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Sarah Wakefield

Sarah Wakefield
Mountain Lofts
538 South 2 West
Rexburg, ID 83440

Table of Contents
Business Card
Web Page
Event Ad

A trifold brochure featuring popular national parks which include: The Grand
Canyon, Zion Canyon, and Bryce Canyon.

I set up a trifold design in Adobe InDesign by splitting two pages into three
vertical sections. I used an image of the blue sky on the inside of the brochure
to provide contrast to the orange rock that was featured in several of my
images. I intentionally selected these orange rock images to contrast the blue
I used the quick selection tool in Adobe Photoshop to select the portion of the
image I wanted to keep. I used the lasso tool to closer match the selection. I
finished up by using the Refine edgetool to smooth the rough edges, and a
slight feather to likewise soften the edges.
I then placed the cutout image into the InDesign file, and I also placed a logo I
had previously designed in Illustrator. Next I used the text wrap feature to
wrap the text around the alpha channel of the cutout image and inserted the
remainder of images and text to complete the brochure.

Learn how to use paragraph styles in InDesign.
Learn how to align a trifold folded brochure.
Learn how to text wrap around an image.

Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop

December 5, 2014

Comm 130 Section 08
Ben Pingel

Stationary set with personal logo and watermark.

I created the logo in Illustrator and used the direct selection tool to manipulate
the text of spot the shot to increase the length of the ts and the h. I then
used kerning to stretch out the space between the letters of photography. I
used the ellipse tool to create the circles. I also used a program called Adobe
Kuler to help me with my color scheme. Once my logo was designed, I opened
For the letterhead I grouped the three circles together and used the shift and
option keys together to make the circles bigger while still being proportionate.
I dramatically increased the opacity which resulted in the watermark effect. I
used grid lines a lot in this project to make sure that everything was lined up.
Finally I used the text took to type out my information, and used the eyedropper
tool to make it the same color as the logo.

Use consistent themes to tie letterhead and business cards together.
Create a new logo for personal use or company.
Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.

Illustrator, InDesign

November 7, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel

Business Card
Front and back business card with personal logo

I created my logo in Illustrator and used the direct selection tool to manipulate
the text of spot the shot to increase the length of the ts and the h. I then
used kerning to stretch out the space between the letters of photography. I
used the ellipse tool to create the circles. I also used a program called Adobe
Kuler to help me with my color scheme. Once my logo was designed, I opened
In InDesign I placed my illustrator logo and used the rectangle tool to create the
appropriate size for my business card. I made the background gray, and moved
the rectangle to the back so the logo was visible. I used the pen tool to draw
the coral line separating the gray and yellow halves of the card. I used the text
tool to create my text and placed it accordingly.

Use consistent themes to tie letterhead and business cards together.
Create a new logo for personal use or company.
Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.

Illustrator, InDesign

November 7, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel

Web Page
A web page I designed to showcase an original logo I created.

I created this web page by using Notepad++ on my PC and TextWrangler on a
Mac. I used a sample html file from a previous project to begin. I then input my
content, swapped out the sample image with my own, and inserted my text copy.
Once this step was finished, I linked the html document to a css file. From the
css document I changed the color of the background, the header color, and font
color, to match the color scheme of my logo. I did this by getting the hex codes
from Photoshop, through using the eyedropper tool.
My next step was changing the fonts to Georgia and Verdana with backup fonts
in case some browsers didnt carry those particular fonts. I centered my logo
by adding padding to the left side. I also added sufficient padding above and
below it. I likewise added padding around the list, heading 2, and paragraph copy
because I didnt want the text too close to the edge. I added space between the
unordered list points and changed the blog website at the bottom to my own.

Write content to explain target audience and the process of designing the logo.
Identify hex codes and apply them in design principles.
Write a web page to showcase an original logo.
Gain a working knowledge of html.
Compress files into a zipped folder.
Obtain basic knowledge of css.

TextWrangler, Notepad ++

November 21, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel

An inspirational image created by blending one picture over another.

1. Cropped my image to 8.511
2. Applied a Gaussian blur to my image
3. Put a mask over the image and used black paint to bring the front of the
temple back into focus
4. Opened my second picture of the Savior
5. Used the lasso tool with a high feather and moved the image to the main image
of the temple
6. Added a mask and used black paint to lightly go over the image. Because of
the feather, there were not any hard edges
7. I lightened the bottom/shoulder area of the image to create the blending
effect over the temple
8. I inserted my text which ties both images together, and chose a darker color
to stand out against the temple. I added a thick drop shadow to make the text
more legible.

Learn how to blend images by using masks.
Learn how to recognize typography.
Learn how to navigate layers.
Learn how to use filters.


October 24, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel

Draw near unto me and

I will draw near unto you.

Three logos for the same company in varying formats.

I started with the top logo by creating a rectangle and then putting white type
on top of it. I added a triangle over the top of it because the logo is for a realestate company, and I wanted it to symbolize a house. I made the type into an
object, and then ungrouped them. I then used the pathfinder tool to divide the
black portions behind the type into individual shapes. Next, I changed different
black shapes colors into a monochromatic color scheme using indigo.
For the second logo, I used the pen tool to actually draw the letters. I used the
direct selection tool to manipulate the points and rotate the R to where I wanted
it to be. I selected different weights for the thickness of the lines, and then
made it a complementary color scheme.
For the third, I used the rectangle tool to create the house, door, and windows. I
used the star tool to make a triangle for the top of the house, and then I center
aligned everything. I implemented contrast through the font with a serif and
sans serif typefaces, and varying sizes.

Create three differently styled logos for one company.
Learn the basics of Illustrator.


October 31, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel

Event Ad
A full-bleed color ad created in Microsoft word using a scanned picture.

I used Microsoft word to create this ad. First I sketched some ideas. Once I had
chosen one, I imported the photo I wanted from a scanner. I added a filter to the
photo called pastels smooth which created the brush strok e blurred effect
which can be seen. I used different sized rectangles and pulled colors from the
photo to establish a color scheme. I then used text boxes to create my title and
all the other texts so they were easily movable. Finally I instituted the element
of repetition and the rule of thirds by adding three small green rectangles to
create unify the design.

Learn how to design in Microsoft Word.
Scan and use a high quality image.
Create a full-bleed color design.

Microsoft Word

October 10, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel

Motivational Conference
Find joy in the journey


October 11, 2014
8 am 12 pm
Manwaring Center:
Special Events Room

All proceeds go to the senior citizen center. Please contact the

chamber of commerce to make a donation.

Photo taken specifically to match a previously chosen color scheme.

I started my process by first selecting my color scheme. I knew I wanted to do
something with all the leaves changing color for fall, and the most common colors
are red and yellow. Because of this fact, I naturally went with the primary color
scheme. I had my model wear a blue shirt and stand by a yellow and red tree
where I took the photograph.
After putting my photo into Photoshop, I enhanced the colors to make them
more vibrant. I sharpened the image and adjusted my levels for appropriate
brightness. Next I used the color wheel to pull my colors from my color scheme
and then muted or brightened the colors to match my photo. I was fortunate
because I planned my color scheme well so it was easy to match the colors. I
then picked out a favorite quote that matched the mood of the design, applied
my color swatches and printed it for completion.

Learn how to implement a color scheme throughout a design.
Learn how to match colors in Photoshop.
Learn how to plan color schemes.


October 17, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel



Ye l l o w

Happy girls


are the


Grayscale flier created to promote a Graduate Leadership Conference.

I started with the basic principle of formulating a plan. I sketched several ideas
and organized a variety of layouts. Once I picked a layout I liked, I drafted a
design that was appealing and contrasted the different elements as well as
unified the parts. Finally I looked at my draft to see if there was anything that
I could simplify, and if my message was relayed effectively. I used the rectangle
tool frequently to create the black horizontal bars seen on the flier. I also used
kerning to extend the space between the letters in Leaders hip conference.

Create a project folder to keep the links intact.
Become familiar with designing in InDesign.
Apply the basic principles of design.
Use appropriate typography.


October 3, 2014

Comm 130
Ben Pingel



Do you want to have the competitive edge in businness?

Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate
Leadership Conference.
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders
gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic
three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant
Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while
cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.
Registration and more information available at

October 21

8 a.m. 5 p.m.

Lincoln Convention Center

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