CJUS 2030 Study Guide Exam 4

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A device put into a police vehicle that allows the electronic transmission of messages between
the police dispatcher and the officer in the field is the: Mobile Digital terminal (MDT)

2. According to the Terrorism Knowledge Base, from 1968 through 2004, international terrorists
most frequently targeted private citizens, businesses, and property.
3. AFIS means: Automated Fingerprint identification systemfingerprinting innovation begun in
the 1980s in which a print technician can enter unidentified latent fingerprints into a computer.
The computer then automatically searches its files and presents a list of likely matches.
4. Before the September 11, 2001, attack, the most recent case of international terrorism to occur
on U.S. shores took place on: February 26, 1993world trade center Muslim terrorists

5. By 2003, 94 percent of local police departments participated in an emergency 911 system.

6. During the 1970s, left-oriented extremist groups posed the predominant domestic terrorist threat
in the United States.
7. Enforcement efforts made against terrorist organizations are called: counterterrorism
8. Executive Order 13228, signed on October 8, 2001, established the: Office of Homeland
9. Fingerprint ridge impressions left on a soft material such as putty, wax, soap, or dust are called:
plastic prints
10. From 1968 through 2004, the most lethal terrorist organization was: Al Qaeda
11. Identifying and neutralizing ongoing national security threats is called: Counterintelligence
12. Marks made by fingers touching a surface after the ridges have been in contact with a colored
material such as blood, paint, grease, or ink are called: Visible prints
13. Members of what type of terrorist group include animal rights advocates, supporters of
environmental issues, and antiabortion advocates? Special interest
14. Modus operandi indicates: "mode of operation"; methods employed by perpetrators.
15. NCIC means: National Crime Information Center
16. Proactive techniques are in use constantly to prevent acts of terrorism before they occur. Such
techniques include: ongoing coordination planning
17. Reactive investigative techniques are used to investigate acts of terrorism after they occur and
can include: crime scene processing
18. ROVERs are used by LAPD officers for: Remote Out of Vehicle Emergency Radio. It is LAPD

lingo for their handhelds.

19. The analysis of poisons and other toxic substances in a persons body is called: forensic
20. The Border and Transportation Security Directorate is responsible for: maintaining the security
of borders and transportation systems and is home to agencies such as the transportation
security administration, the u.s. customs service, the border security functions of the form
immigration and naturalization service, animal and plant health inspection service, and the

federal law enforcement training center.

21. The computer database used by the New York City Police Department to investigate robberies
is called: Computer-Assisted Terminal Criminal Hunt (CATCH).
22. The Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate is responsible for: administering
disaster assistance programs and coordinating the Federal response in Presidential disaster
declarations. Major activities under the Disaster Relief program are human services which
provide aid to families and individuals; infrastructure which supports the efforts of State and
local governments to take emergency protective measures, clear debris and repair
infrastructure damage; hazard mitigation which sponsors projects to diminish effects of future
disasters; and disaster management, such as disaster field office staff and automated data
processing support.
23. The first police department with a computer system (in 1964) was: St. Louis
24. The first scientist to use DNA profiling in a criminal case was: Sir Alec Jefferys
25. The identification of a corpse through dental examination is called: forensic odontology
26. The major case/ death investigation management system developed by the Institute of Police
Technology and Management in Florida is called:
27. The mission of the Office of Homeland Security is to: develop and coordinate the
implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from threats
and attacks.
28. The NCIC is operated by the: FBI
29. The nerve center of the Los Angeles Police Departments 911 system is the: central dispatch

30. The sophisticated computer program developed for British police departments to aid them in
managing complex investigations is called: Home Office Large Major Enquiry System
(HOLMES, which is a reference to the legendary character Sherlock Holmes)
31. The Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP) database contains information on:
unsolved homicide
32. The NCTC (national counterterrorism center) has the statutory mission to serve as the U.S.
governments knowledge bank on international terrorism and to provide the Department of State
with required statistical information.
33. Today, computerization is suitable for: any police department regardless of size
34. Two major federal agencies are charged with homeland security. They are the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security and the: intelligence reorganization
35. What can be used in the examination of questionable signatures? Document analysis.
Scientific Working Group for Forensic Document Examination (SWGDOC) has adopted
guidelines for forensic document examinations outlining the technologies and procedures to be
used for professional document examinations. The American Society for Question Document
Examiners (ASQDE) is a professional organization for forensic document examiners.
36. What federal building was bombed in Oklahoma City? Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
37. What is used in the examination of blood, semen, and other body fluids? Serology
38. What is used in the examination of guns and bullets? Ballistics; Scientific analysis

39. What is used in the examination of hairs, fibers, and paints? Forensic examination, trace

evidence, comparison analysis

40. What is used in the examination of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin? chemistry
41. What year was the first terrorist attack on New York Citys World Trade Center? 1993
42. Which agency is usually the first responder to scenes of terrorist crimes? Local law enforcement
43. Who is responsible for providing efficient immigration services and easing the transition to
American citizenship? Bureau of Citizenship and immigration services
44. Who is the lead agency in coordinating the U.S. resources in response to a weapons of mass
destruction incident in a foreign country, should that government request such assistance? US
department of state
45. Who provides intensive training to local and state officials in preparation for mass disasters?

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

46. Who provides specialized technical resources to assist in the mitigation of weapons of mass
destruction devices or the consequences of their misuse? The U.S. Department of Defense
47. Who provides technical assistance to locate hidden nuclear material; to diagnose a suspected,
improvised nuclear device; to plan the disablement of a nuclear yield or radiological dispersal
device; and to advise local authorities on the associated hazard and effects? The U.S.
Department of Energy
48. Who serves as the lead agency for resolving crises perpetuated by malevolent elements in
weapons of mass destruction incidents occurring inside the United States and its territories?
49. Whose primary mission is the protection of the president and other governmental leaders, as
well as security for designated national events? US Secret Service
50. Mug shot imaging is a system of digitizing a picture and storing its image on a computer so that
it can be retrieved at a later time.

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