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(Hand written or Type written)

Applicants Details

Name of Evaluator:
Instructions to Applicant
Please mail this form to the individual whose name appears above as your evaluator.
Dear Evaluator,
is applying for admission to the Post Graduate Programme in Management at the ISB.
As a part of the process, please complete the information requested (hand written or type written) in the
form. If you need to use additional sheets of paper, please staple them to this form and sign on each page.
Please enclose this form in an envelope addressed to the Director - Admissions & Financial Aid, seal the
envelope, sign across the seal and return it to the applicant.
1. Under what circumstances and for how long have you known the applicant? (50 words maximum)

2. Please rate the applicant's achievements when compared to those of his or her peers and mention the
reference group with which you are making these comparisons. (100 words maximum)

3. Please describe, in brief, situations where the applicant displayed signs of leadership abilities and team
skills. (200 words maximum)

4. Please mention two consistent strengths of the applicant and if possible provide instances where she/he
demonstrated these strengths. (200 words maximum)

5. Please indicate two areas where the applicant has shown learning and improvement which would add
value to his application to the ISB. (100 words maximum)

6. Please provide any other comments that you consider are relevant to the applicant's admission to the
ISB, especially regarding the applicant's career in business/management. (200 words maximum)

Details of Evaluator (to be completed by the evaluator)

Evaluator's signature with date
Relationship with the applicant
Phone Number
E-mail Address

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