P9 Mayci Dobson

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Mayci Dobson

Mayci Dobson
2149 Hartford Dr.
Fayetteville, AR

Table of Contents
Event Ad
Business Card
Web Page


Description: An inspirational montage by blending two

images together with good typography.

Date: October 25, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Photoshop
Objectives: Learn to manage Photoshop Layers, learn
to blend images together smoothly, using masks, and apply
appropriate typography

Process: First I found the quote that I wanted to use. I

really dont like montages with something in the background

that really doesnt belong. So I really wanted to do something
that didnt involve that. I thought for a couple of days on
how I could make a montage without using that style but still
meet the requirements. I finally came up with an idea, so l
looked Online for a Bokeh background and a galaxy picture
to overlay it. I rotated the Bokeh background to flow with the
galaxy downward. After that I created a mask on the galaxy
and started showing the lights through the galaxy. Then I
started working on my typography. From the start of my
project to the final, I changed my typography a lot. I started
with just a few words highlighted, but then after talking with
some people about how I didnt like it someone suggested
that I create more of a hierarchy. I then adjusted it and kept
on changing it until I got to this. I once again went to my
masking tool on the galaxy so the words could standout
more. I faded away some of the galaxy around it around it so
the typography is easier to read.

Event Ad

Description: An event ad created with Microsoft Word

and a scanner with a full edge bleed.

Date: October 11, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, and a PDF
converter, PDF2JPG.net

Objectives: Scan high-quality images, create a full-side

bleed on one side, use Word to create an ad.

Process: I looked through books to get inspiration for

my event ad. I found this image then scanned it in. After a

couple of sketches, I figured out what I wanted to do for the
ad. Once I came up with a design I went to Microsoft Word
and made the first draft. I had a couple of people critique my
draft. Then according to their suggestions I made a couple of
different drafts along the same design. For instance, I added
the lines running along the picture and made it dark gray to
match the gray between the photos. I also fixed the trapped
white space and added more of a hierarchy with the side bar.

City of Rexburg presents:

Jungle Book
Disneys The

Porter Park
September 26
9 pm
Adult: $3
Child: $2
All proceeds will help
out Childrens Cure

Business Card
Description: Matching Letterhead and Business Card
Designed using a personally created logo.

Date: November 8, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
Objectives: Create a new logo to fit my personal image.
Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.

Process: I made my business card first. I placed my logo

into InDesign and then started creating it. I copied the curve
from the D and put it to the background to create the gray
curve. Then made the other side, and I took that curve once
again and made it white this time and the background gray.
Then I added my contact information. I contrasted the fonts
by making my name bigger than my contact information.


Description: Matching Letterhead and Business Card

Designed using a personally created logo.

Date: November 8, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
Objectives: Create a new logo to fit my personal image.
Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.

Process: I started by creating my personal logo. After I

created that, I started my business card and letter head. On

my letterhead, I put my logo in the background and made
it transparent. I added my contact information and put it
in a line on the bottom of the page. After some critiques I
moved it to the top and put a line underneath it. To make the
stationary more uniform, I added the line to the business card
after I finished my letterhead.


Description: A webpage designed to showcase a

personally created logo.

Date: November 22, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Sublime Text, Photoshop, and Google.
Objectives: Size and optimize logo for web page, write

content for process, design a web page, learn HTML and CSS,
and identify hex colors used.

Process: At first I found coding really difficult and I did

not want to do it at all. But then as I got used to it, worked

on my project, and found out all the cool things that I can
do to make the web page I found it super fun. I already did
my HTML, so this week I really worked on styling my web
page. I started off by finding a background. Once I found my
background I chose to do a complementary color scheme.
I added the orange border around the body. Because I did
this I had to change the padding for the H1 section so the
title would be vertically centered. I changed the colors of
everything, picking the colors from the background. I made
the body opaque so the background would show through a
little bit. I changed the link colors. I also embedded my own
text from Google Fonts.


Description: Two sided folding brochure

Date: December 6, 2014
Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Indesign, Photoshop, and Microsoft Word
Objectives: Set up and align a two sided, folded

document, learn how to wrap text around an image, and use

paragraph styles in InDesign.

Process: This project was really hard to come up with

an idea for. It took me a really long time to finally come up

with an idea to start with. What I started with is completely
different then what I ended with. I started with my logo that
I made a couple of project back, but I tweaked it a little bit
to make it better. Then I made the guides on where the folds
are. I typed up my text in Microsoft Word. I created my first
design and got some critiques, then I completely changed it.
Then I did my second design, got some critiques again, then
I completely changed it, again. I made the cupcake bullet
points based off my logo to create some unity. I also cut out
the cupcakes out.


Description: Three logo variations for the same


Date: November 1, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Illustrator
Objectives: Create a variety of logos to fit a company
and use the basic tools of Illustrator.

Process: On the first logo I used the text tool and types

the L and C then added in the rest of the words. I used the
direct selection tool on the L and C and aligned everything.
On the second logo, I created the circle, then I created the
cupcake outline with the ellipse and rectangle tool, and
added the text. I stretched Lolas to be taller so it would
be easier to see the name if the logo was smaller. On the last
logo, I created a rectangle and moved in the angles at the
bottom. Then I added in the stripes. To make the frosting I
used the ellipse tool again, created four ellipses and aligned
them in the middle. Then I got rid of half of the ellipse,
alternating with each side every other one, and created a
flowing outline. I combined the outlines to create one fluid
line. Next I used the width tool and made the bottom of the
line thicker than the top. I made the lines look more like
frosting with the direct selection tool. Then I added the text
and I was done.

Mayci Dobson
Lolas Cupcakes




Description: A personally taken photograph that has

been edited/formatted using Photoshop and use that photo to

make a full-bleed poster.

Date: October 18, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: Photoshop
Objectives: Learn basic photography skills, size and

crop the image in Photoshop, use layers to design text, and

repeating graphic elements in Photoshop, and print with full
bleed margins.

Process: I started out by taking a picture of my

roommate Hannah, focusing on the Split Complementary

color scheme. I used a Canon Rebel T3 for the photo shoot,
then I took the photo into Photoshop and used the levels,
vibrance, sharpness, and color balance techniques. After
I edited the photo, I put it on a 8.511 canvas. I used the
ellipse tool and made outlines for the circles. I used different
weights and the different colors to create a variety. I added
the text and made the color swatches. After getting my poster
critiqued I realized that I needed to make my picture bigger
and change the color scheme. I ended up changing it to
Tetradic because it had the most colors I wanted to add. After
changing it, I had my finished product. It is a little different
than how I wanted it at first, but Im glad that I changed it up.


Description: Black and White promotional flier to

promote a graduate leadership conference.

Date: October 4, 2014

Instructor: Cory Kerr
Course: Visual Media: Comm 130
Programs: InDesign
Objectives: Apply the design principles and use

appropriate typography, incorporate basic InDesign skills to

improve basic flier layout, create a project folder with image,
logo, and InDesign document to keep links intact.

Process: I started out by creating some sketches. After,

I went to Adobe InDesign and made a flier. I didnt like it,

so I picked another one of my sketches and made that one. I
wasnt a huge fan on it, but it worked. I got it critiqued and
met up with my teacher, Brother Kerr. Both of these helped
my design immensely. I was able to make it more visually
appealing by making my flier more asymmetrical and adding
more white space. The logo, picture, and content were given
to me.



October 21
a.m. 5 p.m.

Lincoln Convention Center

Do you want to have the competitive edge
in business?
Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual
Graduate Leadership Conference.
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping
tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills
in the workplace. During this dynamic three-day
seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of
Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough
leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes of
leadership that will market to any employer.
Registration and more information available at
Conference is available to graduating seniors.
Space is limited.

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