + ag 06101) - 7074 06181 ‘Thus tha raqited roti approximately ogee! to 6191 Anna ~ ein the interval 1, O5f It fi) = singe thon '@) = 0) ~ 4sin0- P= 40-1 £08) = 4ein 05) 5 (5 rad 20,6478) = (0.4704) -1 6487 = 19178-16487 = 0.26659 : As 0) and 10.5) are ofoppesite sign, so there is a voor between Dando. Latuctates, = Zn09638 Using Newtan-Rephson formulas sing, -<* woot, ay) a orn 0, the eaation (1 becomes dsinsged® #0} a ecax, 2? = tecex, boo, 10552-12088, so. 02018 }9S2=2 28 _ g 2e18- Pee = 0.2818 + 0.10260 = 0.38479 = 0.8648, For n = 1, the equation (1) becomes fsing, 2 een -# sin (0.9648) - 18 0.3066 — ep psig) Tater (0.3648 nd 20.0015") 400.3568) 1.4402 03648 — {934m -1 4402 Lavra Lea 0.0130 = 3548-3 7565—1.4402 ~ °-3648~"2.2966 = D846 + 0.00560 ~ 0.57046 = 0.8705 or a= 2) the equation 1) beomes sina, - 2,wehave ia yg tral cient PRG cat geyet 3 ersinge te) Sol. Differentiating wt, we got 197 ~ @ ean er + 0) + eB con ibe 4 0) ‘8 (asin (ee +e) + bcos (be +8) Now, puttinga =rcose 2 = rsing, we get (+B, and ‘Than = o% [rin Gx + 2) e000 + roe the +) sind) ree [sin (be +0) ens 6 + cos (br + lain) resin Ox +049) Similarly, we can get ‘y= Pe tin (be + 0 + 26) and gonorlising git) = reas in he +e +8) coroyeranfarsersmran] o on putting the values of rend Ofrom (1). A etoota cine Sol. y =e eowtxsinx 1 : Fer (1 + sco) cin] L 1 deretsina + fee (oa 2ramz) i 1 = hevsing + fee [sin de inne Sol Exercise Set2.5_ 87, Tne pm Hat Senn nace) + 1a +9"? + mare Ayre otad (a Denad we seroma a a Snesicy paths se ow ee ey md vet tine Then a Differentiating (1m taesby Lefbie! Theorem, wo evs oid tina) tay +utnt ich gives yim torme of” cae If fo) = n+ YT =2), prove that 4-2) /"@) +20-29F'O)+1=0 fi =ini+ we i re-sort) ia oie ay Ree: Tee ara» aaasfize oe anfi-af = 14 Vi Deena shore equation wo! aimee + 7 | Nie xfs |= a ce seth + 2) BA—2)—al— 3 fe fenr +22-297O41=0 Dieting = es by Li! Mores wo et Dele) F077) + 4(2n+2)— Cans 3).a) f*? ) fn +0 7910) #0. Wert) ee 7 Uy= siciana show Gat (+x? +29 =0 ~ _Honce find the value of"! when x = 0 Sol. Differentatingy = arctan, wrt =; we gt eae yOr1 or a4dy=1 Differentiating the above equation, we have (42D yt +207 = 0,770) =0 Differentiating n times by Lani’ Theovem, wo got (Ls2yfe¥ntaey tg EM yi dey) 9 oe CesDynD a a4 Dyes Genl=0 be OFDM 26+ Day 4 nly <0 Putting x= 09°70) = -nen + 9%) Putting x =2,90(0 =-23 7°10) = Putting x = 49°90) = 6.7.10) = 0) and soon Goneralising we have 9 (0)~ (0) Pung » = 1ia(), we ety") =-12."0) =-215¢Da YO) = 349") = 3402.1) a Patting n= 6,90) = -66.99 (0) =-35.c041 nt.6.5.41 snd eon, generalising, we y°00) =D al 8. My~ an (ares), prove that A= = Ba + Day 4 Wado” Garcins) Putting n= ay at Sol. 3 Ei cola eredins) «EOS 1-299 y°= a eas a asin) ‘o ExerieSet25 29 Sa (1-2) y? = a? cos? Garesinx) or -xy? = 4-4) Diteren =x") By" asy-w = Gaye's =0 iteretning mimes by Labi! Teor. we got sists a. Cannes Se eee ‘or (Lea y'n42! ~ (Sa +1) syle) (uta) 94m) = 0. or | 1x2) 94” = Gn + Taint) + tn? a2)? thy =eromne show that Haina ige wanl castes Frnthe vu of az = os TT Jee ee ory? =3%) = my? a Diterortiating (0, we Dave : By) +? Ce) = mB’ oe Lr _aomy ang sbi Theorem ot frm the above eguation ae eac.nn p00 2D aye gt or (L=x)/"*2— (On + aye? + my"! =D wea £= 9, 70) =3, 710) = m7) =? oF (0) = Gu? + my (0) yO) = C1 +m) yO) = 8 + mm YOO) = 2 + mi)y'O) = (2 + mn? yO) = (BP + midy"O) = OF + mA) CE + 2m yO) = (42 + m2) 7/840) = En?) (22 +m?) "xa fanaa rh nen $0) = (n-2)?-tm) CoA). Pa] (BPI meg (1 ~ int (a ersin ) 10. Sot @ [Ch.2] ‘The Derivative ‘When n scat 90) = Uor-2)4 m2) nA) EA a) Find Oi © y=nesviea GD y= +NTaen yoin@+ Vit Differentiating, we have rier aa fel eas or ast) ae at Differentisting, we eet 42). 2yy + ay? or yt ay Differentiatingn times by Loibnia! Theoret, we obain AL 972 engl ML sng alo. a or Chiat) yint 4 area) aylntD + gy! Putting ~ Din (D, (2), (), we get yO) =—AyMO) “0 y= = 0? 270) =02(0) = 0 » YO) = 98 (0) = (3)? 0) n= 4, 90) ~ ~(4)'y') = Oatal so andsoon Thos y! 0) =0, Putting n = 5, ¥%Q) = BVO) = 8 ae 3! ae Similar.) = (19 22. 92.54,7 and genera 910) = CaP 183.58... Gn —1)2 erie » @ e wa Ga, 1 RrerciseSet25_94 yaea ier © # = me Tels ps] mies fee my View yee ® oe am Ce ytemt ye Differotiatingt sgn, we have (14 D394 day? = mt dy! seDy balmy 0 Differentiating itm ims by Leib Theorem, we get tg 2D egy or haath ar geo? my =0 “ Puttings = Osaccxsively in 2), 2), , we obtain 30)=1,9'0-=m,9" O= me and 42 ©) = (nt 29.9) 6 Putting =2,3,5,,we get 770) = (2-19 10) = (nt —18 m 720) = (2 —P3y"O) = 829 x? =P. 70) = B22?) 8-19. snd generalizing, we find PQ) (7-0-1) 8-3) Pn 2 ‘Similar, potting = 2,46... in(@) and generalizing, we have PMO) Dn-29) On BPA?) (2 Ie y =a0s lax) + sin da, prove tat syn?) 4 Ont Day"? + (a + Dy = con(laz) + bein in) cee or ay =beos ne) ein (ina) Differentiating itagain, we get sin Qna) eos dna) onirss 2 So. 1Cn.21 #974 p's leco n+ bind) = or syttyty=0 a Diferentiating (1) timeaby Leiba’ Theorem, we have 5A Dt 2OD apo yuo, Hen Day a gfe nya evade ew ae Se ae a) The Derivative ne Let pied EOD oy _ CUM Sint e ‘Now, by Lett’ Theorem, we have fing) _ a $()-Se» $70, tv £70, wal) mater Cems : Y (a Behe ea (a nen Ugg LEM LCM ot Copal SUE LCA! ot Gia “aed Sol. 5. Sol. Rxcreise Set2.6_ 99 Exercise Set 2.6 (Page 97) ‘Rualuate the given limits (Problems 1 -5): se eaten 24> 2 anno tet 4 im oh, nt, m= oo tin S88 tim oo. im | SR Moo Faso w500 P oa ‘reoad,3 = rsin0, we hove the given limit iy, DBO ge a 0 2 a Soa tues 15 = Tin feats) = 0 im Bem ae olla, a By PG = 2 Baty + Set pla 2 + 9° Ge +247 Hin, |G -2ay + Set 29) eglian Vim Gy + ay? Ge 24y) sha —B-8418-4 8 1 sree" Be Im ench of Problems not exist: 6 - 10, show that the given limit dous 6 jim coo FF So. Telit dana ostitweshow tht 9) = Ey epeacs tote vat a2) (0 lng eeent path Lat 9) epost (0, Oolong to tacy ne ‘Then 9) = Ey = Taine #9 ‘Df, have dierent ales for ferent visas of Fens the genie Sonesta im, ee chow Sol, Lets = reon= ren Then at 38 AsG,y)> 0,0, 7-0, Therefore. Ri tin Blestom aint BVTOOM TE eye = lim, (os20- ain 29) ~ ene 26 Which in indapendont ofr and ean have the nite ago Oe asa tim te fe (0,007 + de Bol. Lat,9)- (0,0) long the ney ~ mx jin SEH gaat bee G9} OO* a 4. )o,9 ember ax bn “gpltlaoonieta =P which hascitferent values for ifforont m. Honco the given limit doesnot exe mm S288 eso HA Bol Let yr, 0) along the linea + by = 0. Then b.9 50,0 FFI 0,0 say ee = im ett ota tag) 0,0) EE ake ‘which depends on the values ofa and, Hence the init does nctexist (st) mm, Go) SERRE alee Oe Kan aaa Ae Be Teme Tp mat 70x70 ice neo Hiz,y) > Waa x,y) + 0,0) aie soe a Leel walaa wen 400 along th parabola = 2, Hones te limit doe not oie. Then itcay) «(0,0) ey) = 0,0) ‘Show that fi not eqptinsous atthe origin Weevnhinte im fe.9) ait00) rae sarasias ce xy a me teh (0, 0) 39 me? x4 Be ce can ee Sr a ce eae ee, [a> eg) = fee 1s continuous a 0, 0). ae Sal. ite, ye, 0. it, = 0.0) Sol Bete 5 ind eos 0 singer 9 sr 0 ‘has tan, 9) = 18, 1“ Te cin lb antaonaas ewan 7D ce aoe sana -[iS waneone eta Dekich | Bxamino the continuity at (0, 0). Do. (0,0) and (0, 0 exist? ) | ~ a end = sin Tarr Oe 6,9| 0.0) foxy) = OED acto sng Heoe'6+ in?» Dasr>0, Therefore, fis contsmuons et (0 0. ‘£.,0) = tim, 1.0) = 00,0) fin £1O.A—F00,0) 46,0) ~ fim COD k neh Rass Pons (0,0) and 9 Ps apnea taneoo é ite2)= 00) | Prove that fiemot ecntinuous a (0,0). Do/(0, 0) and f(0, 0) exist? Let (0,0) be approcehed along the liney mst Foy) Butifwe approsch (0,0) along = 3% then, Foy) py a> Dass 0. A Ba ae iy) 16,3) doce not ent, 9150.0 Hence isnot continues at (0,0. 0,0 jy 0-200, fo,0-f0.N=t0.9 ‘Tins 0,0) = f, (0,0) = fen=} Thos 012697 ind che first onder derivalves of the yiven functions Probleme 22, feast fapee Peas 16 fay= ete? Peas? [aCe ae = 20a 16. Bel. G+ un[din-eml B= 9 By = ay et 1 Sol. 18, Sol. fle) = arctan (2 +5) Tata = arctan e+») 1 ieee “Tsar! eo siny evsnty a a = e)sinby = a sindy 1. 9) = Late and & =e (ccalp)b BO. fm y= In ot +32) Sol. Lat 2 = In (2+ 92) cos by 98, The Derivative 1cu.21 21. sa onion) aes inter sat fe Fy? a) oe Adleryre Epo s9"* an ~ 1} Ms Ba yts ra lea) “Eualenins 1 =a 4 310) wie | at ee ee A A 2 Ore Bot ae + 2 = an ea eas oe ie “ase 2. fone =e Pbk foxy. errata te Now, HDRES 20 2 =i ae : [ pa oe Bae : est 8 @)- aa } | le piawdersia - fete +29 = a aa Find ell the four second order partial derivatives (Problems 23 - 26): a3, es Bol. Lat en. cD= peleoie Bea ener a] 2| Q0_Ich3_Tedervaive Sol. Let Ze we G-nA-et nlm - “ee iS eee DOE lee 30-365) oy Dewey +9) “aie y) e 2 =o Zr w one Bi ayy 2 bn) Ge) = by -D2t aay Exercise Set2.6 104 ae iedouse RO se2e- Be io onsets ae Beate ines es By Bowne Borns + Levens =e x (in 4 oP ins In) ae nay? + dn] aud B5-geema ‘ Dow! soe 2and te mgr +e nse) wer bedlinaye-1) Biase ele) eM ylnesth 4 & tying) ety? arts Ty Ina) fan (arctan x + arciany) = fan arans + arcany) lunaresns+ anertany _ sty = [— tan (are tan x) tan (arstany) ~ 1- xy Gam) 1-G4)G) Lay a day? “a-yF delay) 1s d-»F dy 1+ DEBI-y9 Oy = ae ax +22) dw F209 x) = ats] ae oli-aF _ileay ay -(1+y9).20=) Go) aa _trl-a? + ed Og) z da Belay) 4 2a to) _ De. ae fe SE ae [Ch.2]_ The Derivative e Similery. or by symmetry Gtudenta are advied to workan themselves) Be ee In Problems 27 32 verify that BT. fix) ~ evden (be +) Be ice tatedmra ee te 3 h3 on eer2) ame es Pest ier) sme ome Oe een eens ee. © ee) a 2D) oy ee 2 Bop 2G) 2eusorrmucsoden seaaiee = beeen bs $0 + sen Be $07 + e084 = 9 cD cor be +6) +o con (be +2) bee ain de +c) (2) From (1) and, we seethat £,, 28. fly) ~In(er +0) Sol. fG,y) ~In(er +0) Body 2. By sath et i 2 Were oe f-2(t) aetna _e9_ Gale)" eter “eteF ne o ests ere ase ee Ey Exercise Set2.6 103 Ti Sacee_ ve ty le) = et oF FoF a ets Sy" ym ea eF ie Hence Q)and @),we get, 8 toon ofS") a0. tok fey = (AS) oe eet OF Pay away too He a eae wor FO -y OFS ary +), ) meer (a EH Es a aC) Fas 2) +0 Wen _40 “Erk FF ty 8 ta ey GaP - 1d» le arr ana ae ma “Fee Dae 24) Geir toler taney ale wae a (yp-G9 +2) eo et Tote tt. fe o eae Creag From (1) and @), we eet (=f favav sy Sol f(x,y) =a? +9* paB-2oneBorvincew 2 jes(asladeustncdensrte ead [Ch. 2] The Dorivat =P Taw netting zi Ie® ert tyinD 40 xing) a) oR tastes a eget a al eae ast sy he. 4247 Pa cee i fy Ba 40: see] row aka Rineonewttymy a leery Da Loutontoiaeuainre f,- EB» Rory ord ney Zany +tyS09 Bee aye net et ty baring aytyass Dry tase) @ From (2) and @), we wt f= hy sete yD + yt 9G 4 ewe Ce Sol. {p= sin +9) o00:9=7 sins naa fs yp leads P12 9 sin Huse =%,gucs0 ¥ 10,41 Hence Bal's"Toorem is vldand €= § do firma on EL) Bol, f(y 23-0 AES. 31 General Theorems Ir fid=1-0 ‘Ths F 1 # f() anv one of the conditions of all's Thoorem is ‘ot oatiefied. The Rolle’s Theorem is not valid and we cannot Clolate te velus fe. 4 t-355 on. So. FH) = 9 7 f) i cntnucs on, 1 a8 tensa oni at. gg 2 APPR) a8) be te te a+ “ae ‘Thus Rolle's Theorem holds for tho given function ende ~ 0. 5 feela aes oe? on 3,0) dew 3 Bol. (9) =-9-3+ 92 = set =o. £0) = 0049-29 =0 ‘Thusf-9) = 0=/0) : Moreover, f (2) ie coninccus on (2, () and diffetettale on 1-3, . By Hale's Theorem, thers mut oct a point ¢ in the inlerval]~3, ofsuch eat /"e) = 0 = ©-9G+2 = e=a-2( But only 0= 2 lieoin the interval 9, 0 | Hence the Rolle's Theorem iavalid and e & fad=2 + e-2% on 10,2) Sol FO = 24 0-VR= 24 Cadi B+i GND f= 242-1924 a92=5 ‘This FO) #f (One of the conditions of Rele's Theorems ic nok eaticfed and wo Rolle's Theorem isnot valid Kyercise Set 3.1_ 113 (Find ¢ (wherever possible) of dhe Mean Value Theorem (Problems 710): 1 fa=8-ae-1 on[ 3.3] me ACH Hae Ad Ar) =) -9@)-1- Sar - Now, f'a) = 82-3 5 f'@)=%2-3 By the Mean Value Theorem, a era rar 2-G-[8)-Gle-» aa (Ges) =|(7 8 fae8 oni2, 4) Bol. (2)=0. f= VE-8= V2 ; t PO - TEE Drea acho wo wD en ME (£2 96) ie, B- or ViB=1 or te % fa-B—ohede-2 — onts3) Bol. fi)=1-544-2— figs tsuss 1-2-8 fee elie ‘By the Mean Value Theorem, we have ara s-1 fe) EEDA 9810044 or OF 1047 102100 = 34 BE 16 fees on [-4, 1. Sol. 2 Sol 13, 1 The function fe) = tn is continnins on Ee, 9¥ |-#, ['), isnot defined atx = 0. ‘Tins fe) io nok iflorentiahle on ] 1, 1Land tho NCV-T: fis InProblems 11-16, use the Mean Value Theorem to show that: sine siny |< [xy forany real aumnbers Let f) = sin, Then, 7 () is continuous and differentiable for every Fal we ppy Une MVD. to @) ~ on in tho intorval [9] here sy re any real umbare: Thersfore, sea 8E eae ze lz yl ros aan “Tokang module bot sds, we gt ei sia ee Ye P ee faing-siny| = [x-y| lees] fetyls since [soe | 2 1. (1 2 a/"> 14 ex wherea > Land x > 0. [Bemoul’sInoqualty) Bol. Let /@) 1. 6. Exe set31_ 115. and fatities the as enatO Been Sane TASH, ce Dal de, d+ a -( tae) =af'@= sla +0F-t-al sacl 4 F202 0, sincox>0,0>1, (1407-972 Therefore, (L+2)* > 1+ ar 1 Ph 6 < 5, Abo oppeonimate V6 by using the Mean Value Theorem Consider the function j defined by £.@) = fe on the intersl {5, Dnsatiios the Iypthesis of the M.V-T. on (25, 27) ‘Thorelore, t= _ Be TO. o ave ee [2.21] te, <<, or \B< Vee Sede tee aie“ a5 5 Pete es Now d= F< qn tree © rom (1), we have 27 ~5 = Substitution i) ylelds 1 1 2 ais <} ascend Consider fo) = f2 on (168,168) By the MVT, f(159)~ f (166) ~ /"(c) (169-188), where 108 <2 < 100. Tresor, ISB = 7 ‘The exact velue of V6 13-5 9 1% or Vidb~19-25— 1053120015 Tat a funetion f be continuous on (a, ] and f 'G) = 0 for all es BL, Prove that / ia constant on (a, 61, Use this to show hot 2p + cog!s = 1 for all real numbers. ot known but itis near 18 and £0 116 _ICh. 3} General Theorems Indeterminate Forms Sol. Let/G) be the dillorentiable inthe interval 1a, and ees =p be any two points belong this interval ash that xy > sp Applying the Moan Vahio Therein onthe interval 3h we see thal thre eto a nunaberebxtwera andy sich Whit Neg -Pl) = Ga-2) 118 But /*@)= Hanes 6p =) =0 = (ep'=/e,) ‘Thus ascumes the se yaluo ae any swe pentsin a6] ee dit ‘scorstant on (0,3). Set fe) meine cats PG) = 28 scone ean ine 0 fall eal Heres £6) tea castat Lat 0) = cinta + one =e © hore ¢ is an arhitrary constant Sines (1) held forall ual x, Fold, a particular, rs =O, fe, sit teat0=c or Ths, sint et os? = 1 ft izst : Leif) = ites. oh Man ao Tene enh. 4 Boos nt son ea) chew Be rire ee Sel. It is easy to see that fis consinucuson| aim erie RD = Ben a= =O. Than 10) fh, Tet (deen Ho. dat ea] 1K Tp tpg Ay Tr nds 1, 0. exercise Set3.t__117, FO 7) F| Payal a om peda: 1 cbvala a result thar generalizes the Mean Value Theoten. Doss therm hold ifn < 0? fla Fe) F0) Jf fay feb) ao won on asc od: tte ‘Thus Fo) = FO) By Rolle's Theorera, thoro existe ¢ Jo, b{ sush that F'() =0 and FO) FG) fo) £0) Now Fie)=|natt at oF uate 109) (a" 0") na?" flo)~ 0) P= = file (a8) = not Ra) 70)! (i=-f@_ fo pee net ‘ie is the recuired zenerelizatin ofthe Mean Value Theorem. Ifn <0, the theorem holds if 0¢ (a, Let A (xy 7.) and B Gy) bo any two points en the grapa of the parabola y = ((3) = ar® + be + 0. By the Mean Value Theceom, ‘here isa point (cq, y,) on the curve where tangent lin is parallel atm tothe chord AB, Show that 25 = G)maxt rbete 5 ['G)~ dort b By the MV, we havo 1G))-16) Mees ik 6s Show that ft =8 — 242 42 is monotonically ineroasing on every interval asrequired 418 _1Ch.3]_General Theorems Indeterminate Forms Sol. i= 8-4 + +2 and Pa) = te 6c +3 = 368-20 + 1) = 3-1 This obvious that 3(¢~1/2= 0 if x= 1. But $@-2920 if'x ena, AL ane © 2, of. Thats) > Ofors 1-0, 10 anda © 6 So we cenahude thet fl) is inereasing on Jno, and J, 2 For r=Lf'@)=0 Wecan verify thst fl) is increasing on every interval containing 1. ‘hus fs) e monctonically nereaing on ovary interval BL, Prove that f(x) = 2c —arctan #— In te + VRP +1) Is increasing on (OH Sol. fle) = 22~ aretan xin i¢ +R + and Sit yee 8) Thien (a) Paiste weer aT ee aaa Tet Veet) Viet tee Leslie. rts (f+ y of = Dp JET =f, then the numerator Let =2F-t-1=@=DU-1)) Fre 41>0 for all «eRand T+ -1>0 for :€R-{0).Thatis f'i>0 if reR-(0) For 1=0-JL+2?-1=0, thats /"4) =0 for r=0 Iti obvious chat fe) is postive forx ¢ } 0,00 and f(z) = 0 face = 0, therefore, fs) is increesingon (0, af Be Gy at an resign fr 04 cE Sol, tt 102428, fa) Lat $0) 0 Tas dam nentng non fe ocred, Since 4(0) =0, #49> #(0)forx > 0, ie sends tone O or masts | vn O<2< 8 Frum (, weheve '(G) > O when 0 0 ow two aresarse Cael 2-29 ond G99 Sofa ml E58 Gombining the two statements, we can say that f G) is an fnceanrertuncton orallx> 9c, alle B.ok Caso 2<0ada 220 2 eedandy ed Combining tho two tistomonts # i even! that ( G) is an Inereccngfancton for allx< 2, all: €3— 2 [Now for? 3) tobe deresing fncion 7a) <0 ie, GA 95<0 0 Ti easier Cmol G2 >0 ad, @-3)<0 te xe and x<3 Se Bt Thana ooeingin 12,81 Gavel (320. and (=8)>0 eee and x23 which isan absurdity beau there Ione than Band geatr than 8 Bom +a>0 f-De-81<0 rnp euch number whieh is 420 Ica, Theorems Indeterminate Forme T= pore ums sen ges ee. ee wx mato-Heae hy] i masa-deed dt cat fe) =1-Te 2045)? een Ae Pate ease ata ae iting Ties ata fe ssn yee Pee Roc eg a malts, me fipse Pees ae ek Fa a fey xn 9) gq > Ode. xin $a) SS 5. A ship sls east from port A at 10 nantes! miles pet hour. At the ‘same timo, other ship Ieaves port B, which is 100 natal miles dae south of pert A, and sails north at 26 nautical inlles per hour For how longis the distance betweon the thipadacreasing? ol. Lotz be the distance between tho shipe after # hours, Then = (100? + (100-259 = 1002 + 10000 + 625 — s000r - = 725 — 50001 + 10000 Differentiating wnt: we have de . or $8= 796 ¢- 2500 7 & ot Bey if Whenerer725¢~2500 <0 (singe positive) Exercise Sot3.2_ 124 aE sertie Set 3.2124 100 2500 _ 100 me tes ao ae Be ea aise race Exercise Set 3.2 (Page 1 14) Sol, Here (ts) = 1+ x)"*,/0) = 1 een 1 ons ae fo-haree- Th po a} fedora Ete, POs = 205 oat Byrn onto en FO) (0) +10 +B F"60, 0< 961 ay a Boasts tal) hipaa een eae ore 2 Find by Maclaurn's Formule firs four toms ofthe expansion Of /(0)= e com brand rita the semnindat fir tenes Sol. Here fe) = # coe be IO= (+ BY% eccalbe trp) — pm arctan” Tehing a ~ 1,2, FG) = (6? + 6" & cas (tn + 6) FG) = (a? + 0) e* cos ibe + 24) FR) — (ee? + 8) cos (bx + 38) Now Fo) 122 [Co 3} — General Theorem I aT LA ded (oP + BM oe 39 = (0? +B) [hoe #9 con sow lipe ae a pay dat ta a 4 827) en eh fast ate Fosse ale onon ala Fis ent wos eeetas ner as wie Fe cpo cy mrs ah epee SSeS 28 a! Therefore, coe be = 1 bar phat 4 ES Ee tnt on(pee rn ocit a ind the Maciaurin's serles of the given fanctions (Problems 3 - 9): 3 jie=sins Sol. Goneralizing, wo got itmsalerrd ren fe a vile £1 pm (0.2), whore B isthe remainder ser torms and peel ib ie tanter ste Thus /6) ~ Ebro ie jackie epee Hoel Noskirne Toren, fora atest, we bv fo) “hora po EPO + GPO + 4 Pal o + ate f@)=os7 fa) = osx, Bi 7 Now R, Ff "ten, 0< 951. infelo-o3) = jim 3 im eos(os +) = 0 Hanooby Mactan’ Thoore, 1@)=10) +30) +570) +E /"0)= \ et coro Hebe. 5 foe) un Gol. fe)=uns, f=0 f'G) = sec? x = 1+tan?x, /"10) ! $9) =Dancsed ane (+ tant) Bans Bute, (50)= f°") = 2 sec! x + 6 tan? x se? = 2(1 + ton? x) + Gtan?x (1 + tan’ x) Tat Staats + Gtaate 1 Gast 2+ Stats +6tmnte, fr) 22 tan oat 4D tant sets = l6tane(L + tant +24 tan? (+ tan?) WGtan x + 16 tan’ x + 26 tan?x + 24 tan’ y I6tanx + 40tan'x + 26tan®x, (1M = 0 Sim R, ar + ime. Fw ne eels 24 {Ch.31_Generat Theorem Indeterminate Forms. (P(e) = 1B seek = 120 carts sex + 120 tan‘e mete, F 0 By Malar’ Teron, fo=f0) +fO4E FO) +¥, Schitatng the values webave 0) + FI%O 4 FPO) + a) = er cose, f'0)~ 1 0) + FIO 4 FH ponerse ent S Pra) teats tee eens eens cose’ cae sent x Jesh nda ene, FO =9 2 oeteoe! tnx 04 2614 FO + gael |e Ot Ee GX It (=e? cost B68? conten sf ett sin 2 cost Spans neon 2x eh" sts + el cins, seextans, 3410) Deer pe o)=1-s-1=-8 Sache mets 9F 0,-a oforalirealm.e>0, -a 9O)- 9a) #O Be en (0-0) £@ oe oe __wehirnstagcens Men Va Tosrom 1h, Yasaming te beconinucus on 9] ard ferent Jo, show tat : 700)-1o)8=E-F FS Fe-9e-811" siesta gteiongto 16,1 Bot, Conder he fnetion =f) +Ax+ Be ao nore bites be Strminat enh that w= 4m =40) ‘arta Mone + Bot =) + Ab BHP flo) ho Be oe (a= DA + WB + Yea) -FON~ 0 fant (cA cB + if0)- Fle] =O and = 3 428._1Ch.3)_Generat Theorem indeterminate Forms Be ac scimaien mee Pecralehie trucker te te Pros Detar wins dovcowinaciniy sb {a+ h)= fle) + if"la+ Oh), holds by Taylor's Theorem wits reminder after one term, ‘Also by Tayloe's theovem with Lagrange's form of remalnder at ‘oro torms, e Tita eraisinn pss tinive rds Feld caisa ie Pour Wares Seiacen Mat Ob) = hte) + fre or) a Pus mera dras en a 8 pesen-pankrasen PBs 8 fMa+ Orn), O 0, we have areata) wank 14. If the finctions f, # and ¥ are continuous on (a, &] and difecentiable in|, |, show that there exists a point £'< Ja, 6 [ such that a.9'@ ve 12) $@) via) 70) 60) yG) Hence deduce Lagrange’s arc Cauchy's moan value thecrome. Sol Woform anew Auncilon Fay'=/(2) +A gt) +B ye) where A eral are constants to bechowa such thet 1G) +A $a) +B yle)=0 @ 10) +490) +B y= @ ‘The function, Mx) satisfies the conditions of Rolle's Theater, Hance ther oxata a point § ¢ fa 8] wach that LO +AVE +B YD Biminauing A and B fram (1), 2) are, wo obtain © Exercise Set 3.2129. Fla) 9ta) iad Fo) yo 3 Try 73) x 1, whores some constant. Then Deduction. Take y's) = y= vB—h ond VO =0. lonce from (a), we have re vo 0 Irie) 9) &| =0 7) 60) & re 9@ 9 teye1@) #1040) 0) =O by RyRy jo | 4 1b) "(e) ¥@ 9 (poh “ta 45-465 = f(a) _ 2G) = 90-9 F® Bo tne (a) 6) beak which s Lagrans’s Mean Valve Theorom 1h hosing ta becontnuas on (0) and iferentblocn Job howe 10-104 ert nd tls! 1,61 fot, Comorian Sfotar+ nr htc be dtrminad ch tat vos so=#0) Maswohave Pla) + Ac + BoP = 706) + Ad + BU? = flo) + Ae + Bet oe (a= DA + @-WB + Yea) -FON~ 0 fant cA cB + If@)-FlOl =O © and = 2 “pw Et deve or® w 130 [Ch.31_ General Theorem Indeterminate Forms Solving Uiese equation simultaneously by erast-mualeplcaton, We have A @-PTOH-Fal-F-Afa-7oi @-A7G-FO1-G-7O- eh 1 “CHE AS HOO Gat 69 70) fie) Gc Fo) FO) eo (a-8) 6—e)@-a) a bo) flo) =f) (a —b1 FH) fo) E =) O-ce~0) 2 Now f °G) enists in (6, O). Theretore, f ), f) exist and are tim, (oe sy2 oo ed Fee, a, | mative Method: sas cig ae : yee 2 {=sinx = cos x (1 = sin® ie 2t lieu, ec tant = jar” 35, anes) Thus um 7-2? | apa sol Lat y=(cast tnt or ny senteiniols) ‘) in n= fn, ¢) a cot x 5 = lin Geen”, eee me Lin, mea on” PS 9 Sone 42. im singe as aS um, eae F ee Ini = | msn oe ny = coertn oe lim ny = tim 2am," wee @) ) aaa @ erga 1 Faves atria", Te Exercise Set3.3_ 149 148 _1Ch. 3]_General Theorem Indeterminate Forms ee f-F +}? SSIS g Satta! aro e a & s nber powersins = In, eee: J ‘The sven limit fo the oe”. asa oe S te fa! 2 fae +b) =sIn| Ewes ouesben aie Bowie cen een ee : n (Ep). yp mueapncms () Paso aur na [dotnet] aT a nD yt —_—— Tus lip, my = Inv o im y= ab aro 50. Bale, that fetm—fa-n_ 5, to pm PREM TOD Srey f+ mar feb) we a I ae ae reer ees (i) in re a fort m—fer—mre Bre) (6) lim ———— 2 2 i F é fee fe) @ Im a wo a) Am, ae fash -fa)-Wf'e)- FIO) Se ae ng CTP Be neo oe Ek) prin oi fe 8) Eo, a é oe ae eae fot nts tbe teint or 9 ten 1 thrice dfforentiale Samson, prove, by using I’Hompital’ G vend i couas $b toe +dr=3 # ~asmax + bx? + dor +d 2 Now im, 9, Tew be of the form gifd wasinas + She! 4 Dez tim, a aay a 9 enon -< renin sof th erm thon ~<8 + 2 = 0 al em ar ¢6br 420 0 eo ae 6) Panes + “ye i. g. theatre : fe eR a sinae 2 ‘Therefore, li 360 3 $3 a te, Seok or ofa 15 3 Pa a a= i ie, G 6 We take real values ofa Promabovo «f= 2+ yields c= 2. Those = #2, b=0,6=2,d=0,€ | TECHNIQUES OF INTEGRATION Exercise Set 4.1 (Page 132) | Write down the indefinite integral of exch of the following wo Gol. Aconstent. nf gor fea Bed as b fetes [b-ael® filer a oats Hol, fontxce= flensecte— Ide = -ota-5, yy Hak fostade=} frcortde = fel + cos ax all Maz , Be teases Gel 002) dx "fou ate 2) ime Bol {imeaan | ot fata ie( Zi) i = 10 (20005) =-2VBe0s§ : to. Vin? foi [Bae BY + Pain’ § EE wand ye ‘i so. [YirFe SEE , ot, fesse =H 2, ieee 2 ea Sol. Jace = ESS ‘ae, pea) a P=t ain pao] Exercise Set4.2_ 458 Exercise Set 4.2 (Page 135) Evaluate Probleme — 22) ie ee ere salsa ome “ron [pis [she [eae” = fisden oe anil ig Pot x= aeoh 6, oe=asinh oda Then gs: (ets Je =f00~ = con W ftoneae | fiance = [SRE x In Joos e| = ere * = In [sec] Jotxde I, Sootadx = [Fez de= In [sina] oven tise tn), (WES EERIE 9 Hol, forex = [Se ain in free + tan z| =n | 2 + 24] 457 Exercise Se ono 2 Sol, Let te 4+ =H so thas Udi = Bede or dem fede ices) Nive-aina+ vero) pesee' onsne = ot ‘costex cake “Pat artanes1 sothat [yypde= ee. Then » .-f Se Put sinx-coss—¢ sothat (cons + sina) de— dt Thon ee |e fie t= sin. Jase tn [el =n arctan | 4. Slax! + 29x + oF (ax + fds Sol et t= ax! + 2h +e sothat d= tarde rbd 1a il = a sin eos] poe hee § fina Ppa apie eee Cast 4 eto res Nee Puy Ve=t cout fP%de= ee ie, = Bet thee so. | [ieee fe an [a2 faintdi~-donet~-tom 2 in Near ise (4S Hot, [MPF eae = Soft re) ee Toh lteter to that ede ade and SOlive) eae = Sede = 32" = Fase Disha ection ase ogee ales 2 Pe eee =H sothat ode = Sede and 2(i+9)=2eri(+ -Wrip+ ee cee fr2@2 a. james ae fete ie rae 7 Sol. Lot 38450 +7=¢ oothet Qs +5)de =ct ond 245 E AS ye - Set ae rm as Dae = feta =280 2B me pete Yat ee 8 Bes lateke (erneca oe eendentat ten 22 es [GRABS = fae pret oe tne Exercise Set42_ 159 Letras SEES Wh, Put = c00c@ sothat de = acee ¢tan 6 dé, Then [Ea SEREE comme ae en ay [ters re =4 Junto osvce Soot sin? xe Hoh, 1 fest x. sin? (since) = foosbx(1~ cos?s) sin x de) Putting cos =¢ and -sinede= dt in J, wehave “faa ~ feet Joa T= Stan? ose? oat » fist 0 tsa tan 050: 949 New Wow @= ot we Cen 00 =e nb Te fl Dede = Joh de = tan? vse alten asec dO, 160 _[Ch. 4] _ Techniques of Integration 22, foot" x csctxde Sok Lett fect? cant ae ‘90 that ese” x de =de and Soot on? de So +29 de =~ feet + aha 3) Find an antiderivative of each of the following (Problems 23-40} ‘eo -— 1 Yvmea ae Sol f vi 2 a: w Sok Put x= sing sothet de=e ca d9 and INH az = foes oacos9de=F fa teoszade 2, atsingo o? ¢! Qsin Goose 2 an a 2 2 2 6+ Sain OT ant ~Gonen EB inf S arein EG 25. Or +9 RFI fol. Lot Bet =e, Then Qe = dede Exercise Set SS or dards Sctsitatng we at fins nla idee felt + Baden Jit + 29 de 2 2s Ore ist 2. ae vi See me a Be me +x? ol. Lt 2=tan9 wothat ds= sed 000 Or Sitting wo have fcc? Od6 Satie Fate + sin d= = Joon bd= sind Since tan ive View 2 Pens [eon -& a ert att Dal gs. (erie [ fo. (eqe- rere len Be erie et das EEE Dates sttets te [one , AFT has a bes, we Gee RFF I Bot, fine + 9) 22 + a+ YI de aR fe + 848 cat + ae + Ids dige oe sm aries Oe meee § fede ed we ace SAT Eg? 2) [ou] Techniques of egeaton Teel, 6d ville’ By tho formula Sere e pia Ewes z ~ pgs ap a fee + Bes p—gacosi! ae +8) as Sfp EAE geo ee 3) @ Putting from ©) inte 1), we pot Od +3e40) 3 @ T Sides y Jae eee de oh ae Retain Val os VO 43 7 1 ggemtr aro] aa + are DY? 54e+9) oe 6 2 Sg VRP HEFL - om ey ao Saiax+ tose de Tune + Tem Pat s-=reoad= rain dwe wt r= 5 and ta O= $ Pedr ee ee eee ane + Teese” |5Garewe+ waran = frais ans Some oe =A |uan(§ + £)| = din |tan(§ + deren d)| Put cosa = 4 Then ~sinx dy = 00 orsinz de = dnd é ta ff = aren 0= an on at 31. GnG-e)an&-6) ee se sae pie --a) o ee 1 (sino) tox [Gry E * Hae JGalra sin HI 1 fein all 4, a } Jan ea) saG-* fin (eb cos 0) ~ cas Bain ed “aed. ‘sin =e) in -B) in (sin (eb) cos c=) mao Jan em soa 0) foo eb) sin =a) -mecbline=a ana fos x= 6) 7 ae me-pfexe-o* vaecph leat ‘ moo" nee Bh imines nn ay ac ox tins deo fda eos) tan sds = Seat =F =} Mol, Pat lngeex =#. Thon nsec? 104 Ch. 4) _Technigues of integration 1 ® Binet Der Bere geicti- nek tedeacae wien ly ; ae ae Pe fee ie ems 7 Bt. eth cose Sol. Put sins =e Then cooede—dt and Ses ccsxde= fe'at =e! = etn. 85. Te Seats ine Sol Put 1+Sontx=1, Thon -Gewzsinxde= de or “Asin dede=dt or sin ede JYi Beat x. sin ade Sol, Pub 1+ co?x=¢ wothet -2cosxsinz de = dr ee sindede= dt or in dede = “at fineness (078 =O = ONT rete igen = Tanta Seats de Sel = (rae Teak Dividing Num. and Denom, by 6922, we have 7. + sect ee as aoa re [BBE rot tnx=t ootat sede net gM wen 1 + Se ee Baile eee Exerebe set'4.3_ 103, Bol T= [Fee unyce= feo eta feds Put Ve=u so thaty ip de dle or fede = ade Then I=? feeeutansed = 2eveu = 2e0e [2 (hs Gin eon Sie" ins) conse tne rtd me Baine +4 -Jsinx Bain acs avane® Pontiacs sede (ade 974 wa I= faetc~ fate-a[ren-™ Bind +8] =F +8VRine) y Exercise Set 4.3 (Page 142) evaluate (Problems 120% 1 feme? as Bol, 1 fxcota de Integrating ty pact, ending a re net, wohare fer ens ee 2, Therafora, cos 185 _{Ch.4}_ Techniques of Integration Sains In feos] 2 feoxteds Sol. frese? ede =~ fe (- esc? de =— [xeotz~ ficotz)- 14x) : wore Be soot ¢]n [sin] 8 fxtinsde Sal. fet nade = Sind ede Bina) tft a coeecttgnr te Ge ee eee Sieber ae aes cnet Gee 4 fe ercteds Sal, fotantenede= frien) ste = arctan) (55s @ Putin tia Detar, Stent ecto = Fontan: 41 beet] 2 = Sarctens fet + Fin ot +1) 5 Sretzer Sol. Sood x dem fone eu? rds = ete tan ftan x noxtan de mteertens- [acer eocta de Exercise Sei43_467 = seoxtans~ ford ede + feos de ox 2 feud xde=seeztanz+ forex ds = ecstanz +n in($4+3)] eee tl.) 6 Sos ede ol food cde = fae catede mies bapa) f ben) oom nee) = ~eaes ootx— flew? #1) corde = -ceczects—feadzdr + fuczae or 2 force de =-csexents + Jesex de aa es Seat sds = Foscscots + Hin |tan}] JEate m fens=- (eid i = fated bs foer a1 ( cof) - cots tae— Jeorfus croths [eajae~ faker =caitl B fenrinece ol, 1m froresin de = fitesinn) zs 468 _{Ch.}_ Techniques of Integration Tntogvating by pate tacing avesn xs first fiction, we have 1 Te crane Ei Now [pBgae= [Sate Wize ar | Fhgae a2 wie erie 1 + J arsin x ~aresin Lana, Png retin wits De 1 1 jo arene + fx Vine freee ies Sol. Let uaa" and v= VFFIGo. Intewratinagby parts, ve Ret Jeera ot fay Tien ae Ale doa ene [Bees ome reay] sdects wt] Joes i Vageg 2 adverse Beas Lisine . fettehea Bee setina~ fing evde+ ferlaxde = e*Inx = for Fees fetinzae Exercise Set4.3_169. \-28m} cos a So. fe BE ae= fr = aint ei fe (hoe) a orcas core) + fete ernie stot} 2 Fe feen( a Sol Pat z=c89 or de~msin odo 1 fone ESE nce = fim [EE ons fect inca 9.20 sin .do= ilocos 9- fooe ede] (cos sin] = 5 [x arceose—VI=3 1 Pee eee fie dz = 2a tan Ose! 0d0 feat 0 ate aatan Oeictede = faresin (224), 20am ose odo = Sasssin sin 0 2atan 0. vx! 140 = 2a fo.ttan Oe 90 470_1Ch. 41 _Teennques of integration tant d= Stan? 60 adtant0-a f ua!O- a0 etan?e—0 (tan 9-0) (etan’e) @atan o +00, conf-nfe soma Gro acan fi a 1k fet sinibes de Sol. Taking eas frst fanetion and sin be + 6) a2 the sosond function and then integrating by parts, we have Ses cn te dem oat (Beet a = —FFoosir $a) +5 fe costes eb de o[ptntieke) (andes) [omtgte. fants, ae] Re eats fe cos tbr + 0) + Seer sin tbe +e) 35 fet ain (xe) ce “ eden] odete), aan bz te! c(t B)fer sine +p arnef soe ie te) oe (75%) fe snes + 2160 = F asin e+ 0-beos 40) ese in ete de = Sets anitstel demic) Pub a-reo? mdb NESE ea tee’ eing these sstituions tm the RATS. of 1), wo et = Sersin bs +2) = FE tain Os +6) cos0-co8 be + o.5n = pepe = pile ant’) 5. fines Vis de Bxerelse Seta3_474 Bol Jin + NT dx = Sone +VF ee) 1d sner fir. ae ee wxlnics Yio e)- fis a cde seins Viet a. pee ive pes =e wan + it #) 4d JEspew [isos [lta fh esneees [pee fate ~fi-eea ke = fh-teh-atalles = fede -2 [EE ac 2 [ee eer ear 1 a eds we-detie- [elaine + [ets integrating the frst end second terass and leaving the third term anit) fooninaye ‘Toko com Gn 3) as first fnction, 1 as second function and integrate iy partato get 172_1Ch 41 Techniques of Intograt aston tn fo( #2053) = xeoe (na) + foin (na) di co) = fea = x 08 (in) 4 2 sin (na) -T or 2 =zeos (nz) +xsin Ine) cr T= 3 ives (Ine) +x8n dna) Sie Fas Sol I= feeFar Pot \en2 or i ppece = doze [Ex] o2[Ae 2 ferred] aa[-aer-2fe85- [al] [Feta +2 fetde]=20te*— 2207-2041 Bee 4 fe oF 4 2 ta feet teaensf 2otare slot 18. fere* ae Sa feds [Fata ee 8 face alee i [Frees] pb G2 ah fect leeteesils S [Ear] gees S ate 4 beet Fut ee! +0029) a0 Exercise Set4.3_173 using th bypatsfrmila we have ey: facaa & ee Soetaca Jeo ddene S- [ne Sade ape Jel ta geet jet eet aie aed ae so dat Sao Saar t a Sree cae sles Sk a eye mdne Lig ae : = }atepaeuna 3 Wind a cision formule for fat ede and apply it to evclusta Die. ATA [Ch. 4] Techniques of Integration we EB fe letde a {nthe required rfudion formule Taking » =8 foetden2E-§ frends =e 2 a2 Seas] Soe. Se +S femde Sees aks Sl jea] Been Seer 5 fora Aver Se sen ae 2 fb a Puuing n=) a the formula (2) 220, ind cedustin formu for [on x de end foe ds heron oa ose ites Gol, 1, = fiat sds We write 1, = font" sin x and integrate hy parts tains inthe a theft frei. eCeone)- fin Dat c0nx Coss) de ies a -césxsint 2x + (n—1) feos! sin? #xcie ce -entaint Y + 1-1) f= sit sat Fede cence tes no) fant Meee DI, he Ds soheh te regu eatin formule Next lets write Exercise Set43_ 175, 1,= Seos" adx = Seas" xeosxéx _ Integratingghy parts, we have x ieee" Frain Sin Des 7s -sin3) sin de eon” Teainx + (n -1) feos Fe (1 - cost x) de = sin cot’ 'x- in DE, +00 Dy -g iby = sins cos! "e+ 1-1, y ‘a reduction formula for fx* sinaz dz, where n > 1 is an ins. Hanc ovation aed use and Bye Fermmtsnn( 8). fue (8a v= sin ox so that the by-parts formula fn = Eateosar +2 fier eosar de “From () and, we obtain fer siwaste set Jet inode “Which ie tho required redetion forma cn ert dewe 458 fytsinaede o ain, Set siniseds =—Teostes Zr sin te 2 fainsede (8) =Fonn' Sines dat ExercieSel44_ 176 ‘From (@) and GD, we have (fut ein de de = -2 cos x= 52 sine : 2 ciedteetes beaver fecna] A la 3a Aeon te +A s8 sar t jg eos be Brera 95, Find a reaction forma for [etn them # “Tan on Anvegor greater tha 1, Heneo ovaluate fet Gnd Go Let u = Gina) endo = 2 Thon they paren res : 42 feet? niin eyo Soner-6ax= Ona aq fmet eS a 2S neh ‘as the required reduction formula, in ho above reduction fora puting = Bann = 3 wo have fo onatds = one? f2tinnce Serine de mat nse tla fe24] Waren” ~Honsk- Sixt Exercise Set 4.4 (Page 149) ; Integrate eaciof tie following with respect toa: mea Sot, Here = an fe a) +216 Exercise Set 44 De. +5) a a nese fog ayan v3 ise 9 fats 4 5 mM ae gptn emt + ta fee pF in fae +3) 5 1 12 = Fin [x + 1] -ygle le gin Pet SL pes 448 Ppt. 1 a42 fet 4) 8 [eee dae ipatte =} A esas: seret ahaa ging t aed we sewiiss [aris sling? dx Hwetnieeo-fegar = fin Gt + 4e + 6) arctan 2) a+ ress) (tx? + $x + 1 ata fRehest ian fettian eye) (ees e+ M2) Patera U2 Bea ap dena ajstarie-lsvaee 177, 478 _{Ch.4) Techniques of Integration M78 _{Ch 4] Techni es OO 1 fe are tints en -2 [EG = define + 2c +2) —Zaretan e+ 1) 2 & GparD Bey epee ee Goa aG-1P * 8G FY BRED Now. nara ede rota - = A pds eaten iat facials feet eb! go 1 1 Eee thinjeoal-$ie #41 gol Seek, 1 bt BAS ebinte-al bin etal iia ea feiae pa xG+iy eee ol Fatih +i GE eae Totaling a pe a (inp festis- Jes err eet esi BED Bet ety sine eae eggip tsetse fig bl-wielr eat awe st ee +P Son, Reshng Bata npn ating, we hve 2 = = aed i kale Sivtomr ei Get aea ee jos tal ace ye a ae gT-e°S'P4e+1 MO a 4 (gra =3 aT SJattaed Lips Lis an integer). B funtxde Bol. Sean xde= Sian’. (ee? x1) dr = Stant-2 soot detent“ 2x de mE ant -tads ‘which othe requis reduction foal. W Sacct sa Bol. foc sds = faeet~s sed eds seetPe,tan x ~ Sean x (n- 2) eee" "r.seex tan xx Ategratng by pat. 208 (Cha) 1 of Integration soctPetanz-(n~2) feodPaetan?x de = sect? Stans (0-2) feee™“9 a (ee? x1) de ™ Exercise Set4.5 205 wwe trtans-tn-2 feetade+ 2 feof Pade Jieit ede = EE Finks ds ® or (14 a2) feed! xde ~ one*-2xtanz + (a2) Sec’ *xde Again putting a= 4 in (1), wo get ‘ats 2 fan's ds = EE fet eds = Ege ae «Soar ta = SEMEBEE , BB page e z Rein ome 2) = EE tems e a) 1 Soo zds Sol. fect" x dx ~ foot? x cot?e de = Soott-2e. (ox =1) dem foot Fact xdte= foot” Pede Pun the vain of tant from (9) into), we have Jiasteae = 8 [IE ean] Gres sae caas 4 | Seat? xcte @ By the retucton rma nebae Boh Seoe"x dx = Sore" reac? Soot oS Seat Pade ” = nso! “Arcot x - fl- cot 2) (a -2) eset 4x (sex ent) de Oat dale aha! Cntegratingby pats) Sottaéx= 282 foots © Agein putting 7 = 3, in 1), we got set Fx cot (0-2) fe” Fe cot? ec peat as Ee pig = est Px cot e—(n -2) Send” Me lence I) de = ae Arcot —n=2) fenced + tn-2) feat Bede te In Jain x| @ oC tn -2) Soadtnda'= —cod'-Pe cate 4 in) fone 2nde Now patting the vlue of fou: from @) into), we get oe festtnce = SPARSE BP fages-t ade oS let nt votes ermal, Evaluate (Problems 9 - 12): ote lace 2% feastxds Sol, By the redhstion mule we have : BEE fe-tede a! Exercise Set45_207 {Ch 4) 1es of Integrat 3 Patiing n= 6 in (we aet een Sed x de =f fiactade ® a [cit + aint §) + 25am Zoe ‘Ain putting n= 6 in (1), we ave Nee res ance pe Sentnden get giants = | 2, niconominaice sotztma 2, a+ atantS+ 2b tanS | by costa2 SEEMS Bony Putting the value of fate doin 2), weave Joos xexa 84a s[a@stens 2,,,] wets Actus bene In, featade So, By the redution frm, we have Seat ade = 2S Putiing n= 8, nL), wot Sestbads = -MEBEE SS fost cae @ ‘Asin puting ‘n= 3in Gl), wogst Sead xc = EEE SD foe ee BaP feut“irdy —) 2 1 Lia len?! oor ovex + Stn | fan5| Now patting the valuect foc < dein west ( atan5 +0 eens ion all Cael; 162? < then trom @), we have Sestads -—feotzeats +9 fens cet jn engl] : lesgporis toate feat Integrate with respect tox Problems 13-24): 13. 4 aebane 208_[Ch.4] Techniques of Integrat 1 tanker Poe Oe ak be Ve ‘Alternative Method: 1 7 Joxbans Pat x=Jte then deade md s-x-f--($-2) seer ecraie ne Case Tk; Ita? < ¢, then from Example 40, we have b> cose 3 gg Pos. Ta ange at bows a EE] mele baggy btasne =en(E-2 ~pipom bts se ava as bomne 1“ Sol, rere I Jax beahe ‘lesen arena olor Exercise Set4.5 209 Brie setts _ 209, = (——1__ a e+e O-w anne Dire the muneratacan enomingtor by cs? then ech? fey pew ee 4) 4 bo) tare e Put tamh=z ,sothat @ (cost?) xGee= de or seen? Eda = ade 2de ' lerpt-we ® ‘ssuime that + is postive! | Gasol If o?> b fe, «8? > 0 or @+)@-b)>0 | 8 G4b>0s0a~-5>0, then from (we have © tra(—bawe 1 ao (2B 2 ‘ exe fog =p *F 3 ext 2 se 1 EF VeBean = i ere ve-btmnt ‘Gage Ms 160? <2? @Bisve ani atbistreie, a-bis wo or b-aistve ‘hen from (2), we set : bolas” 240__[Ch. 4} Techniques of Integration Exercise S45_211 baa be ak Benen eG) a VW. Tysinx Foes P= opts ; fh eG) ow put tan($)=2 soit j sec" ds ~ de, Then faa, t= [otis [a Je-mn-mnra ens “Bot. 1 [5% Se a de 1432 thn later siGsreiie Hemeeice. = ecm (pend) 2a) 22_[Ch.s] Techniques of integration = fgrrtan[f8tan§)-2 arctan (tan) = fpovtan Vt) -© Exercise Set45_213 E_-lal Tanz Seae Set, I= Sine oot ole toate ea ! @) -20 |G 80. 1- froaeteme main amin an) 2 Coon Foa-e a re fee be [fare [Asal y ee ee ant ()-ane@) SF peje Bae fe a reeserer fries 244 [Chi] Techniques of Integration Exersise Set45 215 2 lareoe 7 de Sol. Put r=smox sothat de=scextansds or dx = fe Bain eras Now put 2=1 sothar tae = dt > Fas x (cos? x tn fF pur ow = 200 ta sin de = de es Ge = Nevigag bah foe? x foots Ed foes ae [Ot ined [oa Inthis into set ee gst Ores «fo ee Bat = Pures at-uw, + e+ : 1-@+n a ayn fet r Gate aa dede + et watgnigai see 1 Tone + core +} [See (cox) Sal, see « fede Sits Now put 1+2=¢ sothat de= 2dr 1-2 alee -2 fade = 9 40 tats (a= eces) {TF ecu EE) fo saat eee = fo+aece + tan =n NG rR + tal YG rt Be tences! (See ca eae fatto ec oe (+00 @)— tess Exercise Set45_ 217 Tica 7 coded iad eof By adngtha ttntone= tn (3) how tt eG) BIL coos! ae [Sine © fawesds =n Ga fowes= Sot. 218 ies of Integration Put tang =: sothaedr = 785 andsing = 725 es ne ie *S THE DEFINITE INTEGRAL Exercise Set 5.1 (Page 172) Byaluate the following hy definition (Problems 1-8) 1 Sua “Sol, Conia partion P of -1 2 into subinerao qua net D fn d)fae2 aed)... [2s] Bale of nian pets ocak nti en §,oefte) cae) ((ara)en elas ah aZ}e(a-8)+ ore] nileitorie oe Les am Sax f06) = Jim 2 2 je Bol, This problem could be sshd by the method of Examples However, we give another method which i more elegant 220 ICh.5]_TheDetinte lateral Let P ie salaey’~*, ofA)" = 6}, bea partition orn = C)* wate a a, alae), alae, “pubdivided ave fay a 8c, any a)*), «fata a a)") Taking, se the lft endyoint of cach eabinterval, wohave separ Sold Pete sd ive ate ont hoy eae atte st 2 en eae A Nos Gales Oe ees gers ees 5 ne) nom se= (Ve matin} ie, wage Hence (1) becomes sir,ri=(m2)-(252) ae Taw gst [tae Due me i) a Sone Bi Seas ee eee (cea Fauci usienasleeamenla, wines SU, f) = SP, 7) = sea? + hela tel Aviat ho) + Alon -1) A} AvlnatsSade(142 4°. + (nal) + Attar 4 Gy") Sie ae (aa4 Sat 2a, 5] be Exercise Sei 5.1224 GaP n-ne ae é ae ORE -yne -ve-wsuicat (i 22" (Dod) Mainginans s0mnin-ison ne slim, 97,7) = fae 22-0 yb oF ft d= ib e)a? + ofb a? 1 @ sa 1 ‘areas @ Exercise Set 5.1 2a3 oe 2} The Defiake integrs + in Eee Riegel season Stee acer Juneaem ym, fae am [ono olor?! 4) ng whe = tx loose eos (@ + Ga) = ense — oem = tim Ye Ente—aS=D te “ar ‘ Vern-De Joint x ds = tim S2Bcfn mumeraes * 428 Sum ofn denominators ie = Im, aS The kg a edi ech sintorval to, weave Pe Se. = SC sn?) = ax fbin’a = sina + asptsinPla + BAD tact sinks +n =D A] Goan epe) o gae(b ghee) Ha teers ppereiO et cme pe melente Leal n ann tees s wm an[S+ b+ J. terms] lense + ooo Bo + 280) 44 ea Be + 8s) 4 4 2a 4 n—2) Ae ties leet [258] =20fa4¥=3-Ya)~20/8-Va) eae elem a+ 1-100 sim de oe ana = BBE A Hsin Ga + Gn ~ 1) Ash sin Ba 30] ‘Then taking left endpoint of each subinterval as ¢, = 5 cs hie Hfein(20 + ann $=4} sn aa an] 8 Pysing = cx (sina + sin(a-+ Ad + in a+ 2a) + eres as pe ae a a Fait te =P! 1 Ein Ga 24-2) sn 2a __ snes tae) an u aoe {rom Trignometey) B58 [sik 2b ~ sn 2a Jones Wonme, (7, =8 Py sesh a helcoch et cosh (a Ae) + cosh (@42e)+.tonsh (a(n) da) — rea A eT) Seaacara: a Sect se =A = i grag lh hy = Bagardtins seine paces nemimy Le =| ee 0-28-90. Takinglimiteas S20, wet ead p Soran sax = Wocutcivide [0,3] inion subintervals cach tlengthar = Then S./)= 57,08 = [6080 + cos tx + cos ZA +. + oon ~ 1) Aa] ‘hers, has been taken as eft endpoint ofeach subinerval Exercise Set $1225 eae, tmen(l-g}i-angos Determine the limit of each of the following as n > © (Problems 9- 15): Fey ash 80 1 meitaeitaes* “tate Sol. ‘Tha given limit is Sot Fe a nie ee ete eP eee tao Sol. The given limit is i Me Gaik eae * ant Bol. ‘Phe given imi io lia ae 1 Naas 4 ENT erBs rm ‘The given itis 226 _[Ch.§]_The Definite Integral Rxercie Set5.2_227 aga) sa a Peyton» [aes i z 2 (pee ea arhre tae Foy=ta(s2}eda(a eZ) dua(is3) sba(i-Ba A Atolery) Sayan Gab 2 -[Ponvoa- fed 4 Je nya th chee aed 2 ‘Thus, lim y=: as Exercise Set 5.2 (Pago 181) Bvaluate the following integealo (Probleme 1-11): fe ite<2 mint one Teams Ibert at Dosw ~ sue fowl 2- aft ~arvtan 1) e 2 © x ate Sol. ffade= fon ds + Jfarde ~ Set dx + Seex-Dde fe. [Fat-fommeo Pa =Biar-2=8s40= 228 [Ch. 5] _ The Defiate Integral 2. fe-tlde Sol. Jie 2 oe Jie alare fe | ate + fee tides fe-nde a Shesele Sol. Sicasside ieee de Fete a" - Jowsans frond = [ein s1 (2+ Lond =F) (an so-oe (ae) ira 4 for tea 1 ve _ 2 2 Set. food *\ ede feos! de + food"*™ (a2) de, win 38 Fabia amie Exeroke Set52_229 = Sood ae feats da aoe ast = cal 2p T= foot * de = food (2-2) ce by Theorem 59 Se nee ee or 2-04 1-0 Bie ans chs poe a When £0, 2=Oanduhons =3,, Then (ext ede, ea (ead 5 F = inlle son atl, [Zin +2)] eon oon 9 1a ne ica Hoss rc ef 230 _ICh.s}_The Definite integral ere) pal ee | ie Z met SS aaa uae 1 xiao fortes memo pean ; : ey asa Se eg se 2 frst “peg lees taeel i-9) 345) Pe hi bice nHfooetf el Gea Sein tk ee Soe 8 ftansintanesds 1 oe foren pa) Sol. T= Poneintinnicte= fans ade * i eS sat 1 jn When e=0,2=1 andwhenr=J,2=0.Then : ‘ ey 1 = ferctan 20-21 a, by Theorem 68 eg Joon i or W=0 ie, I=0 i ote See DerD* Z32_|Ch.5]_The Definite Integr a sa ut I= fapectera® ‘Then De Behe amen ameseas yn a ° tle Now puting s = Te, de= tin J wobave [sept Jernccicsn pa-peren ee lata Sara by Theorem 8:7 ioe mee aa iv reran te PHD GD GED: jemtiee iia de=0 xsine Sot By (GO,wenave T= [ASE Ede = 233 Exercise Sot. f Treaty fae Te estz [esate feet ips yi that Bom 4 —_ ar porn er lant wa i» Bit sient) enby that deny F=2y=4andvhenz 43-2 eS eee od a fs Laas eer sin Ey dy ine de fin@-y) +fin@ay) J Vin@-s) + VnGr5 2 ‘Aang (1) and , we get nO-d + Vinge o- RGSS « ne ee ee Exercise Set5.2__ 235. (asim Me \icers cae pe faite fats a fecteneta a Si-de= [a], =4-9-2 @ I-21 In Problems 12-26, show that: 2 Tnemoseo Sal Fotos fn (2)ar= ‘ints ae ‘Poconos fattioe = [olin 2) je tin (oot) de a fea ors fin eae 13, fain 2einana) de =0 . i T+2~ ite alice seid eee me sat Panzememnae= ot iam (E Jee S 2 ms tone-i on ta 1 ihe lag ta = fee ” ze (rata f ae =~ fain ax intan rd Jey 2 Join etn tan dx = 0 oie cute See 236 (Ch. 5)_‘The Definite Integral Naeem - eee Praoty 5 Hence 1=-3 uA eggncten Sol. lat 1= Gn'rtetn [de ue [Sarton = [imran AE ees gee IF fine 4 Fyne i (Seat rash F=f linien inten] Br sin feos sind + sind Bos 4 egeet Aten gg a singess $f Wo sin §-sing Bxerelse Se.5.2_237 ae B + eae 4 Veet BL ae _ 4, oenaen “BP ob ae we t=. he apn oF + af in i+ 0 ~ Bn yoey-4 Hono 7= Pin 852) = ein +1 Be [eee Bol Let = [7 =2E—. Then by Phoovein 59,8 have fae fee = [ikon Sree Ba fe if hie [rte afrcleainmeene st e zt ercne by Theorem 59) eae 238 _{Ch.5]_‘The Definite Inegral ae de rs ia ~ fingraensd?=- Pisa Bete Sincos 040 ” =2frpteeden 2 ” 2 ‘finan oa fincon(§- Jao cof whene=00=0 5 fpaseose-Fu0) = 2[tane] = 2-0-2 fl, Ley T= fe insins dx = flex) nan (=~ de > ° we [bev rine 2 Je-ainsineds= Jrinsinsde- fe ninzds a= frinansdr =x finsines = 2 fimdin ds by Thoorem 5110 ail wae -$na)-2:cnmio=rthh P Bat 5 et = 2fo-insin gl . eae 12 * ‘In (1 +x), 0-2 Pisin 040 (:fe foo ig pave [-Zin2) = xin2, (see Kxample 9) Tinga (ins) - was r= [Poe Pat x=tan 0 sothat c= seo! 940 Whene =D, 620 and when =1,6= 4 19, “Jin (ian 6+ cot 9.40 nla2 Sa, tet T= fintan os corao= fin (S08 + 240 Te Definite Integr te fe tan ot gag= {fina+ em owe 2 Ace jo meaca io - ‘ofr tetmg j20= ‘olirctecae a a = Sado. fina sun oae or afin rtm 940m wife d0= In 2 (A= Eine or t= find +t0n920~ Zins o foreman) hs finzooer yf geo 2 fos + sine Sol 1= fin in ine) de « = Sin Vi- cots sinxae Put emcees sotlaty des sine de hen ¢=0, 2= 1 and when x= 3, 2=0-Then infer d=} fintd-2) de fusineds _ forcmsints=2) ce Bol. tet t= [Tans =) 1 tsntes) - vege frat fete Seay lee ane 242 _{Ch.§|_The Definite Integral oS(-Tem)# Soests (see aneeo-n fre =P h2 foes TE <2 by Prtion 7 Exercise Set 5.2243, Nd re rca an fates of é ‘Now we put tan £= £80 that sete dé = Jareieaciga ed ine = eg When Oot ondwhene= J, t= 1. T+ Tae lene = iat ins 2 ie A). 2[z_4 1 Spl sion act] fede rd 27. at fund be integrable om ob ard suppoos that FG) F@)2F ta) Therefore, Jtoe=Fw-Fero Now Sie te)-/elde = (Gi) Fey = 9@-6 a) -Fe@} Se tsds~ Spode But g(2)-70)>0.Tharcters, Slae)-fonds = fete as fraiaezo = Spears feta © Sos <5q_, <5, = 6) be partition of lab] 66) on (a,b), we have (8) Sg (2) onseach subinterval stn £116) a5.5 8, a6). «A, ° ‘ Tubing Us as >, IPY-»0,we gst JP) des fit ex. 1 fora Bal fore Lent Exercise Set$.3 245 Exercise Set 5.3 (Page 189) a fing improper integral Determine whether the following improp. converge. Evaluate the intograls that converge (Problems 1-33): +1 ‘Thorton, foe = jim fede 4 = Jim (7 + 1) = 1 and the given integral converges, a Fersinaas Bol, fein dx = €* (-cosx) - fi-cos) (2) de =-e7 cosz— Se erszdx cone [e* (sn 2) = J sin x (eds = 6% con -¢7 cine fo*sinx de Pach fe4 ga oS ine +e) wot Jrana ae jn jr wie (Seon > | mise] ee oi arnicvews ts Tee 240_[Ch.5]_The Definite Integral Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. hs sae fits = im (even = fm ote =n, aan i She rt nig eng Jemcos ted ° Jie cos Beco = [2 em e+ 2 sn 2), by eve 18 Page Hence fo cond as = hm fo conte de et oa Tecra ie ee Da eee || : 1 =}. ince im em J = "Thusthe given integral converges Faso : Jacana te laa) saa [ttgecyl-t ‘Thus the piven integral converge. Seas eae ‘Thus he given intogral converges. % yercise Set 5.3 _ 241 ee fe nom f=, [pe tah Sere ieee fat Rhee sheen atin NFHS Sin, [Gg te [Sows fetes Exercise SetS3_ 249 249 _|Ch.5]_The Definite Ioiegral a Vas heas)e se J. op tsar a neaeneting Pi. ie m [ato [fs lets wm [ation ae fia tal ee fs Sines ya) 12m a Vee i Laan tener P wo ho pa at r tt fafp the meanmemnne a fos "Thus the given integral converges n fe ; ales: fi Hol Jeee- 250'_ICh. 3} _ ‘The Definite Integral ae once the given inearal diverges. Ms face Exercise Sets.3_251 -bel.+ mel wg [Be* Scot, Bo) i =-$40-3 Hersce the given intogral eonverges, E » jf { dx ae sa. [Pao an ce 2 pee temas eames ee ms jeje [Ben IE ft ee = fig. Doel + ie unt Buon te tae it item oth genera var sat, etinzés= (ig Fear Ss Now fanadewcnn®- [fda as 12 lef ap lG-E- Jexiias- avaia* lease mam (mea eet) as ae which int finite os fattice ee om fetes tp fase toned ig (2 VTS = ty COTE al = "Thusthe given integral converges. » [Sapir 2, i) = ry (1-4) vm te, t mo+z) Hoan | MPa wae acto dew see?d0 Whoa ~ 0, 0 Dand 9= arctan t when == ¢ nose), sow fee fst Exercise Set 5.3__ 253 2 um Fin tos nao =-afinoroae= = ma2. ‘Thus the given integral converges, 1) oy ae a ade Jarnars* hs os wnlaveass te fw e ‘To eval ie Ht py Novas = tan dso tate mead Whon = 0, 0= 0 and 0 arctan t when x ae Greate Jarman ° a mot ows ES in farses 2 ~ [asbtoapee- uae ses 5255, le, 1=J and the given imesral converges. ee (at ga (am! ° iw (aoe BF occtd |= FF tanta bY Face e i om i Jive* suns FS eookat gfe mele an fits To evaluate [> ae, wopute'~ssothatet de = de. * Whon e920 1 and end when == tots alS-E)-a oe itil corer fee ay fees taf fomeanoa Now bite eee Eee ‘Thus the given integral converses, % [oer = hy Sew 7 ins) d= in coo "Y" - mG] ‘ ae la errr tar Bol a1, g 5 -+ Owheat> F "*. Thus tho given integral converges, Sorte JS state ‘Thuathe gies ea comer, ints rere Jive + leatae Now [rata $e) Pht mets aL ~Hlirded-4)- =e The given integral cover gs. 29, - BxereiseSet $3257 ‘Thay hegre integral cers 258 _{Ch.$1_the Detinite integral Pr a [Eaten (ition =2 on featen -2f-Be-atlestioanaeen Jeera im Oo + oh = =iahn(E = eee ». fea = (Lae tm, (8 surf eee tp eee 1 T= jim, BS], = ig, 20%) = 2¢-2= 26-1) “Thus he gen intra convergex « [he 2 Sa ES hada ret BxerciveSet 5.3 _ 250 Je-emeaea)* = [t-sea sata) * ee Sd wn ES aM F mints St etn BE ae 1 1 ase a1 —Linjs1] + Pinte ett) - arctan 2D and Fen eBid Gln t-pain 2 Talis (edness dtaut evn dent et ttc te oat thar ‘WD Doe te foes wea inpatient Bi, mee itow at, Wo t= fie“ae jin fire-ax Integrating J x" e* dx by tarts, we have Satetits asta Seer ni dee Ean feeds Mow 1,=m[-Ga ferrera] en jim foe de + tin| fon fore as 260 Sot, 1Cb.5) ‘The Definite tntegral “Applying U Hospital rule saccossvaly, we brow an[-6) tin an Bley Ornigaal, ‘Continuing inthis way. 1, n-D1, j= Seotde by Preble 30. Hence, 1, = n= I)(0=2)..f, where =na-Din~2..1= a! Hvalete fel ds, where el dnote the greasing les than eroqual tes. ‘Tho Function xis defined aa under Gist if t2e<2 2 if 2 Jam @-n-2@- AP a2) -s¢ a)" oD? 28 aay? — (tie (oP?) -a0" (2) = h- Vex? (o? 27)" - (14 812" P=? as Pa ha (nt) a? faa? 2) defn 2) [aa 0?) de or in + 2) Si* (a? 23)!" de wena) ota)" + (a-ha? fart? a? 2)" ae oe That, 1, ae Fats Hence Dre: a fe a? 2)" ex a beh Fu) SS 2 [ 4S axesin @ A Provo that fa" Gna de == OBA" A fam day H ae ene cella (Ser doaiax GH) [oP tna Hot. fu Ons) ds = Ona 25 - ES aK Anermsng prt «Cnet on fmt Nae o Suen (Ch. 5] Potting Set Gna) de= 3 2 a fer aaat ae ons? tga 2 ot Epon Wet maT Senza] Stdngt attldt eg fot fz edits met? * ime vl? med Sine on Sanz? Sing 6 as mtit aaa (8) sein Gon voce, Fer aner a fet onstae at 4, Theta ao1 Da Taye bey Lg =; maT Yipee we nt 1 = SDP 2. Pron tt Secor xsin nx dx ; fhe 2 Scr"! xsintn- Dade % Hones ovaluste food? xein Sede Sol. -{eosssin as dx noe) faecal ByereiseSetS4_277, ‘esinxensnrds o sane fe ‘Since sin (nD x= in ax ecm cos nx sine, wehave cos nx sins = sin a coax ain fa Dx. Putting this value ofeos nx sn. into (0), we get Soot” = sins de = 22" zeea =B feos" x [sins cosxe—sin n~ 1) a} de 4% feos" sin nD ede ‘ranepsition yoke (1+!) feo! sin rede SCRA agg tanintn tlds oe Jeo xsinnede aig eot twain Dede aan Si food tein tn tlds in the abore formula me have 2 1 Ee pak Jee? scingede= ety Fag [oan teak 2} 8 Toteonrteane Posten trac hy rho fowtssneae 278 _{Ch.5]_The Definite Integral CET LaLa : 30, Pind arecktion formula for ie Yat she re Sol, Wecornect te given integral with == Geen eral tee snes P oat2 Gc? + Bhs ee) aa) Ga + ahs rg! ae vitae 8 Boye? (o2 + the + 9 ae Bax! + 2h +e (=U? @? + 2x +) +2" +0) + Var +2 be Dar" 4 Daa co) 4 oo 4 et fas + 2b +6 anz* b@a-y2"" ein-1y* Vlaz + toe +6” Now +m re * Now’ + abe +e Investing we obtain Pee Eason | pm ae [Siu Dat} soe 4, 0 Netra seer «oe tera ee est aie re ei Exercise Set 5.5279 Exercise Set 5.5. (Page 211) In each of Problems (1 - 12), use the trapezoidal rule to ‘approximate the given integral: Ind with a=3 “Bol. Hc length of sch subintervals 47 = 1, The interval 1, 4) partitioned into subintervals bythe pints Hal m= 2 78, 2 ‘The corresponding function values areas uncer: a |e | fe) 0 x 1 1 2] 1 2 a | $ i 3 4 i Sutattngino ete fe. SSbosaeseaG)eatatdeae neat 14583 By calelator, In4= 1.3883, with n=4 ot Laut eae substation = 7 The interval, fs pation bythe pints hoo, x2, 5 Pla) = os 0= 1,76) = rie ie | Bast = 0.2618 (0.75 + 2.5991) sosett Byatt wages =f[om+ 4 3. fe*de with n=a Sol. Length efaachsubinier ‘Teatro 2c pened ibn pola 50. % wya8, a=? fs) = Lf a) = 6M 07788, Fe) = 6 = 0867 Fo) = 6% = 0.1064, Fis) =e = 0.0169 i Jor asn®1h cy 40277604 09670 + 0.1064 + 20 1830)] 7117613) ~ 9307~ 0.99 4 Stee with “Sol. Length of sbinteeval = Points of te partitions are 3 M7 7B Hed a5, 2, ad e=k, I Length ofench interval = 259 = 2 fedet[Bpeg +70) +16)+ Fre] ede with n=6 Length of cech aubinteral = Z Foints ofthe partition of (0, are %=0 4% Pq) 0, Fea) = foo- 8, fb) Frontend Pei Sabet | G04 ~-(22)- e108 oen29)- 19681 B aes an : Da Pinte of eubaivision of (0,2) are a 4a $y A043. 2 fobigedfion 83-28] Hiossnasiso105:0.007 + oosssa =! 1m 1.0305 ie ee dra] H3@+A+ S437 EQ) erve) ul TER NB he sb va] 3 omwosocoiososiierstesio267 =H 0005 oe 8 fie + nae with nas Sol. Length cfeuth abner «22 Batabano ean 5 RRR RAO ad gee : L Jee sve [ aia+rcn +o) + My +470] 1 Hoiiitiiar ee wie al Sol. Langth of sack ebinterval = 2 Points of subdivision of, 5] aro Fob a -2 yH8, & 1 Exercise SAES 202 [¥-frosrassosro+tro] : Lag sodideded 0.500 +0250 + 03112 + 00025 + oamn = 0.9483 Serae wih aes 1-0 Bol. Length of-achsubntarval =" 1 Ponctonbvion of 10, 1a 1 Aa ad F978 Gm G) AD AG: Tem: Zo Jers dltrs 18) 18) 1Q)ai8) 8) +370] Ty i (30) + cakes rabre + rear ree +3] eee coe aasieacnar ac 1 x01 fp fone sass) with Sinzde 1 TLangth of ech sutinterval = 2 * Points of bdivision of 2) are & Ble 7 MO AE BA ERd AA Hinsatee{[brov +10) +1) Qe ar) 1 fina +ina.29 sas) +ie.m9 dus] 1 } fbn -azs. +040 +0500 + joc] MBE ern 284 _1Ch,5]_The Definite Integral (vst Jiesde~ina-1 ntti = se) 2 fopbge nena Sol. Length ofeach sbintorval = 2 Points of subdivision of 0, 2) are 1 =O 5-2) Lx Ie take) [J+ eons ean oss Soars] 288 = Lat ‘ore: [L, 948 | Nc Jae In 5-+ 2) n.2951 «4456 | 12. Use Simpsons rile to approximate the integrals of Problems 3,4 30,11 and 1, Sol. @) Sera wth na Berries nino} Va i es win foes 2=8 Ser ecx F230 + 4007756) + 2067) + 4101055 + 00185) 20 91m +0708 vada + oot 2 can 0.519 farnt=2x () f2den$ B10 + 4095) 204 6229420 +4695 BrerelseSet 65 _286 T2@)+ 40295) + 161 28 Ay saiss erm sir esig=i csi ») Se* dx with n=6 i : eee Jorerel=2n +40 eon 20769 4405169 E +2 (0.5134) + 4 (0.4046) + 0.9570) : Atusssoweiaser2siornerimuvaaemepaism cosa : (at) nade a f dda + 55) + KO + 0.6933) [nen }atio soz ena + at oc) ; 2 pseu somne + 2208+ ese = Riess 03562 fa witha =4 eae By Szapon's rule te given integral O15 4 ao.9ten + 200.071) + 40.5547) + 044721 fares [14 8.77784 14142 + 22188 + 0.4472) = 568878) G = 1.4703 j Find a bound on the error in approximating the given G) the trapezoidal rele’ (i) Simpson’s rule. 286_[Ch.5]_The Definite Int Exercise Set 85 _287 > © Bere fe) =P. fa) = 56, fr 1a)= 62, Fe) = Now max |f" a ‘asimum value If = 20.05 Masimam error = ©= 25M mene | 27166 _ $0 ia? = aig? 12S T0D (ii) FerSimpson'srue, A= max. [769] ‘max. [19¢e] on (-1,2) 250 ‘Maximum ecror = Vie attained at = 2 and the rn (NED a SOU Ge eee a (Ol = ale aaa Mo -08 _ a40558 180s" 160.510 2u0xes 394 = T0-<10c05 ~ Foonp = ¢-0824 Bova Fy~ 007125 it 4" 2x8 e ae ‘max. 105, 2 108: Mm nae 1 = Pion fae Gao -a)* Bol with 2210 Be eset gonna a = Ter 180s 66x BET TaD TR 00 eal With n = 8nd the area under tho semicr y = te eee parma Rowman, I/"65[ = ane! 2! 22 9n/3) Rogue ar : . Ae fea Maxirmuni error = 2 : Fee reasoner = 26 neh Bae a 1 7000 03898 (i) Max. 17'*¢0)) — man i [3] — 2 on.) Masimam enor -MO=0 _ 2he 186m! ~ 1803107 Buse 4 TB » 10000 = 15 (0964) ~ 00043 ‘aber, fey “AA ae 1e)=100)=2, te) =;(3) = 19985 fe)=ra)—1e, fey = {Q)= 0 169) =12)=0 By thetrapezcidal rule Asdflorisisrateimsaewen navn] + 41110680) = 6.9035 (0 BySimoson'srle, Axfl0+ 4c.sm29 + 2178004 61.988 $20) + 4.0069 + 20.788) + ACLs mG [b.2916+5.4642+7 7060444774504. A425. 2916]= 970058 weer tin) ara ies 0 rothnt de= 2008000 0 inion s=2, on F 2'f Coes 6)2.08 940 = 8 feos%o do ws fleeing.” ={G+0)-0]-0(2)-2e-z0.09-azsse 38 Avaingo! te vi ta dip warm wey gtr aren in below: : T]iye ETs]z toe cours).o 1 FT FT a] EUR Z [2 Vetocity oie cmpn ie6|243| 212] 05] s0.|2nalia| 16] 6 Estimate the distance wavelled by the ins ip diving the Dhoar evi Exercise SetS'5_ 260 ial anes traveled by the dip during te @hour period le ; Jowa : Wo opposite i ingabyt trepcda Horo length of each subintervals 25° = 1 - the points of “wubyivision end the corresponding values are es inthe table above Subotituting into tho trapezoidal ral, we have : 1 foo Joep siouerossses +262 +18 +16 +30] Re ar nmisaiaay 1800+ 1609+400]=4 (21138) = S2007s e204 ‘The tol distance travelld by the ship ~ 5254 rails. PLANE CURVES -! Exercise Set 6.1 (Page 234) Examine whether cach of tho given equations represents Examine Sut noe. If so, find the equation of each stralght {ine (Problems 1~5): 7 Oy 8-15-12 =0 Ob OK = 8 5= 4 3 FY -sccos soe = 180-1509 ence the given equation represents to stright Hines. Oxy + 8: My 12 ~ 0, my bowntir as Bey Sy += oe Gr DGy +920 ‘Thus 263 = 0 5 +4 =O aso the lines reproented ty the given equation. © Pay toe ty+2=0. 1 a3 a-2+3+be-2+220 “Thas ibe gven equation reprocante two straight lines. ‘Now to obtain an equation of ench lin, we solve the given equation fas acquedraticinx, The equation may be written as 22+ (S—ne+ @-3y) = 0 E 291 ~ SD ee gy o29 49 4 = sSeyt8 yopeyeg ya re z Equations ofthe tines are 2oyt1=0 and 2+9=9 a eae erie te! Sol, Hore a = 6,5 ILS = 5,6 =-3, Se ne 9 2162118 asrconrcaflh 1-605 0.26 e95 iv 28 M4 995-150 +363 + 578 Thus the given equation repressete ‘maybe wetten ap My = 241-32 «Ty 9) 12 2 <1) 2 i84 + 9 a STS VG + 9S Tay =U) + Ba ay HG ? = C2eImsay-29 TO gy Zax Eouations ofthe lines are 5 329 29) 2) 0x15) 1060 + 5356 266 + 420511109 + an NED pg, = Ne oo ai aor tsin Tw gen fem be written 38 Ai? = (iy + 29+ Loy? + say +20) =0 ExercieSet6.1 93 726-1708: 49) + Viaiy + 29)" — a0 + ye BD, 20 (Sy 62+ GES eRe CRT BOOT te Hs iy + 29) ef Bay FT Oy 4 903 21 + 1 i 20 i a Bye tT brat uations ofthe lines are Br-8y-3=0 and 52 +y-7=0 Bi? Tiy? ay + 18 + Oty = 0 Mee ee eee? nd che + 2fph - af? dg" —ch* Boece oe ey ciere Gx + (-y + 16ix + (-15y" + 245) 2116 -y) +6 y= BH 1B? FH) 1% =19) 4/2 IT ity : ie (0 =16) 2/5617 008) F288 _ 16) ¥\10)—16 ie £ BR 2y-92 1 ek sy ag ria Hee Fo ga ons tthe lines are be fy+8=0 and Bs dy 9) For whit value of 2 wilt each of the followings eq) «lions veprescnt apair of strait Fins? (Problems 68) wt iy +18 +a -1y~S |) Hers gh 3,5 a Pau 294 1. 1h. ¢)_vlane Curves or 4-80-88) + 505 +20) or -1007+175 +2520 or -1002=-200 te, day 4 ey #220 asa doe 8 a Sol. Hera =0,b=0,4=4,¢=8,F=$,0=2, La) representatwo straight lines it 5 e or 2a ie, A=0, 1a tienes (represents picts if = 12 4st 92.94 Dx 1hy = 29422. ‘The given equation can he writen at et 2-208 + De 18)— Hore a= 4,0=-9,% (1) wil represent a pair of inca if 4 0-842) 0 48 8+) -9 -129+ 20) ee M9294 22) -0%5)- GH DD-C H+ MLO or 861204 22) + 94 22 or 804814614 2 4 16 or £4014 U6 = Thus 4-12 040 +24) + (84% (23420 ng = 8+ Df = =o “ u+we=0 o tho given equation ielinoar end represents straight Hoe ° 2, Sal. Sol. 14 Bol, Exercise Set61_205 Find the angle between each of the following pairs of lines (Problem 9~ 13): 32 =2yy tan 0-32 = Hore a = 1,b =—Lov that 43 "Thus the two lines are perpendicular. Sb ty = 0 ; 2 Hore a= 3,8 = 2,403 fe alam 7-32 23 ore 7 See a2 Ths 6243" 12+ yyy = 0 Here a= 1i,h= 88 0 pe oe Hence 9= 60° ee eae Thus o= 45° ‘Show that 16x ~ Gr +. — 8 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines, Also prove that this together with the eaordiaste axes form a rectangle cna find the area enclooed hy the rectangle, My te B30 a Hore a= 0, | f= 4,0 = 3,20 Tne (1) repeesonts a par of stesight Tinos 16 (Chie rwis coneit Baeceise Set 6l_297 (ean be written as 2xGy -3) + 1. @y-8)=0 = Gre HiGy-9) i.e, equations oflines aro Qe +1= 0 @ 9-0 @ ‘Asa +b = 0, so those lines are perpendienar. Simuicumra masta Ka acl a a bn econ (ott pn web Ghee vz a ISeae we Hille ye +9) (6) perpendiculat tothe y-axis and cute tat Bf ‘Thas these lines together with ‘Analyze and graph the conic represented by each of the the coordinates exe form a following equations (Problems 16-25) tied tebe Tet be tbe pein tat erie intersection of 2) and (3). eee we baie tye Then Cis(~ oe Fty-1=-Ag Asin savaring we oan a2 + Bay + y'—Bx— dy + 1 = day Area of rectangle AOBC or day ty? Bey 41 = 0 a Hore ¢ =1=banda-b= 0,2029= 9° > ‘To remove the produc: term ay, we rotate the axes through an ne of 45. Fquationsf transfermation ae pe: .ety ane =e ee: or Yt = Dx i i y=? (e-ae) . or Y= VE Xwherey’ ‘Thns the required area is square it. é Show tht en equation of he retanguarhypeiia # —# refered tots asymptotes as axes sry Baquation ofthe asymptotes of the hyperbola Boget ® : at his represntea parabola ie, tay=0 snd x4; are totes of (1) n¥=0 = y'- 022 or ey = = Dare esr MidnY=0 = y= 02 IE =0 oc ay =0 These are the new axes. The limex—y ory = x makes an-angle of 49° with be seanls, Therefore the new axos are cbiained by rotating the original axes Unrough an angle of 45% Equations of transformation are ay en 5! —y%cos 46? y= sings? + y"co8 45° roam xB 4-0 bay xe eee i NE NE Pa and y= 0 a, Sol. ; A peser este Vertex: X=0, ¥=0 co ogy ay oe ONE, ‘These equations yields =2,y = 4 In order to eliminate the xy term, let the axes san angle Gwlere Hare 0 -5 = 0, therefore 26=/90° Buotions of teenaformatien are 08 45°~y’sin 45° = 2a" ysin ay Y=Y in 46 + yeas gee = EY ve ‘Substituting into (1), we have oa te, eH hich ig standard form of « rectangular hyperbola, Is ventre 's 0,te, = 0 = xeosatp +ysin 45° and y'=0 > coast tysindge= ; Urea eer ere > 648" eo Sd Susy aerate oy Exercise S61 299 3 Tus the entre of 1s ‘Boling the equations, wo mtx = 0, (0,0) referred toxy-eyeter. Vortioors s7= fF, y'=0 te, 4E sy a Setyesne SEs ety20 Baivng 2¢3=2 : mo ety 0, Megts 1,7 -1 Solving + fn ory 20 weet po Ma vertices tr (1) ed (1,1 Inthe ginal atm fs Ttton othe favre as i Fe cpettn ntti apeyiteais 222 og @ Dor eis y'=0 ant x'=y'= 0 sroanymtotes referred othe rotted chrough Oy oiee a ee ee and E20 3 wo Thisy =0 and 2 = 0 areacrmpttes inthe seem Bees or sco bs soe Woy tra73-0 a Sol. Hore « = 0.= b so the ates should be rotmed through an angle of| 46° to eliminate de products term2y. EE p22 woth equation ensomation Suaiuengint robe Ba act et eee Na Na” a" Ao oe Ry tT aah BEY) le, ty? -yPar aft y+ 6~0 or (et fixed) Gee aliy +S)=-6-1 300 {Ch 6] _Plane Curves E = eehe-a) ® 4 et eae, vay! Eso sta becomes o oe abe 2-1 tiais recent patel with tenor on end eogats ais Y= 0. Set rk pan eao ma y'e Bae eee a ee Seek eae hae Contre The pink ot terection sft (2, -D, te, the centre ofthe cone is (2, =1 Vertices: Vi6.X=0 fe espa VO op oP ye Nae ee aa ety +9 ¢VI0xy2-= 2 2V8 Aang Uc ebercctsts woes 1-30 eae We y=-1+ 6 , thenx=t-y = 141-\5 = 2-16 and -ety+3 = 0s r NB, then +1+\5 2+ V8 "Thus the versias are NB, 148), 2+ V5, Asymptctes: ¥2—2 = 0 © Y-My+D=0 e eves dea) a ene are fe-? <> Bet 4-0 ar 220 Pg) ae Enorcise Set 61 Bere Re eno mee eegeetice “Whasx-2-0 and y+ 1=0 aroacymptotes. Th aph tho emi sas shown abo. fatty + 2-12=0 a Since ¢—b = § 6 =O, the asas are to be rotated through an il fo ror thy erm ie aera le eR) -12=0 Stayt my) 4 79+ Sgt y+ ary) 19-0 Bete gytzt4 ted = ett yt oe TE EH 1 which con lies 0 te, MBFeoory Minormsig, s'=0 te, SBP=0 ory= ani =, 9°=0 Major avis: Exercise Set 61 _305 304 {Chg} Plane Curves ; = cu a L a ee eo wsie0 ayt-ae+220 or y2=Ae-3) Y= 2%, where ¥= 5X ~x'-$ Tie oa parabola Hea a Yat a yao ne 7-8 fe, r= pyy'= Olna’ysstem i “ftowtr-0 a) e Bsytind 5) lore ola ‘Sclving the equations, we wey wae (vba ‘The graph of the curve is at chown above. 21, aay ty? -VBe-ay +20 o * “a ie CH) CRT 6. (ab ~ AP = 0, Thus (3) represents a parabola 306, Plane Curves 1 aect a Gand soain 9= cos 9m 5 Eqvations of transformation are x5 veo 9-y'sin 9= ES Susttting tn, weave Beara Baer ay ters a +38 ee, eters Sy ~Bareyizo (OL + 288 + 256) + (144-208 4 148}y 4-16 ~168 + 9B “abe + 39) =0 =0 or aR =¥yr4 4) @ Xtasvwexer-2Y0y's$ AxiaX=0 or 3/~2inthoxy‘cyatom or Se4 dy = 10in thesy.aystem row (9 Jnanramim ie. e2e0.rd je, 28 arg" of = 2y'=~pinthexy apie eed) > &Fy=0 3 35. pin thesy-system Vu) 3 5 Salving these equations, we gety = $= § oma 23022 28d ery Exercise 50} $1 Pies i Dunioenn | ee « (3) Seg ory aio, sty bes aa eter 3 Wing these equations, we get 3 = 40% Broce (, fiat ree Fete ate cc thows sre 4 Bixy + 1)? -11= 0 a pearenen pegeo-a0<0 Monee the calc a eiped r ok 2tand 6. wn 26= 75 = 2-10 tant -8 Stan#9-Btan 0-3= 0 Vere 1 oe tan = SENET SB We tone seh tha tan 0= 9 ‘therefore, sin = ake ands = 84 io Substituting for, into a), wetare ay ae ae) ae —0 Be ete dac Bede @ teteye eo ue, Tee ‘The major axls ofthe allinge lias ang the y-enis Contre: x'= 0, 3’= 0 ie, 2+ a= 0 and Se 45/0 which give += 0) y= 0 Foci = and fy +y= F109 ‘Solving the above eqsations, weet BD and (8 esta, Major axis: 2/= 0, ie, xt ay=0 Minor axl: 9’= 0, ie, Be-y-0 Vetricos: A’= (0,-fil),a “To find A, we have (0.YD in tho’yeyatem oA 0 and EP Vi inthe maton veicncve a= (34/2. ft) Simon. 3? + y= 0 and “E25 Tin themyaytam 1 take tan 9=} 40 that sn son ncaa Pee ‘Tynnaforred equation () a (iso fee ( ie where Xex'$ Vey 1 ‘Phiaisa pnsabola Vortex: X= 0, 1 4 je, erye on Fe tye Solving these equations, wo havex = 22, = =8 en 2k yn Axis ¥=0 BE) Yeo 5 yt1e a is le, 24m =-WE inthexgntom — * Focus: X=-2, 700 28, D ‘Sol. be TO Ten o™ or tan? 9-7tan 0-12=0 ton gn EVGEETE 74054 0 oe Wetake tan 9= $0 thar sin = 4 Equations of tranformation ero weg ar ay! reais Sutoteutingino (, we get ofS) a (GH) (tec Exercise Set 02 _ 314 Td 268, Ld), 288 , 81) we (ib Beas (8 +) 4 (60~ 16nie + 80-120) + 100 ~ 0 for By’ = 100-2003" + 100-0 for 2ie%= 200y’= 100% 1) or y= y+ 36= Aix 1) = 16 4G"+9) hun, 0s vores inthe fete i =a oe EEN ge ter mw be t= Prec Y-0, 2-3 Bole: 2 “ay sas oon ee fa, 62,4) inten te, (2.9) tearertem Exercise Set 6.2 (Page 245) Find equations of tangent and normal to each of the following curves at the indicated point (Problems 1 - 4): Die pen foto porting wrt z we have ay ee ay Be (Ba ay = B= tobi me ec ne anes 6-2 Slope ofthe normal a (a, 20) Plane Curves Exercise Set62_313 cee Pete aes iee ae Now Ho act 98 ont L= 29-2 Sian a ae Y-CR\=1G-a) a yt lanza B--30 mya oes Z se +3) @, wie ay 2)" yeh a9 Bg eo a6 heyn0 oe Bed (@ any on ES) Petes (68) 95-06-93) Beea eo eiyc19-0 e eo Sepect te vcr (2,8) ~ 3 Be cams Ne ede weed oe ric a pata (2) Bo ? « PG-9-6-@) spy-92-2+@ oe x+ph=2p Equation ofthe normals et py-e= p'x-op' or p'x—py = o(pt-1) 24+ P-a=0 azn Ptat-at=0 Let fix y)=x9 4 ?-ay? =0. G2) =) +$09-a" =0 oF Btmo oe pat or yaad Hence the points at which the tangents and normal are rived ees ‘which is the slope ofthe tangent to the curve a Putin ofthe tnet et (3) y+t=-2(--9) S yras2%-a Rie s=.-6 Slope ofthe normal ot (3,2) = Exercise Set 62315. Find the points where the tangent is parallel to the s-acis ‘anid where it's parallel to the y-axis for cach of the given. (Problems 5 ~ 7): 314 1ch. 6) Baus reid ot 2e—4y= 0 aka ard? at (ES, ay “Fortangent tobe parallel to theses, = 0 yO or x20 Sol at tA=rht or S450 + Hspuremetricequaionsare 2 = 255 are tities 2 = ate ‘Tho gents arin tthe zai a 0,0), ale “For tangent ta be parallel to the y-axis or perpendicular to the 8929. So ore wit » which requiresy? = 0 ie, y=0 in (1), we have x*= a? => ett cieradete Ss Rees anc wari atid 32+ f= toy rte De Groot Haat Nese stat © the slope ofthe tangent to the curve at th point Baton ihe tangents o or ysin® e-esint @=—x con? at eon A or xeos! a+ ysin? o= 0 ‘Slope ofthe normal atthe given pein stan? @ Equation ofthonomalic oman ela) menore, = =0 > y= a i eae #4(E) -s0() = 220 which ges = 2% Patong 4 2!ein west y= Bat et _ any Pa mae Now fr tangent toe ara tte a, = or xsin?9~y 0s? 9+ 2eeot 200 316_[Ch.6] Plane Curves 1 which requires #~ar=0 or @ 1) and (9), we have (Gav amEly o Bes ie, Foie whicngves 9 =2a ‘Putting = 2! ain (), we get x= 2" enc te tangent parle fo te aso at (0,20) = Nia, Ne) Te tae + aor 4? =1 ® toe + 120+ 48 Soli HHenos tangont ie parallel to thex-exis at ay 8) (Gh -8) Eyerche So62_ 317 : eg oe iy=tsn himann 3, ay CRB eniEr Bia? = 18k? + Os? = 1 or, 16 = 1 = 0 Fe Pach mes 1 Lin ta), wetave )°3 ese tiiraseee Jen) p= rou d+ y sn @toudhes Ue curve ie epg tm aw Few yd=0 ‘Substituting the vas, we have the angi at ary penton Oh curve pr-d%+0-»%= 348 _{Ch.6]_Plane Curves oe ee eee fo ea o . E ating the ae, wehare 2) 10-38" 0 z Mee esa He + YA Jo, sing) » fangent eit of net one Kans = f= panlY=0 fe 2 meget = pirontt t= ns @ XOET art © Se k . * 4 +30 "-0) re ps ieneat is cng ponte Yor ‘Thists Mento to Xeon 9+ Yin d= p 2 and Y=ginG, vohwe Tee Be tetparing sotto arms we gt seer O+m?=2 3 yay w 20° 3g" eth th sien of) and (to the omer 8 and ding te ol) i) eas est ont 7 a 5 at. oom? pepe Zl 2. eae @ De waren Die te apts A whichis hereuimlomaion 1 rium fa Find me angle of Intersection of the given curves = e CProbteme 30" 12. sna th sin) na () 9 he rower we have Note:The angle of intrmection of tre cures ob & pont of ns : Intron cfthe carves the angle btwesn tha tangents tthe grr aseset avy famcarve at hat ror - Trop! tr tnt nthe hn 0,0 2 zy s I _ sin 6 pm tox @ graeme © eo 2 ae Be c Geasor , @aner _(6) ” pM ox (e086) + 0 sing) = 9" 9. The tangent at ary peint on the curve a? + 9! = 2a maker Inteceonisp and on the coordinate axe, Show that ies gtey ite te Sol fle.yba +9209 =0 o Wane at Pony Fe co, pi sine (Js = pneu in, yyP—Gte®) = 0 ox 964i) 9+ day + 16) = 0 ce” y= 0,4. (ral vas) Putsing y= 0in Bh, webave == 0 320_ 1c 6] _ Plane Curves T Putting 40 im @, wo gat ‘Therefore, the points of intersection of (1) and (2) are (0, 0) and iy {iNet dicgine' Vana “aioe Oh aoea mou = $e ot (av) 2a (ds) =# = Baae |e @u-£ =2=n, ex) a Mo staged, ty ytaatya es : tty = V2 (ay eS i ‘Thas the four point interaction are Bai. Me=1, EAP te Mate Let dhe the angle from to ly where is fn tangent to (1) ane 2 isthe tangent to (2) at f,,y,) which is any pun of intersection, Ponti. wkno > Bak Exercise Set 6.2_ 321 ar ae me (22) SH) -20 ie oracle) wa (fH, ae | ra co eee ee neni st Poa and P+ y'~ dy my es 2 z= “From 2=% Putting this valve of ints (2), we ge (oz-#G)s Exercise Set 6.2323, 322_[Ch.6]_Plane Curves ‘Now for 9 = 0 in G), we get e = O and putting = 0 in Gy este ee Oa aang Bie: a, 5 < ynally, we have ‘The aint of enveton of and (2 sy Ps ea enly, P20, 2 a) ot Differentiating (1) vert , | Differentiating (1) w.rt. x, we hove ( Ele 32 Cia) tia asar@ eas Ses] glen og, 27 3) or PBF ow from () and (2), hy subtraction, We BoE Gna) + b-b)7 ses b> Gaara te fe Be ED ato "Substituting this value into (8), ve hove 700,08) i, @-a) Dividingboth ces by az,bb,. We Ret 1 he, tan = 5t5= my, whore & is the angle between the tangent to () andthe vaxis atthe pont of ic, 4, — 90% SL oe at, @-b)~ bh a where GIs the angle between the tangent to 2) and the x-axis at the point of intersection. If Bis the roquiced angle, thon 6= 90° 2, tan 0~ tan (9 Le SeG-1 tse ae 2.2, © Ho. the giro ation is + ja} a7 Lat te,y,)lioon ().Then += ‘Beton ofthe tangent 0 (Lat Gy. 24) 418, Find the condition that the curves? + By2=1 andaye? + by! should intectecterthogorally. Sol. Let (x,y,) be the peint cf intonation of the given curves at tba @ ard aye? + by? = Differentiating (D) wart 5 webave a 5. 3 key Baeby-1e0 324 {en.61_Piane Curves pple BG is att Ano i tyias? @ Now we eliminate 298 rom (2 and rom (4) and (2), we have Hts a0 ond Bab tet ai? 0 # 4 1 Thole, Toa eee EE e_abtrt 08) ‘Substicutng these values ino [a we pet LPP ag? i ta e208 ERE ~ aBU Fa -B) @sP P11 2 ae RT Bt Pee Inthe required pacl equation. Show thatthe podal equation of the carve 1 Pet tae ae ee a Dinde ah oy AA? lob) 2 erred or bo ded @ Now diferentining (2) ws we get ae ee Span aS IF (eins om (them G59 Bqvation ofthe tangent to (1) a (x.94) is y 2 hle 4 em) | ye Bea 8 an Exercive Set62 325 tha: fom any point three normals can bo drawn to a Jay? = daz and the sum of the slopes ofthe three normals is ion of any normal to 9? = dan is | y= m-2an-en' Example) it pone Cavoug agven pone i then the nh 2am orn! f+ Omi m(2a—h) + k= 0 o fs cubic m m which ves the slopes ofthe Unree normals pose hrouah Ue pon Tenge thos norms, ean bo drawn from any point (h, 8) to the ola 9 = doe. my hg tig ar rocts ofthe cubic (1), then 0 Hence the sum ofthe slopes of the three normals fo the parabola |! hax drew fia any point isso. ‘Bow that the tangents atthe enés fa focal chord of parabola Jlorsoot aight angleson the drei, Yet 9° = dau be equotion of parabola ft tp are che xcremitics ffi dora then 1, ¢ = 1. Aso tangents at fy are 1ysetad, 420. 226 _{Ch.6) Plane Canes ted yaaa @ The produtof the topes of 1) and) Sy laae pee ‘itt, Ue Gages ab ar perpen Lo eh est pon of ean oC) and inte 2 fe, Cael +1) ‘ich demi in crib eats =. Hee torres 18) She tthe tang a own a camer of ti ll nthe cors sn ys lamer fet {@)_ tater eution of note 9? = dro mw ogo (he ual chord Buutonclhe damulor bing be carei a o eta 9 be th veto fh dear. Siro (5) Hanon) ere 2a 22 ad a @ “The equetion ofthe tangent atthe rerio (1, 95)58 dy = Dele +x)! a ‘The slope of the tangent the slopa of the parall a chords i ence the argent is parallel tothe chords. 16.06) Prove that the tangents atthe ends of any chord of a parabola ‘mee! on the cismetar which bisects te chord, Sol. Let an quation of the parabola he y* = dar andlet equation of @ ‘chord PQ be y = mx + ¢. Suppose P = bx) Iq) and @ = Gp») Baquations ofthe tangents t P and @ are respectively. y= Pale +=) Yq = 2ate + 22) 2 touch the olipee 5 + F Exercive Set 62_927, TOrcinate of the point of Intersection of these tangents 4 oe nek \ ‘By Example 10, » = 2s equation ofthe diameter bisecting the chords parallel to PQ. The dhe tangents at F and @ mee: on this lametee Find the condition that the straight line e+ my + n= 0 soy 21 piso in she cooinses ofthe point ofcontact “et ve ooume that ke + m+ = O wuches 35+ $3 ~ 2 at tho point (9) mh Thetangentat eaydie GA! or Pegs + oly of? = 0. Thismmust be dential to ket inytn=0 Bay ey - att mero, = = eee tere 28 Mm sp, 22.4 Hn? ~ atnthorequird eoaiion Saas aet 1 bes + Dn ae 4 JC. 6] Plane. Ny Biot ae ends a TUS ET setgp) then te icct ee Pa nantes bel Pi liege ine, Ta Cae or athe —BAy = (6-2) hd, Tami perl esi rt yt. 2), Pey 3x7, =0 @ hy teg~ Gh -19)%7, 20 @ and oy, -Peyy—Uat bx, 8 Solving 2) and (3), we have GaP B99) at PD yey9ly 29) 2S B62) 1 Rayman Pung thw value of and ine), wept ehecoaion ct. concurreny ofnormals tothe olipse25-+ 5 = 1a yy sd Gy 9), Hence (2 “tat Phcy, 20st aetna a9) tay A99)=0 ay 2 a 2) ee of me ay te He =o goes BL. Ja tangent to the aioe +2 = 1 wit cite C; mers the ‘abr andminor aetn Pandy rove hat y+ 2 1 Sol Tangent to helps a the pint oie Bae Fon organ o=1 Exercise Set.6.2_ 329 a ee ends ot “Siar mete minora nes = eee ee f b te, G=s5, oo sino=& 2 “Biuaring ) ard(@) and adting the resulta we got od! 0.4 cin! @= 1 = Papa + faze require. Sow that dhs eos of tho point Se boo Taisen teston + Fon Lio Eee wits, "phere 2 the eiference ofthe exentric anes of the two points. es @ coo a, bain a), (a cos , be sin 6) Raations of the tangents at these point sre Zeon wt ¥en a=) oi Zen pe fan a1 Ie ptf intersction ofthe tngetsis ath eGina- sing) _ 2°82 o"snG@-P » (Giver) Sol. Teo! of the parpendicalars fons the fink on ‘ny tangent to an ellipsis the auliry cvelo end product of ho Jengths of erpendiculars is oqual tothe square of the semi-minor at bape eenncnpin 2 yo ed craps cite ee a peer » eee wile peda d anon tn perpen Pe 0) th np On a 2 Tal al cea ml epee See aoe aan etaamenee ee gee Giada Saves Someone ® and 5+ y= -ae @ Squaring @) and (, we have Sra 4 bed = ain + BP © and 34+ 2may + mgt = ae © Macgune ae FL +m) +7 +m) = ohm? +B tat Schr +o -e) +a? =F +m) = aes pe hesumeaell ote beets 2 iy a us fr cm cee ae eaerta oaeeeya Now weprove that [F,P| . |F,@| = CB*. Eeheiae antiga) oa (Oar or may + fo%m? +? =0 wo Tots enitaks sae and [F,@| = perpendicular from (ce ,0) on (1) ass 4 fata eB Lem nts Bt at oP? Time tote Bem) og ieniay Sem area enclosed by the parallelogram formed hy the fe ends of eonjagste diameters of an clips is DCD be sonjugate ameters othe elipse ant ee Teme pL 1F@l = = 1. Then J00s sin 9) end D = Ca cin 9 boo 2). Toe the parallelogram formed by the tangents at yan D. IN = 4 area CPLD 4 /OR]. [PL = 4|GR| 1D] {cR| = tenath of the jar from C on the : ta P. ofthe tangoat at Pie a ; ae ante + Pesta” JCPI" dna coy eaaReC OFS Oe Hence, area KEMN = 4 [GR| [OD] = 4-77-16 We cusescuae 3 eee Dees eas tiles ; tots congnte, prove a3 + Besteenity at omrei Exersive Set62_333, 392_|Ch.6]_ ia ee 7 Curves 2 f-lnemnt een ae Ines eft cagpat w S-Be-t gmany Pe Bet te, Baer o Malin) ape wget we hve Eoe*-Yal or etae re? ie ow Sides 26. Show the: the asympictes ofthe hyperbola 55-2 = 1 andthe nes drown fom any plat on the Aypank pra > the ayn & NEA A een te Somat 9 ‘that the normal tothe rectenaular hyperbola xy = at the nt ryeots te curve again he pnt ch ut 8 = 1 Note: ‘The rnt(o,$)onsy = eis refered ta he point. fof the versa a the point Ete hc imnoette oe Ey tis dirasbim fo ears é aR. 2 Bray tenctt=0 a yak th nora ox tho yprbola again at the point Then ae eet @ aquation ofthe tne FR parallel v0.2) s 2 rone-f ea) ei 28-410 or vibe D1 se) =0 or Wars Dao Niet, © Prtisd = erat ‘hat if P is any point on 9 hyperbole with fod F, and Fy, ‘hem the tangent a Phiseets the angle F,PF, I Lat the hyperbola be ae Solving) ana (3), we havo a ae ; Les P(e 204 8 tan O be any point on (1). Paco i ro Fylan,0) and Fyeae,0) Hiquation of the tangent at Pie als +3) ‘These are the ccordinatescf'the point R. ‘The line PQ parallel to (1) meets the exrmptotes (2) at @ ‘We need the area ofthe parallelogaan OOPR, Required area = 2 srea 4OPR, Teoutstherane et (25. (PY? = (ose 6-08? + (btan 6? £0 s+ a — Bae sec PA ocd 0+ oF at eased {or on dc}! = Pleo 2. VF fe, @ee2g0) wot a2 + Stan? 0 20% oo 0 seo la + 8) 4 be tat 2a ec 0 se0-4 02 +B cect Yate so 0 Sim Pht ete ec 8 earn ato~) =eeseco+ 1)? BER ue eo ph ea oF PRY oe ves 0+ 9 * e+ cos oP APPs| _ Je cos PRI e+ cos 0] @ Further, (7,7 ¥ = (a cot 0 ae}? = a%ic0s 9-¢)* TP = (aces 9+ 00)? = aXe 6+ oF lesan TAIT ~ Jere From (2) and (itis clear that the tangent divides FF, internally inthe retioof PP, and PF, ‘Hence PT bisects the ange FPF, 28: "Find an oquation of a tangent to the hyperbola form Eco 0—Eainh @ = 1 Show het the roe kayo repel tm chef contant Sol. S-faa @ o ee Exercise Set 62_ 335 yy = Banh @lies on (1). Thus any polnt-on mac He can‘ataigh 0), taunt tangent Boh 2 Deep Paap! wor Zeach 0-Heinh 0=1 se ofthe hyperbola (1) are F,{6,e,0), Poe, 0) (P,Q, PP be peeporialars frm F, and (2. Then lecosh 0-1 Wal ose, i ee cosh +1] ONBRI~ " feashee , sink? festa a ita cia oe - eos? 0-1 a2 Rane = foe ctante ate i262 of cst 08H “Paes ces bt ito ont = Pleas? a + aainh®@ 2B 2 est 8 Beal? Oat ¢ itso 0s Hank?) Beat oenke 0 = tion in estan Pint an equation es nrval ote pera Sy ~ 5 = i he ste nate Wve that the normel ie external In + 25. Pio : cartes betwe's afoot fot oe Hoe. Diortatng Derk creme dy dy te 8 Vi ae Bde OT deo By ~ Prong db tn 0) o dy, Pa toe ds” alban 0 ann @ 336_ [Ch 6] Plane Curves ‘Thus slope ofthe normal is Paquation ofthe normal at Pis ‘asin & Suppose that the noma at P (@ sed db tan 9) meets the tranevoreo aiioin O: Then coordinates of G are (Eevee) | as SPE ae, EF cage stmcaest rota ne Now GPP = ae 000) + ant (ame Pn oo? ons 0-1) sec? J 2a*e sec # + aXe? + b? sack 6 b2 aaa memercee = ue ocideae Ores bles #-10P GyGP = (ae? cos 9-ae)? = [ace see = 1)? settee 0a ‘Therefore, UO*= ARP = [FO ~ oF? ‘Similarly, [F,G| = e|F,P| {Gl _ FPL Te iy Cl FPL once the nermal PG isexternal biseclor ofthe angle FyPP, Since the tangent PP at P is perpendicular to the iormél PC, jerefore, PT’ bisacts tha interior an FPP, a7 Exorsie Set 63 Exercise Set 6.3 (Page 250) In Problems 1 - 8 express the given equations in rectangular coordinates: Pectsin2e eobsin26 or 12= dots Gees O LMakbyiavot any nota ee rim Qa irsin Or cos or bP +3?) = 2a%ry 4c ein 920s 0(cos? O-sin? 0 = at Aorsan (sn 0 2 eat 9-4 cin? fm Pom 20 of 19 = aot sin?) ikiplyng Loth vides by r, we have 14s cB cost 0-7 sn? = a2l(rers 68 (sin 61 Gea oat o batts =e potpeata tre ei. 338 _1Ch.61_ Plane Curves Exercise Set 04 } & vwuitten es, Orr eo ee | sot r= p-Bpeanbe wltenes. 2 8 oo e a ley 2PsP-a=8 = Ftp ats Emre Oy =rsin 0 in (we bave or Age ya + 1664 64 DA set 9-2 cost oe RD ayia 68 lng wetare ; & ra2sino+8c008 tine 0a? ccs? 9 Sol. r= 2sin 0+ Seoe 0 iA mateo 9 attipiying both side by re got bi 48 472-0 remem es sreese ed + xy'— dy =0 canbawrition as ee Byatt ae eat +92) + 402) =0 ‘Trunsform te glven equation in polar coordinates os hy = rain wo have @roblems 9~ 16). (reek 3) 4 (Bean? 9 rhein? 8 = 0 | % wee ‘fr 200.6 + A(o0e? O- ein?9)] = 0 Sol. y=0 poue 8 4x0 200 | Putting = revs 8y = sin @, we have eee wee 0. Coon (rain =e if 28+ ety +2? = 0 | oe. Man Omee=c i= ambeaso BAR yh a%y + 9) =0 eanbosirten es | 30 state Gis i» G9 Is aaa ees Ph in Car ns? rin Y= 0 . Putting z = roos 3y ~ + sin 0.we have both sides by ré, we get S r~Bain 918 cs? 0 sin! =D. Exercise Set 6.4 (Page 256) Problems 1 - 6, identify and graph the given polar Can OP tree 8 oe Asal @-dremn On 0 = rent Odeon | O ratetvace we yey | cays at nepmeney fae estates ey (eos 0 (sin + rin O= ros 0 [Dividing both sides by r, wehave ta ne rons @ sin 8+ sin 6= ses 6 FT yameg en bewnitionas $= 1 +0080 > thin dens 9= eo8 9-ainé (os Dnsin 0 FS se 0 2000 "Comparing it with £=g + econ 4 weave Tm 4=longth of tho serilatuestam, ¢= 1 an Pace BS epowegeTeD cc fe nee! Fas pie oedegasesn=0 0.0,8.3).(.8)(6.2)6 of Br con 04 Grain 94 7=0 So 27ldeo 9-Bain 8) + ° 340 Joh. 6) ‘Teele acho, = 8 = 2 ep equation of the conie ia -E} cartesian system. t (2, 0) ie vertex and 0, 0) is fetus, Peipte shown in she af soph ee @, 0, (4,258) 0, 34) ond (4, 44 VB) in cartesian system, Note: The conte is symmetric bout the initial Une, The "upper half of tho conic can be Geseribed by taking stme Curves | LH H tet | spel vahuset orm 6 i Using symmetry, the lower o feree ann el rind Fit canto witenss 1am « Hue) nope ts fom évohun 1=30, <1 Hine the conic ie a perabcla. We plot the following paints in polar Jorm) 40,08) (2.8) 2,2 (28) 22,29 Now joining the plotted points smoothly, we got the graph of tho sive comic Equation of the conic in emtasich coordinate system is a0'5, 200 + ©). The vertex of the pnrabola is (0,6) and its ocus is (6,0), The pointe chown in the graph in cartesian system are Exercise Set 6344 HEE sees ebn ce) ‘rientation of tho euve is in the positive direction of the Th conte i symmetric about the y-as 4 ast 8 nae seg em bo ites eens & wehave caine ee ees Beh ome) seme. nb Bacar 8.269 Bi ae wee) Joining the plow fmoitly, get th graph of the given eonie , Equation of the ome in )and vortices are U4, 0) and A(2, 0. The points shown la the graph in eortosian eyster we at 0, 2(a 245) oo, wo,r{0,9,r{-$ 98) 43.0,2,( 499) 2f, 9, 00, 9@,n(8, 2) 3 aad . asia Sol. Feng embowrtionas fae mnnataonfas)ad half} age) epee tay neva ties : : 1 = 5 = lengta ofthe sembtatusrestam, ¢ = 2 which ies than 1 enc ho cons ian lips ‘We pt th following pnts npr Goong 515) \(6-3) a}.6.2 ) 4 whore ton &, ~ 5 (0, isin the Sed quadeant) and (isn the arth quaérand. Exercise Sei 6.4343. Toning the plotied points Tumoothiy we get the graph of ‘cele of the conie is ©, UAB avd are 0.9. 9, NS ane C3, into carewan eye, or er The coc arate thesia The ae tne conic can be trace by ting somo epee values cf from 8 Using pmmetsy, the other talfean be taee. . co $125 8=1-des Ectemiime £1 ee 6, = 2 whichis reater ban 1 the vorie iva hyperbola. lot the. following (Gn peler form) Fen’) (ai) (anor) Fa) soining the ints smoothly, we ert tie graph of the given onic. Equation of the | tone in cartesicn oardinate system is Exercise Set 64 245 age Oe ‘The centre of the conie is (0, -4). A and A’ arc (0, -2) and (0, -6) respecsively. ——o 12) (op, 44) (5.34 8 aes sr ereorts) (0-3) (33) 6 40 ig tho pleted points sncoily, we get tho graph of the given ol. can be written az fe jon ofthe conn the cartesian eoorcnete sem 10 mete pewalted a + fue Jcotre of te conics (6,0) Fe nang cin FETE cats vs cd x oopremi heveprons ee een oat ova stew eniel = 20% @ making Fe tn acetaepseabiin rl air amu gucreas o a =eces' => — t Seomglyit Mee ecat me eee 1 5,¢= }whidh fs greater than ‘Hence ihe eons ise hyperbola, = ecos (n+ a) = 1 ecco = Licwog,L4e Tat tas | Pe” O70” are two perpendiulr fica chords oa conte, PrN 1 Tosh! RFP * ari. [reper Pe FP. Ptr, r+ 0, @ia(FQZ+ 4) racris(ra’ +o) 1__ihecos (z+ ar Lsecese Exercise Set 6.4 347. Dr \f16 cos? 16sin"e Aco 624 Livteoster | Leet sin’ = F with eccentricity ¢ = 1 the directrix iss = 2 or ros 0: hiea is constant 8. ICPF,@, PRR be two chonts ofan elipse through the fei BP, : 19-16" sin 9~r* costo > 16 = 0 show thet : IPR, LPL ain? 0320 ~ Lor sin 9+ 1 Tal TR 2256 aint Isat o + Cee D ic independent ofthe position of. eee eee Sol. As PF,Qis a focsl cherd, 20 5 ote f : Parra teeen Ae a 2 isting tv ce) ce a PAL SPRL ; ey IFA L * “tan +1" 1+2sne IPE ier, SPARE) . hhyperbola-with e = 2 Sng Pale ae Adding the shove rorults, we got b=2>1=2ex 0 WPI IPR 21PH | 21PR, | 2UPRyL + LPR) REO Selene cles seca ~ Me We? cos? + Gr? sin? + 4r cos 6-4 = 0 tery Pm ae PBces'6 + Yan) + Arcos 8-4 = 0 or Tet Br = 222 wien a i choos 94/16 e090 IDR cast + TSE FRAT * FRAT ~ <2 whieh is indeoerdeat of the re oo positioner. in ames Express each of the given equations in polar form and find * Weast6-+ 9-909 ~ 9-vose the eccentricity rad equation of the divectsix. (Problems 620089 10-12: Beer eanh (eecing ve sient BD. Aw tte Sol. ‘The equation in polar coordinates is Point = 4 drone 0 or sime0+ doce d-4=0 348_{Ch.91_Plene Curves L 7 “This isan eligne with ¢ 45 Byuationofauetsicis == 7S = 2 hey reus. se 0 Exercise Set 6.5 (Page 261) Statch the graph of each of the given curves: per halt ~2sing vaurve ein be Gol. 10 i is replaced by 7-0 in = 2m 8 the equation remains By orice the unchanged Hone the curr fs symeteie bout tie al 1 ‘able fale oD z Be [|e yt oir hal of the curve cen be es) Oe 3 4 6 a>0 (Cardioid) 7 r f the exution += all — en the earveiesymmetric shout thins ‘The graph is a circle of rarius 1 and presse Uicough the pole having its centre 0, 1) on theyraxs ‘The graph of tho sure asshown, 3 Sy Icothly, we get 2 r= dese re ‘the left half of the @ £ 6 4 3 2 3. € hal is 3 3 afi eee ae ee aapnnntepuantnmineatieiemnetine Gites a>0 (eardioids) Tower halt of the eave is raced with help of the plotied points if aymametry, the remaining partis traced, The graph of tho a Sol. On changing (r. 9 by to (7, ~ 9, the exuations. fers unchanged. Honco the curve are eymmotri about the initial ine = 0 Table of values for = aU + cca 9 1 + 008 &, 2 ]2 12)2)2] = eed 6 4 a}2i3 4 oi r [a [aem [am [2 [a [2] om [o lang the pated pnts snooty, The upper ba ofthe carve ‘the traced. Using symmeby, the remaining part i traced. The raph of the carve iss shown, Be [ | orpe | oe [= [ae ae | é|is|3|_ is |2 [is 5 @ an hteel a Si) eR ms ase oe = te [S|], ale] z |tl2|21 2] 121 Saisie [ go ase) ee | ¢ |e lafo - eee 2 v fof oes | fe | =e fame] tate 7 ee |e za ‘our is syimnetie about the asin As Dnczenss from 6403 rene from Oa As dineroasoe from Zt, decrenses form {a tho fis quadrant is daeervod decreases fern Oto ~2 bo 40, When @ increases trom 2 ar 10, nero tin -0 1001 The leap below the ole is deserted, As OF incrses Fw OF, > increases fiom 0 to a ‘Wren dincreases fom SF 5 to % r decreases ftom a to 0. The loop in the 2nd quadrant i seseribed ‘The ny hy ot quadrant ee by ony she plo te pis. 0s (8) (02) peace cates ae fees Ee es Bees ret Sete tun i stoma) senate 00th nt rg sa Bu esa Fal eameecbatan ce Lys Se Ree eae trereates ftom $ to $r varies tum - 0, Thus th lop inthe 8d cuadrant is deserted Ae Onerscoe from £ to 2, vree ae, 5s from 0 to, When @ increases from 2 to SE, + varce from « to 0, ‘Bhosthe lop in tho 2nd quedsnt incescbed. As Cinereases irom ‘Freon cries rom 019-2. Tas halflop in the th quaat is eosarbo, 24, a>0 tCourlenfed rose) mma aout the ital ne eat a Ha) =| = [22] 32] 52] , | 22] a Glalsle}alate Bie PERE RBRERRERE Sa] Sz] 2] De) 2ls|alo|* ole l=lzle| 2 |e Pipers i 910 r deren om 0. The op Ih dre eon 354 1CLs) ye Curves ‘As @ increases trom J to, decrvsote from Dot a.” When @ 202 rnereases om 3 10 fits boy Sw the mie 0 conte BoP iat ee naan ‘), 0.3), (0%) (0. {are shown by 0. 12 8B | 0 (fiveleafed rose) Sol. able of valuoe ° 2/2)=)2)2/2] 7 5 lis [to] 3 |o || 2 . ~a/#[o]s[e[s]o : f : Trapinthe tear Taz] Se | | 15 | 10 | 15 n° loop between tha ante @ fore ane ohiian in the graph. Boa e|slelslole[= Tapiniieand one and 9 = # ie puted one fro alent wi the fe asin 20 ‘a0 (lomnisente) (1, the greph ie eymmotrc about the pole. As r#> 0, Thincion i defined for those values af @ for which sin 20> 0.1E deeligl S. Tabotvaen Slut 6 le B ole Vee ic Bel Ea iol 6 2 ELL ol vil. % : 356 [Ch 6] Plane: ‘The points (@, 0) 0, 2,(0 axe show ty 0 (che pole). he graph i6 ae shown, Note:The leop in the Ist ‘quadrant enn be. dram by Jom the petted pois in Abe first quadrans smoothly. Using symmetry the loop in the det quacrant can be see varie from 0 0 % the haf othe cure i doer " Ie the mare (1). Using symmetry, tho other half of the carve ls 10, r=3-20n0 (imaon) shown in te igre). "Tho graph of the careis ssehown Sol, On. changing, tn ate een ofthe curve reins a (Gimacon) cuichonged, This curve faymmcticabout the sia line, : of the cane rennin eee chaning (7 Sato (+, -@, the equation wet snd therefore the carve is grametic about the ital ne olols rape of ales KS = ]2|2[2| %].|¥]2 = = & |e \z|3|% The appar bal of the 2 fempstt came fe dee by joining ais] 1 the “plotted pcinte pert of smu ie Uaingsymoeisy y remaining pare traced. @ ih gan otis apele Cpa ies ashom uring “fom 10 t0 8 = iy ‘Other Tale is Ariced by using symmetry. te -artoio asc cen Sol. On changing (7, into (r, 0 he equation of the eurve remains unchanged. This the euve ineymmotie about the rite in, Table of vais elo) 2 22) © |e) = 22> ale ot] « [sz | rai sa 3-25 Py ‘ [Ch.6] Plane Curves + Being ‘imacony Sol. If(7, 0 are repland by (, 5-0, the equation ofthe curve remains Unchangod. Hence the exrve is eymmetiie sbuus ibe rans Exercise Sets 359 Phe graph of Gite curve isas shown able caioe 4) 2) Sle */°lel 3 [els | a: ra}shemislamts The pleted points axe joined * sxoothly drawn the required © graph, ‘The graph of the curve fe a8 shown, Note: ‘The halt curve can be drawn by joining the plotzed posi ondan (ia) smoothly. Using symmetry, other halt ean be raced a raesin$,a>0 Us += ull + e059 © >0 Cardioid) Be ea gas yiuai connate ne Bs 2) = ts rinse trea atc oti aces nae a fe El], pee ‘Table of values. Bou aes 4 zy] = eels 1 [-2[ ist | are [= 02%] 0 peas | 5 | z eS Tis ver Ya ofthe aOR dina By png Ftd ne rfols ie ele ‘tthe abe moat etalingparie eae ty aloe ere = 7 ? s ; wie [ols ba wl [exh ‘The first graph is drawn by joining the plotted points of tho table @ smoothly. Phe second graph is got hy ining tbe pleted points ‘of the table (i), exoothly. The combined graph is shown mn the fast ‘Aure, ‘Note: After drawing the graph asconding to tho table (), other Part ofthe grap can be traced by using symmetry Exercise Set 6.6 (Page 266) « Find v for each of the given curves (Probe: = a1- 296) Taking in of both ses of (1), we get Inr=tna+ in (eos 0) Exercise Set 6.6 361 iiorentating wr. @ wehare Difioventiating a 2ainSeor$ 1e ten a= rab" Toon Dain 8 oie =tan§ andsoten y= tan = 5 -cacdeot = 5ce Dont 0 hm BC cbent 0 = 5x0 0 qs ae ten oo tan tan v= Ge jdo = Bese veat 0 ~"* eee fine ae ee =1tang Sol. Sa, ao tan yar tL=cos nf w sly ne @ tan$ 2 sin Boos 2 Pet vnucle foie a? Find the mmnar hea of itretion of teen eer bien 10 cre = © be oa cae £ Siem wo = ba 1 1=2sinoo sin o=3 > 9-2, 9 Rat Fins ees cevemetea) accra cea or nOeL z Brem (0.55) ign 07 72 Lot l2ane cos Mandan = Fy BEG and tan vi, tng Dania = H-8 Nomi eee f, 39 mfS3uaf Ge ae eae 2 Saling (Yand 2). set (D, webave Ina ine From we gt lar tinea tne iatngw.rt 6 we get. | Difeentining wit. & wehave yey (Peleg pte Lf a2tarn? |raoton) & r ao=- 6 a. ia, rp Boo stan Wy —0 = 1, tanyy=1 and ten yy = -1 magn es rroquired angle is yj - v, = FF =3 = -1,tan y= 1 and tan yy % required angle yj — yy a0 T+o = o re 2 ing (1) and (2), we have ee . Bae te iso iso Oem 148 <1 2. o-1 @ In of (0, oe got Inreina+ing-nd +o ilfercnticting wt 2, we have Hise soe Cr ae a ao tr Gee a4 > tmy,=0n +0 Mo d= itary axis? on Aok.n ogerithn of bor sides, ve have inr=de ble 364_ ict Sot Sol, Plane Curves Differentiating wrt. @ we get Vide 20 deep? Lee da~~1468 % Vader 20 eae At ontjtany, AE OP 2. 8 fs the ange betien tuners then gent rae hors, te, samy = fa, tan ve = Br Sec Jr mF a1 ee 0) and r= al -c059) @ ond r= o Solving (1) ane @), we have . a= eos = —* i Sang 2 l= e0e ee tee et zit a 1 => cos = 2 which donot posible or Lei 0m 1 > 80-0 5 0 ee tee Te turnin ot) ant ae (3) wet fo, Brersise S66 355 (@nr=metind aad, ferontinting wt 8 we hove Ldn 1 sino. dam Teo oC 8 = ccs 2eint Fy 2 ° ae. @ a 0 Grape ang > tan y= tang > =f Dein Jeong @lpr= trem dene a) rontlating Wt 8. ve gee on Sep re sina = 1 d0~ 9" T= cos a @ Differentiating CD w.rt. weave ‘ fy Gin2).2= za ae Diforentatng (2) ws. 8 we get create Enc do sno. Sen Ya" dr = Gon 97 HOO = 8 » Gam} iiiu tecdutae teeta tees eayat ea en ie a (0 tan vg tan ¥ Raa) Bohol = pom Find the pedal equation of each of the given curves (Problems 111 ~ 15); teens Ind=Inr= inch + 20080) Differentiting wt. 0, weave 3 cape Eee ag ~Hisosdetoedate Lemar See aHMe-w+M 251.2 sts borepted align Exercise Set 6.6_ 367 1 ifde_1 ts ent ali B+ he BS tis ta eo it oien o Jade. met) rh = pHi n+ ram) {inh required pel equaen- boss @ ogeritam cntoth ies, we et Tree hae) Fe tatng rk webave Rpm d= Rit +o ote =dip+r-o-aF =A +P. +] ZU at 4 oer, ‘Tus = Ga + 2a) pie the aquired ped equation. 1B. r=oll- sino) Bol r= alsin 0) + re =-asing wo rose & (ae ara 1, es’ et es kets ota -aintal asa E i, Bidet ctanty @ For thepodal ejustion, we havoto eliminate 0 between (1) an ep 4) nae, at into= (a)? fon Taupo pi Po = Aaa = ie, “P= tptaiethesoqird pial equtin 36. Show that the curves" = gM cos mné and r= a" sin mBout each other orthogonally. Sal. m= oMewomd and | = a sin mo Taking in, we have mine =m na Inecsme Differentiating wrt, @, we get ddd mF Tp mama ainmd), Taking, we get minr= mina +n siam 0 Differentiating wrt 6 we have ded np 297 apie md) ide sinma oe 7 dom eeme =a timo for 2S cme 6. or 7 Botenma fe tan y= tame, > nnfene ‘Thus the angle between the twocurves is — 4 = ‘Hence the two eurves est each other oxthegenaly Exercise Set 66_ 369 ol son Oa de Show that the tangents to the enrdioel r Faas 3 2h cx Pesci et Bec aici ean a Takengslogarithin, we hows Inr=Ina+ ind + om6) rontlatngg Wt. 6 we Ret 1dr one ee rangese = tld] = v= Fe § pa Sts be oy ea Y-2t6" 6 on 3 2a en, sigs fhe tangent o (1) ct = Fis parallel tothe a ine wayto aes 0c) we 2 ipcpctnae tone Tut the inital line Cx be taken an the waxis, Let the polar linatos of point P en tha curve r = (9) bo fr, 9) and euppoue the eartesion ccordinates cf P axe ix, 7) Then. Xereso,y=rsine wd ton a= = a A 0 tho angie which the tangent at P makes with Os thon @ “Hence ton Siu er) & EZ aman epee: 18, Show thats any pint the lemeninater? = «2 eos 22,05 0:53, the measure of the angle between the mise wetor and the ostward-poined normal i 20 Se =a om20 Takinglogaridims we have Dinr= Zina 4 neo 20 Dferentiting wrt we ge de cdsnge de dg" “cosa > "ar =~Ok26 & tany=~cot 26 tan ($+ 28) Tae y= F490 Te ange mates an ante $+ 20 ith ther vector. Ashe norenal is perpendicular to the tangent, it will make an angle 2¢ ‘withthe radius vector 20, Find an equstien (in rectangular coordinates) of the line tangent te reenter (2.8) a0 rertendee (i) range ar pn (O20. 2= 2 00820 ond (de 00) = 0 Exercise Set 6.6 _ 374 = Garvin Paras 2 1 pee Biietat talents e Tso etn fount (1 3) Bed ~ 1 (¢-- inom onan Viy-1=-0\7s-1 = Ver + Viy- ‘ orty-Vi=0 Patrcose Boece old) Berto ha a Emo reese w ®. swehave ae ay Dengan CDens§-1 sing Nee a(. 3) Fenton of ine ne 09 (18) ust coordinstes is Yo1*16-0 Sanz t1=0. 1.oiJ=1.0—0endy sin. 5 372_1Ch. 6} Plane Curves 1 a Exercise Set 6.7 (Page 275) Find parametric oquations of tho given curves (Problems 1-3): A re asin26050520 Sol. r= w sin2a oy Wo know that x= 1 cos 2,y = rain 0 Writing tho vatae of ftom 1) inthe abore equations, we have sin 29908 19 = asin 2isin @ asthe parametric equations of (1), being the parameter 2 rao Sol. Putting r= eine =r cosandy =r sin @ we have = 0c 9,y= O8in 0 whieh are the dasined paranietaie equations, B rm2r dena Sol. Parametric equations ofthe given lirtacon ere 24 3sind eos, 24 Ssin Dein D 4 Show thatthe equations x= a4 roo Qy =8-4 sin 0 sue arareticquaton fo adil wit ene, 2) ad rads From the ven equations, we have seman? d-b=rene Squaring the above equations and adding tho resale, we got (=a? + 9-0 =P (oostt sint =P ‘hich ie circle with centre (a ) andl rads [] Show that the curve wiose parametric ecuatlons are pobamos | Os es2e ‘is am Alipse with contro, Sol Pies Accate.) vim isheweh ei a Eley ‘Suating these equations and adding tho reals, we have Exercise Set 6.7373 Which isan clips with contre at Vi, 1, GA weal of radius a rolls on a straight line without slipping o sliding. Lot Phe a fixed point en the whee, ata diatence bm te centre of the whool. Pind parametric équations of the curve described by the point P. The curve is called 8 trochold. Hence ‘deduce parametric equations fer a eyelid Sol. Let s-asis be taken the line on which the wheel rolls. Inthe initial sition, lt the contre Cof the wheel ke on the y-axis and the point Pigion thes-axs below C. Let the point Q on the im ef the Wheel thatlies on the radial ine CP coincide withthe origin O. 7" + {Lat the whee! sura through an angle 6 che radial ne OG, turns “Hhrough an angle 0 in moving from its butial position to some {general postion as shown in tho figure. Lat 2 RCP = .- s yin iP ane cts ih aan s Bete iret neat rast om apa, veer a ea a Pasa da2-bne a lus parametric equations of the trochord For acyeold, the point P is on the rim of the wheel x0 that & land feom (00 ane (5, we have = o(0-sin @,y= alt = cos 9 iy equations ofthe eveloi ipa tae points at which 7 = tangents, I Parametric equations ot teearveare + co 0 hes horizontal snd vertical 374 _{Ch. 6] _ Plane Curves T+ 008 008 6= 008 6+ costo (1+ as 0 sin 9= ln 9+ si Gens y oo, asin o-Qain Oeced ‘Tho curvs has horizontal tangent atthe pointe where aa ee ag=0 bt go*? ay $6 ena Now, $2 = 0 implies cos 0+ exs'- sin? or coe? + ons 9-1-0 cliyiy8 43 one=0 mies 0= 0.2 1 ga2t ox and 1+ 208 0a Y dy Bao wt o= Hence, tangents are vertical at ony 8 Find the pointson the aurve HO = +4, 10) = 0-642 whore tangente are horizontal end vertical exer se67_378 e bea doue Henen © = duidt . SD HED ie aia” EE Yor Vertical tangenta $F — 0 but $0 ae Sy dad Wages eo imple 1.0 and Bad at t=0 ‘The curve as vertical tangeat atx) = 4,0 =2 ie, ob04,2 ee Fy ra 120 2 te omen eee equations of the tangent and normal to each of the furve at Une indented pola ver 0-10) Fe doen 0 -acm6 y= Detain at 0=$ 2 sasino+ to sin29 # nd. Bm 2e en 02a cos 20 acon 6-90 00 con 20 Merlo i = 2am 26— ain 9 sn 20 sind 376_| 6)_ Plane Curves ® Hence equation ofthe tangent at 0. Stpect the noemalet 0= $ i 1 Bauntin of toe normal st) ey 20 a0 eerytaet Bott Bat 2 10. rpg "Fae MEE te a-hct es opel gal ee ~ndefal aegis wra+y? a+.) fet a (a+ey * dae “a @, 24 Bauation of the reqpired ‘ange ® Exercise Set 6.7377, Jee Beare ticancyan(® ‘Equation of the normal at this point is xa, y= deat a5 # ody yn, Bs de ae oh # 2. Ba" ; “Mlb point Pix, ») ct = Bis PES, 15) _ Bison ofthe tanga Pi y-15= 1-8) or 2-9-4720 con of te normal Fs y= = 16-8) or 47-280 ‘Show thot tho nermal atany point ofthe curve Ene cco 84 a0sin .y ~ asin 0-a0een 0 "insta constantcistanes from the agin. a fom tin 9+ c sino+ 09cm 6= 0.00080 RB Hm a cond 6 0080+ ¢ Din d= asin 0 ein _ sind "ae = 90080 cose Bquation othe nermal is ynasin 0+ a beos 9: w ysin a sine + avsin Boos 0 = -xe08 9+ 0 0s'6 + adein ders 0 ec! or secs 6sysin0—a=0 @ Vaneth ofthe perpendicular from (0,0) to (1) Yonton ‘which is constant feoto+ ate 18, Provo that an equaticn ofthe normal to the avoid 221842 — 6?8 can be weiton in the form ‘saint —y ene # + cot f= O,¢ boing pareimeter. : Pag 2B o Differentiating Q) wrt x, wehave © Carve Sipe of tne normal = 53 Lat thie slope be denoted by tan then. @ Puremghis value of in D, wo get Sean ey a S ory? (1 + tan) =a =P sete, a Bs ceca 9 ase Hint oqtion dlc al pane Me cain or yeost~aenste=xsint—e aint r or xsini~y cost = -o (ex? sin) saint y ood! + aco02#~ 0 ap roquired 14, Show that the podal equation of the curve rea os'@ and y= asinle Sim 80 cost Pin 0 and B= do sine 0 dy _ esi? deca sind de” 0 ‘Therefore, fas relative tina a 2 fa= oe! 4 +5 Sol. fe) = 198-128 Exercise Set 7.2307 For etree vals, Tej=0 ws ae -azetag me te D=0 oF x-O2=1 Fa) = 062-24 | Whon v= 1,/"G) © 38-24 =12>0 ‘The hs relative minimum at + When x= 0,/°G) = 0. The seand derivauive test fas, Woepply Theorem, 7.7 Por 2 Sux! 1s0e! + me! = 0 we COP ae =O or Bs 2 ie—D fe, 2~0,2,1 Pris) = 2403-5402 + 2406 te (a2? Se 4 4) . When x= 27") = 240> 0 fore, bas teatve imam etx = nx =, te) = 80 <0 "That has rete sn at eae ‘The second derivcive tex fi We apply Theorem 2.7. Fee xe] hI, dacorot change sip. “Mhfis) hae no extreme atx = D 1G) v0 -2) 8) Tls)= 6? be + 6) 34-62 + 1-6 PG)= et 1204 12 roe) gine a2—1me4 1 =0 oe oo VEE De sis, 4 wR _SeN8 (= 6-1 When = 2+ iS i> [pr @=124 28-12-2453 >0 Ne ‘hrefine, fas velaive anim at = 2+ Pe 398, (298_yon71_ Plane Curves Sol {h.7]_Plane Curves 1. 1 aera. eo Q-e ,f"@) = 12 -2y8-125'-2N3 <9 When 58-35 f°) NB: Hones Phoe relative masimum stx= 2~ ro) sinweos 2c ine Deine $16) = cox Gain? r0082 oes (1 -6n8) For maxims aud minima, /“() =0 fsz=0 or 1-Grinte= 0 = q we ead oe Guintent or cint=G a Ve fo) =-ain z (18 sla?) + cosx C2 sin x cos) 1 (roy=Hya-1)come( 2 ons) Bente <0 ‘Thas fas relative maximam at x = aresin fa) When sine fo meses) “otto, fhe eave minizum atx = aesin(-J5) fo) sor these O< ach) wort herr, O Dand sof lative minicom ats =F f"G) = -6.< Oandao fhasrelative maximum at oy Exercise Set72_ 300 $$$ $$$ nersien st t_ 09 2 sing bos asin f sind a nt rose @ Porextrume values, ra=0 & acintsad feo! ae tone = 2S ded ; “ae Be ionamin ue Differentiating (2), we get. ® n both sinc and cos. are segative, x) <0 (Phas relative at che point 3 whets/ matin ee ery om ot er i) = vin coe x ee x= 2 int cone wens lost 200'2) = cos (1 Sin?) ma) ives coz = = [09-0 giv con Oatxef 400 _|Ch.7|_Plane Curves I aie pl y = raifisns-a ye fo) = -sinx (1-3 sina) + cos C6 sinxe0s2) Whim x =$./r4) «250 ‘Thao hoa relative sina at « When P'G) = 2 epee, sing Se ‘Thus rismaximim fer this vane 3. “The maxmun value ofrisetven by ab e Batis eager # oe a amr Find tho points of inflection of cach of the following, ‘curvos (Probleme 1419): o Bue a1 14 Exercise Su7.2_ 405 ea | e a] oats Bae Sr Bee eae Ser cr mepananaee haere 42 y_2)y-3)4-1-94¥-D-D = Sy + 6) + 7 -4y + 3) + 7-342) > a Wye oaay-2 a When y =2, ‘Thus 0,2) $a possible poins of Lacon Ri 8, 9? = r(x +1)? wo Bir eesfciveesines Set De+i+m=@4)Gr=) dy_&+0GerD) @ es ee ee 406 _1Ch 7}__ Plane Curves eye aE (oye +1") Putting = dn), weave a/ay 38 = 3() , oe a Thus. Bi Au Heme ($254 arepsnsitintectin M1, od? = 2-2) ® Sol. Dillerentiating (1) wt», 0 get Day GE = 28 (a? 24) = Bale teh = 24 wi -2) dy Beat) sigh ae) hat 20 0 paves x= 0 andso y= 0, a ‘Thezofore, the pesible point of hfeeson (0,0. Exercise Set 7.2407 FD ets ociga dea ton 0.0 uavire finfestion Find a ona b 0 that the function f gon hy Tx) = ax? + ba* has (1, 61.8 a point c€intletion, a @ Salving (1) and (2) simultancously, we get and Tind the intornls in which th curve y = 4° = Ge + Se — 20 feos Gyn Gi downer Als fn he pores a nteto. y= 88 = Ate! 4 30-20 Bai Be sct pone +s Bee eae 2102 = ore?) wy Now 75-0, when 3 =0,2-2 “Hens wo condor th intervals Yen, M1, 1-2, 01,10, Zine 2, a Intheinwnal 4-2 te, when 2-2 © conde fs concave don EF Qandtho curve is concave upward Bis Sool ots awee es eee em ee ey €% > oyand so the curve is concave upward. ‘The possible point of infection exo ‘€2, 108), 0, 20), 238 From the concavity ofthe curve, we find tht hese are all points of inflection 408 _JCh. 7] _Plane Curyes tL Bb, Find Ge inteevals in which the curve y = G24 4x 4 Bye faces ‘upward or dawnward, Aloo find ite pointe ofinflection, Guy ecraroe ait de> Leto" Be +2) 26! oie EY, = NowEh=0 if ea tot Poe ie eee ical citSisciniame marl ofeet ni For-1 AGF <0, Similarly eas prc ac Sp ia be paeusiterawt sy sellin roe ptt Be ce asuusicsioemrtt vol oat fou fase toe bk (fi) = 10-20 poet Fei snr ews = 2:7)» 1 ta, 9 Ba rae yO me Bd ne eraic ane Soe Le Semeur maaan Shas pa bere aah at AS ees fo feneads asad Rxereise Set 7.2_408 40 1a? + 2a iat + 6) Fie) Pw)=0> e=0 0 W-Be+O "The equation 2? ~ dx + 6 ~ O hes imaginary ronts. Thus f (2) hes ‘on oxtvome valuo ats = 0 Pree) = Wet Boe + 24 r= 24>0. Ts f(x) has absolute minimum atx = 0, The eurveis eancave up tod sof 8) ie olwayspositive Find che dimensions of the rectangle of maximum area that can be fnecid ino citeled of radius ‘Lat the longth PQ and breath QR of the insened rectangle be 2x. and 27 respectively. Suppose O is the centre of Ae circle snd OP makes an angle O vith ds tho ine Or parallel to PQ. OPT ‘Then |OM| = xand LPM ‘Brom the right langle OMP, we have = OP cos =r 8, y= OP ein 9 rein where OP = rs the racius of the cirele. Area A of the vecianste PORSis A=4y deo' @ "This area ie funstion of Oand wo need to maximize it A ; oH leo O- sin? =r? e020 Fr ceteris no sis 20-0 oo ea -srenz0 -ef ne Sate ety ty =e yoy 2nd —Ay)=9 G2 yy = aed ot ee @ 414 [ch ‘Substituting ho value of from @) inro WI, wage G3) lane Curves Th RS RIS. a Hei 7s) terms inelvng the actor 20% When fr, EE 5 0, toaster, Vi itor uaa 1 or Os arcsin Ss required. 20. A farmer bas 1000 metres of barbed wire with which bei to fences ‘off threo sides efaroctanguler fel, the fourth sie being bounded byastraight canal, How ean the farmer enclose tha ergot ficl? ‘Sol. Suppose the length ofthe side parallel tothe canal is = m and that ‘of the one perpendicular to it ism. Then the area ‘A= 71s tobe maximized subject to 5+ 3= 100 a Fenster nhs Pe ack ‘masisoum for this value of y. From (2), when y = 280, © = 500. ‘Thus the dimensions of the largest field are 500m iy 260 ra. 80. A toplem rectangular box with a square base is ti ave volume of| 1925 eabio em. The material forthe base costs Ra. per squere en ‘and the material for the sides costs Re 2 per eytaro cm. What + dimeasions should tbe box have to minimize scot? So}, Lot the length of the baso be x em and that of eath side be y em ‘Thensty = 1296, a BxerciseSet7.2_415 (Cost of rateval forthe base = a Rs Gost of material for the four sides = Bey Rs. Total cost Cn tk! + Bo a ‘This is 0 he miimized subject to (1). Ehminating y between (1) ‘and @, we have oss Gams ec At ae He ao, ess (heer gives 6? 10868 or 218, 5 ani Gis mininvum for this valve of x Putting ¢ = 12 in (2, wo got {= Gi Tae the required dimensions of the box are Bem, 12cm, Bem, An opm rectangular box i toe made from a sheet of eantbcard ‘gem by © dm by cutting equal squares fiom excl: corner and | furning up sides, Find the edge of the square which males the __yaluine ars, let the side ofthe equaro eat from each corner bo dm. ‘Then the tile ofthe bos formed by bending the sides are 8 ~2x, 5 ~ 2c and ‘edecimetars | Volusne V ofthe box is i 5 Va x(6-20)(6 20:02 <5 4 = 26 + 40 aint s+ 7 12 ~5ax + 4d wy, “Bor extreme valuss, Fe = 0 ‘Thorofore, 2x! — Sax + 40 10 or SP-18e+10=0 bey aah g fhe +=! adele ge < o,tre=i rl ‘Tins Vis maximum when x = 1 dn. P33: 416 _iCb.7)_Plane Curves It 82. A local iran as 1200 passengers at «fare of Rs. 2eath. For every Psica the faro is reduced, 10 mare paseengera ride the train. What fare shoule be charged to masimiza the reverse? Suppose the fare is lowored by’ paisa ‘Then 10 x move passengers de the train, ‘Total number of pessengers at the new fare Sol. 1200 102 ‘Total revenue R earned ot naw fare of Re(2~ rip) per passenger fs = 20 + 102) ae a ete Ze a gives -E=0 Bones cu aw an ee ria eee should be lowered by 40 paiga to earn a moxiruin revenue, peaee ance gee rk a tone ali osamue tamer pres ue nene eens See ean iae oar ea Sear anes etc Tees ene naeeuee ae ee ee eee Beae arene eS wg oF = 500-1006 Sol Po cine wii E och ATEN - @p Pi waximum fer this value of, since Sis negative ‘Ths the entitle shenlé be sald after § weeks to obtain syscimurs profit. exercise Set7.3_ 417 Exercise Set 7.3 (Page 301) Determino the nature of the singular point (0, 0) (Probleme — 4) 2499? = taPay Tangenis et the crigin are aro ie, 220 and yao Sice thy are real and isine, se vgn sw node Pie 2) = 20-2? Tho gon amnion on te wnt 2s Wits = Oe ee) cor te yt ae? +0 oy? =0 huang Ue lowont degree tro to tro, wo got Paty = 0 or Bet or tbr =ay e ‘Since these tangents at the origin are real end dstinet, the origin it farode. 249 Ga-2= 0% 4 /Pe— 20? 499) 0s 1 awest degree terns equated to 200 giro eat refore the origin isa cusp. & Gtyi=0 3 a-)GEN=0 tno ies tengo are real and cintine, the opine node. Find the position and nature o1 t multiple points on the iulven curves (Problems 5-10): Bix-y4y : Lor fin) a fade a ein @ be ® ©, f= 2 ans. Joh. 7)_Plane Curves en? © ‘Patting each ofthe equations (2) and @) equal to 2210, we get 3:2 = Bry = 0 oO and 324) —0 © Pen oueiney =e aan ne. webove # 0-0-0 or a0 and 23 When r=0, 9 =0 ‘Thus 0, 0) may bea multiple point a When r=3 3 =8 ste (6,8) iy est ah pot ponies cab ie cennt fies a aban oe y= 2 fy fe =0-0= Now Go? fa Heno'®, Otte essed Lf ass + as? = 0 fn 8 4 Dax f= Ge + Da La ify = FeO H20 pivea 2(3r+20)=0 ia, x20,- L=0 ave? =0 be, 780 ence the possitie matipie poms are 0,0, (-%2, 0) Of these only 00) sane the given equation. | * Heneo 0,0) tho ontymallpl point. AN(G.0) fo O fan ™, fe ul bafg=9 Hence 0,0) i6a eu. Exercise Set 7.3_ 419. x78 2 + = Bol Lee fauylest yas a?=0 46 fawt fy20 fg= 12-18 fot6 120 gies 2QE-9=0. be f=0 giver H+ D~Oie, ‘The posible mulple pints are oa ne duran tite ae ‘At (0,0) Bees CY - ff, -0- Thus (| 0) isa cusp. 4 2x? + 2ey-9? + Sx 2y=0 og FG, yl a + 2c? + Ary 7? + Se ~ By cee 3 #203 y=G-2 bor at axe 245-0 © = 2-220 or x-7-1=0 oryer-1 =o owe fp=0 sion Putting om 2) into), we have Beat 2a-4+5+0 or ee eyarei=0 x When x= -1, y= -2 fin (0) |The pollo supe point in (-1, -2) Waites the gven rutin, thoretre, itis mulpl paint. AL GLB) hye b= 2+ Bet fo 420 10, Ich. 7]_Plane Curves IL Up) lanky = 4-4-2) =0 Hence "(-1,-2) is acusp, oy tx+ 0-4-2 Let fla y)=v4e+ DI a9 20 feiss D4 200-2 fas eeey f= 0 give 2@ytarD=-w-nt or tyteti=-19G-" f= 0 gives By tet+i=0 Alo f,=4, [,=2-800-n4, f,=8 Solvng/, =0, {= 0 simultaneously, we get reload y= “Therefore, (1,~1) may be multiple point. Since it satisfies the given equation, tis 2 multiple point Ae G3) Gh Thus (1,1) sacuep, oP te eee 0 L fy) = O82) + 2 ae + aa? (= 42 evans bare 20) bees ban Geran) (te a f= 9.2) (2-aPR Gy bP of f=0 gies y=Q m0 yaa “Ts the poset pat are (ay Ge, Oat 3 3 (Bea), (dee)s (Be) Gees Lee se eohtons patel aes day eee re ee ese ee, pos = 667-2) ho + 441 239 (2 + Sa) ir +9) Exerc $et73_424 Tepe 6 AL ta, =O, fy> 0 De a panes pect en Fe eas in st ca cae and Be xc) era Show thatthe origin fa nae, a cusp ot an elated point on the cae gf oe Fa avenge st A ENE ‘respectively. Thelonest degre tems pated ozare gre yma? =O When os posiv, we pt yi=as! ie, y= sar whic ae real and atin. Therefore the origin ina rode ‘When a = 0, tangents at the origin are y° = 0 which are reel and Clncient. Hence te origin a cup. When ais negative, tangents at the origin arey = Efex. - Since a is negative, Va is imaginary. Hance te tangent athe erg at iaginry ev he vgn ea conjugate point Find oquations of the tangont at the multiple points of the ‘given curves (Problems 12-12) ates? — Day! + 4h? + 3a? 0 Plas) a4 — dau! —2ay!- a + 2047? fede? - 120? + Bax Spx -tay® + at a0 gives Sato! +880 tet ton 4 269 = 0 Ss Gu-wG-e S r-0am “bay? 4 6a2y=0 or fay =a) =0 =o, "The possible multiple points ae (Ga, aa), Ca) (0,0, ta,0) ro) chese (0,2), (@, 0, 2a, a) satisty the given equation efehe curve "Tas (0,2), Ce, 0, 2a, al aro the multiple points, oO (> tute 2a + ety? [Ch,7]_Plane Carve I raise (Ga), wees new equation as a Yar? + 402x220 + 0)" + $e2G ray —at 0 3 Hitat tas! Bo rote + Gat 40) £2022 4 Day Ha)—o8= 0 at Aas) Say! + dat Gaby + Baty? + CAity + Bay) = 0 tar —Day? 4 ad det 4) = 0 Tongans atthe ev oiginare ##-27 = 0 ow aaa? oy 2 Henet tangents at (0,0) ave y-a= £ px ‘Shifting the origin to (a, 0), sr go: the oguation of tho curve 93 Ge atta Ge a Day + dole + a) + Baty? ot =O Hb dbe t Geta! + den) 4 of fo fata Scot) oy? + ao? t+ 2a +0) + Say? =a = 0 B xtidat dats? + BPP Dey? Ge -3/5)~0 ‘Pangentsat tho now origin are tye 0 4 oe fot or Hence oquations ofthe tangents atthe male point (a, () are Bia Shitting the origin to a, a), we get the equation ofthe curve a3 G+ Dalt= da e+ 26) 20 y+ oP? 4 dol Ge + 2a)? + 92 4 oF at =O SAE A a) + Get alt + be Or? 40094 nda fo + Se? Oa} + Se a)? + O°) aa G2 + 20+ Aa? + 08 + 4a + 2x Ga) + 40°) “4a? + a + ola =6 + ba + 24a" + S008 + teat “or? — 2a" ~ 4x - Stat “Bay' Ga? Gey Bat § dots? + 18022 + 1804 “4 3292 + Baty + Sota Ata de 2) 4 oft -9 ‘quating to zero the lowes: degree terms, we get et 9) = Oa Langents at the new origin. Exercise Set 74423 Bastions ofthese tangents are ne. ew yas pe ‘Se exuntions of the tangents at (aya) are Ey owns geno o-2%=26-0" fay) = 9-2-2a- 0" f= D?- fe (e—2) [ee 2)8 2G -D Ge Dir-14 29) =- Ge) bet ae 429-9 eet gee yea Ihe possible mulipl points ae (1,2), ($2) Of those only (1, 2) stisesthe equation of the curve. Shufting the origin 9 (1,2), woget che new equation as Powe Da=0 peat Bt at—yt-0 ‘Vangonte ct the now origin are ay2=0 or gta oo yeas noe equations ofthe tangents (1,2) are y-2=2G-D y-2--@-D Seeererast or s-y+1=0 jor xty=s ‘Tangonte ae the multiple pint 2) are Sytind and ety=3 Find te nature of the eusps on the given curves (Problems MID: Be-y +3 |. Tho enews has onineident tangents y* = 0 at the origin. Hence the ‘origin fs easp ard tho branches f the curve through i are re Ruatin ofthe curre canbe writton 3 Postyte a0 (ES die ten fG9 7 7 2 15, Sol. | _Plane Curves UL "The values of are real only for nagative values GPs hear iam Hence the erin is cus. ‘Also for any particular negative valu of,» us opposite sls Le, the curve exes on both soe ofthe sae the euspidal target. « The exsp i ofthe Hrs species. Hence origin ins eusp ofthe rst species. Pty = 0 Yevtet a "Tangent at the origin are {Le theervehas two oineident tangents? = Oat the crn From (Dat!=y" (Neglecting) pe easy SP “Tho vals et are ral ely for put value cf Bence origin sang cusp, ‘Also, fr any particular postive value yx has esi seme fis, the carve existe on both sides of the yen the carpal tangent ‘The usps ofthe Aes posts, Hine the origin ia single cusp ofthe frst species, H-ant-a'vh bay? wi ayet ate tah? = © ‘Tangentsat the orn are y= 0. Hate orignis a cusp (can be written es Pat eatay tah= 0 (eG eae oe age > St cat +8) ay GF oa es a aD rs fi8 a 4 of) anf ePaE =a) aa? G4 a tes? Ga) ee daetet Bets edeG? od) A Ba? Tare Byercise Set 724425 Tho values of y are real and postive for both positive and nogative values of, ‘The curve exists on one side ofthe ras. This shows that (0,0) is Abul esp af tho cond pei. ee Sol y= a 2x) o Biting the rin tothe pant, 0, equation (1) Neomes Post Qete) 2 ‘Tangonte 1 (2) at the new ovigin aro Since the tangente are coincident, the new origin is cusp From (2),negesting 2°, we got ‘The value of «are real only for psitive values ufy, Hence the new origin ie «single usp, Ale for ary particular positive velue of, has oppnsite signs i. “the curve exisis on both siles of the new yas, the cuspidal tangent. The cuspis ofthe first species. Hence the point (a, 0) singls cusp the frst species Exercise Set 7.4 (Page 310) Discuss and sketch each ofthe fllowing curves: | Botte -a) © Since onty even power of oocurs tn the given equation, the ewe Isaymmettic coat the xaxis. Te pateor through tho origin and tengente at tho origin ave we %2=0— whichare imagnary, {thasno agymptotes. Itoan be writenas fea) eae oe ents tho wanis at (a, 0) and a isa tangent to the curve " mt G,0. a Asx increases beyond ey aan Ines, pineal only when #2 426_[cb.7)_ Plane Curves IL Ba PrE® s “once folowing is the shape ofthe carve ay? ala) eis eymunetrs about the sade, [passes through the origin ‘Tangent atthe origin lex = 0 [has no asymptetes eeute the pari ats = 0,0 = 4 are tangents to the curveat (4,0), Teeats the yaa only at the origin Biyuation of the curve ean be ‘writon at HANS any eons ts. ny value larger thane Honerer, when is negative, it cannot talee any value numerically les hana. The curve ia ae shown. Posttast ‘On changing x into -z anc y into ~y, she equation of the curve Femsine unchanged. Therefire, if is symmetric in the opposite quodrents. ‘The curve ig rassing through the origin and tangents atthe orien are Pa? a Which are real api distinct Sp tho origins a node. has no axympéotes~ oblique or parlll tothe coosdinata axes tents theraxisatx =0.x= +2 teats the y-ars atthe origin only. ‘Equation ofthe earve can be waitton at pa? Hence no point of the carve lies beyond + = 2 and x = —2 Yecause when = i greater than 2 numerically, y becomes THA ae imaginary We heve the folowing shape ofthe cuve Byercise Set 14427 eta Onacharne sno, ston care es none Honell sgjcnctbu hers Fee eae lecignollnpmina theoen Peery ; tay GoDety=0 te, y= te mh ese ed Mhooama de Concato)ns +2 hrbra, en anette eslccone 1S mata teare 0 ta innate ; aioe fs ene ran —. oe ih sy at 7 ae eee ‘On enangine into ~x endy into-y, equation ofthe curve remains lunchongel. Therefor, itis eymmetric inthe opposite quadrants Tepascing through the origin angen atthe origin is ‘equetngta vero the concent the ight yowor of eat Me Gcencoympttats vcr teeta cnninte eer nly a heer Theeqution cenbevriuen ss y= 32 Wen vo, postive, Wher «moat dy _@?+x)a- cx (2x) e-aF (7) 3 Mos oulaca a soukite Dic te es to i pci uae a : (of se le ee : Peo l ati: weet bo eee 1 ae je L increases from ¢ #0 detreases from to 0. As x decreases from a to —0, y Increases rom- 3100, “Hones wo have the fellowing akateh of the curve. , Pe=aGt-o) wo Sinco only even powers of y oseur in the equltion, the carve symmetric ahoat the «sae. I does nox pass through she origin ‘Bquating wo aro the coeilclen of, we pet x=0 aseneqymplote, Put = 6 wogeta =, Theos, the caromect the sana Fr davies ae paced Tex is positive and less than @ then y is imaginary, Hence no ‘ortion ef the curve ies between (0,0) and e, 0) Ix ts negative and = < at : then 9? is postive, If x, is negative ands! > a? chen? is negative so thet ys imaginary, Hence no portion (of the curve lies byend Ce, 0. ‘As x inoreases fern @ £9 9 Increases namerically from’ O RE tee ‘Asx decreases from 0 t ~ 3, y docreases as = Sketch of the curve is as shown, yt b=xe-) Iehasno symmety. Lt pastes through tho origin, ‘Tangenis atthe ongin are 22+ 4y# = 0, which areimaginayy. ‘Therefore, the origin van isolated point Auymptotos parallel to tho x aae ie vahes. 1 When $< x < 1h y becomes Imaginary and so no pact of ‘he curve lies between x = “el yeis0 ie, ys pea oa Acombots patel orsisi6 i fseumes both positive end For cblique aqymptctco, tho oquetion of the carvecan be writton at Such of the cae is as Bee Treo 8 Bae Mig hioen mtn 0) pine m=01 aeatye #4im)= 1-2, dyn) 1 bt Mofind we opty the formula Theo ymngtry edn + 4 ‘Tt posses through the origin, he, ¢(1-2m)+1+4m?=0 a Whon m = 0,e= 1 Thue y = 1 io tho agymptoto alroody found show When m = 1 trom 1), we have eA-D4+1t4-0 or Honcoy = + 5, isan azymptote Ie cuts the snoedinate axes ft (0,6) whieh isan isolated Heater eaten eee ee erica Sree cca mue cor eer wes sauce asec cpewie (0) ‘Tre equation ofthe ourve can be wiitten as 4 Thus tho curve ats the fympictey =—Lat(s,-D. 5 Hats the agmptotes = 4/7 st y=, te, abl4,-D 432_{Ch.7}_ Plane Curves It paky=s+eu(-¥,-2) Hitch ria celta down LL. yw-yPaxty + So Eo On ehangngnto-cendy inte equation ware Hommes DoEtghe Gy) 9G PL EID tey uation of tae care ranaiss unchanged ced co itis paneer areca BE, pais Gigli orgtand mapustihas erica 170 ie ye IML Govticen fi, Hencey = Direnasymoite ‘Re obliga esrnnes quid ot curo can bu rtm QE day 42) Gry) =O Hero,¢s (m) =m om? —2ra 42). 4 (rm) =O givesm Om 1)? = 0 #4 Om) = Sm? dra, 9%, bn) = Gn - 4 fim =0,n,0m=0 aig ‘ofineorhen = 1 mo apply the formula 2 Fes) +08, 0m) + 4 im) =O. te, $6n-S-me0 & F@n-2)=m+1 Puttingm=1ind),wegt c=2 or Hence equations of we ssympotes are yaaeyd ‘Tomei, when m = 0, we apply bm) + fm) = 0 iin, 08m? dm) 2 Thus y = 0 is an eaympiote (ready found) i IV, Putting + = 0, wo find that te curve cts sais at "I ya0, yah yaad Tt cuis the rats ony at tho xereise Set7.4_ 433, © wot y=0 Ils symmetci inthe opposite quadrants as on changing x into x tandy into >, equation ofthe curve remins unchanged. Te-pasass through the origin. ‘Tangonts atthe origin are: ‘Thus the origins e node, ‘There are no sxyanptotes parallel to the coordinate axes, Forcblique asymptotes, we have (0) = m'~1, (mn) =0 A 0n) ive lm) ~ An? fi (m+ yy(rn) =O fives c= 0 Hence y ~ x ere oblique aaymptotoe of. Tt cuts the coordinate axes at the origin only. Bketeh ofthe sure ivas shown, sas! (0.7 0) » oy ety ‘There i no eymmetey chout eny ai. ‘hie curve passes through the oven and tangents he cig ar» =. Thusthecrgn saci. “Theres no asymptote perallel othe axes Por ebliqaeaxympctea, wo have flm= rb 41 Ogio m 640m) = Sn $s) = 20 edg(r+ Hi =0 ives e Br") 44 =0 When m= -1,8e=a or Tus s+ y= 2 Iuympiots of eve Ie cute thow-axia st, 0) sed 0) Find y cannot both be SS Iya, fr hie would maka LHS hegaive and RHS. oie. ‘quadrant Slietch of the en-vois ae shown, 1k. 9 = bear -b) 6-0) Sol. We suppose that a, b,c, are positive and edsider the folowing possibilities Cael asbce Caso. 2-3 <6 Casella <5 = Case. a=b =0 ® Cosel. a=b ey! >0 Hance no part of the curve les to the left of the line x betwoon the linee x = By, Ass increases boyend , 3? alo increases: We have gina saetsortebetere or BMH Basb +024 abt b0+00) ae aVe-oeoee mfp-2ers+as ete +e(d) © 5) © Tah o-Ne-o-) We eve ‘tho eave Shown. Te onsets of a cored loop aa an infite roe Case a= Aza fyae 34 Siosino.casin ad0 ? eo fe ys Reneebue[ma(t)-oon(] 438 Plane Curves I ExerelseSa75_439 Sol. Requireé area = fd = Jecosn? nd che area of the region Iingbeiweon the curve Bees) =a o*- w fnditseqrmptoten - The highest powor of i (1) fay? Ia ooofiiont i neo agymptotes parla tothe anise = = Bquation of thecxrvets gaat ae oor Ce ee ee bounded by thexaxie,x = 0, 2 ~ a and the curve and multiply it hy =ec [anna] 6. Find the ates ofthe smaller sien cit fom a eneular dite of faflusaby achordat adisanoe 8 om thé ome, >) Sol, Let theca debe Payee oui area =2 fy dx toon 4 fous |* nF a = [Ee fo 7. Find the area ofthe region bounded by the lop ofthe curve dy? = 20-0 Please see the figure in Problem 1 of Exercise Set 6.4 5 o roma Sol stan cn Aan TaN ade beat Put x" =a" sind a eds =a" cos Ode 2 272 = eae fico $08) 3 Fastest! a Put tae or tele = ah 440 {Ch 7)_Plane Curves I @ Ping he vis fom (2) and into (2, we ve Required wea ~4 (22) +4(B)~ no? +20? =o a? +. 8, Bind the ares of the rogion bounded by the curve 9 = 48-3) enna a ak hee symmetric ahont tho ac, pide Tiesdied area = fyi Pot r= 140039 or’ dr=-sin gay ‘Now mits of integration are from —¥20 0 ee ea «Seon 5 sunfen fee 28 fantenican «16 fa = 165 -$~ tem 4x Gn aboslate unite 10. Find the arco of the rogion between the carve 3%)? = a? (2 — x2) and its asymptotos. Exercise StS 441 ate Were 262) sce ee pats | Aymices rare toy axis are x-a= te, x=ta, Bice the curve is aymneiric about both axis required are. nA fyaema [Tes n4 een Peele stings acing ds ace? 4a, ee See ay? =x! (a-2) er ee é ” “j cn puting en? 8 and de sn 9eos 040, sin Ooosdo =? fiat ead 0 =A! 23 oy Wants Forma) = 55 12, Prove that erea of the region bounded by the curve Ps! = 74a - 3)'s equa to that of tbe circular disc ofradlus a. “Hol, Thecurvetesymer: stout era, Pes ehaca é Putting = 2a sin# 6, we obtaindy = da sin Doos 68 442 _|Ch.7]_ Plane Curves I sand limits of integration are from 0 vo 9. Hlonco are of he rogon. ua aa [aMant a. alan 2 tosn donee ° 2% Sita’? 4a) sir eos? 6 = 324? fein! oust 09 2 sa ‘2 (by Walle Formals) 6.4.22 rea of theeicular se of radius. 13. Find the ares of the resin bounded by the lacp of she curve Jo +2) = lex) Also find tbe ares ofthe regen hounded by ‘ho carve and ite agmptots, Sol. The curie y? — at 22% a ‘symmetric shoat the xsaia. a4 = Diets verti aapptsto inverzept of theeurve ise ‘ rom) wetavey = 22° [E= ‘Area ofthe region bounded by the leop Put x=ce 0 cr de=-osin0da. Then 2 foe #326 ae ByerclieSet 75_443 Leee2t)g ao ‘Arcot the pon boursed by neeurve ands asypiabe 22 [2 [F as, ince xin ive andy se] Sulistiutingx = a cos @ashofore, the eree %. a2 flee LEY) a walino gee nel ga)“ Find the arse of region bounded by ont arsh of the «slid x= a(9-sin 8, = a1 ~ 000 0 and it bab. Horo x= a (0 sin 8, cle = a (1 con 40 “Limits of integration are trom Oto 2 Required aoa fy dx = fott-co09.0(1- ca nee welfa on co faenetao stat feintea (putting $= 1,0 2a} 444 [Ch. 7] _Plane Curves 7 = ite? int cat = 160? 233 = aot 1B. Find the re of tho regen bounded y the ap ofthe amve ft tey. Sol. When shange toes oda equation ote caries ye manda codon 0 Limit interaien fr 8nd fst quadrant ae Ot 18, ag -} [2s econ @ 3 frae 2 Jeo a+ anto™® ds and lite oft 960 to. #8 [acon «EQ F 46, Find the area ofthe regen bounded by the lop of the curve capt t= Sol. Changing iat pola coordinates, equation ofthe curve is 1? (6s 9+ sia 0? = Bol eas Osin BaP on don 9 etain20 (eee 0+ tin OF” cos? Ob ind 6+ Dain Boon Sfpmccpeneiemes 1 in 29 ‘ ear 1+ sia 20-1. Treinze 40 “Show that the area of the rgion bourdad hy the circle r = a and “the curve r = a cos 591s equal to three-fourths cf the area of the rele | Area ofthe circle = ro? The curve 7 = 0 coe Shas five lope I is epmneiic shout the initial line ox Ree eas 10 portions and she limits of integration of one portion are from tf Scent oe potion Ae seas a9 = 7 feo} [et cor coo 2 fete 0ed0 ane seco). Ske Binetint tina ayes ye «, a a (Pause dettge ds _ Vit ee Eyercheset 7.640 Putting tos vaher of into(@) wage “AL [eetn aan soe.) 2a ten swe pe ey =o ltan aste at In tan a+ se a) which is the required intrinsic equation, ASE sia eRe 2a ne Ea ES Eeaarer aalse care Bo soca! On a wd Se senctone ® Gr -@)+@) ‘90° cos’ Gsin® 6 + 9u* sin* @cos? @ 30? sin? Geos? @ (Cos? @-+ sin®@) = $a" sin? Boos! 7 Bocce Bec. = 50 fin Bove 00 = enzo o Dividing @) by dQ), we ave dy _ Resin Dees Ge ~ Be ca! Duin oO je, tana=tand or b= a Putting 9= ain 3), wo gat = sin’ @ asthe required intrinsic equation Prove thatthe intrinsic equation ofthe erdloid x=a(@+sind,y=a(1 ~c0s 0 is Bol, Here x= a(t sind de aaa eed yao Basing to 484_(cn.7)_ Plane Curves It Dividing 2) by (wee ceain 0 Ge" Teo ; aringen f nec aa oe, "Trad" yee “te ent é Hones tan a= ton ¢ ser G5) = G+ G9) BGs coats tanto 22 (1 + coe + sin? O, rl seated oF aera Tot Mesos Neeos besa Mrcrornutodt @ de 2 Bona? a ss (etapa foie ase nes) is the required intrinsi oguation, 20. Show thatthe intrinsic equation ofthe cardioid r =a (1 + eos is sein € (alee = 0st xed cnt 0) Here 2 0 i the fi pint Aon te iii Tne. Te ‘anger {he care ats perpen oa na linn. The tanga at P (Gd and ths engent et Arne at te pos het LARS = a= ys 0-5 oy, From te eaten oe cre reat +ss80, websre & - esino Therefore. tan v= a h75 = Sle? 1+ 2050+ ect 9+ atin? a" 20 = iar ert a= to fom do 2 and @ Bliminate Gand y rom (3), @) and (B) to get the required intrinsic equation Putting the vaha of vinta (2) into (2), we havo" 3a ‘4 2 Feat 20, sepsis eas. Exercise Set 7.7 (Page 334) Hind the radius of curvature at any point on each of the iklven curves (Problems 1 - 8) = coms (2) w bm nnn? %. ome [us , este ea eat Soeur duet fans fe FB a ccot atsint lan t—teor (cost cost + isin) =eisint ie ye e334] (Beats ot steal ee ota eaimeae ostinana a t snattndaty=et-endja>0 Sol ving tn cq eae ~ens, GEzasnt aeose Toten feat) a aret] at m2 Exercise Set.7_ 467, = 225/i eon? = dasen($) Eeacn Gyn esiat 0 Bscoe i pnts Be secat oon o 8 esntoca es (hr P= aedh ae Sa (Gareon\Oix?0 .Da%eint Deca") * [Hibsteitartoracteintneclo+ De Mint looso 18 imag bs Boast > [Betan? Oooe! O- Ibe sin? Ooo? Ma ant Bone? = Dak sin? Deca? 9 ~ 26 sin eos @ bie)" "<3. 22s ep ra Deete of 9% ee ra [Sai = Basin? 04+ Ge sin Boost? od 20, 55 = 8 cos29 2 Ere2ofavs a Gon teinE~ 2 end Th = Bove E= a8 Manoeuvre atthe print = Ee {:-(al| asa ay, Teaco aa 2 Measinna Differentiating wit. @ we hare wre neon? inno ead] eer CF Pectin? Sd pmentae, on oetnd me ayn 2 GaP & rdrese=e, Sol. Ditferentiasing |) want, & we gee & Gp tesa + r-sin y= 0 a Er) rein 0 ° (HSE) -reen corer et) » Exercise Set7.7_459 TO [e+ or r+ (00) re [esetuaegh a ate S ta ao 142 cant Stan 2 ose mf sored) aad = tee ar.a[E tama) Prove that the radius of curvature at the point (2a, 2a) on the Deine xy = a2 + Died, ets oy war f= dey - a8 I= 2b ™ 28 ly a et 85? =e? f= 20) = a 1G? + yee _ l16a* + 0182 _ 64a ON Ma) Bl rg + OPgl = aa aay * 32a POE siya oy cic cae a nr ee a eats ia, Pee eae =t0 eee eee Exercise Set 7.7 477 de a Gara aes $e asna, = be0s0 Ha ee? Me + alt oe eos. Gae= ome, Gan bein ms (GG)? creates stan ase 07 Yate debate] * ab sin? 3+ oben las de ae aol eat me =YeteFa=rte @ ‘From (2) and (2), we pet a Brasion ae (EP) ee eaeniseys one eas Bquation ofthe tangent t Pie eo @ Bain io Sol. Hore r=a(1 +0059) hiwon EG ew: ‘Taking logarithmic ofboth sides, we heve * ain 6 Inr=inc+iaG tox) or yasin 0~absint @= boos 02 + ab eos? 0 Differentiating both sides wnt we get or eas ds + (asin dy 0b =O Yer ind ye 2 ob mab” Ts con = 9 Proton tanto ae a a gen or [aha ETT eae 1£€@ is the semiciemeter conjugate to CP, thon coordinates of Q aro (-o sin Ob cs 9. ICQI? = ot sin? 0+ post 6 @ ‘Putting the valueota sin @ + cos? 9m (2) into (1), we get ae pall ent a) AL, Prove that if is the radius of carvorure at any point P on the parabola? = fox end Fis ita feou, then o# vaies as (FP). Sol. Here, f(y) =»? -dax fy 2 fy = 99 fay = Syn = Of = Sieh a \ or & = 8, whichis constant TDD es + ha ey Td eee Fo ees rnc 0 Sok, We know thatp = rein (632) > 472_{Ch.7]_Plame Curves UL ereise Set7.7_- 473 Th Up py are the vel of curvature at the eatreities of any chord of thecaracg += 6+ 5 9 whe passes th the ple, hs Differentiating wnt. m we have q Ory say on ss EEE fame, em Tareas do_ du, de_ a Bol Hero r= all + sea From Problem 12, we have = ee five 9-2 ° oo Gera e padreilatct ceoidian? are, ot y= (020) 42 of of = Booed pert Raciusofeunvatire 2 3t F018 Fed the radia of cards atthe point (7) of cach of pee gio ‘the given eurves (Problems 14 = 15): Chatging @ nto 6 + 5 Uae radius of curvature py at the othe MM, mer eatremity of he cov passing throug he ple Sol. p=\a 7? Ey (2) 8 Bove prwase , eo Br Si eta ar Vege 2N tap Ye : + = our Pain oe Hence tat= Ty (eestg + sing] ="y varhate Ege Ave 1B, Pind the rediue of curvature of the carve r= (1 + cee at the ‘int where the tangent is parallel tthe initial line, Sol Here r=ad tena ‘Taking In ot both sides, we have Tir= Ina + In (1+ con) 1 i Sol, Diverentiatingv-rt.p, we get Bede de - « satng wit we get BB ae & Datrnticng mt = Vide sind paras 7a07 T+ c0s6 : 16. pio? + bt =the song 2 Sol, Ditrontitingwst.p,we gat TO 5 coe sing om put + 8-194 2(-rl) 0 3D w : eee a(t were. Bool x,8 dr ats btn ot we v=5ta eee ar | aeons Lg ae Nowa= ps o=$a$e0aFe¥ ? For tho tarsgont tobe parallel to the inital ine, ether end ce aa 474 18. Sel. [Che7]_Plane Curyes tL 2h8 Ue Foe Om oe ae) : eo estas, See Proton eh a8. aco ont tn soe so’. Heesineen en, 228 Spor tet eH fring) n't be tt ihe at Secu ed ciasuneieeae ay ay Bcen) Saas Te apurane onypeet [GT ou soae Ta sits tte wrrne pt de. 2 1 Fab + Ba Bea Bi 4 bh abe + da2et) lod + Boe] For extreme vtusot a nebave 2 =0 rales ae eb Teisery to chee that ois minimam for this vaio r 1 Enercise Set7.7_ATS Cem ri pivninagata (ob, PS) Betis ge eater in ao(e+2¥ poles 2) Se a Batce ® ory BFE ale P a ‘Thorens, the vere cf the parable ie (7, ‘rink at tis point. Find the point on the curve y = In x where she curvature Kis Bt toe) and pie ane el dy edd xt Carvarure at ary pointy} of the curve is lal bat “EOP GP se a Ve For extreme vaos of K, Ge Fp The neemtve sen sro adil and so2 = We seo tat changes in rom Fee estima = de trem un The equied pine (f-tn V2) eee Bora =p y = Ing 476. 1h Sot jen) Exercise Set 7.8 (Page 338) Find an cqjuaton of the osculating eirele to the eurve y = In-x at tho point (0), cate a 2 Ylooth Fao Rodhisor curvature pat, is aya neyeee (2) ope ea agl Ue Eaten 5 Conureorcuratare dis ner EL aes dtd Koad Ga tere Naquation the eaolating ceclois GSR S OE Find an equation of the osculating dicle tothe hypesbola at the point 2,0), (Be esa °- 9 at © 88? — 952) ea sue pat 2, din = [SO rae yh. 200" + 81:4 = Oa Exercise St78_ 477 3102, ation ot the osulating cee at (-2 0) 6 (oe @ («+ 38) 4 s0= Show thatthe evoluve of the ellipse x= @ cos 6, = Bein W Is ax? + op) = (a6), ee &. |e glee (ran base ynGi=Saon one s ate boy og Fasing ate IF 1X, ¥) ae the eoordnaice of the inter of curate at (aoos sin 8, ® pee Baath saacen an. Joh. 7) au (AT _ ich. 7) Plane Coys Sot. 25 re = b sin @- Sind Ob sin UL ~sin® Be ante a 3 For the evolute we have to sliminate Obatweon (1) and (2. From (we gt ‘aX = (a2 -B2) com? or (aX) = (02 08)8% cas? 0 @ From @), we hove DY = ~(o2—B2) sins 0 ‘ for (BY)89 = (2 L289 sin? 9 ” ‘Ading (3) and (4), we obtain (eX + 1S = (@ DRS Changing (% ¥) into earrent scoréinates (a, ») equation of the volts (on? + by) fa? 2 Find the cone of curvature fr he pate 3H = 1: Show ‘that its evohute is (ax) — ¢by)** = (0? + bE. Petmeneoqutinsat in iopn ce re: Tees Sect Be dy _dy do _ posed * Yar ded = a ae a pei rmen teh aoe de eee a ee goes yor Hn Eta 3 See ete Ta cincinn From (D),we got Ga + 0°) dae? (cP # B97 a02 0 a axe or BYE = a+ 629 Lan? w Subtracting ) from ), we got GaX}23— QE = lat 4 29 Exercise Set7.§_ 479. Ita ng eas pt aici egies abe ane gece rove tht he hte fhe lay ~ oe +94 --y" J ilse Say e woe ee sea by Be Yager Be RS IEC, ¥) is the cent of curvature sit any point (3) of the eurve, any point (9 wa ya pa sr SEE aa (> a+yn- See : us Sua, ocr 2? - | Subtracting (2) from (1), we have Bett O64 vo oxen = Baa = 8 hanging (, ¥) to current coordinates, the regired evolute is Get fe y= 2 Prove that the centres of curretures at peints of the ejcloid (88 a(0- cin By a(t coe Alioonan oqual gyclcid. —* x=ale-sin a, yaatl-con 2, ty & fee atl enn, Saasine eoed dy wine 28matea Pha wed yd OF aint z a ” ca as @ aa sintf 10%, 99 is centre of curvature a any point then iy © 480 2 Sol, {ny es 1 Plane Yay+ SP = -ai1-c0s9 @) ‘Thus parametric equations of evalute ofthe eyeloia are (1) and (2), which represent an eqial eycoi, Find the evelute cf the four-cusped hypocysbid x22 + 2 = 28 (or1 = acs 4y =e n' 0. ew, y=asin’ a ist ease Sree oc Masint Dene sin 8 aa ne fee Po oaee gb ya Qe wee oll 1 1 wroCeatamd" mas ceas F(X, Ye the centre of eurvatire at any point, then xexSatry wa Ota i? Cand © (ci eabtaton and simp tn) ee enn! # Sasi fo 9 Craton and spent) Aang) end, ws have H+ ¥ alone) 64+ sin} D+ Be in Boos O (sin @ + on6 alcos @ + sin 0) (cos? @+ sin? 9—sin Bens 8 4 Soin 900s 6(sin 6 0s = cos @ + sin 0 eos? @ + sin? 9+ Bein Dees 4) = cos 6 cin OF E+ 18 = gOlons + sin @ ‘Similarly, subtracting (2) trom (1), we get X=Y= eos 0 ain (Ce Y HS = acon 8 sin 0 o Adding (3) and (4). we have + YH + K-18 & aiOlions 6+ sin O* + (cos Osim OF] 7 2TRGest 0+ sa? 0) Changing UX, 1) into current cocrdinates (x9), we have equation of the evolute a BnereiseSet 78481 0 (+ PO ys 2a 8 Show that the evolute ofthe tractxix Pies yaaa Blissey nat pon leesmeil De “ent __siot_ MOL W isthe centre ofeuvatre at any point, then BY iccaetleeeee cen wifoet + neal) ace (ln) ocest+eintan jase 1 cost YS ee SON Gs = Se a cost * Fenskt Sar eco inti) MB eae o 482. % Sel. ton. Plane Curves 1 ost ae @ sn rs t ‘The volute of the cure is obtained by ominating# fer (1) and 2), From (2), we got a+ tants Yeap =a) § fusing Qiang zee Bona Tier vqunan stu erase a conn oxi ee coro fara oa ae Here fag) =3 ee, is 206 and fy =6(%) <0 GP ha BOF fas OP ha GP @ L eta Hace he cent tron (2,3) (28 a fe eee Exervise Set7.8_ 483 1Otios 64-32 =e * Ted ~ Be IFLX.Y) is the centre oeurvature, then vi) Prove that normals toa curve are tangents toitsevelute. ‘Let P (zy) be any point on a carve whose equation is y= / ). By Theorem 7.33, cordinstes of the conte of curvature © (a, #) conesponding a oot Pare x peina @ ey ome @ Ditterentiting d) wert 3, we have 4 de de da dp -#) fe Ge oO an aif (sincen= Se, cosa= ae =-ain a2 ® 4, Boome oe a da ® pene! G+ cna? 43. 494 Bol, Sol. I. Leb (1, 8,1, BC1, 34) [Ch. 8} Analytic Geomeiry of Three Dimensions sors 1= 96 and [AC| = y= 08 + 6-98 = 0-57 = Viv 16+ 25-2 Since [AB| = YAOI, therfore the xiang sel ‘AG, 9,4), B1,13,2), C002) AB) = VO=4F + 01-97 + 2-9 2 Vistas d= a= 26 (sc) = Va=oFe O- = =F Visas i= aero = Yorer9 = 95 = 31 Clearly |AB[? + |CA|? = 24 + 98 ‘hus ABC sa ight xiang with right engl at AG, 0,2, 514 3,2, 010,7,0) (abl = a= Des @-OF + BF \oraro=vie= 3a wel = =o Fee ‘and {CAI fib 16 16 = V8 = 445 and |C4| = (G08 + O- De E- 8" = ise = 65 Clearly |AB|? + |BC|? = LAC]? ener ABCs night trang with right ong a A2,3,9), BOLD, C410 jab = \G=2Fs CL -aE SE (aa-+ 164 = 56 a eaaore + DEFOR Viseraya = vid [a= ae = De OOF fetes Th= vo ‘Since |AB| = |CA|, the triangle ABC is an isosceles one. Sov thatthe points, 6.1), 1, 3,8), 4,3, and 2, 0) ee che seresof raion lect and [CA © (4,3, 9,00, 2, 0) ‘They will foem the vertiows of a regula’ eteahodron provided, |AB| = JACI ~ [BC SD| = |B] RyereiveSet 81495 Now, [an] =J@1ks @-OF + Ge JO 909 = ik = 44/2 (gas oF + 0-1 Non940 = 3% Ine| = NGF =NOT 049 =3y8 | Similarly, JAD| = [CD] = |BD| = 372 -~-Hlonce te given points are the vertives ofa regular tetreheszon, B. Show that the points (3, -1, 8), Q,-1,2),@2, 1, 0) and, 1, L) are the verties ofa rectangle Lat = (3, -1, 9,2 (y-1,2),C (2,1, and D = (4, 1,1) They will form arcane f |AB] ~ |GD| and [AC| ~ [BD] with ZA~ 0. yet a Now, 4B] = VO=aF POP ep) = aaa OF aero -¥6 = \ietas- Via Nath dP ot \erivi-\it Therefore, JAC] = (BD) To prove that angle Aisa rightangl, we note that (AD[P+ lABP= (4-9? P+ aes Divaeaas BOLE once 2 Aisa right angloand so ABCD iss rectanse. WW, Under wont conetions on x, y and 2 is the pant Pe, y, 2) gulstant fromthe pln (“1,4 and (1,5, 02 Hols Lat the given pints be A end B rospectively ‘Then singe 4 [PAI = [PB], wehavo (Pay WEB! aL Sal. 2 13, Sol. \ GGT DH GA GDP G Oe —OF G Bleesryegelese lek Bt tet D+ sei +2548 or “Be +12 —8e=0 of 25-8) + Be Athich iste royired endo. Find tin coordinate ofthe print dvidng tho iin of C9, 1,4) and Dib, -1, 6) in the riion 3& Coordinates of the point. viding tho jein of the prints Gredep and lyyy 2pm thers m= are (essen moytm, mast) Cnn mtn mee) nce the vequred pint dividing the join ef ven pons in the ratiod 516 eBexao Spr 1+) (5 , 19 Case ae ee). Find the ration which theyre Avie the segment ering tho points AU 4,7) and BG, 5,0. tho Jeans divide the join ofthe given prints i the Peete 9 The wanna ofthe point whe vies hein he given pointsie B1_Analyile Geometry of Three Dimensions Ts smsat be aero anit Hien on the sa-plane, 3m— Jn ‘how that the conteid of th triangle whoce vertices are (ys 512,35 (tats atgen stata) (pe LR ae Tat AG, Hy 2h Bley Yas 2) Oty Ig %) Be the vertices of the ‘angle. veipdeeapwncn (ts LE2 22) Coordinates ofthe point dividing AD In he Yetio2 : Lave (kre) na aks) & —Te8 1h teas. Exercise Set8.2_ 497, (tain wan a tat) Be Wagener a8 By metry thi point allie on the two other modiane Hence eoordnstes ef te centroid afte rangle are (atatk ntvetie state a 3 Be) ind the centroid ofthe tezmhecron whose vertens ae #5) $21,234 E a Tet A= Cy ¥z, 2), Bide, Yo 22), Cita, Ys, 29) Dery ¥y 24) be the vorties ofthe tetrahedron Thecentidd Sef be tuwe BCD is. p. (igs atte nt) a ireae E eaag ed) Coordinate ofthe point viding AFin tho rato of 2:1 ore fetntnin stnenty atatntn) z z 7 which also le on lines soning vertices to the-Gentroids of the Gpyonte faces Thus ile coodinnas of the eentscid of the tatabedronare (taints ntutan staat 4 ry Se Exercise Set 8.2 (Page 354) In each of Problems 1 - 4, find parametric equations, diyection ratios, direction cosines and measures of the Gircotion angles of the straight line through P and Q: PG,-2,0, Q,-10,1) Here P = (1, -2, 0), @ = (6, ~10, 2), The line is parallel to the vectard = (6~1,-10 + 2,1-0}~ 14-8, 1) Parametric equations cfthe ine are eelsdiy= 24822041 Direction ratios of the line PQ ares 8,1 Alo [2Q| =\GF+ 5+ = Vis +Gs1= 9 en cas ce 2a tn atin eft ee eh oe 1 aroeea,arcons > and acon $ fury 09°97, Io, 89°97 490 _ Ic ic Geometry of Three Dimensions 2 PGS, 41,d ol. A divvotion voctor of PQ ie 87) Find tho direction cosines ofthe enordinates axes, Fava [gig) = tee @=16-4, 5-1 12 4.8) =211,2,-21 : ‘Any tn points on the ni are (0,0, and (a, 0, Deion tone ofthe ine huh dave ees estes gee ee ‘atin thesis aro 0,0, 0 = 60,0 and hence the direction Dintin rate of PQ re 32nd it iection enn ano emlncsare 12 2 12 afs'ys' Va 1 378 Direction antes of P@ are da rose “Yara rea Waaas oe rocesding as above, s find thatthe diction cesnox ofthe yaia ‘re0; 1, Uand the direction easnes of he 2s are 0,0, 1. Prove tat meaatires ofthe direction angles ofa srnight hie are a,and ythen dn a+ svt b+ si! 7= 2 ‘We know tat i af, yare the direction angles caine, then cos! a cos! f+ cae? y= 1 fie, (= sin? 6) + (aint 9) sin? 9) fay eit at cnt faint y= 2 Tinoasures of two of th divetion angloe of a teaight ina are 48° and SP, ind meamire ofthe third ertion angle Here a= 459, 6 We need to Sind 7 Now cost + owt f+ cost = | GiePAD + oot O0 + cost = 1 secon 3 = 461 7 arcone = 191649" 2 PL 5D, Oth 69) Sol. Hore direction vector of tholins ie parallal to =18,0,3)=311,0,1) Bquations of PQ are ao 1thy=-54 Wen14¢ Dirsclion ratiod of PQ ara 10,1 gg eat Iasvctionesinosare = EG = Direction angles ofthe line are 1 1 z aren moO, a ie, 5 4 PAS, 6-810 Sol. Hore d = (6-3, -8-6, 10-7) = (3, -18, 3) dj = \8¥ 168 =9= Paxameitie equation of the line hreugh the polnt P having direction vectored are ‘oquations +m + ‘Find moasurs of tha ocr ie eae Deecin aon thew are 18.8, Weng tain arte drsien canes tin en nae a Dien codntserP9 re wo Pitre =o ® a are sy fist" Vist ‘Subtracting (2) form (1), we got ated op n= o -+ @ 2 e e 5 ‘asin scan) 2) wa ave ut ees Fig) HONDO Be nat a payed Now Lem +n =0 (given) 200 {Ch 8} _Analytic Gevineiry of Three Dimens = 8) Pegi whe ieee is te, an(m+tl=0 > m=0 oF (re) ca Eeefouawtya de ae er eR El mee Te oo ah: ve Similarly, othor values of m,n canbe found by tang ‘Ths dircotion cosinas ofthe twe lines are ‘nthe angle between the lines 8, The direction cosines 7, m,n of two straight ines are given bythe ‘equaiions +m +n = and 2im + ln mn = 0. Find measure of 1 theangla batwoon then. Soll l4men=0 0 Un + in-~mn=0 @ From}, = —(+m) Subatituting into @),we ave Bim 2 4) + mm) =0 oF im 22—2Im +Im+ me =0 ee 2m me @ G-m@tm)=0 Sytem or Bam Solving T+men=0, Ltmenso and 1m =0, we get Atn=0,webave 1 a Lom in ar iA7 Exercise Set 8.2504 ae 2 Direction csinsofshelie ne, ante 1 is measure ofthe angle between the twa ines, then ga teDtixe=CDeD 3 1 een V6.Ve z Tans Find equations of the straight lines L and M in symmetric forme. Dotermine whether the pairs of mes intersect, Find the point of intersection if it exiete. (Problems 10 12) 10. Ls through Az, 1,9),3 = (1,2,4) 1M. -theough PE, 1,-2, 00, 4,3) Sol. Parametric gestions of th lin ea 2-3 tely=let and mly= 14a mate 2+ or ‘The lines intorooct ithe eyotem ef equations 2-M= 5-5 wo Lets Leis @ Bria ate @ hea a eotition. @ Bea coda ove Paste fri to BE oh aye, neath mrs ri thn cas even a Me sta mr ueg am Beas Ses ere at a ae Maressticeat ox nom seca S4en5+ le @ @ “1-32 T+ 2e ® Is actin, + Solving (1) ana @) we obtain t = -2, fats (2), Hence the lines intersct. Substituting ‘equation for Z the point of Intersection is -2, 10,5). We Le 5 through A@,-1, 0) and raraliel to = (4 8-2) “1. Theos values of and s “Pinto the 502 I M+ Chroagh PUA, 8,5) and poralel toe = (1.7. 3) ‘Sol. Equations ofthe lines are aie Coney oe Bede Lily +8! ond M =0-% "The tnosintersce f the sien of equations 224-145 o “116-34 Te Q “B54 3s @ basa soltion Selving (D and @), we pet tal and 60-1 ‘These value of fend ¢ stiny (2). Hence the lines intersect in a point. Sahetituting # = 1 in the equations for BM, the point of Incersesion is -2, 4,2). Find the distance of the given point P from the given line LE. Problems 13-14): Direction vostor of L ls = 1,-2.2) Sequelae (ap xo! i ih po RO a ae ir A -2 3, . ah aeag ni ae : oe MH P= 090, 1 tet EX drsthmiwd atau) fia eure Gas Gee alt 8% B= lye 4a] - a= B= ig|o a 22 agginea- Exercise Set 2503 ee Th Ii the edges ofa rectangular parallelepiped are a, 6, c; show that ingles between the four diagenale are given by, Sol, Lengths the eles 04, OF and GC are a, bc respectively lc ‘Therefore, tbe coordinates of the vertices ofthe 7; parallalopiped (with 04, OB, iG all Pag cooréhnate axes) are hss 0= 0,00. A= (0,0.0)8 Direction rates of OP area, 5.6 sitection cosines of OP ere a b € [ea Oi d Vase aoe Dirction ration of AS aro-a, 8,0 direction cosines of AS are ot o « Were e as Bea VOT Pe ‘hee a ae ene OF a 8 son mete os a= Seige ea olusing con 9 1 lp + my mg-F mma noeen(SB ES) be, a= oreeos (Tay pea of Simtarty, the angles between che reconining diagonals are found to Decco he anges fat sth secon (ae IE 16, A craigh line males angles of mensures o,f» with the four fingers of acute, Prov thas 4 eos? a + cs? f+ os? 7+ con? 5 =F “Hole Suprose the odge of the cube is a ‘When as in th previcus question the ‘ertiss of the eabe are = 0, 0,0 504 {Ch 8} Analytic Leometry of Three Dimensions ‘A= (2, 0,0, B= (2,0) Fi (0,0, 3), = (e,, 0) (ja, a), P= (0,06), and P =(a,a,9) ‘The diagonals ae OP,AS,BT rp fe and CR Tredirstion ovine ofOPare A Similarly, direction cosines of AB are SA si Sond ‘ Ciretion coonenaf BT arn aS ot Yes 2 La mndororare eh « ‘Let the election cosines ofthe line which makes angles cf, yand Syith OP, AS, Bland OR respectively bel, mn, Then, " co a= © ona © nh oor 5 o and con d= © ‘Staring 6), (6, (7) and (8) and adaing the rests, we get caste + ons! 6+ cos? y+ cost d= F(R + mt +n) 4 sineoI,m,7, are the divetion ocsines V7. Find equation of the straight line passing through the point ‘FOO, ~8, 2) and parallel to the séraight line Joining the peints AG, 4, Nand BG, 7, 5): Sol, The line joining the points AG, 4,7 and BC, 7,5) has direction aos ccs Exercise Set $2505 2-3 7-45-7 or Lao ‘As the required line is parall) to AB, it snust have the direction rallos—1, 8,-2 ‘Thecefore, the Fine through the point (0-8, 2) with the direction ratioe “1, 3,-Lis ro0y43_241 42,322 7 Saye 373? Find equations of the stralght line passing through the point ‘PQ, 0,2) end perpendicular to each ofthe stright lines eed_y et] 4 E 1th zt @ pen eey oe 8 ete a Direction ratios of the given tinea aro 2, 2, 2 ad 3 1, 2. If the roquired line hae diction ratio ¢, cp, ¢9 then by the exncition of perpendicularity, wo De, + Oey + Bee Therefore, "The required line threugh the point P(2 0,2) with nS ¢y, ea Ca tz2_- 3 Find equations of the straight line through the given point ‘A-and intersecting at right angle the given straight line (Problems 19-20): A= (11, 4,-8) and e=4 Lye Te 2t, | Suppose the perpendicular from A meets the given line in P. The given Hino, in the symmetfc form, hat jac 4-6) equations. We shall nd such that bud = @ £7 4% 14D are 4 the oordinates oP. Direction ratios of AP are @-t-1, TH 2-4-1446 fey TBE WERE a Direction ratios of the piven lio are -1, 2,1 505 _{Ch. 8] _Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions ‘Since APisperpndsle ko tho given line, or (Dr 2ut4 3) les 829 len (PETES THOSS=0 or Honeo direction ratios of AP are ~4,-9,2 Equations ofthe required line AP are Hall yd 248 4 ae 20. A= (6,-4.4) and w S01 Lat P 3.2 bo the lint onthe gre le sch ha AP i Perpetua to Dien aco ofthe ine AP ane Seay ane Sie AP spore tC) wo bare fete tote 6 a ca yeriea-2-2-4) =0pvne Thus 0,-0.0) Divo een of AP ae 3-1-1 uston the route ne AP aro tyecknzeant 21, Yin he ong thn perpen rom the pin Ply, thestagh ne SpE PLES toro! tnt nto S01. Let P = Gy ¥y 23) The point A = la, fy) lies en tho given line anita ection wore b= Un) Th oped perpen intercom Pte gen ine (AB x8) a Tey = Ne 9 2y> AKL mall alae sek 4 = (l* « nA) 22, Find equaliono of tho parpondicuar froin the pint 7, 69) tothe 2 straight Ine rigs Paes a ‘Also obtain its length and coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular Sol. at A 1, 8,8) and Pho the foot che perpendicular on 507 eo oxnty 14 M2942 fre coordinates of P, then direction ratios of AP are e114 %- 6,0 + 2-9 we 18-6 9-6e-1 | T——z Ais direion rales ofthe given ine are 1 2, & By he conlon of ‘perpendicularty, wehave =D) + B54 9-D=d nV io, f=1 “Hence enordimates ofthe fcr P ofthe perpendicular ae (1,3, Lenagh ofthe perpencieular = [AP] ue = Va + 6-0 + pre ra=Vi5 Bauslonotbeperpntiata Pate © penirer er erate Tali scare Soe 23, Find © necesory and ‘uiiont contition that tho_poins Phy Vip dnap td Ney 75 #9) ate calinesr Sol, Equations of line tacaigh Py r<) Qsydo-£9 82 Mauss =m, 46 -eDhy =r + Oy-WEy PAA He —AM If (ys94yHy) lies on this ing; thea BT Ht GAO = =O Hh, Met Oa-y)t = A-1y, + try i+ Gynt = 1-02, 4%, Gas, +02,-%5=0 By, +t,-95" 9 1-85, + tx 2570 ‘timinatingt from the last three equations, we gee aA Hy A ¥2 4 41 2 Ys] =0 or | ¥2 A] <0 Hyp Fy lay 4] 24 Sot, 8] __Analytic Geometry of Three ‘hich is @ necessary condition for the three paints ta be col near Working algebra backward, we find that this condition is slso sufficient ly, may mys by my ny and lay my rg ace direction cosines of three ‘mutually perpendicular lines, prove that the line whase direction ‘cosines are proportional to [,4 ly; + my + mgt + ty thy ‘makes sorgruent angles with thom, We are givon that Ty + mymg + myn, = 0 ® Id + mgm + ag, =0 ® 1h + mgr tag =O @ Abo O+mPtal=1,i=123 @ ‘Suppose 4, is measure ofthe angle hetwaen tha lines with des yp myer and l, + by + ly m4 + may 4 my ay + ry + ng Then Hy + tat Ug) + my my + my tm) +m, (my + 4 m5) one g, = HOGA ny sm) TS fenitea (Gries, rm, eas famdeniadistmymyinaptibistmmstma) Bh tty puna: “EGthe® ‘Similarly, measure ofthe angle, betweon lines with des dy my and y+ ly lym mtg + mg By + ry + ngs given by Sa Ray 1 Jasiear manner, om @ = Et Tms4 == ‘A vasiabe line in (wo adjacent positions has direcsion cosines (,m, mand 14 18 m + m,n + de. Show that measure of the sll ‘angle 48 between the two postions ia given by (60)? = (60 4 (amt + (any. Since i,m, mand 1-4 61, m + dn, m + 5 arecvostin eotines ofa line in twe adjacent postions, we have Be mirntad a) and + SDF + Om + Sm P+ O44 Sa =1 @ Exercise Set 82509 Tang tl), wo gst hem LBL + m dim 4m Sm) = (6124 Sm)? + (5mm)? = 0 (8) sinall angle Da between the two adjacent positions ofthe Hn is 8 591+ 51)-+ ie + 6m) 4 nin + Sn) TADS mdm tnd oF -1 +08 to = Bein?) = 141+ mdm 4m dn Bs vtajain 2 ain(2 cs) TetOA, OB he the two adjoant portions ofthe line Let PQ be the ‘are of the circle with centre O ane rads 1. Then coordinates of fd @ are (on, x) and (+ of,ma+ dm, n +) respectively Now = are PQ—+ chord PQ, since 60s seul UDA + (Sra + (Onl Moreton, (880? = (SUS + (Simi + (Sm) 510 _ICh. 8) _Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions Exercise Set 8.3 (Page 363) Find an equation of the plane through the three given points (Problems | -3): 230,630,021. Sol. ist Method: Suppase equation ofthe required plane is actbyte+1=0 @ Since it pasoes through the points (2, 1, 1); (6,8, 0; 2, 1, 2) they ‘atiafy (2) Therefore, we hove attest Gat 3 to+1 Barb +B 1=0 Solving those equatiens, we got 1 [equation of the required plane i= 1.2 GatQy sled or eB Fe-4-0 2nd Method: Tet P=@,1,0,@=(63,0,R = C212 Pe = 142,01, PR on ee edie PG. PR-| 42 ol- 2: gree o 401 (2 is « normal yevtor to the required plane. Eevation ofthe plane thiough 2(-2, 1,2) having (1) as « normal vector Bix + 2) ty) #86 -2)=0 Or xt t aed GAD, (8,-2.8), (6, 0,0. Lot an equation ofthe plane be ax + by +e = 1 Sit paws throagh th points L282, 6), (6,0, 0, we abide =1 “te ~2b 4 fo= 1 berate =1 Solving these equstions, we have gr Exercise Set83_514 “Hones an equalion of the plane is Ar — 167 —z (4,1,1), 6 -8,-2, 1,0. Let an equation of tha plane be 2 + by + 1 Since it passes through the points (-1, 1,1), (0, ~8,-2) andl (4 1,0), ‘we have catbto mt Sa %0 = 1 wtb = f Bd ei est Salving theve equation, we obiaiic = 3,b=3,¢=3 “Hence an equation f the plansisx-y +5*= 3 Find equations f the planos bicesting tho anglas between the, planes ‘e462 +1= Oand 2x +y-5=0, Pints on the planes bisecting the anges between the given planes ‘se equllotant from theen. Let Ge, 2) be © point on the place Tisceting tho angle between to gen Fenen, Equations of the | remvired planes are Beiytze-8_ Set y-@+1 sn ast or Met Ty + Te 96 = 4 (Or +618 +) ey Gey +S2r-88~ 0 and 29 + 15/—4-92=0 ‘Transform the. cquetions of the planes Sr — 4 + 6s = 0 and Bey x = § te normal forma and bence find rensure of the "angle berween them. Be c= 0 oo Jugnorml ae +gbee=0. 4 aa? “AR? oa ‘The plane ey 22 ='5 hsernormal frm a=, ete 28 fay ® Mosauce ofthe angle between the planes Pai meget Cae) UG Honea 4= 312 Sol {Ch 81_Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensi Find equations of the planes through the points, 5, and (,3,1) and parallel to th cooiinate exes Lota plane parallel to the ras be as + dy + cx = 1 where a,d,¢ are direction ratias ofa normal to the plane. ‘hes direction cxlncs of te eas ave (U0, 0), Normal to the plano porpeciclr thesaxin, Hence 21450460-0 or @=6. ‘Therefore, an equation ofthe plane poral to tho e-ais io ly tent Sino the peints (4, 6,8) and (29,1 le on this plane, we have “Sb 4 50 ané 3b +0. Mere esuttinagie bad cn 4 Th lve pera to the aaa podg Ch the Hen pansy scare, ae Similarly, « plane parallel to the yas is Gr +o = 1 On substiviting the given points into tis equations, we have 4a+Be= 1 and 20 + throwgh the given peintsis 2 =1, ‘The plave parallel to the exis can ‘be found similaty as aety-1120, Find an equation of the plane through the points (1, 1) ahd 42.2, 1) and-perpendieulae to the plano -y z+ 4= 0. Let the required. plane be ax + by + 22 = 1 As this pln perpendicular ony -2++4 =0,ve haw a1 +8) +e) £0 te, e-B-0=0 o ‘Also the points (1,6, 1) andl @ 2,1) eon the required plane Therefore, ete=l @ and et Bre ® ‘So¥ving (1), (2) and (9) simultanceusly, we heve aes tobe 2 a=ks 5 once the required plane is aoe 3. 9+ Be~ Ler ey 4 8=5 ipd an equation of the plane which is perpenciculer bisector of the line segment joining the pointe (3 4,1) and 7). Sei 8.3519 Direction ratio to io tring the given point aro S-32-47-Cl) ley 2-28 ‘hose ae direction otion of nermal othe reguied plane, ‘Aco the mid port of thains segmenting tho gin points ia S524 Tal (58254 4) 3.0 Hones uation of the required planes 2e-4) +9) -3) + 83) = 0 or By B or xy ede 19 [Show shat che juin of 0, 1 0) and (2, 4,1) intersots the joins of | 1,1, Dand a3, 9) ji Wefrst show that the two joins are coplanar Equation of the piane through (0, ~1,0), (2.4. ~1)and (1. 1. 1)is| zy 1 O40 4 Gla a Vem ‘The fourth point (8 3, §) also satisfies this equation, Hence the imo seine ave coplanar. Direction ratics ofthe join of (,-1,0)and 2.4, -1)are2,5,-1 a and the direction raticso? the join af © G11) end G, 9,9) 02,8 @ Since 1) and (2) are not proportional, the two joins are net parallel tnd hence beng coplanar, they Intersie. ‘The veriees of a tetrahedron aro (0 0. 0), 3,0, 0), (0, 4, 0) and (0,0,6).Find equations of the planes of i aces, uct the vertices be denoied by A = ©, 0 0, B= 18, 0,0, ©= 0, 40)end D = (00,0) Pquation of any plsne throngh the point A i ax + by + «= passes through B and C, then a = ( and b = 0, Thus the through A, B, Cis ce~0 or <0. Similarly, plane through A,B and Dis Cand Diez =0. Now we find the plane Uarough B, Cana D. This cat be writen in ho ntorcopt form ae xe gt4tg=t Byuations ofthe planes of the four faces are xaDiy=Q2=0,8 =0 or te y-2 3 ~ Wie 0 and plane through A, 514 ~ Sol 2 13. Sol. mM. Sol. [ch.3]_Analyile GeometCy of Three Dimensions Find en oqaation ofthe plane through (3, 4) end perpendicular teach ofthe planses +y-2e-S=0 and 2e—Sy42=0 Aplane through (6,1, ise 8) +b y +1) +eG2-4) = 0 ‘Sito iti perpendicular to esok of tha given planes, we have a+b-w=0 and 2-dre=0 Bo oka abies o ge Gah ie, ardie= tit Hense equation ofthe required plane in cesbtytltz-d=0q styte-Ba0 Find an equation of the plane each of whose point is equidistant fom the poinis A@, ~ 1, ) and BG, 1,5). B= 02,41 ‘This vector is'& normal of the required plave since each points of he plane is equidistant from A, B, Bguation of plane with AB as ‘anormal vector in 2 + 97 +424 d= 0, ‘he mityin (8) of the Boe ment HE" sr hi Menten Gracias Dymo ied pe pee Donec ar ats Picea nea ca Ee ee ee Fircten an ofthe frece 4.2 See ne es pci err Sones eS Seances sci Fisch teaor-a bee pomeeena ee ee a ae Fi pean aio at an cing p= Se eran ese sas alias ecu enee Se ee 8) with those direction ration na 6S ees Exercise. Te saaeyni eee 6d ged pommetreoqutons ofthe tne 18, Wels equation of dof of all plana whose cstanos fom he Wake Bind tome merers ot fay which ae paell 40 hopes tg-t24 30 ot, An uation ofthe tary ofl eure planes inno east es mytne=7 noe | aed aro dvotion exines of normals 12 th plans. Beds ofltepines ty v2 4 8= Ole the nomad ome ae EARNS a ee eee PPD < bee (Bare) = Geers eee ee ae iat og par ’ Shee pero tee eed cert teyfer-T=0 ond er tyg? tye ‘Fin an equation ofthe family ofthe plane which passes Unruh tho point (G, 4, 5), hes an sinterept equal to -6 ond porpendiealar tote plane 2x + y= = 8. Bot. Equation of plane with intercepts ~5, band con the x-axis, -0si andz-axsrespctivey it Segeen -@ ‘a hie planin perpen ta 2x + 9 2=8 we hove 1 {2)+(f)-b+0 o B-2-8 o ‘Ain the plane (1) pouos through 4,5), Merefore 34,5 4,5.;,3.8 a Subiber oe frbaie5=5 6 6 Fram 2 and @),webave = Tg TG Equation of tho required plane is 07 195 ~ By — 10s + 95 = 0 VP. Show that the distance of the pint (8, 4, 5) fom the plano 2 4 fy Ge = 1Gmeasurod parallel to the ine Sol, Bauations of the line through PCS, ~4, 5) and parailel tothe given 18 Sal. Tneare ead etd ToS o Any point on this ine is Ql2r + 3,¢— 4, 2¢4 5) 1 also les onthe given plane, ehen 20-+9)4 50-4)-6-21 +9 =16 oe = 18-8 Pies LA isn pm ng) es oe a one tain 199-69} (8) +(2}} = Sow that th fre Sue es ims Fat ution of ptr ee Be lesieeei Pic Sains vias ars ere i Dinos tar tats Sa. Sy fo ind we Eta Sense Liew gle baiaea aoe ta recip bees ‘Equations of the lines in symmetric forms are E-Biy-2_ 242 Dea ai eho yo5 ar 2) point onthe line (1) is (3, 2, -2 x Since the required plane is t eontam botk the ines, it wil eontain svory pein of both lines, Any plane through @,2)-2)in6 ie 8) 4 by 84 Feu +2) —0 Jf this plane contains both CD and (2), then normal vector of tho plane is perpendicular to each of tke two lines. Therefore. Mab dom 0 Exercise Set 8.4 517, Tienve equation ofthe fasred plane 175-3) + Hy 2) + Me + 2) in, Wet Qy4 1-31 = 19, Ife, b,c ato the intorepes af plane en tho cocnlinate aves andr fe the distance of te oricin fom the pane, prove that aided, aeytEta Sol,, Ezsation ofthe plane, with a, 3,08 intoronpts on theswasia, yaxie ‘and z-axis reopectively BS a atate=! Distance rof the plane From (0, 0,0) is 4 fe ree leratal ° a Bt Fa exinon wo plans rhoe dite from th ly ew 8 trite hth ané whch are perpendiear 10 the ie neues the Dts AC, 3,1) na 6,5, 1) Sol. ‘The line Ais normal obec the requced planes, Direction retlos @FAB re 4 Dicbioncoinandl the lnw AB ore gsi eye's Fees sct vases of cntans ra ivr Cegeare [tape ‘where |, m,n are direction cosines of normals to the bwo planes. Bee i eects eee velar si Sai gereret BG" Neo Ne or xy 4 Be = £8Y6 aro oquations of the desired planes. Exercise Set 8.4 (Page 366) fh Prove tht tho plades 4c + 4y ~ fe = 12 a + 1-188 = 92 intersect and equations of their line of intersection can be written inthe forin eames Hol, Direction ratios of normals to the two planes are 4, 4, and 8, 12, 419 which are oi proportional, Thus the planes re not parallel fen 0 they interse |, Exercise Set 84519 we choooe = 0. Then tho two equations are det gy=12 and Be 12) = 82 which give = 1,y = 2.Henoe (1, 2,0) ise pointon the line, Similarly, putting x = 0, we find 2 w ‘Afi fly, my tg ate diction ratios of tho lino M we havo, ba ‘before Yitath and Lyme ee ets t wich pve 2=-2,9 = Therefore anther pon the Sine f Poms * 1 eng? ni 3) From @) 4 ll at ce fred in pet Hosea eee ‘Therefore, the two given lines are parallel, Show tha th ines Le et yy-1n0=3-2-1 Mi riycinOus-Boe 2, Findacgnmtsic fore forthe ine xty tet L—O=desyite42 Bor tei Sol, Suppo «= 0 Thon th given equation are Tat destin aloe of the ine .bel, n., Thon we have FiyatnO and dey ead ee Te aptions give 2-19 =2 A Ta ek a once a(3h 0) sa point yng on the ine fr =-2h,m ah, m= © Agia, welts ~O-and have-y-t241=0 and y—2r +20 Bro sme en tg eB ua gee, Lih- lems +0m 20 end 2.%-Om,~2ng= 0 Hace 2 Bk (ay) oe y= 2kp,iy= Bky ny = ha ® From (1) and @), wehave ly myng mpg = Any + Dh + 2 Hence he given ines are perpendicular fo each other Fie equations of he saight line through the pin (1, 9) en patie Wo thelings “yt 2e-5~O-Sety+246. | + Suppose disection rtion ofthe rauird lina are fn. Sine the required line is paral! te the tine 1), i a perpendiealar to the Aotmals cf each othe planes constituting the line (1). Therefore, Ti-imt2a=0 ad Xtm+n—0 Pree hws nti, we 7574 Tee er pautavos pre ested) Eve pieniarceence 5 Nese ea: Lag, edge ig eth x49 eras age at Ong gts a2, 3% Show chat the ines Li rtny-z-7 = 05) 42-21-06 Mi; Q¥ G-de-G=0— Bx ys aroparalal Sol. Tf fy, m,ny are dzection ratios ofthe lin E then sineé normals of ‘the two planes arealeo normal to tho line wo have Th+m,-m=0. and -2,4m+n,=0 Sol. Sol. ‘Bouations ofthe required hne ace yo2en3 Bn 4 Find equations ofthe planes containing the line s-y—2 = 0 = 2 -y +B: ~ Band perpendicular tothe coordinate planes Any plane through the given line is ktyo:+hQeny4 32-5) =0 or OF 2) e FU hy + Gk 1e-5e=0 ry ‘A normal weir Wo this plane is (1+ 2k, 1-4, a= 1) ‘Tho plane ie perpen to the ele who ogni i = 0, Hence 1(2+ 28) = O which giver b Parting this value of into (1), we have 26 oe Br-getg-0 or t=O ‘as an equation of the plane perpenciculr the tothe sz-plane Equations of planes perpeiiclr to he sane y-planes can be {eumdin a sinilar manner Fin an equatit of the lane containing the inex = 2.y = 342 = 4 and intercortion ofthe planes. 4 9 # == Dand fy -¥ ~ 0, |. A lane through tho intoreostion of + y += 0 and 2y—z~ Dis Shy ee thy ~2)=0 ke, Z#(L+2by +C-he=0 a Since this plane contains the line: = 2r,y = 51,2 = 4¢, a normal of the plane is perpendieslar to thellins. Therefore, 2+B0 +2) +41) =O. Geinoo 2, 3, 4, are citation tos of the lin) 2 aiglarenoe ie? ‘Substituting far k into (1), equation of the required plane is eo ateieo dee dew ‘Weive an equation of the family f planes heving intercept 5, > intercept 2 and a poncero crintereept. Find the member of the ‘amily which is perpendicular to ‘he plono Bey 42-4 0, a ‘Let nonzero z-intercert be, quota ofthe required famlly of planesis where ofr parameter. Exercise Set 524 Te nerbee of tia Gly porpendicaar t (0), hen we bave 22,1 3 B-Ft2-O te on 5 ‘The required planeis 2,245 2,%4%e1 E+Grge-l iz, 3++ B= Find an equation of the plane passing through the point 2, -8, 1) and containing tholine 3 = % = 8-1 ‘Tho given line can be writen as ten ty=3=0= 2-3 1 ‘Therefore, any plane carough this ine is =) -9) + Aay~Se + 1) It pasos through @,-8, 1), thon 46-94 hb-84y Pating his valent inte, weave G-27-8) + 8y~a2 +1) ~0ore-G - 1 = 19 {san equation of the require plane. Find an equation of the plane psssing through tho line of intersection ofthe planes 2x—y + 2 = and r+ %y --2 = ‘and at unt distance trom the erg. Aary plane through the intersection of the given planes is Bey 86+ hie + y 26-3) = 0 or > thet Gh Ly + Ghia = Bb » Now the perpenticular distance of this plane frem the crigin = 1. ‘Therefore, a erm or HOH 19hs 4 o b= Z Potting this value ot nta (1), we et 1B + 8 + 4e= 21 ins an equation of the required plane Find equatione of she porponicular from the origin to the line x + By + $2 + 4m 0 = 2e + Sy + de + 5. Also find the enordinat of the fot the perpendiclar. ‘We first convert equations of the given lire tn a symmetse form, Lat a,b, © he direction race of the given Tine. Since the lin Is enpmicar othe nar af mh of th pans crating he Tine, we bave @ oortat 1 522 Sol th 8] _ Analytic Geometry of Three Dimens ar2+%00 ond 224 r4o~ 0 aan saraine (oe vestnceia eve acl ee iar ct ie Ww sies eta n Ce eis ieoniacno. ee ams a eet ah oS hes Ab edo ely pt cata face eee Oe aecearaaeene eae arn-s-me matle pio eiy sun ore aes fe, 48-0. giving ‘Thus foot of the perpendicular is Ga) ee ah aes 3 Bauations ofthe prpentiear OA are ie ee er Soa a ae “A variable plano is af a constant clstance p from the origin end recta the axce in A, B, C. Through A, B, C plenss are drawn parallel to the eordinate panes. Show that the lous o their point of intersection is given tyr? ty? + 22= p?. ‘Let an equation ofthe variable plane be letmy +ne=p where? + m?-tn?= 1 @ oe ee i im * in => ‘Thus coordinates of A,B,C are respectively §0.9).0.28,0.22) Exercise St 84_ 523 Tan ots am ah AG 0 Aen re ee Dist Similarly, equation ofthe plane throussB (0,0) and parallel “fo seplane'is y+ E end equation of the ple through (0.0.2) ant prt tine ns = 2 aah. We eiinats rn os te oquation eget the read oa en aes Wotan 1=2,ma2.n=B Surrey eis waive aR +m vnt= Ba Bas ee or 16a pirt ty tte ie, xt ty? +z ters, 524 Sok. 2 Sol ich.a) Exercise Set 8.5 (Page 370) 2 ss parallel 10 the sh ‘Show that the straight line “8 plane ar + 2y + 2= 9 Direction ratios of a normal to the given line aré [2 7,3) end Airestion ratios of « normal to the given plane are [My 2-2]. Since @ + C4) @) + (8) (2 = 0, ncemal to the plane ss yerperdicalar to the given lin, Thus the line is parallel to the sven plane Stow tht the saght ine! = 4 Zs perpen oe pane de By + Be + 19-0, Direction tatios of given line are 1, 2, 3, And dioction ration of ‘normal to the plane are 4,8, 12 Tz Since } given plane Ta). the gvon line ie porponcieuler tothe plane, ‘Pind the conditions that the stright lino x = m= +, nay Tie in tho plane As + By + Ce “The given lino in asyramatrieform is Te a eee ‘Therefare, my point on the nei (x yy) whoro xaatm, yabent and > ‘This point lies on the given plane if ‘AG + nt) =BE+n)+ C+D =0 or nt Bn + Ot + As + Bb +D=0 Which ete ean for evary vals off Thisimpbies that Ao+Eb+D=0 und Am+Bh+C ‘which are required conditions forthe given Ine to lion the given as Detartains the peint, ffany, common to the straight line x = 1 +1, paha=-14 land the planes y+ Wo find ¢aach that 2 = 144, =tand2 E+ 4 2= 3. This roquires Garner clso=3 once the common point it 2, 1,0) 2 ee er 1+ tie om the plane ott Ererciveser6.5_525 Find on oqusion of the plano tragh fhe point Gi 9 and through tho straight fine ==! = |. Any plane through the givon line is Ate~a) + Bly ~6) + Cleo) =0 a whore Al+ Bn + Ca = Since lx, =) ies on (D), we heve Aw ~a) + Biyy—8) + Cie, ~<) = 0 8 liming 4, B, Clon and we et tom in joo ki-a y-6 acl or Dee=a) (mz, ~c)~aty,—o =0 whieh san equaticn ofthe required plane ind an equation of the plane passing throagh the steaight lino (E+ 2e=4,y~z = Band parallel wo tbe sraightjine o Theclesght lines + 2e~ 4,92 = Bin asymmetric for ib sod yeh se Task ‘Any plane threuza this in is a9 ty ora @ where 9(-2) § BU)» c= @ Tsthe plane (2 iepart tthe ine wo ave a2) + 0) re) =0 ® Bliminating o, 8c from (2) (8) and (4), we odin 34 6-8) 109-8) + C310 = 0Le,5+ 10y-8e= 84 ian eiaton of tho rege plac Find an oeation of the plane pesing tough the pet (a and parallel to each of the straight lines ae rb, Suppree thatthe plane Uarough the point (a, 8, is Bea) +39 -A +c -)=0 ry 16) is parallel to the given straight ines, we have 526_{Ch. 6] Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions al + Bm tom Which i of saurse, sero since the aubteastion of the pscond row Trea the third row makor the first and second rows identical, ene the gven strat lines are coplanar. and aly 4 bm, +0n,=0 @ Bliminating oe from (D, @) and), wo got a | i Prove thatthe stenignt lines eee be eol_yal 2410 24 ys 241 boom m Set ae ee me z Intersed, Also Mad the point of intersecion and the plane throug fe, Da = a nna ~man,) = Owhich isthe required plane 8, Find an equation ofthe plane through the steaight line artlytertd=Dacwt by tcetd and parlolta tho srsight line Fu 2 = 2 o Bel, Any pai through bea lines “This givesx = L+ 21,9 = —L—se2= 8-10 o ‘Similarly, fom the second line, we have as thy teas d+ Bae t by teed xed bay=-3-4yz= 14 Te ® je, lathade +O 4KbYy be tho tha 0B) ‘The lines intersect ithe equations L422 4-5,-1-51=-3—45 and &-10= 1+ 7% Since this plane ispavala othe line (1, wo have, (a+ ha ~@+kIm+ e+ hem=0 Javea snsllancous slution. d+ be en ‘Solving tho fire two equations cimultenovusly, we have Thioghes k= —ST bin + on f=2 ad sl + Putting this value of k ints (2), we have oquatin of the required ‘The died of these equstios fe tn sats by ses values ef plane as ands aimee. Putting either = 2in (1) ore = 1 in Q), wohave as bby teed = BA er shy eeete)=0 © ~12=8 heh isthe required point of iterseciton ofthe given Ines. A plane through those ines must contain the point of interenction (6,-1.6) Suppo the plane i aix-9) +69 +1) +0@-0 ‘Since this plane is o contain both the given és, we have a) + 8-8) + 8) = 0 @ or (T+ Bim + on) lax s by toed) lal thm on)are + by ter a). 8. Prove thot the strxightlinse ao Ta o Gf. Wetnoy tite acne tre dot 260 3 et 8 NC es ‘Blimninating a, 6, ¢ from (3), (4) and (5), we have ai fe ee [%. Ral © u-BaDsy+DeO+e-M68=0 os fe, fis= Qj te = 6t lan equ crc pan, So the given straight nes are coplanar 2-1 3-243 8 8 Sa 8: 528 _{Ch.8] Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions Exercise Set 8.6 (Page 375) ‘Shove that the shertasthetwaen tha lines #4 a= 2y = 19s and E=y +21 = 6(¢—a) isa, Sol. The given ines are ate 1 ig el and x=y 4 2o, @ Any plane through (2) in = 2a) + hie + 82) = 0 or (+R ~y Gtr 20 + 6ha = 0 @ Thoisparcl owe a+ -2-(-2) - Subetituting thio value of fino (3), we get Bey 4 te ann0 o ‘A point on (1 is Ca, 0, 0), Pempendielar distance of this print from (is Me i rn ig » affersa FE Which ithe snortert stance between the give tines 2, Find the shortst. cistron babween the xars and the stright lino athrard=0-ar4byscysez+d, Bol. Heutions of the-aas are pees arte ® ‘Theceher lines aetlytce+d=0nax+by terra @ ‘Ay plane containing the line (is (orsbytertd thaw bby testd2)~0 @ & Gtk tO+hyseskee td sad = ‘This wile parallel w the rane it athtm0 eke 4 Exercise Set _ 529 Taking iavabe oh te ops oem pull a> Gis brata-Sbicsivsersaya0 or @b~ay + @e—ace + dad) =0 ® Shortec stance between (1) and (2) rpendicale distanoa cf the plane (1) from any point, ‘sy, 0,0) on thexaxis, : dao ~Yab~ ob + @on ase ‘Show thatthe shorts: distance between the stright lines 4a and oqustions ofthe straight ine perpondicular to both are Met 2y- 4 8-0 Te tye + Bol. If. 12.7 are direction cosines ofthe line of shertcot distance then, Itbeing perpendlcalar to the given ling, we have Weim tdn=0 and St dn +5n=0 lana) +m ia= 3) + nema) : , Foe aa +(flo-ank Scie ee ih eae Pe escrito one on Find equations of the straight line perpendicular to both the given > straight lines and also its pointe of intersections with the given straight nes eae Pe] Anaapre Coometry of Three Dimensions Sol. Cot the shortest distance AB hare = Sar Aection cose, m,n. Then AB 4 Ting perpendouar to Bott the 4 iven tes wo have Lim+n=0 men=o +e B03 e Sao ae e a5" p28 Tea 33) + mtta94) + mlgg—=0)] 6. 2 Boe a, |o-ada-5 [sags aa -|a “hye Nal [2-425] = 2/25 In oner tnd ee cornet of he pent A and, we note that Ae z 1 ee ee ee T = tare enordinates ofA “Les -1+¢are the Thenx=t43,y= 5-242 Similarly, "x = Ts — Ly ‘coordinetes of. ‘Therafore, the direstion ratios of AB ere Wg-1-t~3,-Bs-1-8+ 24,1 be T +e or ig-t—4, 85 + 25,8418, Since AB isperpendiular to both thelines, we have et O14 (6 +262) +(e 4e-8 =O and (7st 4) + CBs + 2-6) 6) + (e+ 1 8)0) te, 205-41=0 and €05~ 12 @ Gi) and @) give #=0=9 f Hence A= (8,5, DendB = (1,-1,-1) Also direction ratios f AB are~4.-6,-8 Le, 2.34 xa3_y-8 Bquation ofthe shortest distance AB are "5 Find the coordinates of the peint on the join ef -, 7-19) and Hol. (8,1, 10) which ia nearct to tho intareaction ofthe panos w= Be + 32 = Gand det 2165-8 ~0, Eautions of line rough tropa (8, 7,10) and OID e431 #3 7t Apoint on (is FS + 4,7 + 21,13 -0) We transform tho aquatione a of the scan stig line into symmetric form, Let (a, 6 el he @ tirection vector of (2), Then 2a-b-%e=0 and $a +25—15e eae Prerfore 3t = y= j OF (aye, 6) = (043.11 Taking 2=0, equations (2) bocce tay +32 ae $e point on Heroes gmneticfonm ofequaens (2) ie zig yl. geatgltee © ‘A point en his C54 S164 345) FQ =t-i-.2-z testes in Let PQ bencrmal toboth 1) and @). Then Bs~t-5 4+ 6s-4t+ 18-2 -t- 190 and 91-91-15 +9-@ +27 +54¢4 13=0 ie, 8-8-0 and -195-a¢~ 25=0 Sivingthe last equations for vant, we have s=-31e4 Substituting ¢= “nthe coordinates fr P.we get PUA, -0) o0the required point. Fi the length ae equations ofthe common perpendicular ofthe Ts Gee B4%-19-0, x+y 42-300 Me tow be y zhy 2 ad fest wensform the equations cFL. snd At int eymmetcis forms, Pitinge ~ On tho equations for L, we have Ges 87-180 and x48 -9= 0 Therefore, $= 1 too 1270 fsa point on L, ion ieee eedieteieeeslanceiatteee etna ae oer cee ee Ter [obo be dtc vector of E, Soe Lis pempenceuar to normal ofeach plane constituting i, we have rt Sb de and 5426 + 6=0 able m» $2228 mbcl=1,-341 Acgrmmctris frm of equations ofZ is aes gen a a. Stileriy, wean wilt Aas ey 1Ters bod Lat m= IA, B,C) be the normal vector of the commoi erpeneleular ofboth (1) and @. Then 2A-3B+4C- and Ay 2B +50=0 ALBLS feet, Benson = 14, B,C (-17,-2,71 Rui mse r(t Sic) sadoia na moiifectta carey 1s 70-[3,8,o] Length f th commen perpendiaer to th two Tins is the orthogonal projection of PQ on. Therefore, length of the ecmmon perpendicular u,5 PO.m| 22 ow “Tel * Vee = Vee ‘To find equations of the commen pexpendicular, we proceed as fall: Aplane through L is Gc + fy + 4e~13 + My +2 42-9) ie, (6+ hia (6 + 2k + + ki2—sk- 1320 plane contains the common perpenciculer if “ING +1)-28 421) +74) = 0 or 102 17h 16-448 +214 T= 0 n or -HA-97=0 or Honco the planois L8e + 82y 4852-100 = 0 @ ‘Similarly, plane containing Mis Be 8y + bes mG +y—2)=0 ee Bim 4 (84 my + G—me=0 Treontaina the eammon perpendicular If “VHS +) = 269-4 m) = T= 2) or m=Jq-Theplaneis 10r~28y + 162 (@ and (4) ave the required equations of the commen perpendicular. 7. Show that tho chortoet distance between any two opposite edges of the tetrahedron formedity the planesy +2 0,242 = 0x9 = = is 2 ond thas the thre stright lines of the Ox ++ 2 = 9 2 ond nat the thee sesght ine oft or 28m 4 2=0 0 @ shoctest distances Intersect atthe point Ca, ~a,-0) Spl. Let the planesy + ¢= 0,242 =0, By Vande ty tz bo ADC, v. ‘ACD, ADB and BCD respoctvaly Equations of line AC (heme the intersection of ABC and ACD) are c pees 0nsee z cae @ ‘The edge apposite to AC is BD which ls intersection ofthe planes ADB and BOD. Its equations are rtye0 and ety te ‘Any point on tis line is (0, 0, 2) If m, nar direction vatios of | thieline then VI41.m40.n=0 and LI+1.mtin=0 lim in eo Piguntiofot50 sax emetic mare §72=422. 228g Now, $2) 26, N are dns cuicd of te soit atnce Deven (and then DilewisNeD ood ELSMCD+MO~e £_MIN oe BOM hangin gs te to faa deed ee 8M Ye: 8 6 Shortest distance between the opposite edge AG and HD [Eesem) + Ma 34) Nez] Sol. imilarly, the Gitances botwoen the opposite edges AB, OD and ‘BC.AD can bo sive ec ona to ‘Also equations of the line of shortest distanen between AC and BD. ya] xy and 1 1 -}=o0na | 1-4 “1'|-0 1-1 al P12 fe, x-y=0 o oni “ety tete @ Now (-a 2,2) stise both (1) and (2), Thos this pin ison the Ins of shrtes dsmon besween AC ard 3D. Simslo'y, (Goya) Ibs on the other tw ines of shortest distances Hered {teson the interction ofall tives nes seria tances Find the shortest distance betwoen the aright lin joining the points AS, 2,-#) and BU, 6-8) er the staght nj the omnis O11. -2) sre BIS 1-6) Alo int equations ef the shores: dlstaice end coordinates cf the ft of the: common porpendiule Eguntion ofthe in through AG, 2,4) and.E(, 0,6) ae eo yd eed net ge Tra76-a "Ste" 2-4 a Havations ofthe ines droga CCA, 1-2 and D8, 1,6) re StL os] s¢2 0, Eel ytiead |g Baek 1 ts 8 oe c et Suppose P and @ are the fet o he common perpen CGoortinatenof Pare 3,24 fit 2) Coordinte of @ are i 2s, 1,24) PQ= [1-299-421-2445 -2-40 v4 2) (2404 dt ta 8) PR is pecpenicuta: 1), were 2H $20) ACH 1) Bete +2 #2) = tno te, eer ® ‘Aloo PG is perpendicular to (2). Therefore, 42D dda 4 24 = or ie ates eth 8=0 : or Bsa Bince 3 ‘Phun 5s~¢=0-ie, = 8¢ © From (and (i, wogst” = 0,t=0 Evorcine Bet 57 See, » Sol. @ Thus P22) and Qu ett, 2) [pq| = CIs OBE CT ae fiseied= a Paneer: mations ot P9 ae #330252 = 2E4 Exercise Set 8.7 (Page 379) Find the cylindrical coordinates of the point whose restangilar coordinates ane: @ eV82,2 @NB,2,-2 Wehave, 2=roie@ end: 2=rsind ‘Squaring hese equations and adding ihe results, we have 16-1 or rad and tan 1 a Ff seins 9-8 Guar Seria Fa B Her, p=reso’ amd ino oot = tense) Cina wasnt tartan] Change the fllowing fem cylindrical ordinates to rectangular coordinates @ (6.23) (6.45) re 50m Ey em rcon0- Cook 5. reind= 5sind we 536, © © ” $Cn 3} ‘Rectangular coordinates are (3, 3 3 .-0) Find the spherical coordinates of the point whose rectangular ‘coordinaies are @) 2..1,V6 ©) (2.28.0 © (N51, @) (4,-43,8) +i 4+6=\8 tenv-2=1 o =f Pet cae fsa, a8 apd coe = Sphetat cnmane (8 d Var ae eat pose=z = 4\eos. at nen 28g 5 0 Spherical eorinaes we (42 ene wey- pn \i0> B+ 55= 10 4 ares 0 and -45= rine ‘Therefore, r= VI0+ 48 = 8 @ Exercise Set 8.7_627, ; : oF copa Bor paar heed eran [10 82, cn} Find tho roctangular cccedinates of the point whose spherical ‘coordinates are @ 623 o (53) © 082 @ ( Ip 6. 9) aro the spherical polar enordinaten of a point then the ‘estangular eoordinates a, y,2) are given by <= psingeos y= vsingsin @ and z= pc0s¢ Therefore, Hence 9.2) 2 a4 sin2 Pes onlt ee Hence (2,952) = (f8 5 9,-2) ¥=psingsin@=0 ; 2=peos 6=0 alan cnr (0,00 Se p=2,0~%,¢ snpinvenesiun((@ [oh. 8] Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions ey cei: bee eat cea p= Zoos den 9 P= Opoos bsin § or eye at L p= Tprin gain d oe aaytiataty PAD cox? 0-1) = a? Gita ee cae ae, 2 or PY ZA) eF Ia (Problems 11 ~ 14) express the given equation in cylindrical end spherical coordinates : GryP-244=0 For epheria ordinates, wo set = = psin fous 7 = pein in 2 = pcos 6 in tho givon equation Te bceomen (ain Bees 64 prin gun 08 —(pecog? 4 4=0 oF Asin 9 cost sin? 94 Dein 9 coe A Leno A= 0 cy sin? GCL sn 20 — Boos? p44 = 0 or Pin? 9 cos! + Pein? sin 204 <0 Bxercise Se 87_539 i pasta sass miesine Peat ae Sars feelouae ess baer oe Si pet aca see apna. Re aigiecics Ss ieee ciate ecient (Psin® § cos? @ + sin? 9sin? $+ 2oc08 6= 6. Pe Le Farias) ceria aad ae Rovestamornes oe Bee rainy ae nay le cen ieee pe rece eS eccter rau ribo ee ete Batt fond OFC pt Ope po iE patesontian es eee pages tego eee ea Be cre ies CSEne ese & Aunsoncpndia scene OO GS eens eeu ee Ares Par aien Haste ver ea boo 23,9, Weng sone Pt eit ee er ces rere wees eg as Clatiees a Sbea sates ana 540_{Ch. 8 BEI GbE P ae 4 or SP = de’ a the required equation Analytig Geometry of Thiee Dimensions Dy Sete Owen 298 40 + tte 0 ee actos agents eee aes Dios atalino, Glande rigs ar sey 1Deibera2 ee os Fe ee as acarnlggias Exercise Set 8.8 (Page 382) Find an equation of the trace of the given surface in the specified coordinate plate. Identify the trace (Problem 1-4): Lo Pty toe + 6-4-0; mrplane Sol. For tho trace in 2y-plano we put » = Gin the equation and got Hayde0 or aye Wicd isa cirele with radius 2 units and centre at the org. 2 ogtyrt orton = Lieplane Sol. For the trace in azplane, puty = 0 in the given ecuation. ‘Therefore, x = 1 inthe required trace which isa hyperbola, Bae ay Zt 4 day — Boe Be dy 2+ 1 = O;zy-plane Sol. The trace in the 2y-plane is found by putting ¢ = 0 in the given squation. Required teaceis B2b yt t dey Be dy 41 = 0 whieh sa pair of comsident lines, 4 Bt y-Re2-2 0 yeplane Sol. Horo the traoa in y-plane is found by putting x = 0 in the given equation. This impbes that -2 = 0 which is absurd. Hence there is ho trace in the ye-plare. Find the intercepts of the given surface on the coordinates axes Problems 5 ~ 0): f Bh + ay + Ber ae ty-3=0 Sol. The intercepta on the x-axis, jars and z-axis are found by putting 2=O2=x= Cand r= y = 0 respectively in the given ‘quation Therefore, 22-2 =O) give x Intareopts on tho rasie ro giv by. bity-d=0. Let San Ta oy Bee cuage acne tat’ Se fee 22-2 ny Se ty-2-2=0 a Ba Hor, ind intrepts on heen pty 1Lare the intereepis on the xanis Putting + =0 = ein (),we have [9-2-0 i, 2 fe the interopt on y-ani, cnin esting x = 0-= y in (1), we get2! +2 + 2 = 0, which gives © imuginary 0's, Hloncointercepte are imaginay. Exercise Set 8.9 (Page 383) Metis kn exation o¢ thy suas luotanied ‘py revel Fees carve’ sesee dee artiar Cosh nie eae (Probleme 1" 5) 82-0, @) sul - (6) pais in). Sinse the curve is in oy plano, for eufase of evolution shout wens wwe replace y! by 32 + 22 Therefore, the required eurface io Be 2y+2)=5 (0) Por surface of revolution about the ais, we replace 2° by x2 + =? Inthe given equation. Honoe the required surface is Baste ying Bet Get = By =O; Ca) pre resis (a) The curveisin thoxeplane. Therefor, for surface of revolution wo oplace by y2 + 2° and get As — 80? + 22) = 5, (H) Horo we replace 22 by 22+ 3? ad have 4(=2 + 92) 922 = 5a the Foquired aurface ofthe revolution about = xia B WEE=7y=0; (a) yee @) esis 342 Ch. 8 Iytic Geometry of Three Dimen ceurve in the ye-plane. For surface of revolution abot yas, wwe replace by 2 + 22 The requlred surhiceis Br reut+)=7 (b)Fersstaco of evolution abovt z-as,roplacey2 bye! + yt and got 6132 + 2) + 6a = Tas the required surtece. 4 M44 =62=0; (a) ras (oy pasis Pel le tcnytins? +2 tey yoy EE nc the carase oreveuton about anisis Were=6 (G— 2x)? fe, 21092 #2) Me 86-0 (G)_ Seely; the ritnos ofsevalntn boat yan Deets rere ay or tet det Bip 38 =O y @) pein = 08) an (@) The curve is in ye-plane. The surface of revolution about rans is 1 = 2 (Since the earve does nob contain terms in 2) () Phe aurlace of rovalution about saxo ie REAP or Psa dk State which coordinate axis is the axis of revolution for the given surface and'writa equations for « generatic in the specified coordinate plane (Problems 6 - 9): B24 ybe~9) — xeplno ol. The given surfese contains x? + y which has been roplacd for 32 inthe mplane. ‘Therefore, the axia of revolution is the 2s and. hence curve is Mita = Qy—O whichis parabola. ay? -4e8 = 8 j xr plane We uote that 9® + 2 has been substituted for 92. Therefore, the sade of rovelution ie sande and tho roqsired cure 2° gyt'= 8,2 = Owhied iea hyparbola @ su? 4st = 0; eerplane Sol. Hore the aurve being in the xz-plane, 22 has beon ruplacod by 32+ #2. Therefore, the aus of revolution is tha raxis and the carve gx Exercise Set 810643 Bs. =0. Hi+ye2=1; eplane Phe equation may be written as @ vaeraint oe arte [) This i oto form st + 2 = Hans, yan inthe ai tel ad te curve 1 or Jee, il sno of to tar bined iy reveling abe yes Malco Inthe syslanevdh centre at ly 0,0) ead ras showichica Babin tthe en cil ie — a+ 32'= Bor the vquad surficy, the axe cf revolton bay ack we replace shy e+ 22 orxty Vit + 2, 2 Bel aon of tin (ptra-a)! sya ar ttt + a2 _dayse oa? 497 02-0 oa pin abe dis aD Exercise Set 8.10 (Page 387) Bs rode oe sealant van tei log ce Gok : Pee " S44_[Ch.6] Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions ans ain on 1 Eislie Gyo elle ‘j= 4. Therefere, epotion of the ejinder is or ety +B = Tho point (0,94. 2) Hes en tho fied wae Bo Bau oft lindeie S32 4 = fe, 1868+ 4+ 4-8 ter-30 Diseuss the given surfaces Probleme 1D: a Bei Poy Sol, ‘Tho aquaticn sopresents an ellipse in thesy-plane. "The surface is 2 right ellinse eslinder paral tothe z-axis. 5 gent o Sol. (1) representa a hyperbola in the ye-plane. Hence it is a right hyperbolic eyinder parallel wo hexanis & 2=k @ ‘Sol, (1) represent a plane paralle) to the 2y-plane. Thus it isa right ‘lindas made up of plancs parallel to the ay plane. 1. Sx + da! —1aKx-L6e-11=9 ® So. (2:2 18) + (42? 162)— 11 Ge G18 + 9) +(e + 1)—9-16-12-0 - OR? B41) Hae? te) -38——0 fe, 9-024 4-2) a6= 0. eu? 2 age en Ms mies tis an ollipeln theaz plane with cans ar (1, 0,2), Major wis: 6, ‘miner avg; 4. Heres (1) ropreaorte an clipe ejinder poral to thep-anis sayvy-1 ay (a) can be written a Py 1 which isa parcholain thee plano, Hence it rprosente "igh parabolie cinder paralle) tothe sani. eyite tg 41s0 a I (1) may be written as Gas +) + G44 Gy +9484 1120 BAG +9) ‘which fea siecle with contre at (2-2, 0) Thus (1) is represents @ Tight ercular cylinder parallel tothe 2a rosin aw |. (1) represint the sinasoical cylinder parallal to the y-ade entonding above and below the zx-plane, = rp (evincrical coordinates) in the rectangular coordinates is x? + 9% = rg! which represonts a right dreslaroylinder paral to the cans, ‘Write an equation of the sight circular jiinder with radius 2 end contre a 8, 0,5). ‘The right circular cylinder is parallel to they: ands) Bquetion ofthe circle in x-plane with racius 2 and contre a (3, 0,5) 8 G-82+ 2-04 or ab 22 Ge 10s + 50=0 ‘Thibisthe raquired equation ofthe right circular cider. Write an equation ofthe right elliptic eyinder whose diectcixis in thoyz-plane with foci (0, #8, 0) and major aie 8. ‘Samismajor axis of the ellipse = 4. Also = 3 ‘Therefore, = a? 02 ie, 9= 15-5 gr b= V7, which is semi-minor axis ofthe ellipse. * Equation of the directrix of the cylinder is ne Fate or eta 112 = 0, "This othe required equation ofthe right eile eyinder. Pind @n equation of the cone whose directrix and vertex fare given (Problems 14-16): Direct: 92 + 28 Vertex A = (0,0,0) Sou 19. Sol, 16. Sol. Tet Pl, 2) be & point on eho one and lt the element AP mse the directrix at Qixy.94. 21) Then? +2, quatiosorthe ine AQ ae = ie pie of Oh ede)“ = the regu maton of hon, Dreciinat+9-2e= 42-3 “Vertex = (0.00 es P91) boa ple tase ane @ = 92) be th, fiero cree wien a Danaea aa eo Tg pn greaenan 8 pina detoeD@ ae f= LE a a signet cats 4(@) + 2-2} = ie jackass, or DE + 24 42-192 = 4? ee TRE 2 dye =O, Directv: <2 + 4y2 20+ 8-4 0,2= 3; Vertex =(-1,2,0, Let Pay, 2) be a point on the cone and suppose that the ement AP ryocts the dixoetri at Q,,34,5)) Then aft 92-26, +8), 420), =3 o quaticn ofthe line PQ aro e41 Hrl"yo2 gels sei" 2 Therefore, 41 ="EEP ang y,-2= BD et) eT Bxercive Set 8.10 547 whe a=1 Substituting these values of x,y, into Une rt equation of (1), we have (Be Besh feetd) | (BEEe) 9 or Oe ee Bae pail + 16+ 2—3)(2~1)- 4-18 = 0 oF E249 dee w1~ GHG) +2 49 4 Bye-bye) “Mba Bena +e -D 4 IGyany +e? 4+ 8) Aetae+ NEO or a2 + 15)2 + Slat — hea + Aye + 16e—112y ~ 1662 + 208 = 0 isthe requited equation othe cone Show at an equation of the cone with veree at (8, 1, 2) snd Aicecrin 2 + By? = 1,2 = O in 2a! + 3)24 Oe! Sye-bexte- no MB |. Any ine throu (2, 1,9) is ae vel 22 a nn A point on tis nets @ + 14 nts + an ‘This lies on 2x° + Sy? =1,2= Oi ROLE ER Fmd? 1,2 +e =o or 9+ PE £6) 4901 + m8 + Om) =, ® or 1B 202 12+ + Sm! + Bn we iemedsin(2)s5440($)co0(2 aii Mae an, i a Bestel cease eee puraelio $22 a2 er Sol. Wh. 8}_ Analytic G Tet Pix. 2) be any pola! on the cylinder, “Equation of the generator through Pare soay_yom fo home on Coordinates cf any point on (1) a0 Gi yy + mie, +) ‘This ieson the curceit ometry of Three Dimensions o nen =O o and aiay +2%+ 2h + I 8 + md) + Hoy + mt? $24 +10 + fy +a) +e= 0 ® Te By «alo 22) 0b s ead ice eens wduterai nese ee ae ge a re Se eae eee ie anes ee SE a some one A mh Any pointon Dis 91.2, +0, this point los on the trv, thon etyee eh +0e= 1, @ ntmtatiel @ Huminasngt fom and) woe aitye+ da -9p pepe Ney iy eee wy ‘Thelocus of (ey, 94,2) Is oy? tay -x-y ‘whieh isan equation of the required cylinder. 0 Sol. 2 aa. srcise Sot 8.10549 ‘linder of reais 8 and ‘Shaw that an equation of the right cre ein iS 5490 82-9 + hy peo By 85 Bee ecto es oielae ane anvil BCA erence cor Tien Ace Pehemotaroricome ae es ae a Geet eee or Gt! + Oy + bet + ye Fre fe 9 +225 Js the required equation Show that an equation (othe right circular cone with vertex al O, fads Oz and comt-veeticel angle are 4 y2 = oP tan! Be 4 By Let P,», 2) be any point on tho cone, Direstio cosines of OP sro propurtianl to ,9, 2 Diretien cosines cf O> are 0,0, Bayt aa cates D—Beata tet or 2432 stlan! ain theroqubed dquaion Sheiw that the general equation toa oa of occonddagrea which asses through tho exordinatesaxenie yz gos Icy = OSal ‘General owationcoa cone ofthe second deareeis a + Oy + cot + Be + tae + Diy ‘Thisisenafed by dcecion cosines ofthe coordinates ies deesby "1,0,0;0.1,0;0,0,1 Thus 0 c=0 Hens equstion ofthe eone is fis = Bese Dh = 0 ie, fatge thy =O Prowe thet an cquaticn to the cone whose vortx ist the origin tne Whoh pases through the eure ofinteseton ofthe plane be thing + ne p a he sure as" + by? 4 ca? = 16 G+ pt eat a Ett 551) 1Ch 8} Swagtio Gi Sol. Any Ine Urroush chewwign is uneiry of Three Dimensions ant A point on (stat CO. "Thieles on the surve TAbt mB tact p @ and oA) + BURR) + ice) = 1 @ Prom ae = grr Subieing this lve fs, a rN Gime ATL Ne EO Aaa One ce onan cen (ALAM @ Hlinating 4, Co (and et i ot = (EEE) ss the remired equat 24 he plane + $+ £1 rises he podinaes aces in dB C eee /Speereorepleninery Ae emo wlbsf)velgsd+o(Ged-0 es orn ot Corso, 0). 0) 00) Benoa ey a Sprache attest om ‘Any tne hough he orients oe @ 1 pin nti ntl.) ‘etre Doe an ® sovh Ut GB fad) Kinin) =0 i Bent betel + bm eon) =O ® Proms) ¢ Exercise Set 8.11) 551, ‘Setting thie valuoatein A, we have eae pe Bien = Crete usar a(leses) Bliminating 1,» from (2) and), we got ety prot ote (tees 20 Fe ecere (pissin steets eee : per ce eae & pleDenE)iofi =o Bias Find an equation to the cone whose vertex is the origin and fee atmos tote ops coeuas Gonenaslreicaotcarsineis shal fy ee aap ern f-e-% w A peinton (1) (mt nt) Thislesonr = 0.9? +22 = Pit Mowat Oe 128 =O limincting from the lotto eastions, we ect Be ae ae +e or atlni2 + nh = te iminating Jr, from (1) and (2), we hee aye 23 = ee ‘which i he required equation of the cone. ‘Aplano paralll to the y-plane is ~ ho Trace othe eone in hs plane is ay? +k) = Bt or 08a “atyt = aH, which ia hyperbola 552 So. Sol ic yof Three Dimensions S]_Analytic Exercise Set 8.11 (Page 391) ‘Show that p = e is an equation of a ephore (in spherical coordinates) of sade and centre at (, 0,0. p=clmplies rye + 2 — 6 be xt 49? 1 2 e2whieh isan equation of sphere with eensre at tho orjin and radius. Find an equation ofthe sphere whose coentr ison the y-exis and sehen passes through tbe points (0, 2,2) and 4, 0,0), Tet the centre of the sphere be 0, 9, 0) and its raiae be r. Then equation ofthe sphere ie 2? +B? +2? = 2. Since the givin points Ho oni, wo have 2 o @ ard (924 1 + OF =r ‘Subtracting (1) from (2), wo got “ew +e=0° ie, B Putting this value of into (1), we have = 20 phere ie or pyee ate dy 18 Show that an equstion of the ephore having the stright line Joining tho pointe lx,94, 2) ANA (pp 29 as a diameter is @&—m) xm) £6 -y0G-¥) + G2) -2)=0. | Let the. given points forming a Rea Alamoter of the sphere ho A ard IP iis any point with coordinates (9, ‘Don the sper then APB isa night fangle, ‘This implios that AP is perpendicular in BP, Now the Aireetion ratio of AP are x ~ xy yy 2 = % snd those of BP are eam -Ip tat Hence ts =) = + O-m) oa) #29 2-2) ‘which is che required equation of the sohere Find an equation of the sphere whicn passes through she points ACS, 6, 0, B-2,-B,-1) and C11, 4, 2) ana whose centre lesen the hnypotenuse of che rght-angled triangle ABC. ‘AGB, 6,0), BI-2, 5,1) nd CO, 4,2) are the given paints Now ABY= (24 98= (5-624 1-08 Sol, @ ® © Exereive Set 8.11 _ 653 Tis iae tis BOEs (V+ 224 (4 54 D+ 1? 29451 +9= 38 a= (1+ 394 4-0 + 2-0" = +444=% "Thus AH2 = BC® + CAP and so ABs the hypotenuse ofthe right} triangle ABC, Since centre of the aphere Hiss on AB, AB i a diometve tor tho aphore. Therefore, equation ofthe ephore is C+IEtD+H-O+3)+@-NE4! or Bt ae+64y?-y-W 2 tz= 0 or bgt t Pt bey be =O ‘The point (1, 4 2)Ties on this equation, rove that such ofthe fllewing equation represents a sphere, Find ths centre and radias of each: G@) 4524 22-Ge+ 4 =0 © ery 42 rao + G) det byt det— be t By Bde ° “The given equation written inthe stancard form is G-3F +y eG + 2P= Is tise sphere with centre at 8,0, ‘The equation may be written x GHDtG-2+G- I= S+14149=9, ‘which represents a sphere with centre at (1, 2 ) and redhus3 Dividing tircugh by 4 and rearranging the termsin 1), we have Bont rR eR hen 2) and radius Vis. : : © (Hegisesae beleeoe Bees wis oars e(f 3, 3)andoaul i Find en equation of the sphere through the points ©, 0, 0), (0,3,-1), CA, 2, 0 and (1, 2,3). Aloo fie ite contre and radius, Let an oquction of the ophere be Mbytes Bet teytheve= 0 Q) ‘Since the given point lle on the sphere, they must satisfy this ston Tarte, ottating Ces pani (meet L4L429-2h=0, “or g-he1=0 1+ 4-244g=0 or 4-274 5=0 Sot Sal. [Ch.8]__ Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions Lyas9+G age Gh=0 a feat Mr t=O Shaving these equations simultaneously, we have 35 all 5 arash ae 4 a4 once an equation ofthe sphere is Bea or Tae yee) If 35) we : Fe ke an eek Wee a (Coe ee oe as Pages pee a ws ee ae f= 0 » snd -5/—2b=0 @ ‘Also he ive pnt fe on the sper. There, 416k em @ and 441414 4g_2F 2k +e=0 ao Shlvingeasations (tol) sirsllanecsly we ge “ae oan e=i2 Teed Gatshicl nai daniels uaiiidudse saxiaco ea ete tte es eta ec Bis iacyasts cosediepanene Glebe ona Giptecstiarase-oet” |b Tpit the Le4to-oekaeer 30-8) utc io) ret Hag te-o-deerg 4-9-0 af thea sansa ty abe ine dean © 10, Show that the two eivelos x2 +924 22 Hxercise Se S11 555 9. Find an equation of the sphere through the ddlew® 4 2 + = Bet 4y 4 5e~8-— Oand touching the plane: ~ 0 Sol. Any sphere through the given dice is SPa yh eat 14 hide dy+ 5e6) = 0 or Pay et bet dy 4 She 1 6h =O o feet aaa) fend radius = Jt? + a as centre of the sphore equ 3k a 1+ oh ie « tangent plane tothe sphere, its distance fron tho the racits ofthe sphere True PEE ee he _ ante : or EE cet on Beek +t 2V/36=20 10 3 Putting theas valacs of into (1), equations ef the required spheres gre B42 a8 -2s fy 5 50 and +92 ‘ed Br-go-2+ $0. x- 2) + 4e19-=0and Bry ped) +2=0r+y +242 = Olecnthesme aphore Als fndits equation, ol, Any pore threugh the frat circles sta 924 ab ex By 4 de 12) = and sphere through the secnd exrele is My? t+ 6y-G +4 het y $2+2)=0 Itthe giveh circa lio on the came aphere, then (1) and (2) unas be ‘lontical. This requires, tby equating the scoifcents of 3, y,= ane constant terms). Kah, 2h = 6 +h dea 6th and 9-198 =214 24 All those aguatione yield # = b= -2 Putting thé velue of into (1) forcf into (2), ye have Pry + aden dy Be FIT =O ‘van equation of the sphere en which the se circles lis. WL. Pind an equation of the sphere for which he dicle 2 + 72 +28 4 Ty-Be42= 0,204 ty + Me -B~ O bagreat circle, Sol. A.phore through the given circoie BAST -BbD bhi s ede =0 (1) 556 _{Ch. 8] Analytic Geometry of Thrce Dimensions ame (4-41-21) Ir the gen dro i'n gost cio of 1) then the ante of the sphore rust linc the plane 2x + 3y + 42-8 = 0, (7+ 38) ‘Dherofoce, 2k «a ah)—8 or -2h=29 0 at Pasting & = 1 into), we have ap yP bet Bes dy Be 4 10=0 avon equation afthe required sphere 42, Pind an equation of the ephore with centre (2,1, 1 and tangent othe plane 2-2 +2 +70, Gol, Horo ratins 7 ofthe required sphereis ' etek Tl Vital V6 ‘Taerofore, equation ofthe sphere is : 200 _ 50 Drege eeratp ay or Seth che setae + iy + e+ 6282 18, Finan equation ofthe plane tangent tothe sphere Sel +924 22) By Sy~ de -22 = Oat tha point 1, 2.2. Sol. entre ofthe given sphere is m= (Bg.g)P 20.29 PM thine normal veer of ho roquired plane trovgh (2,3). equation ofthe plan angen ote spores Roe tet 4 -2a--fy-0-4e-s)=0 fe, et 84 Meh 14, adam equation cf the spore with centr atthe pint PL2, 4-8) tnd tangents the @ span 6) yeplane —(e) zeplane Sol. (a) Magnitude of the perpendicular fom (-2, 4, ~3) tothe plane « ~ 0 is 6 This is the rodius of tae required wphero. Equation of the phoew with radius 6 and contr at PC2, 4 +2 ya ee +O = 30 he, aby eee dem by + Ide + 20—0 o na Kol. Bxorcieo Set G40 EEE Tovgih of the pupondicuar from PC2, 4, -6) to the plane x {Th era te sphere Eatin the sphere is +2 9-4? +e + OR+ Pt or 4h te de By Het 20 Length of to perpendicular from P(-2 4, 6) to the plane y 4 Beystion ofthe sphere vith cone T\-2, 4-6) and ras is @+2F+ 9-9 +Grot=e or abt Ps oF the By 1 124 40-0, Find an equation of the surfoce whose points ae equldilentf PG,8,2) and QE, 2, -0), Let R6,y,2) be apointon the eurface auch that (APL = [RQ in, BP or! -Mr~36r~4r + 11 br e+ 1%)—1ee~62=0 ie) 4-4 13~0 isn oquation ofthe required surface, [A point P moves sash that the square of is cstance fem the brgin is proporeional ta its dstance ftom a fixed plane. Show that Paivayaliescn a sphere Lat the xed planebe Tet my tne =p where Bsmt tn?= 1 Ble, 7,2) bo a point on the require locus. Therefore, from the hypothesis, we have OF* = h(istance of P trom the plane, where Oi the origin (0,0, 0) or eH yt = Mle-4 my tnz-p) B24 2 ble hng—Ina—kp = 0 ‘hus the locas of Pisa sohere. ‘A.sphero of reis passes through the crigin and meets the exes Ii.A, B,C. Prove tha the ezutzuil ofthe triangle ABC Les on the spice G2 92 2) = 48% ‘Any sphere passing through th origin ie hot yb ad + Due + Day + Soe =O anette axes at (-2u, 0,09, (0,-20, 6) and ©, 0,2). ‘Thera, ‘Am (Bu, 0,0),B ~ (0, 26,0), O~ (0,0, 24). ‘Aloo the rst of is ephere is freee at or Bruton o [Now th cenisoid ofthe triangle ABCs Di=a-S8 + y-DI+G+o# 1Oe—4y +32 + 65 exy29 (oa) ee Ae nya way Substituting dhese values into (1), we get pe were ere) Pets ts dere or Dig + 92-4 2) = at? Hence the centroid of the ABC les on the ephsro. Doe 38+ 22) = abe ‘The plane 5 + $+ 2 = 1 moots the axes in A, B, C. Find an equation of the circumsirde of the (langle ABC. Albo find the ‘ecrdinater of tho contre of the crcl, ‘The circle isthe intoroceton af the given plane hy a apherethroagh A;B,C. For convenioneo, wo taka the origin ae forth paint on the sphere Coordinates of A, By C, are G@, 0, 0% ©, b, 0) and ©, 0, ) empecrively, ‘The sphere through 0, A,B, Cis o @ are equations of the cicumesreleof the triangle ABC. ‘Now the contre P cf this cicle i the fot f the perpendicular from the centre of the ephere (1) to the plane (2). Coordinates of G, she cert oh (2.83) Ditton ratie of PO, wih is perpen to ihe lane (2, ze arore ‘Therefore, ecuntions of PG ate 559 Exercise Sees.) facie ass riniec. shoe fa eens eer gtatetet ate eee Apethtar : ie Behe partes te ontnam(ss th 1 dba ea ee rare dia ae Be aes ease +3 wheree = |. Lat an equation of te plane be at o att; ‘ait pasts through (3,0, weave Coordinates ofA 3,0 a (60,0), © 0), (0,0, ronpetvoly Suppat oqution of te sphere 8 Saget e+ d+ bey +20 td =O @ Since passes og 00,0), (a0, 0 (, 6,0), 0,7, weave aro @4Ma=0 = 4 ems Puy: "Therefore, ord), we hav ayhy e eas ofthe centie x, ~ 1) othe phere (2) ie ee ee toa ae) bl ce 560 ry of Three Dimensions 20. Find an equation of the sphore clreumseribing the tetvahalron whose facesare © = 0,y= 0,2" Dandie + my baz sp 0. Sol. Vortces ofthe tetraherten are (4.0.9) (0-2-0) (00-2}00,0 Belt a slat at ici perce ete aa oe ie z ey Ph cs & pein hw tac Bayes Bay 2y Pe Smits, v= 2 and w 0. Exercise Set 8.12 (Page 399) Disonss and sketch the surface dofned by each of tho folloning equations Lk P4ee8-araye 1 Sok "The equatan may be wrten as Gar yrirtaele ‘hie ropecents a phere whom etre is at @, 1,0) andra Rade wieat erigt eel Sel. Dividing the given equation by 4 met, Hipiargiatieo st fs ours (fH ia pation of cre wt eave 2-22) 5 radius’ BGP + e+ see = 36 Sol, Dividing both sides ofthe given equation by, 96, we have Steed ‘This ia an equation ofan elipaca i TD vey atae Sol. ‘The given equation is ait yt a det which isan equation of aright irular cone, prea) ‘Hol, ‘The even equation is p 22.80, state srhih present an elipoid of revoition. Mm Yt ene Bol, The given oquation ia teat E whieh isan sqution of (an elit) parébolod ef reotuton tanta Bol. ‘The given equation can be writen as ‘red this reprecont o hyporbolcid af two shoot, ety =F Bok The equations 1 = ‘whieh represents a hyperbolic paraboloid. x-yt-i=0 whi a4 yee? jo The gen equation is Goibssteated which isa sphere with contre (2, 00) and radius 1. sa Giada ee. Analytic Geometry of Thr Sol. Tho phon equation e ie P+ToFe-w which is an eliptie parabetold 1B. 84 Hy? = 4-422 Sol. This equation can be written as waa ee teeta et! ‘This represents an ollipecid with two of ito omi-anes equal. It is vlllpsoid of revolution With centre at (2, 0,0) 1S, 100e + 2592 + 100 = det Sol. On division by 100, the equation ix 2 ee T+E-He4 ‘which iam equation f'a hyperboloid of two sheets. Exercise Set 8.13 (Page 406) 1, Prove that in «special tare abe mie Dane=d ng aman een cen to tan =< /ULEDLMNIEED saee ena cng Beate sna ate ead oot OS tars cow ccabcone _sinbsinc- cea + asborse na arb sine an being = 2008+ sind sine core _ comb e)= cone sindalne ‘snbaine ounttt-¢,,a-bre _ Bains) sin (e-) ae bsine snare sin(e—Dsin @=e) siagsine Exercise Set 8.13_ 563, A_, finte-Dan ea > ange ke quae 0 cose _ sin bsine-cosb ease tase sabane sind sine eibie bree emancon bso) 28° 9 ag a aban 2snesn@-a) A. /anesin =a =“ gnbane © %2=\\" and aine 9 RE BESS ty rais a @) Bee as er asa sion SS aa ee eae ane singing se sing sinc ie fimls—oenG-B . .c 20 EE og B (eax el vin laa) eg Hol, From Problem 1 (6), we have : A_, fine-DsinG=0 en = DsinG=d ‘ina in (ee) i Gaeug ee © Simliary. an = SB) OM = ane 564 _1Ch. $1 _Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions. Now 2. inlet) z ay ee east ae OS oad | tod onead ® ein _b)tsng-o) Hing @sre-Demyie-H sin @=B-sinlema) i Booey ea H)ein gla 5) eel singeens3 2-8) ie eo! cusgesing a-2) ‘Thocefor, fern (2) and (2), we hava 432 sndeomts? (ntl) (vetn in? on Sang 4 3. Inany sphoricl triengle ABC, show that win b coo A + sings . Exercise Set 8.13565 (casa + s0sb) tn § RHS _ce tamed aang Find the direction of Qibla of eaci o tho gwin places. —Pince___Latitudeo Longitude @,tshunabed 340 wee © ‘Kencki — OLN ore ©) Quevia 2015 SOB (@ Pochawor WON Tea (@) NewYork 449 row ® Canberra S178 e8'E "The clanioal longitude 1 19°88 — 249.2 = S188 (CE) sing __sinss*4o" tant “ian a8 1 39°40 tan 21°25 2 singe” logp = logan 25°40" —tog tan 9°18.5' = 0.25600 + 0.192005 ~ -.0729 p= 08835 logd = logens 35°40" + lox tan 21°252 — tog sin S188 = -0.07972 - 0.4054 ~ 0.20028 = -0.746092 og =01785 Now, tan 1 = p-a= 08435 - 0.1788 = 06842 or = 3095.5 south of west, Hore | = 62 ~ 949-9 = 65162! 2040.9 ~2p128 (CE) S08 20ELE tan 21°95 2 ene Now p= sin ats ? waariag + T= logp = login 2061.6 logtan 27012. 8 = 0.37688 + 0.28885 = 008751 * or p=O0.tTs Jog = logos 2451.0 + log tan 21°25 2 —logsin 277128" “04222 - 0.4084 1 0.83070 = ~)44852 + 0.89979 = -0.10339, org = 0.77634 tani = pq = 0.8175 ~ 0.77604 - 0.09016 = 24.55 fe) 15 87E S008 ~ 66°60" 200.2 in 3035! 02 20015’ tan 2101 ian zPlOR 15" sin zZPo8 log p = sin 30°19'—log tan 2710.8 “0.29776 + 028046 = p= 0.98it Jog = log 20s 3015+ log ten 217282" —logsin 270108" ‘= 0.06355 - 04054 + 0.24028 = -0.459%6 + 034028 0.1298 org = 074185 B= = 0.9811 0.74185 = 0.28925 fant = 02885 0.6083 or = 16278" south of west (a) (= T1M0E 3640.28 = Mo100 SoA 1050.8" sin 340i con ed tan 212052 : 7 ansio05'7* sinat50a) tog p = og sin 84 ~ og tan 2125.8" = -0.25295 + 0.20580 ~ 0.01645 eo p= 0.00089 log q = log 208 31! + log tan 21°23.2'~ log sin 31°50 8 ~0.08151 - 0.4064 + 0.27765 = ~0.48791.+ 027765~ -0.21008 me. gas: a q= 0.2844 = tani f= 19020 © = 226.2N Ansan. 1 14s + 39:92 = 115492'CW sng cindy > at ~ tan noo ~~ 200502 south cf west, ‘Since Lis negntive, the creation cf Gibla is 31°S0.6 north of east. A= 4 CE = 14998 ~ 997.492 109" 18.8 CE eee maby tie Geometry of Three Dimcasions sn as7 re = fan toss; = ~)196805109 os 0517 tan 21°25.2" sin 1018, ten = pq = -0.5962891 290 12.1 ‘The direction of Qble i 284121" north of wet. Prove that for a plate on the equator the divection of Qibla is Inclined arctanttan 4 ex north of west or north of enst according as ts classical longitude | is east or west. sind estan &, tan fy pea Bes — tant 89 ant Hlonce tan = tan ese Le, 1S ardtan(tan 4 es) Prove that for « place on tho same pale of latitude as the Khans.e-Ka‘aba tho direction of Qible is ineined al arden fee ae ects elepl ee See = me 7a eae a 0 ite Sol. Here p =F sinse fo tani =p-9- in fyooe]_ sind Bente gall FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES Exercise Set 9.1 (Page 411) 1, Verfy Bal’ Taro fr Boh (a) Hers u ie « homogenscus Function of zar6 degree. Thertors, by Euler's theorem we mst have a, 2 see er w+ (8) Hero u is a homogeneous function of dogreo n. Thorsfore, by Bulor's theorem we must have @ ‘To-verify this, webave 2 2 ning ee. B- nat Mn a2) et ET et 570_[Ch.9] Function of Several Variables re Oe Buler’s theorem we must bave ene) poe aR ‘Theraore : wg. eaten fated) oot Es Las) ayes TASTE ol yay cea 4 yy [7 2 er “ear poa : Cre leru kak Sol, Wetave® = 27) we Borsa) mma rvBta 704-0 Exerelie St9.1_ 571 pico G)aewia Sey B ok Pann E O81 163 6) a3 tess Be sane) ed ~2oi() = oe, Be 4 re arcan(t sesyimt + SE = $4, Ditenstng sty 5 nba = Bot agp oe 1 lie “ ty Fie en ot ot a= eae 2 Ain mv 8 BO (22) tw tae wy Bos fol. Writrgts.ty for inthe RES. ofthe given guinea arcs etorein +? ae =Ay Honeo isnot a homogencous funation. * - ‘Theh zis a homogeneous function of degree 1. Therofore, by Euler's Thooram, we have eee Fan Yay ay oe au ay? ‘ A de sinw Dividing hy cose, we gst x Ry ye = Si tan 572. [Ch.9] Functions of Several Variables [zy a, Uta = orn (JEG) tow eat wey Baa eas i) Ee Proceeding as in. 5 iis easy of soo that u isnot a hornogameaus function wee vey ‘Thi shows that 2 is» homogeneous function of zero degree. ‘Thertore hy Boles Theorem, ne hare ey ee Baskeo mu a = serEvand Z aide tre S2) poet Bye Hero cis x hombgeneons fonction (verify!) eo 4. By Buler’s Theorem, we have Le ree ‘Then 2s a homogencous function of degre ics fons) ise homoge nation ogre rove that, She Hah 17h =n ODE Since ise homogenenas fain of ope wee Ata ‘ @ Diffarensiatng (1) wet x andy respectively, we get Mast fot Woe = Mh ® sd Hy +Ihe th =H, a ‘Assuming f, =f, And malting by x and (9) by y and adn throats, we he Mle, + 20g + My Pale y= Neh HYP Exercise Sev9.1_ 573. we atin ty =D wh tf) = nin Lng) 0), where r = le? + 94, prove that 1 Wo) G2 + yriees =f Grape ee Lge eye BHP Lex. 32 + OER sea One a =rin( Ges) ogre wien Bee pee ga rogram © | Boma é = é 2 pinto) ata ® Eas BB aroliaa ola rosro Bares tro. 10. pM whore 3 =32 ty 2%, show that BV BV a iypmet Be et Garment BM o myygrr 2 Sol. Wehave SL = myn. a Now, Pavey! e Differentiating both the sides wrt x, we have aed ap Putin nis valu of no Let 5 eee re 2 gph tampa Be nfrsias n-ne aa] -nfrts nar] c1Ge Sol Sol. [Ch 9} Funct im lpn (m= Domes @ Beaming wes Fe nie tenn rs a ord mo 2 4 m2) a Adcing (©, 2) ad (0, wave a0 ev Te Ee am ispe sim DH oe ay +2) amit inne A Sein Tae) =m tm + 1) oP, as required. Exercise Set 9.2 (Page 414) Approximate (300! + 30D! by means of differentials. La fog) =a 7 (800400) = 00° 400 = 500 afnafo hans hey te Beat pe 2 =900,y = All de= de ” we hve tn) a= 21) 4 Mey fart day dy) ~f2)4 af sfeed @ with and oe Résee9 Bae aE te ein Pepin) 3 veined ee ates aerate om Sawaal fle+ an) +)= 6105610) = wea 8) 1956 ni lamas mn cease Exercise Set 9.2 _§75 Now, @G64 dy +) = 9) + ade OG y) dd puteo~ a tde + aay (2 (ome + 1006 = 00s Therebre, arcan (483) 91,1) + do= ersten? + a9 = F005 ~ aos B. Ifu = Yet Band x changes from 3 to 2.98 while y changes trom 0.5 00151, find an approximate value forthe change imu. Bol, Wotaor dn de ~ Stes ay o Hes w= EB pr) 05 a 11 ee te eB ieewy 2as 208) 2d * ae L oy ikta Vere Yir20 2 Ao de 298-3=-002 addy =051-08~ 001 » Gbuttting thse valucs nto (Dy we get atu} 002) + Fta0n=0. Hence theres no shange in. en 4 u=22492+ 2+ 982 and chmgenfiom 2to2014 chasis fiom 01.02 ae changes rom -1 19-099, fel an approxima ‘nk fr the change ine Bol. Here de = 201-2 ~ 003, dy = 102-1 = 002 and ds =-099- (a) 0 +2) 4) 19 lear geet gnes a enact Beg Bay, Caangein a= du = Shete s Bay «Sete (001) - 20.2 + A001) £ 0.03. 6 A rectangular plate expands in such away that its length cherges from 10 to 109 and its broedth changes from 8 to 6.02. Find an appreximate value for the change in 516. Bol. Suppose that the ‘Sol. | We neve [Ch.9} Functions of Several Varlables eth and brondth arex andy respectivaly. Ea Tans ihe aon py sto-ke bor oe) Pere my de + xdy = 8009) + 10(0.02) 2640.2 = (4455 thechangein area "The Iniorel murfoce of cone ig computed from the formula 8 = nr rik Fe, whore rs the reckus of the base and h is the Tieight. Iris calculeted as 6 with an accuracy of 1 % and A as 8 ‘with an accuracy of. 25%, with what eccuracy will be the aro S Herer=6,4=8 1 dr 6a ~ 008, dh Nom as 8 = ar Va, 8S, as = Bar + Gan wo + Moca «Sonn Srecenan sume sisi Ot Bur, 9+ art B= 2.6(S5 U = Or ees Ge Scie eaiarestterie aie ot Pee es tna eee oe Re ey oie ees ee mere ee eer 109= 18%, ae Mice Vay oO, av = te Fey x Eide =yede + dy 4 de eet git Tes 100" ~ Ton TH?" Change inva Now de = av=y2(4992)7 2 Gur) +2. The etmensions ofa bux are messubed Lo b> 19 in Exereins Bok 28 cas Povcurtage cuangoia volume IV 09 = 00n2 10 100 = 05%, mhich is'decrene in volume Aeaucietteurereegias eae lees pate point ae eet rates sre two adjacent sds and C 1s the what error ie made ip emp ig 9 9, b ls taken to-be 408 instead of { and C i instead of 30° dc = 303-30" E 1 1 J iesin Gh de + gosinG db + zabeon C.dC Don Fol) ace +3wo() (get) iechones im ara 2 22H, 199 3.208 Hence da 10 nl the metsurements are correst to (.02 in, Find tho méximom fret if the volume is ealoulated from the given measurements ‘Alto find the percentage error, | ‘The volume V ofthe box with Miension sy, «(i eles) is v ae Wo shall epproximats tho msimim error by means of Aifforntiats 4M, v= Fare -S ‘Phe wiaximam eror in velum i blaine by taking idem d= 00% chy = “y= OC ana de = de = 002 with k= l0,y= ands = 16. de yee + 2kdy tay de eenesind "Theres, €¥~ (18) (15) (0.02) +20) (28) (0.02) + 40) U2) 02) = 9 la the maxinsum creo. Veion i918 = 1800eu in sa iets siremasimam emer == 85 = sh eroentage crzor ~ 0,006 x 100 = 0.5%. 10. Braluats sine 29° cos 25° tan 44°by using differentials. Sol. Let fix y,2)2 sin ronaytans Tee =F, ya Ey en E de T90 » = 90» A= Fe5 With those values, wo shall have sn 22 cos 280 tan 440 = fie + ey 4 cy 2+ A) cued o “Gimmie (aimindea) +(engengaed)(<8) PEGG eg muy eae ee Doe = 04890 =0.0195 = 0.4195 ‘By actual calelation, sin 29 92 3 tan 44° — 0.4138. Exeroise Se19.3_ 579, Exercise Set 9.3 (Page 418) aug A. Tum x -ytjx= 29-36% 4,9 =—r + 8-5, find Se and cea = Hlomy-nysny], ony me dy Find 5 (Problems 3. ) Ding = xy =0 Bol. Hexe/%,)) = sinay <2 =0 fy ~ye00sy 307 2ey = sconay ae dete Woem-e? 2m) _vierin-e 20 de” ~~ xeosay-xe%—2" "2G +e? ~ cos”) a) A. ets yh? ‘ 624928 25G2-99 =0 $= 602 +9 Dy + Sly “AR 492) —5e _ 95e 8e 4? + yA) Tay Gey Sly” Bey + GGT HD Exercise S93 584 (ch. 9} _Fumetons of Several Variables Bol fe= > Lowe oytay = tiny 24g -stay) and fy=3"ln yt ating Eye = ina) ® xia-ziny, wylns=2) _vitezinn © xix=ylna) Caney tet ee |. Weave 2) = (tan? +9648 -a= 0 flan ci. see yet fea) and f= (tanzy.intanx + teotady=e? sac? (tani es, ge Gane) ntana = at sy co wie 2s ae ay fre a Vics Differeraduing (1) wrt 2, we have Soiree Gre Bie. Biase: ee AF aoe ed i a Unrate cm) o Sinnilarty, weet B= a a =a) a Here GE ana & exo partial dovvaivee boemuse 2 isa function of _ bales ervey) Tae ‘wn vanablesx andy, ¢ : 4+ By yt 1 ge + B64 0, prove ta & Uf Gy, 2)=0 and # 6, 2)=0, show that 10, at thay + Boe + 98 aoe 208 de a 88 See Oy Bede Be ay Bol, Here f= Qax + Qhy + 2g fd fe Bhe 9 27 — a Sol. cle eens of Several Variables: wast de het yeh wu Dieting (wats we pot e 4 fy Beabren (on) enrsni(ina 8) eee eb Bs ea) enya nh since, yh Hake + aby + of ae hy hy Oe by +f FB oe + 7 obx a0) ~ aly $+ of Hye) Ec Cas + by +P = ott) Wet ibe) — typ by taf Nhe) s Tire fs = Paty in 2th hs Daf gh) y herby = BLO ab Co-op bet Bri _ bse 2fgh-op™bg-oh? 5 Ges bysp Geet bye? Fina 2 ite + y= say Here fs 3) = 23 + y*~ Sexy = 0 Ss? Say” and f, ~ 7) Sax baat $- fogs a Pare sp ll kee Be tonic) ale») ae (Gea Bee stay eit eran i ear oS Faas Oy ~~ 0%) ~ ryan aby) at Bax'y!— ab? ~ aay — 2ely ary? + arg? a0 Bata ahaa +e ato GPa Bol, ean [ay ata ES Tae) Gear? a eee ee ee aes nt Fans meee ty (GF ax =o “oF Exercise Set 9.4 (Page 420) In Problems 1 - 3, find the rate of change of « st the given point and in the given direction, = ty: 0,2012,-80) Wohare grad v= 61,0) Alo. v= 21-3) ~ 12,-3,0] Be = Rate of change of u ygradu_ @+ 9040 Iv Vers Wm yeti tot + ate; ;9;0); 2, 1,2) 00,0.) grad u = |0,1,01 584 4 [Ch 9] Fumeti Also v= 1.21 da weeds 20411920 41 WT ariet yo 8 3,211 a aan Feosh A cosh 1, inh 1] v2.3, 11 cosh 1 Zeosh 1 tnt 1 3 = @ Let u =22 49°, Find the direction ofthe grealest ate of chance of ft (6,0) and the magnitude cf this greatest rate of cheng. Find the aestion of na change at (a, 8) We know thatthe dirostional derivative is greatest nthe direction cf the gradiont itoifand the magnitue of this greatess directional ecivative is the magnitude of the gradient vector, Therefore, Pass e ee aa a8 a aay Howes grad u = (Sa, 28, 0) ~ Sak + 28) ie the direction of greatest rate of chang. ‘Moo ite magnitude = ZoE> OBE = 2 +B ‘Agein, the direesions of no change are the directions perpenivular tograd w It ‘Tis perpendicular to grad u, the os + 25¢ get = hb, = ke, (o,f = CX Hal oF [-2, a) is the dueston of no chango'at (8), ‘which eah aliobewrithen 00 bi+ aj © Epercice Set 9.4585, —_—— 8 Sol Sol. Gros) ott redo enen mts net wee ante paces oe cot ri co, Td erent ae jet siben ae re pees eee «(pinata lath ase sect pe noua 4 mae pecs ae et ee ott ee ae a eet ei ete Ae eee cee Pe eee ee are mee cenvitons Find 2 a 0,3 = [grad | = in the direction of yaa. Also find it 2 int gonl-2, 6) he ten sepa ale Fe yd giceueaa ice gee ens Fe oe ean iretinree ears ‘Aso uit vector in he erection oasis, 3 Hal (hth Iv = V5 586 _Ich.9} w au ry T. Repeat Problem 6 with ‘As Use anit vector in the direction of ~ axles 10, Thwe heve New o @ Magnisude of greatest rate of change Direction of the sethermal through A sfact wall) ea ata a ohar=ti- Fnno tes v= (1-2), |v| = VE ae cast od gy OG 1 peo) tema to tae = tt = 2(2))- 3 ‘Tho direction of gratis rate aay 203 end 7 Gill) Magtace at grstest ate c'ehenge Ge) = (grad T | =V0P+ (= 5 Direction of no rete of change et A LH + j,sinee 9) ' Direction perpendicular to grad” d43)=0, Exerei Exercise Set 9.5 (Page 424) In Problems 1 ~ 10 find equations for the tangent plane ind the normal line to the given surface at the indicated point P: Act 92 4 829 = 10,P.-3,0) FG y,2) = A529 + det 10 grad f= si 295 + Gok rad f|yg,-a p= 16+ G+ 6k icanormal vector at P ‘hich isa normel vector ofthe tangent plane to the surface at P12, ~8,.D. Bquation ofthe tangent plana is 164-2) +6y+5)+6G-=0 ie, G+ y+ 3-10-0 quations of the normal ins te the gurface through P(2-91) are $16 y=—34 62H 14 8 Bry reas, Pu.-23) (Raz) =x +524 22-14 fprad / = 2ci + 2yj + 2k Bred / |p = 21-4) + Glcis a normal yecsoé at P. Equation the tangent plane othe suriace at PA, 2G -dndysal+de-9=0 le, 2-3 $20 14~0, Equations of the sorent line tothe eurfae thrugh Pare Ute ea = 3 + P28 = 36, 22,3, 16.4 2) = 88 + 2-28-36 tered f= 18ci 07) 2k fred [| p= 961 + 24) 12k 9a normal vector at P. uation of the tangent planet the surfaces Pls BEI emG-3)-1e OO wate Bauations of de nora! ne to the surace through P are zo} _y-8 26 Bais at By) 2 = 4, P42, VA) 2,316 588_[Ch.9] Functions of Several Variables Bol fey. = 8-2-4 fend f= asia) 2 ‘grad f |p = ~ 121-8) - 2/24 K isa normal vector at “Equation ofthe tangent plane tthe surface at Fis =12@48)-8y or Bet dy 4NG2+ ‘Equations of the normal line to the surface through P (-6, 2. Vi) xt6 y-2 cae 452,72, 15) Sol. fy,2) —2 ty! 2 grad f= 2c1+ 23k grad f,= ~4) + 21-kispormal weetor at P. Equation ofthe tangent plane tothe surface at P is “44+ 20-)--B)=6 oe be te Bo Bgustions of tho norea in to the sure through Pate E42 _y-1 28, eegeaat At 6 2422-9 Sol. ft9, 201-4 grad f= 21 + 0) +3 grad f |p =~ 21 +O) 2kiea normal vec a P. Equation ofthe tangent plane tothe surface at Ps = 2G 42 409-2 -2G+D=0 or stet4n0 Bijuations of the'normal line to the surface through P are 242 v2 242 Bye oe ea feroceeh) petpaat of +a grad |p VBat-22) + JBek ina noemal yostor at Bacreise Set 95 _ 589 Tinton ofthe tangent plans 0 the surfece at Pie Via(e)-"Fo-m+Bals-fh) =0 oe ar Eye ier oe YBhGe42)—Day a0 Fquatlons ofthe normal line to she susfucethioagh Pace 0 Sel fl,y,2= emmy 2 rtd eeosyh- ens) ~¥ grad |, = O1-3—Kisanormal vector et? Euston ofthe tangent planet the sures: Pie Ss) sae gaonact the normal in atheros neigh Pere i §. x-n(Z}e02.0 Bn n(2)nsomysur ens 1 pdf|p 21-11 + klnanoona vector. Peers ape ae alin pain e Ps Ply ass1-0 or Bayt 2e=0 Tiuations ef the nora Tne to the surface Uhrough P ere 1 = y=2 oa ty 3404289, PLE, 8) Bole /¢s,y.2) = 299 + 428-9 ; 7 5201 in. anetions of Several Variablee = = 12) Tanginiante] x92) =08PO tyeDeae-a=0 oa © + gm ye) at ty? + Get 7 grad. g = 2xi + yj + (26K Fred |p <2) -Diieanoral eoerat? oe Tans pate tog 9. = Dat Pin= 9 + 1-2-2) = sey dre 1 Gram Sethe same as (1). Hence the two lees ae tant at P ae Dis, Show thee te sphere of +92 +7 = Wend he oneal s = OOF are tng ag the ntact, Sol. We fird the points of intersection of the two surfaces . P+yle2a18 ond tsa -6? subwesing eget Sg aF pad pa ding ying Being nd 21th igasradnon ur ‘Equation of the tangent piane to the surface at Pis oes Pike ee SO Fuaens oe poral lito he rr high Pare felgpe8 ee patie 3. Fhe po ons dy == 1 ab whi he nea lar esl saedieicy inet Be hj, ul cone Rte pn ans Fey, 2) =28-28- 42? 15 =0, ‘grad (|p = 2:,1~ 4y, J~B, kis a normal vector at P unio te tango pane st Pi WG-2), 0-7) 8-4) =0 or. am, -8y,~&r,-1600 This ple be paleo yale htt 28 Mn ea. BE Cpt ancien sow that 2 27 22 are the direction ratios of the normal tf (e952) = Dat .94.2)) Thuty, +8 Theraloce direction rtios xeZey, 5,25, ae © Again, if (x,y) = 2? y-6 2° =0 Se fan gedgcai-20-0) 42k oh. Bee a he Bee vit) = Bad 2 (01) + Bei a noma vector at. 4 dry, Hr, ~ ©, 26, are the direction ratios of the normal to 4G.) 6, Jy 4) Bat yy = 9: Therefore, ny 6, 25, are the ‘Therefore 1, = 4t.y, =A, =-B Since (ry, 2) lias on the surface, we have, mahi res i which shows that PE pc otis rma sh Soe ee ein Toto er eens ong Une nection. oS Ne 14. Show that the surfaces z = 16 - st ~ y? and 68s = =% y# intersect: oo P(E 2 2 ana o( te =e A) erihoxooaly : fete ie ve 5 Ys Bol. fx,»,2)= 24 +9? +2-16=0 cco ar tho roqired points 12, ‘Two sfaes are said to be tangent ata common pon: Pi ach tas the save tangent plane st. Show atthe sutateat + Ay = ands 4 84 2t=fe em Oarotongent PO, 19, Sol, flay alaat 4s ty wad ba ea G rad [|= 01+ 4) + Skis octal vstr at? fa Pha dla) : bv yel mak 9268 7284, = 6,283 Subtracting (2 from (1), wo got 2 =f a ininatin from GQ) and 2), weaves? 4 9? = Gp 982_ICh.9}_ ke Bvercice Set 05 _ 593 ‘The two surfaces inersont long the carve 1 3 ae hatha,the,=G-due+A=1-120 B tate ones the tro murfsene intersect oxthogonaly Find the point ons = 4x2 + ®)2at which the normal ne eral totheline through A (2, 4,3) and BE, 1,9) Lot Pls, 3 4) be tho reeuied point. grad /| P= 8:84 Uy,j kiss ncrmal vector at P Direction ratios ofthe normal are Sr 189,,~ 1. Nee grhaasiesnoana( Ee snccracas Oe eo ee sae ce bee rs 0-0 46, Show thet the eiipsaid S + fou yr) = 3? + y! + 2 — a? ena R ay oda sind |, = 244 27) + So ivanocmal wera. Equationacf he nrinal inetingagh Pave Re tt ee a2 <0=9 my hi as threuh (0,0, )~ then cheep. Spee. 2y 6) any punt onthe pee allo fine pace Urseebdnccnte athe are 2.2.2 a+ Ip + fg = Lend the byperbolia | ees, Sol. Let fy, 2) = 2 +35+ 5-1-0 a hae e o a= 4% g, bb L=bt ote ta the, tha,=-S4% 8B Lee "Tho ovo ourfacos intersect a he points whore (Tom (I) ane (2) se BemG-)-1-0 or I= 156 or 2245 At y= 423 2? 4 22 3, fromm (2) Heenee at all common painis ef ze to eurfacos, we have Direciion ratios ofthe ine AB are 7,~5,~ 1 Since the ncrnal line is parllel to AB, we have Le To saa 1 x ‘Thoreforo,a = Foy Fg anda, — Ty ae peace 1 4 ond the ‘Where and st wba anzle go the cone 12 + 98 linger 32+ y FFor the point of intersection we solvex?-+3? = ge? anda? +? = 4 eimmuliencously, We get2* = 8 or z = 22/2. Therefore, intersection fihsans ny pints eco! «f= the heats 2 and «= 2/3. Now bran wetan fnyninstegt Bet sped = 2+ 9) ohne irl is Fi hovs tsb tte clon lr of Ue calla Mang sett cones rtm wenae BOY 2) = ty 4 gad ehd gj clearer Rrgehaermn nr en lat th ote toe Terao ancy 99 69-0 faz? + dy? + 2? Vax? + ay + 0 4Gtsy) Vereen intersect? wa 0= 504 1. Sol. 20. 1Ch.9) Functions of Several Variables Gaia a gee ays ESET Ea tot and t= 3 te 42 18 Wai "26 “Ye VS a of 0~ ares \[2 ia tho seid angle at which the ce ad the cylinder intersect For tho surface defines hy the parametrs equations # ~ 2 sesh we fos,y = Seushu sin J,2 = Gin uy itd @ vector normal to the snaface atthe point for which = Wohave staf take (Zoos 008 vik @ensh u sia vi) + sinh wk (@sinh w cos vi + (Gs sin) + (6 cosh) 10-3 Gatsima)isBasana)j + eounine ste=d 33 wink ut + SB iota j + Boosh ke ar w 2eoshu sin) {+ (Boosh 1 0981) j + 01 = (Baseome) + (b-sosanu)s sox at Pend Sonus fey ene ces Peery f sinh w 2 SRY Geoshy 3 NB ooahy SMH = Sedat eyseaata «(2 Soni ni ~€ YB cosh? nj + Binh 2 = Sonkn, 6S cob 3 inh Forth mira dtinnd 3p <~ G+ af) oe y= cing in @ De 8 0 end fe Dy hl) ate back pastve, fix 9) has a loc minima (4-2) The minimum val is 16-8 44-24-12, fu9h For critical points, we have 1 -ptyno a =o @ Fxereise Set 9.6597 Fe bcs cana “otra oo Ca Be as es Aerie! int fd (44) 1a) =-16 eal mene nena 3) my (24) etter 1=3>0 a) jee Been Flay) = 229+ ig? te Raartst—4 f » @ From(bywehaes=0 or 970, ¥ then CL ges 1 nto (D,we gare 1 ‘Thus critical points sre G0), @,-2,0, yD) =2, and ,,0)=0 Noo fe (Is 0)f,,(1,0) Uf, 0, OF = 8> O and, (1,0) > 0 "Therefore local minis (1, 0). fe (G#21=4./,(0,22)—0 and £,0,22)= 24 "Therefore, F042) fy O42) Uh (0,227 = 16-<0 ‘Tins (0,2) and (0, ~2) are sade points, Pag) = 32+ Bay + 22 Ge + 10) ~5 -_ Sol Fa = Ps ays BF neath made Bas — srercise Se qr 1y 5 ee F, Gi9) = 25 + 67-0 fy Gy) = 6c + 4y+ 10 ien=2 fav a4 s Por critical point, we have" fa) = 6 = fy 09) ate For ential pomts, wshave ; i Reem 68. Thysy='l ond x= 0,5 > Gt dy + 10-0 es fe, 24-9 a sea pois are Laeainas ® @n(4i) bs) Sulleacting Cee times ct (1) fom @, we get . m “ytd or y= figt=-at,(43) ) Putting this valu fy into (0) we nds = 9 fe Dron atm oy cei Corea scGaes fC 3.D.L, 8,218, DF = 2d -G <0 eae 6 ©, DP=-4-0<0 ies) cee pene Bi eatcapa foo) = bed) 24-233 Ta GV matte at Ba oyna aah OC SHG pe fy 9) = Uy = 2rty arty? ryan fe eck ke feta “nteamininnse(4.1}(6 1) f= 87 18 4x— ay) . ne flog) = 1832 99)2 96x 128 and f,=xyl12- tr) =0 be f= ae —95, f= 5, in, o 4 {== 04-123 f,-- ify Om hy ant 122%) 0 : @ Fareriicl pois Subteacting (am (2, we got ‘ %-80-0=9 0 and 1,0) <0 ‘Ths (1,0) is a pint efleal maxim. Py) = Be +9892 Ay + 125-2 f= BPR 419, fe= 12-18 ha%-4 + y= Bly = D> hy For ertioal point, we hace F264 2)~0 and =a -2)=0 Bendy = 2 Critical points are (9) and 2, 2) Now f..1,2)f 1,2 —Lfy (, 20? = 12 <0 "Therefore, 2) ice eaddl point, Fu®,2) fy (% 2)-Uf5(2, 21 = 32 > and, 2.21>0 Hence (2,2) iea pin: of lca nda fon= 2-0" fin y) =x? oF Pat teint Ba-te, f= — wet _20 p20. Por critical plats, R=t=0 and £=-%o0" ‘Therefore (0,0) isthe ony critical point. Lal, 0 fy, 0. 0)~ fy (0, OF = 4 <0 ‘Thus (0.0) isa saddle paint. Poy) = sine +einy feces, fn sing fymeorr, f= -siny.f, For ertial pointe cone =0 and f= cosy =0 Sten en a Exercise Set 9.6 604 creer’) Simic fo (mat Zonet -- era af linen Lite odd Nerta mn hace’) g (ore tae) ir 20) thethmn ren 30] keene 20] Henouinn oa aa een Fen ase eee eee Danan eres ao ip tae pi serie Powers [aoa 2y-Gcoem, §, = i, = Genz =f, Posh ts watare izeins-0 w et ae cnie-0 a bly oso Bilng % Serie re piy=3 bard ectnayee fy cos Sattingy = Ointo (2), wehave = ie reatne csr + cosy teas (e+ 9) Bol, =~ sine =sin (+9), f= ~cosx coals +) 18. fey u Sol. f= -g —sinte thf emy en GAD) > fr fy=~ests +9) For cetcal pont, a sink + y) =O w andy sine ry) 0 ‘Ther oe, sin Setting, sina eden ieee z=0, y=0 i 2, am, 38 aE ce ee ct F.,00f,, 10,.0)-If, (0, 0 =4-1>0 F,0,0=-2<0 ee Ga stys 2 8 ete 4% fal fy Ula A= 0-10, Hence (2 in asada port. fay ~ GED >t DGty+D La G4 lets + D HG 4D =GeDGety +2) fender fo Gtiety tyro 4D) 0. Thai tare mannin (0) The ptP dQ hae cert HEE eco af ioe _ eB aay @-VE-B Be the egured minimum dance 19, Hindtheimensons ofthe lang rectargtar ox wth thre ote facesin the corona pines andthe vere oppose the cg in thofieetocant andom the pane ty'4 30 0 o Sot. Lats sbs the cimensionof the bor Then volume V ofthc keris Van oY fea) se 2-8 wn) frend oh fin te-z ex [abe f= 6-te 6 Ferorteal poinss we have f= 6:-4ez 4 = 0 end f= 60-22 @ HG 4 &)=0 o Exercise Set 9.6 607, and bar) = 0 @ kee, 220) Mulply 6 "21-6 ~ O'by 2 and oubtret from 6-t+-8e 2 6+ ose Sottingz = 3 into 6 ~25 ~62 = 0,wefinds = 1 yr 6-2e-de=6-2-2=2 ‘The dimensions ofthe box are nea ees [A closed rectangular box with volume 15 Nis to be mace oC three ‘iffeent materials, The cost of the material for the top and the Ibpitora ie Re O por eq, the cost of meterel forthe front and tho ‘Baek is Re, per aq fe. and the cet of the material for the other two ‘sides is Fs 6 er sq. 1 Find the dlmensians ofthe box so thatthe ‘ist of the malzral joa minima Tet the dimensions of the top of the bor bo f by y and let its hight hes &. Thea ay> = 16 » Tet C denote the total rupoe cost of the material used for conseructing the box. (Cm Lay + Gee + 19) 2199 1 M0 foe 18x%y 192 a fand 18g -256 =0. @ Fron 3 su (SJ-20-0 or 632 4c) —0 or x= 2 EB outssincting nto), we ret er cute pn) 6. (096,(28)-[c,(a3)f sesso 0 aon(e Shad ratte comm 8 When = 2 = § then rom (),2=9 Peecuieeurd aes wetisa Exercise Set 9.7 (Pago 438) 1. Kind the point af the plana x 4 8) = 3neerest tothe eign, SSol. ‘The distance of peint (9,2) on the plane tothe origin is dale taet . We shall minimize d? =! +52 4 22oabject tos + 2p, Using Lagrange multipliers, we have a tt a ies 2-2) =2rha0 5 dena Substituting intox + 2y -2 eaaindpane(tt-2) 2 Find the extroma of (ey, 2) =3y +2 eabjoctto x? + 2 +2 Sol. Using Lagrange multipliers, wehave Foz A=yeet latte dy pee 2 Reayt2e=0; anZ Rest ay= + ange Pxercie Set9.7_ 609 SRS 1422 =05 Fei pee1-0 ry ‘Therefor, ® = Eire kere oe 2 From (1) and @),we find =+1 Wiens = 1,y = and wien: = Bubaisting no Al we clan meeiico N Thane itil pinta are . oD and (0.0.2) ey oneal ens of aha ¢ attained at (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0, ~ 1) reepectively 8 Find the maxim vous off 75) = xt +t + subject to en Bieta tegcees mists wells Sages iieryts-D sein d: jens? Fes secteaes (Ld. Mace, t Be carat c dance eyecare 2 Per tee aus 610. Sol. Ich. 9} Functions of Several Variables 413 Thus P=§+ garde x=-5, 5 Substcutinginto? +52 = 6s, wo have Bs The ested points (-6 2, 3%) ana me extreme vale is 27 228 a9 a4, 8 = ‘which iste minimum value, Find the points om + 92 + 22: point, 2,9) Weave t find the exrema ot (erg) = Wa Ya 6 -3F cubjoct togin,y,2) = 22-4 7? ba? Using Lagrange multiplier, wo have Nahe) =o IP + Y-DE HG 94 Ata tD) fe 1) + Bae Se o Closest to and farthest from the Fy= 29D 4 by= @ B= te-8) 42220; © Fyateyiratoiso w Brom (1) and (2), we have From (1) and (), we get™ ‘The paint (x, y.2) = Ge, 2, 85) ies on (A). Substituting into (AD, we find 2 scars spe Exercise Set9.7_ 614 Lee cae ayntae Vea eeu Bor te ane the point (1, 1,2) |. Wo have to find tho point (e, 9, 2) on tho paraboloid euch that Guay) G— 08 4+ DF + G2 inminimun Using Lagrange matipiers. we have Fin.7,2,2)= 2-174 —D? + @-27 #40? #9" ¥2-2) Plame s aso | F,=%-D+2y=0 ; FaQe-ne4=0 Bpetayter2e a Trae SGP =2Y- 26-2) andeowe ind = yond == Shabetitutingintoz eel fata deaat or tte -1=0 ji 1 1 1 a Byinspection, x= Zand toy =ande=5-142=5 Tread po(4.3.2) tv, we got Find the dimensions of a topless box so that the lume is a ‘maximnuin when the auface aren is 24 aquace metres Lat the dizaension of thebox be, y ande metres Shfaco area = ay 4 242 4 2y2 aq) mn. The volume 192 of the box ix Lobe mazimized subject to at Bet Be = 2h. Using Lagrange maitipliors, we havo TP Gg 92,2) mag A ay Dow + Bye 28) Rsyerwtes 20 a ©12_{Ch. 9] Functions of Several Variables Rosthiae =0 @ Fina itera <0 a Fy aay tee t ye -24= 0 a) Mltipying rm @ by and @) by2 reese, at p+ by | Dice @ Bet lystie m0 ©» aetie tia: <0 © From (4 and (8), we fndaz wt 9206 x= y, From (4) and (6), we sy/= dyeenthot x= ‘Substituting into (A), we have Se act det = 28 of ‘hs cimensonsofhebox ae 2f,2/8, Vi eto 8. Find the dimensions the box with maxinmam Yelune that can be ‘vclosed hy the otpsold 35 +4 parallel to th cocrdinate panos. Sol. Let the corner ofthe box in tho fet otant be (9 2). fa tiimeesinee re eae Ben eae eo att Bot Eas cee ailaoke as Ray = tme 14+8 18-1) Fyn get m0 o tyes Boo rpneee If the sides the how are Bxereie Se of the box in first cotant has postive coordi, The oo this point (4 ff vx with maximum volume has elec) rm non Base ee sin 3 ol mma ae = ee eee anaes edepatus olntre a, Car otra ee tl be ge Bice Lily ple us tiy-+wz-1=0, ‘The vertices ofthe tetrebedron are 16,0,(8,0.0,(02.0),(,02) Volume ot the tetrakedren, Oana Or Wohave tominimize fy») = gar subject to we ain Lagrange maipem weteve Bags We +t + wt 1) att, Fe Searwp * rR Fayvje, = Sarat * -0 Fa Bia Se ret wt1s0 @ 1 Biucw Subeticuting nto (1), we have Sut Daw =0 Thus u ios of Several ‘Miniaium volume of the tetrahedron is 1 _ a3 v8 6 ay" MB ea units. 10. Find the point on tho inex + y+ 22-12 0-5-2 +36 nearest. o the origin Sol, Let PGs.9,2) be w penton the line, Then we nave to minimize? + 32+ Paajeot tthe siren constraint, Using Lagrange muller wohave FG ye) = BPAY Alay te DI Abe) 26416) area @ Fin +4-B,~0 ® F-20424, -24-0 @ Rynety +2120 " Fy,=x-¥-2+16=0 From () and @, weentxy +22, =0 From (2) and ,weFind%y ~2 22, ‘Aating the ast two equitions, wo have s ty —2 =O Seitingz = x+y inca tho aquaions ofthe line, wa cblain xty-4=0 and. —x~ay+16=0 Thoreforoy = 3,x'= Lande 4 Tho recuired pit e(, 1, Wind tho points that are on both tho ellpasid 3? +)! + 82 = 25 and the plane x + 8y~ 2 = O-which a dost to and farthest from theoriin, Sol. Let Ps», 2) bea pint onthe inerection ofthe elnmidanit the alone. "Then we have to fnd the extrema of = uF 49 Fa or of Bates Using Lagrange multipliers, we have Fue A) gE aE EAA TS) + Alek ty 22) F,=2et 2442-0 By 4 2ay 49%, 2: + 1Bije-22,=0 Saye 02 25-0 w Fycxty- @ or 2y2 + Baye + aye = 0 a Dye + 2a +Sixe= 0 @ Exercise Set9.7_ 618 Boe + 18a From (1)end (2), we havo. c ‘and the two constzaints, we get Byanduo GE 452= 95 ede a) rns aie Cl. 2x, then subsisting ino (B), ve nd = 25 Palate dies pees oS) ass 5 ab ag po Jee as Ts ‘The bwo pointe are of Sa, 1888 og = =) (Gee ss Sr) Ge ae "Tho distanon of eath ofthe four points A, B, Cand D from (0, 0,0) TS. (17s sealer “The points A and B ere farthest from the origin while the points C ‘and D are clocest to the origin S46_[Ch.5] Functions of Several Variables Exercise Set 9.8 (Page 446) 1. Find the volume generated by revolving the azea in the fst ‘quadrant bounded by the perabela y= Br and its latas-rectuan bout the sais Hore the limits forx ere hom = D tox ‘Therafore, the required volume is elon = f sender fra Feo [glee 2, Bind the volume ofa sphere of radia r Sol. Volume of the sphore is tho volume generated by the anela xt 4) = 7? when It evolves about = 8] the wacie "Thorefors, velume of ‘the sphere . wfrtecaf roinde ota pe Sone Sate. Pd ts vote tn lr ath itn the : Graben iy nates to sah nance ea ‘ Bars reeni a : 2 Sona - J aytde fob “sce Exercise Set 9.8617, : lore], bg Wace scion -fomenafel 4, Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the area enclosed by y = 2x andy = x about the yas Sol The points of intersection of the tore oquatione are given by Be ‘Ths, 0, 0), 2 : -f{(-Do--} 4 15, Find the vole of vight drealar cone having base rats rand tele. Sol The cone 1s generated by resolving abou! the axis the aren celved by Desir vlime = {yx 2 fi pee : fe at ar ale =tils p= 3 [Solve loo hy Crose Sectional Method] 648_{Ch.9} Functions of Several Variables G. Tho arca in thefiret quadrant bounded by — 3)" —y? and the ye fags is revolved abut the acaxis Find the voluoe of the realting sold Sol. By the shell method, desired volume Sl at Crp geese aah Jrig= [eeonta eisatme- war} $85 0 83221 satin & Show that the yolume genorated by revolring the ares bound! hy fan arch of the eloidx = a (9-sin @),y = @ (cos ¢) boat ies demies sat on [rtae~ n feea-eod (0) - ee the ophero fo gancrted bythe ight al f the cular Sree eo ovelvad abont tha yas Let he hole be wrt ‘wets cents in nee hte yt The upper Dat of the sold Gat Tatas the brig ie gonarted by ‘eg the chad nen nut the ovis Therequred volume sof aneF Bee Le om $9 _ ase = oan 0) Jana Find the volume formed by the revolution of the arva enclosed by the hop ofthe curves? = 28 S75 about the win, ‘The required volumes [vena fetse 620. 12 1% Sol. Oy cy 1Ch.9] Functions of Several Variables [Cette tate 2 ae | 3 cnt -2ete + 208m + 0, waco oatans 20mg) A doughnat-sheped soli, called toras (or anchor ring), ‘generated by revolving an area enclosed by a circle sbout a line that does not intersect the diel. Find the volume of the torus if the circle is fe 2)? +9? = o%and the line is the yaxia,(0< « <8). Centre of gravity of the crcle (e ~ bP + 9? = a? is its cate G0) ‘Area ofthe circle is revolved shout the y-axis. By ‘Theorem 926, volume of he torus = xa! @ ad) =2 2u%b, ‘A rectangular area whose length and breadth are 4 and 2 units respectively and whowe centroid is a 4, 3) is neyelredebout 6) the straight ines = 9, G) the stright ine = ~6 and (iD the traight liney = ~ +. Find tho volamo genoratod in each eace. If A = (4, 8) be the controid of the rectangular orea then ite distance from the straight line x = Qis 9—4 = Sunite, Therefor, the distance corvered by the pein A shout the fine = 9inone revolacion Is .5 = 10x ‘len area ofthe rectangle = 4» 2 = 8 square units Required wohimme = 8» 1Orcubie unite Distance ofthe centroid A from the line y =~ 38 3-(-8) = Buns Distance covered by A is one revolution ebout y ~~ 5 i Qn 8= 167 unite Exercise Set 9.8 624 Vorumocfevolstonin tie ease iis = 12x cubiewnita (Git) Pecpentialar stan Ue cenitold 4 = (4,9) trom the line 4037, a 2 Distance covered by the contri in eno relation about the lino again Required volume = 87 YB = 56/3 roubie unite 1M, A slid hada circular base ofadive 4 nit. Find the velum of the {i iPevey plano section perpendicular to 9 fixed diameter i an feileteral tangle Sol. Since the bese sirular, we take the Med cameterx’Or, ier the sans with contre at the ‘origin 0. 1A B roprocents one ‘Shetion with beet i then AB fis form one side ct the tculotera tangle Equation of the crete yerrors ty=0i 09) Yiow are oquiaterl tingle with ea side By = $2y. By sin 60" = 39? Vetums ofenstrsngula stip = 4 Heres therequicvoiume Mi sanz | Yoo ae asjagh-aples) Aw 16, Find the yolumescf the two portions in which aaphore of radius 7 indlividedby the planes =, (a <0. Sphere, boing the solid generated by the are ® + 9? = 72, when tutby the plane = a divided int two paruon A3Cand ADC Exercise e199 623 Byustion ofthe Ine AD is kun But he volume of the srien Racsyoeae ies een) Dptee satin tes os ‘a ‘ petition St acess fa REA ~ 0 fargo the citar ale ops sin peti a ibe tas Ty 4 [2s Bl igd an) 2a 4 Fe afer [Bo Bios -0)] Bs aon 16. Td he we of ie ald cs off ont lpi arabd ae a cnet ee ge ee Seige Exeiciss Sak. 5 {bse 460) rE ie alan FEES ome Be ees ecw eres pe ee e es Ree ee Satie Marsan (49) (60), + {esingncb atthe ara ofthe lip’ + fe 1) {Volume of te eg die with breadth Baqur oeaa= 20 f vas eis (ne) 6 52) 5 Prenearoteain Gash Ghee ° w A /, fest ve [xtaye (5p = 000 ode = Nii = * ° 4 Honor reuiceo ares, iain 6 bac hee Br tein ae x fet anid aa Gefen ean eer anes ae See ore remy pene ee en eee morc ees man | Yims \fE8 sae ania [roe =220%8 |SSP4|) = 2r-F eam] nt OB (a = 20ND) or 524 _[Ch.9] Functions of Several Variables 8 (22-1) asquare nite, 2, Find the area of the surfece of revolucion generated by revolving out the yeni the area enclesed by the are of = yfromy = 0 10 ae + fabear= gle) 3. Pind the surfise area of » bolt of the paraboloid formod by revolving the area bounded by the eurve 2 = 4ax about the raxis. Sol, Let the belt be formed hy revolving about sxis tha area enclosed by the curve, hearaals, x= 2, andx = ry, (oe ‘herefne. A Feo fio-ea wis « Here Ax ze fyeo= te | line (Eb ae arya | c+ aneae tae ee PE nso fe 40% 4, ind tho surface aren os sphere ofan. 19, 5 2s. Bol, The roquived eurfaoe arce iz goneralod by eaalvingthe dvde 24 yar shout thoxone ee =~ \ He ds Required area =a] yas as | 4 free BI an nsec of rte ere oH es alee Tea aya nteting he ty rf he Becca earag tr Se gon timns cv from the orl ‘Area of srl ezcular strip at C whose width is xis Bay ds = 2 iP =3? bs 4 ‘Reguired aurfaco area fayaraten rp = 4002 = asl = 2ein-m) So. Sol, {Qh. 9] Functions of Several Variables ‘Show that the surface of the solid obtained by revolving doe aioe bounded by the are of the curve y = sin # from ~ Oto 2 — about the sazis is 2x[yB + In (V2 +2), Santana 1 (Bf a iF oa erie area is Astn[ydt «taf rine teoenieee ssn fans seated Put eestor —sinzde= inthe above iver Then A = ef 0 veiea ef asnia nae 1, | of 'B + Lin b+ n] ori + nfl so) Pra the ater cute eren oaightcear ote eight b nd Dae racer \ pie ‘ciraular cone is generated by revolving the line OP about | uation of theline Pi Regod aren = [ones : oldie 2 NTRS - ar FB Sal. Sol Exercise S99 627 ' 47l, where = |OP|= slant height of thoeone. Find the surfece arva genorated by rovelving the line segment between ir, land (rh shot the yeas Equation ofthe line AD is x bh fn) Bash) or sant epy Area of the surface generated . by revolving AB about the Of AiO) wafofoeee (YAS ar oats it +258) arian) HE Prove that the surface area ofthe prolate sphercid formed by the ‘evolution ofan area encicsed by an elipse of eccentricity © about tomar axis is 2 Aren ofthe cpa) «(i= 2 + SEAS) Tet tho elipa be + 2 tomo GF acai a aE 628 1Ch. 9} Fy of Several Varlables OR A ae Teaui [rare 2efeleoE ~ tnt TP Bane] = Steno mati [8 ttn] Peis lon ie cea, rein fhm te tpn aoa te major axis is 2n(a2 + © jie) er ursirle Bin). lips. Sol. Here, xin a = the coventiity of the += 5 EEE Exercise Ser 99 629 TReculved area | wares da | Er ePPe Aa | my he fe z ip : sealers Ta eee oe lo [NEE ene ae ae e +donteltees a, {a , o ,aeta] 2,2), abre Thon d= tre fie 9 Seis, tetauornn ee 1B, Show that the surfeoe area formed by revolving tho erea enclosed by the loop ofthe curve Say? = x Gai abovt the axis mi, 3 01, Hore hve Gay = a+ 2 tee) (2) ea) i: (na) Bena) Gay Exercise Set9.9_ 634 ge le axa}, =a Pind the aur aren of the Larus foraed by revalring a die of rains. «ebout a straight lin in it plane at disience 6 fh the contre b> a "Tho crcumfocens ofthe die ~ 2na. Aly the cg dceriben a cle ofrecusb, Hence the reqaied aren = (ora) (anh) = are 1c 29 el en tle Ft ‘The cure, ‘area of the resulting surface. IF1S + <2 show thatthe voRume of told goneratedis fini but ita asrfaco area is infinite De arcsan - [om aae fis ee : orn eae epee cokes Sie ave 0 sc? oct “Peake” a8 C19) Functions ye Several Va ‘guia pat sin O= wen ede Aiosante EEE We know that iff) 6) fraict +69, Required volume fe, Exercise Set 9.10635 Find the volume and area of the surface of tho slid generated by ‘tho rovotution of tho area enclosed by the lonniseate? = a cos 30 bot the initial kine Sol, Required volume Vis ven by ve fe Pain 040 = SE [a3 (en 20) sin 240 ay Fes vias ado a3 Put \Beord=2 or Bein odd=de f Norbit [ut-aitas-ne—v®- fe Set oltre aah -3 feta comes forte nge nite nae fe-vinae-sfe-va Maas 41 =22—1?—a f Dias Frere via) ape D4 ~n@+ Fa), ie ie: a -ala BE Snes] {cu.9} Functions of Several Variables 2/Finge+ 0] Fl gmoaend] Sarfaeo $ gion by set faleriene ioe ated Jana ~ Ara? Jeon 0 : onal aJ-a-n@ ral Show that the vokume of dhe solid farmed by revolving the area bounded by se oop ofthe cure? =P 20st heise O= se se Hore the tal iniagration oe fron to ‘Therefore, the required volume is A ontit ace ore I. Tangent to the enrve ot the 1 Exercise Set9.10_ 637 self (en t0 om 099 coy was tran = 2 Tyee ie tase ec eerie tangetié at.the pole. Snow that the volume and area of the sarfice hora geet rape ohare poleare @ =—4 sand P= Por, one loop (on tho right hand sie) 6 varies fro Z x ta ere, tm ohne a es ah aalor toe Hie Jounser[g wxerunn|ce 638_{Ch.9} Functions of Several Variables Bra fosaeneses Sissies oe A Bees Jit- tan 9% Sinoto- Yanga The fet intagal in ovn lor ite rele Ohy- 9 these "egal anf wr seeps Jamu optemcce ‘The second integral is 0, Bes! gf 7 afta oten ce Yes oa -vanighos and cothe volume is Let Bein = cing or cs od. Votan = SER fant pt ona nae gas "Tho volume goerntd by bth thelops ia ‘Now we ind the surface area generated by the given curva Surface ‘rea generated by one oop ie Sn2e[ran(oed)iae ExerciveSet 9.10 _ 630 Hence [jer coon aies 4 prot 2 2 222 an ecn nM ae ss ten Yury bo i Dae a ae es oo aces gee isthe eet re evisn ona varaiearionre sd ean ma for Therastowti + forme Gi aimareare [2-008 6 @ @ i ising. = 2a sing | tae $= for(e ona ane. tasin$)ao e fae 840 Job. 9) Ene us of Several Variables 10. The upper halt ct the area inside the cardi r= Be + ox @ MULTIPLE INTEGRALS: Bee eat Seat cater lal ie. Show thatthe me tthe eget inca. a So Tie cre mere cine tess at a H Exercise Set 10.1 (Page 463) ft Beall Probl t= 1. tf aw abn Fleas mar G (Peal) mee son ff aear= Justo. je ney \ | ’ : ates! Joronericone sige Tae toas =Jo=vdenoes <4 Sta ronent Ma ssanr9t 2 f fernaa By Dee ee = 4 : : sat [ [erodes {(5]+ om Jo | -[1@-9 aflbealo dots ffl +10) ]a g teens =fo-n+fq-n=9 G8 + ydyde ee cae Exercise Set 10.1 643 a [fre ede-v ; a -Jle- Shea Bee 2 301-0 +2a-n=% j wifooe hee -fe-th Ped(a)-3 fs E iiease nz 24x 165 x64 —404 + 9x8 = 4319? = = 644, a Sal. Sol. nL. : ie cee Exercise Set 10.1 _ 645 16h. 10) _Mutipe negra a 2 as =f @-tnyt = By -yiny oy ed “he en of ategration iba bo sy de=d sindeoatd0. Then Z 19.99 ong? =F) teontb a ad 0 osomade fora (1) Pomel The a2 [a\Patac=2 fo \Iade 2 [ 8cinSaBonsa. 4sindeorode de inBcosed0) 852 _{Ch. 10]_Mulliple integrals Sol jee : ei[en Fae 2 foam : fevtedee? fete-attde [ewletidanafaeaG)« Hence I, Ohara 2 fe 27 oauta-Viewt dsndoutde 3 fresinta Yo cose Asin coodde tings = 2 siaté) sede = AamBenebddl EF aceat ME fate sae Similan, 1, Exercise Set102_ 663 "The given equation can be written as P= 2rsing + re9s6) > ete 29-42) GDP o-m=2 22 ala 0 where Ais the aren ofthe circle, Therefore, = f entecon2 f enzoae ox 64.21. imi 654.21 = taney =2. = 2378317 8 8.75.51 $04 16 oA B16 16 S134 Ss +57 es ass 52) 6 38, Find Jando tho aren of S thedieler = 2Gin0+ 039) one loop of? = 022 22. @ ©) 564 _[Ch.10] Multiple Integrals eee DO fo nisacnt|ontazelt 723 ° fe May) ated ae3 ae =a Gear 1, Find the remot of inertia nth rot tote cso « ve having for ss edgus one arch ofthe curve y = sins and the -axiif its density veries asthe distance from the waxi. Exercise Set 103 _ 665 £ F . > i Sem ape Exercise Set 10.3 (Page 477) 1. Bedale in Stkcittett wre raf f J 240i tees arety se teys00iesd [ee yee Stee mer athaa Roney esjeceas boei aoe Seg (18 48 + 6) dy de = fie +39 + Fc = fossaocen[ises fF -2 Fret orice ane ie Inteation eo tht einterajon is pertered Ist and nd ite se8_1ch0)_Nolipenesrs grief fare [low 8] a: -fle -9-na-0 252? Jae =e Dale ol? fz integration is performed lant, then, ff] aoe wsaej fo] one j a ayaa) Ff wca-nirs ! offal allen deere f 2 4 @ = f(e-ser Bae 0-45 + G] 2-2 BF Simin Tf OT eaent. prantel orascs 1) off [xvi Raaae wu te| fetes onfon foo[do mm he-vom Jour ! -| ~ felis a xorcise Set 10.3667 Ba-seeba-som fa a = [48 2 aa Aisi) 2 ewason Sf 10-cot-yenney a} Ye-mee ind sothet oy macoutd and ques 668_{Ch.10)_ Multiple integrals ; T wcosnanes fica: -2 4 2 ${a-eptas wothe oS Put 24 2sind so that de~ 2eos0de and 4 ass $f amtoso- 2, Fae ori fi Sari = 1 [aca -9T=Bee zdedy de, $ bounted by = ee ae iad AF wea] (ae -»ff-#4]) f JE onl Bob (22 Bema e oo & ff farrewaseamaim: : Os2si?-y2.0s25 105951 Sot Tait J rage =| fleedf *e ore eee AleX : 2 2lii-as +i] aLa-te~a)= ate ff fer vacdrde,s atont y i y= 0,y=rforOsxs1and-y<2528 J f [ues teeoae Parnernaae|[ernmdend]a © [lerwereerantferva oifeeeh bedded 40. {ff mde ae: in te testis bended abe by = 1 ‘and below by 2 = fay Sel. Since isin the fret cotant, the region D in tho y-plane i leo in the first quadrant. The eurfacce == L ands = (32 + 3? intorooe in the curve 1 = 22 3Bin they plane, aw 1 mp f f meso > Sol. ee volume J L Exercise Set 103674 “fo. say ~3| aod: ind the volume ofthe given solid (Problems 11-12): fervfins. 11. Bounded by the ecordinate plane and\ |= + ic fe 1 TBR de dy dx a 7 fonfinon [b-bd ie 2 b-VB)E Sal pee ee eer, ale =e | [le eal ie Sota Need a Ge he 12, Bounded sboveby2 = 4x! Sol, Tho rogion D in tho sy-plane is tho eurvo of intorsetion of the smurfues = 4~ 24 -y#and = 4 = 2 New etd hing; E= oud tat 4 § ae Hle va $f catdao-8) exteasn9 gy fof 18 Boundedby the lipid SeG+4en Sel, Requced woh ee Ta of of aedyax ae LS Boe ae Byercise Set 10.3 679 Beret 070 FO rein Fes] ae ave }o = Bifo Se g)a-Befn Sp tate, 1 ie 1 Jf ff stweee A fee Pet byenaeing apni corinne, The wis Bounded blow by # = 2 +98 and above = 1 The feo Din pine ae +7? = 1 Gani era era sand rf fJerrawee-| [lr £] eas ~[foQ-S)oee- BOE eT ad ferns se onda ordinates toca ‘ t= J ff Fav, wheres isthe hemisphere P4yittskere 1, waka [OPA ay; cea’ eb tocol above the lane 2 = 4 blow by: =O and on Sw sdb eave ie Gunglg ef lade coordinate oj that. Dos ict cwaitalurons taf ff sRGB aaa do were ie ened by Very seeVi Pe 5 Js hounded below by the cona 28 = x! + 52 and abore by the hemisphere :# = 1-2? ~38. In spherical cartinatas equation of the cane becomes Pood $= 2 in? fecal + of sinkpaint? = 2 sin'y ano. xercise Set103_ 875 eo tantg= giving s= F ‘he homipherahas the egeation 9 L taf Tfossaavesnosrasce j Sle utes ocecee f Jampsnscnse feeb aeons. Bs eae = ff fee ote 9 te te seg above z = 0 hounded by the cone 2 = YEP OF and the spheres Pty a= Sanda? 4921 2? = 25, fa Bye tspsnn ele p= Band p= 6. ‘cone in 2? = B(x? + 2) Eo Redeos sOsatbentos Bansbat®) ae raf | fPagpseiea aT an ncsce a2 fcowag de = afte B)20- 20-5) tw, arm = fff Ve deo de wher 5 isin it tant 4 bounded by 22 + y# + 2 = 16 and the planes z= 0,2 =5y.2=. ‘Sol, Changing into spherical coordinates, we have r=] f J Womeicrane drasae ed en ee ee ee ae =2f | wat Vemnnadoas = Fear [ (EZ) eorpaingas 2 va gegen te Atvernlve methods Cotas i otndereacorinate, we ws ai lee fe (ff sarasota =i ae FS rdrdo = i ae ay 20, ind ean bed by tha tra = Bane Sol, Revuired volume ST J asninsoare | [EEL anes ej j ws] fB8 =9| [R424 eo 9 fs sep2e Yan Elana I. The base is the tionglo CA. This can be swept if ve w ExocetaRat 10-6 S07 Exercise Set 10.4 (Page 480) Find the centroid of each of se fllowing volumes (a) Under'z* =.xy and above the triangle y =x. = 0,2 =: biety fms Ofer bas Henzel hyo) The aration os fom fhe ange OAD ta the rr & = sy plete tis eee IS 678 _1Ch.10} _ Multiple tegen E ay Pos fi) eae «eat fon ll [Temes Sf Secayae ae Ponty, f ff sede J -1)-Eba-bfon ue 1, @) within the cylinder r = 2 coxd , hounded shove by the prabclold 2 = rand below by the plane z= 0 Sok Bavaton of the older is gen in the ene polar ‘coordinates as r= 2oosd « Exercise Set 104 _ 675 Byustion of the gre praboloid in eylindrical polar brordnatas is Clearly, for the required volume derateng Pees hozect let 006,57) bo the tad Canon bounded ty the Sane chee ey ot oe aed cor eee ce i (e, esy-piane) ree 4 velit | "T neig a eo ~f Pease Fear Stee Jost aiapee 4 | tien ff froma ndedrte Sp (fireaieaces [| [i emanes $80 {Ch 10) _Multipte Integrals = 2 foutose= 2.2) eatose eke a snoraaedo~ ff remot erce f 7 ey i " oS = x 2 4 AB f sstesinodo= 0,20 cinta funtion a i fafiuies ee var FF farnarene f Polson e Fal 8 Tiowt | jis 2 arn Pacreiveee 10st 68 77 Sol a Softee Ett ° ‘4 f erdzdrde (= $83 _ 10 : “8 f [réearao J a 6 radius ithe density eaves inversely asthe aquane of tho ditanes from the centie, Biquation of a sphere with centze at the erg and radius @ in sSoher:eal polar oocntinatesis,p = 2 "The volume lemons 7 sin dc oat Pi 4 $) has donsity ~, fas the distance [OP|? =f =x7 +524 22 Geary, 05a, 050s 2rundO= 9 < a 'The mass M of the svhore by tho into ea Sa [ veowaanion ff esea 683 682_[Ch. 10] _Multipls Integrals =f mere Find the centr of gravity of a night ciealar cre of rhs r fri eight hf the density vanes as thelstanc rea: the base L Ravation of a tine : fn” oiadrieal olor | coordinates ig r= Sod ens of the tinder is the axis, Now Yates toma oa en Ovaries from Ota 2 ‘he vient =e ) from tat By symmetry tie & 6 | Tee en the eds end Jer tbe G00, 0, 2). The ‘ol. The volume ls as shown ia the figure Abrdp = ak a] plo = 4b m. HOD” Pin 2 of hi 2 fom the tase he te vio nls ret \ asrdedodr f Jr |Z], ear ate OT agrdedodr 5 [i J tesdvae alee reeset elon) 4. ete meena cnerti J oe fling vlanen (a). bounded by bn conrnate anes and t+ 4 + 2e= 12. 684 _{Ch_10} Multiple Integrals ne Bveicise Set 104685, ae ve al a “5 685 _[Ch.10} _Muhiple Integrals Exerelwe Set 10.4 8 aime 2 bo Fi Sp aime Fa BhTE Bese tease aff [eraaae f [of eetordcndy +24 oe eee ; =f "Tracriei fae Jf @+sdaae oes, © -3f Pincers paraboloid 22 + 9? = races f Tn gylindrical polar eee opments a = a Cae oe : a) forme APT Towen ~Fsos%,osrs4 aug osese eS Ac ie oa ae of T feavintee val T frmee ae oe oat frees =f Fong i + ae “AL [Em arece ={z J sntece rok ¥ # 5 pv 8.64.22" 1 co tO} Multiple Integrals Zz een aon aff f erasrsom2] Tf feaaree oH J ateterce =f J vere alteno { = { [ele 2 tee 5, For the right crear cone of radius r and height A, find tho momentof inertia with remedt te Exerc Sol (a) ite axio Lotus take aright creular cone with vertex at 0.00, 0, 0), its exis long, ‘raise shown figure. Use spherical polar coordinetor a, 8 #. 3 np sing cos8, y= paingsing 2= pc05A. Now the respective variations ef ocordinatoe far the points of the cone Os psheec$, 0565 ‘The velume Wet tha cones vel F escrcnasn = jen astajse=f [Panchcassrce AEF amomesapao te m2 se alolt= Banta a Gekare, leila menerneere ee =f faasesntvapco . Ef cof itymcedo A ittant a= E75 3 o(zrh) 3. «Sete ge) BoC) Bee ee A ae (hen a the x-axis non ff J PAsngdpapec ae Asie gsintededsde Exercive So sot {IT reorencsandoue m go ie Pre Psingdedyde B2_ ahr? g 26042) aH aA Ha) aa De (0) ay Une through its xref gaity ond perp to ta fol, Tac mst ofthe orm shove that ing rom the ane 121.082 nh: ie cone ff "Tapes ff "Ta samesiotio j Ju [Eases 692 {ch.10)_Mul Integrals J J sa tmpanageo Tusz z SL] T pscosounes eer eGo) interes By the principle of parallel azar ofmomente of neti, wo have Mil about the aris = MLL abcut an av through (and paella tothoxacs + MI of mass V pacol at @abeus heres te Tynan iceon ame wneseses vCEF.wy509 ‘ue abana hv aa jertt the as niler)e ter Scene y= Se 4 ae ny! +o 15K Y= ues ay, 5. (@) any diameter ofits beat. Sol. Ry the principe of parallel aeo of momenta inertia, we have MLL about a diameter (parallel to the r-acis) thregh C [iL about an axis through G (paral to the z-axis) + MI. ‘of maze V placed at G about an axis through C (parailel tothe sis) Sars wre Ov ¥ one ¥ ea? = lee + ats 5h = Feit + 1207) Leigh = pe HSV

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