Actors Contract With Dog

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THIS AGREEMENT, made on _________, November, 2010, between XphoeniX Studios, hereafter called
Producer, and ________________________, hereafter called Player.
1. MOTION PICTURE AND ROLE: Producer hereby engages Player to render services as such in the role of
______________________, in a motion picture, based upon the screenplay entitled Deep in the
Woods, with a voluntary character, for the time needed to film Players scenes, which will be no more
than two days. Player accepts such engagement upon the terms herein specified.
2. TERM: The term of volunteer agreement hereunder shall begin on or about November 25 and shall
continue thereafter until the completion of the photography and recordation of said role, which will last
no more than two days. The two days do not need to be correlative and the time of recordation will be
orally agreed according to the Players and Producers schedule.
3. PLAYERS CONTACT INFO: All notices which the Producer is required or may desire to give the Player
may be given either by emailing the same to the Player at _______________________, or such notice
may be given to the Player personally, orally or in written. The Player must keep Producer advised as to
where the Player may be reached without unreasonable delay. Players current telephone number is
4. FURNISHING OF WARDROBE AND DOG: The Player agrees to furnish all modern wardrobe and
wearing apparel reasonably necessary for the portrayal of said role. The Player agrees to bring his own
dog and this to be filmed for the required scenes.
5. NAME AND LIKENESS: Producer shall have the exclusive right to use and to license the use of the role
portrayed by the Player in connection with the film, its advertising, exhibition and merchandising.
6. Player agrees with the exhibition of the film in serious public media, such as Cinematography websites
and magazines, Newspapers and Film Festivals and Contests. Producer compromises not to exhibit the
movie in social networks without the express consent of all Players involved in the film, oral or written.
7. Player agrees not to show the screenplay or the part of the screenplay under his or her custody,
neither to share it nor to publish it by any means. Player must return the screenplay or the part of the
screenplay under his or her custody back to the Producer after Players performance is done.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the day and year first above

Player (print name)
XphoeniX Studios, by Lorena Ostos Caliani, its President.

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