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Cynthia Leal


Table Of Contents

Cynthia Leal

3990 Spring Valley Rd.

Farmers Branch, TX, 75244

Event Ad
Web Page
Business Card

Event Ad

A full bleed flier that advertises a shoe drive. Give information

as to where and when you can attend.



Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel


Microsoft Word
Epson Scanner (PDF converter)


Sleceting a high quality imaging and being able to scan it into

your flier.
Editing the image to the Word document.
Using that image in your design.
Use text boxes and repeated elements.


For this project I had to use word which was a bit challenging.
I already knew what I wanted to do with the background so
when I opened up my Word document the first thing that I
did was cover the whole page with my scanned image. Next I
focused on getting my information onto the page and wanted
to tie that in with my color scheme. I decided to go with
circles to make it come more alive and colored them with my
information. I then decided on a repeated element of buttons,
just like the button on the shoe from my scanned image, and
placed them to create flow.


A double sided brochure that can effectively give information

of my business.



Getting Stuck
in the Storm:

What better place to be when its cold outside? Our holiday spirit
doesnt stop when its poured into your cup, come
take a seat and enjoy the holiday vibes. The
holidays work around the clock and so do we.
We will make sure that all of your holiday beverage needs are met. Why stop
there? We want to set the mood for
you. Here, you can count on constant
holiday movies and sweet smelling pine.
Its a place for family and friends. No
scrooges allowed. So come on in to drink
up and wind down in our cozy taverns.

Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Adobe Photoshop


Create an original logo that creates the theme of your brochure.

Insert context that describes what your logo is represnting.
Edit and insert images to compliment the text.
Use the wrap text tool to create more diversity in the brochure.
Format the brochure in a way that it can be folded and easily
Create a zipped file for easier access.


The first thing I did when creating this project was creating my
logo. This took a while because I wasnt sure as to what exactly
I was looking for. It all started when I was trying to make a
mug that had gingerbread man marshmallows and then it just
transformed. From there I started making a display for my
brochure background and from there I picked out my pictures
to edit. I picked pictures that went along with my text and
also complimented my background. I had to use the simple
selection tool and the eraser to make sure that I got my images
the way I wanted them. It was very tedious and there was lots
of zooming in and out. From there I put my text in and then
started surrounding it with my images. I then made sure that
my text boxes were formatted properly by project requirements.
I then realized that my fonts werent what I wanted so I then
had to go in and download ones that I thought should suit my
project better. There was lots of tweaking, moving around, and
resizing but I think I got it all down right.

Follow Us on Twitter and

Instagram for a chance to
win our free giveaways!

Come Sip
on some


This was created to create a spiritual image.It is the

combination of three images to really compile and
present a holy imgae.



Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Adobe Photoshop


Cropping and editting images to blend.

Managing and locking layers to better display all of your
Applying filters to really make your image stand out.
Applying the proper typography.


I first worked this out by finding the images that I wanted

and then finding where I wanted them positioned. I found
the word faith and I put a mask with the Universes, (more
specifically the milky way), and used the eye dropper to
get more matching colors with the background. I realized
that the background behind Faith was a bit bright so I
then darkened and blurred it to make it stand out more.
I the cropped and feathered the image of Christ in the
clouds in a way that he looked like a cloud. I used the
masking tool a lot after I put a filter on my background to
really bring out the colors of the clouds.

Web Page

A web page that shows off an original logo.



Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Adobe Photoshop


Being able to bring over png. images to websites and resizing

Using code to adjust colors and text size.
Creating a website that will pass along information.
Compressing files into a zipped folder for easier access.


The first thing I did in beginning this project was playing

around with the colors. I found out how to change my Hex
codes and played around with the eye dropper tool to get the
colors that I needed to match my color scheme. After I figured
out what colors that I wanted I then went on to google fonts to
find the fonts that I thought would best suit my project. That is
when text size came into play. I thought that my logo was very
party so I wanted to add a louder voice to my project. I picked
the font sizes that I did to really emphasize the product.


Three logo variations for the same company.


Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Adobe Illustrator


Create a variety of logos to create options as to what

your client may want.
Use illustrator tools to create shapes that can better
represent the product or business.


To begin this project I sketched out multiple ideas that I

had for my logo type. I even premeditated the typography
to match the zestyness that I wanted in each logo. I then
pulled some images to trace to make better shapes for
my logos. I decided on my color schemes and then just
let everything else flow. The typography was the thing
that took me the longest. I wanted both of the texts that I
was using to really compliment each other.


Creating a letterhead that would represent my company. This

would be the paper used to type out any memos or letters from
my company.



Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign


Inserting and resizing logo to be displayed on a letterhead.

Including other information that represents the logo.
Make sure that text ill still be legible if typed over the image.


To creat this stationary I first brought my logo into the picture

and sized and postioned it to where I would like it. I then
changed the opacity to make sure that text would still be legible
when typed ontop of it. I then copied and pasted my companies
name to where it was visible and where it would looke bold. I
didnt want to crowd the top so I decided to put the rest of the
informatin on the bottom of the page. I then took some of the
repeated elements that I had used on my business cards and
included them in to really tie things together. I then took a step
back and made sure that that was what I wanted and then stuck
with it.

Business Card

Attaching a personally made logo to a business card that could

be used to spread awareness of my company.



Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Adobe InDesign


Use Indesign tools to create a logo that will represent a product

or company.
Insert information that explains the purpose of this prodcut or


I first started out drawing out ideas. I love being at the beach
and feeling the sun but that isnt something that is easily done
here in Rexburg, so I thought about what I could work with. I
then took my ideas over and started with the tools to make my
sun (Ellipse and star tool). I then put together my fonts that I
thought would make a fun environment. Next I put thought
into my colors and the color schemes that I could use that
included yellow because I was very set on using yellow. I played
around with the sequence that I wanted everything to go in and
then I stuck with what I felt most comfortable with.


An original photo editted in photoshop to be displayed that

will create a larger message.



Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Canon PowerShot Camera
Adobe Photoshop


Become comfortable using a digital camera.

Applying basic photography skills.
Learning how to properly edit a photo.
Using filters to enhance images.
Saturating and contrasting colors to really compliment one


This was actually a lost more of a difficulty process than I

thought. I had put my picture in and decide where I wanted it
and then I had to create the leaves for more texture. I used the
lasso tool to shape them and after much trial and error I got
them to the shape I wanted them. I used the eyedropper to get
them the colors that I wanted and then I went on to inserting
my text.


Black & White flier advertising students to attend a graduate

leadership conference.



Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Adobe InDesign


Staying away from the edges yet filling up the page. Making
sure to apply whitespace while also filling the page with useful
information that was essential for the client (images, logo, and
Indesign documents).


This flier that I made was a work of InDesign Art.InDesign is a

lot to take in because there are so many different tools that can
be used. I first started with my text boxes (because fitting the
text was most important). I resized my images to the sizes that I
needed them to be, trying my best to make sure that they were
big enough to be visible but not too big that they would look
distorted. I did my best in combining all of the fonts in a way
that would make them stand out. The last details were getting
the gradients right and making sure that my repeated elements
looked good and were appealing.

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