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Westside Barbell Template

By: kethnaab

Here is what a basic Westside split looks like.

Monday - Max Effort Squat/Deads
Variation of Squat/Deads (pick one) - add chains/bands + vary stance/boxes
a. Low Box Squat
b. High Box Squat
c. Deadlifts off Box
d. Good Mornings (variations as well)
e. Safety Squat Bar
f. Trap Bar Deads
g. Cambered Bar Squats
change max effort exercise every week. eventually you will have to come back to ones
you have done before.
**work upto triples. when the weight feels heavy...drop to singles. max your
Assistance Work (options, choose 1-2)
Glute ham raises
Reverse hypers
High rep partial deads
**sets and reps are upto the lifter. depends on your lifting ability and recovery ability.
vary these exercises when you start stalling. again, you will come back to old ones. train
near failure. i suggest low intensity/higher volume work this day.
Ab work is also done this day. keep it heavy and low volume.
Tuesday - Dynamic Effort Bench
Speed Bench/Floor Press/Various Board Presses- vary with bands/chains/grip - 8x3
Assistance Work (choose one from each group)(high intensity)
Group A - Tris (main FOCUS)
Rack Lockouts
JM Presses
DB/BB Extentions

Close Grip with various bars

Group B - Lats
Group C - Shoulders
All sorts of Laterals. Focus on rear delt work.
Wed - GPP (General Physical Prep)
Sled Pulling
Wheel Barrow Pushing
Vehicle Pushing
Box Jumps
Kettlebell/Med Ball work
Core work
Thurs - DE Squat
Speed Box Squat - vary box/chains/bands - 10x2
assistance work/ab work same as ME day...go for more volume though
Fri - ME Bench
Bench Variation - vary with bands/chains/grips - reps/sets same as ME Squat day.
assistance work same as dynamic day. higher volume though
Sat - GPP
Same as Wednesday.
Sunday - OFF
The concept behind Westside is......train the bodyparts that squat/bench/dead.....not the
actual lift. You train the lift by doing variations and changing it up every week. This
way, you dont stall and you can max out every week. Focusing on weak points is big.
Most people can't bench a lot/squat a lot because their tris/posterior chain is weak.
GPP helps develop overall development and explosiveness. It's a fun way of doing
Here are some vids of helpful Westside info.
JM Presses

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