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Conclusions about Learning

(Analyze the quality of student
work and draw some
conclusions about their
Make sure to focus on your
lesson goal(s).)
-Her sentence demonstrates
that she understands what it
means to be thankful and
understands the word
-She was able to identify two
things (people) she was
thankful for.
-She was able to write a
complete sentence about what
she was thankful for.
-Luka frequently raised her
hand during the discussion
about what the word thankful
meant Im thankful for my
moms love, clearly
demonstrating her
understanding of the concept.

Evidence from
(Use specific evidence and
quotations from the
students assessment to
substantiate your claims
about student learning).
-Raised her hand
frequently during class
-Gave quality answers
about what it meant to be
-Im thankful for my
moms love,
-Her written sentence: I
am thankful for my
mommy and daddy.

Evidence from
written feedback
(Share evidence of
students engagement
in the discussion from
your written feedback).
-Im thankful for my
moms love,

What might you do differently

or how might you work
differently with the same
(List instructional moves you
could use in the future given the
same situation).
-I would have Luka work more
deeply with same material.
Instead of giving Luka a writing
sheet with the words I am
thankful for my pre-printed on it,
I would give her a worksheet with
no words written on it and ask if
she could make the sentence on
her own.
-I would also ask Luka to read her
sentence to me after she finished
and tell me why she is thankful for
what she chose.



-Skyes sentence
demonstrates that she
understands what it means to
be thankful and understands
the word thankful.
-She was able to identify one
thing (person) she was
thankful for.
-Skye was able to write a
sentence about what she was
thankful for.
-Skye did not raise her hand
often during the discussions,
and when she did contribute it
was only to answer
descriptive questions, such as
what the characters in the
book were doing, but her
written work shows she has a
basic understanding of the
-Jaydens sentence
demonstrates that he does not
have a complete
understanding of what it
means to be thankful or what
the word thankful means.
-His sentence does identify
something his is thankful for,
but it does not make sense
(He is thankful for surprises).

-She occasionally raised

her hand, but only gave
descriptive answers
-The girl was playing in
the leaves.
-Skyes written sentence:
I am thankful for my

-The girl was playing

in the leaves.

-During the class discussion I

would try to encourage Skye to
raise her hand and contribute to
the discussion about what do you
think thankful means?
-If she did not seem interested or
engaged in the discussion I would
ask her later at her table, where
she feels much more comfortable
and safe.

-Jayden never raised his

-Jaydens written sentence:
I am thankful for my

-N/A, Jayden did not

contribute to class

-Jaydens sentence shows that he

was listening during the whole
class discussion but did not
completely understand the concept
of thankful.
-When explaining the concept, I
compared it to how the students
felt when they got presents. One
student said surprised, which I
acknowledge as a valid answer for

-Jayden never raised his hand

during the whole class

how you feel when you presents

but declined to write on the word
-If I were to do this lesson again, I
would highlight how surprised is a
valid feeling for when a person
receives presents but it doesnt
quite work for thankful. I would
be sure to emphasize this a few
times throughout the lesson.
-I would also check in with the
students who didnt raise their
hands, when they were working on
their sentences and back at their
tables, to check on their
comprehension. If necessary, I
would use more examples the
students would relate to.

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