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Autobiography- The Story of my Life Rubric

Name _____________________________________
Review as a class



The autobiography is
organized into appropriate
chapters based on the
checklist. Draft work is
provided to show editing
and improvements for final
The chapter headings give
the reader a clear indication
of the content. The topic of
each chapter is apparent to
the reader.

The autobiography has a

chapter or two out of order
and most but not all draft
work is provided.

The autobiography is
lacking chapters. Very little
of draft work is provided.

The chapters are

disorganized, with little
planning apparent. No draft
work is provided.

The chapter headings give

the reader some indication
of the content. The topic of
most chapters is apparent
to the reader.

The chapter headings give

the reader very little
indication of the content.
The topic of some chapters
is unclear to the reader.

The chapter headings give

the reader no indication of
the content. The topic of
most chapters is unclear to
the reader.

The writer makes little to

no spelling, capitalization,
punctuation or grammar
errors, making the paper
exceptionally easy to read.

The writer makes a few

grammar and spelling
errors but the paper is still
easy to read.

The autobiography is filled

with grammar and spelling
errors that greatly reduce
the readers ability to read
the autobiography.

The writer uses appropriate

ideas for each chapter and
includes vivid words,
phrases, or images to
emphasize those ideas.

The writer presents key

ideas for most but not all of
their chapters and usually
includes vivid words,
phrases, or images to
emphasize those ideas.

The writer makes several

grammar and spelling
errors that catch the
readers attention and
interrupt the flow of the
The writer presents key
ideas for only a few
chapters and lacks vivid
words, phrases, or images
to emphasize those ideas.

1.1 Discover and explore

Plans and drafts written
3.3 Organize, record and
Writes logically and
coherently for varied
4.2 Attend to Conventions
Grammar, spelling and
4.3 Present and Share
Select and present key
ideas or information using
print, media and/or visuals

The writers key ideas are

not apparent to the reader.
The writer uses limited
vocabulary and no images
to help emphasize their

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