Webquest Rubric

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Unacceptable 1

Unsatisfactory 3

Satisfactory 4

Outstanding 5

Little sign of advanced

planning. Students unsure of
how to conduct presentation.
Little research was done, or it
was not adapted to the
presentation. Technical
difficulties abound.

Evidence of basic planning

but little development.
Students are diffident
regarding information for
their chosen three countries.

Good evidence of research into

topic, information is more
thorough and students showing
signs of confidence in subject.
Perhaps a bit of trouble
elaborating or answering
questions regarding details.

Very good to excellent evidence of

research. Students demonstrated they
understand the three countries well and
why they are best for their classmates
to study in. Students can speak at
length and answer questions regarding
detailed information from the three


Students unconvincingly and

casually discussing the three
countries in little detail.
Students may be reading
from a script without looking
at the director.

Students following a basic

plan but finding it difficult to
discuss details without
consulting notes. Often
pausing to recheck plan.
Some pertinent details for
each country are missing or

Students following a more

detailed plan and three
countries are discussed equally
and in detail. Occasional
hesitations do not interfere
much with flow.

Students knew plan well and rarely had

to reference it, slides were well-timed
according to transitions. The structure
was easy to follow and pauses were
planned. Students show confidence
during entire execution. Students
handled Q&A session with ease.

Organization and

Students speaking informally

with poor grammar and
sentence structure.
Signposting and formal
presentation expressions

Students able to convey

basic topic but language use
limited and possibly a little
difficult. Appropriate or new
vocabulary not examined or
used and level of formality is
too low.

Students communicated topic

and details well with good use of
formal presentation language.
Few language mistakes do not
interfere with communication.
Level of formality is appropriate.

Students communicated topic very well

with few to no grammar mistakes.
Formal presentation expressions,
signposting, and techniques are all
used with ease.

Presentation Overall
Language Skills

Students only used basic

photographs vaguely related
to the topic. Students did not
point out how the photos
relate to the topic. Poorly

Students used very basic

and limited visuals that were
uninteresting and only
somewhat supportive of the

Students used a good variety of

visuals that were related to the
details. Perhaps some minor
problems with timing or
technical issues.

Students used visuals as an outline

with graphs, charts, photos and videos
that were relevant and supportive to the
details. Visuals were interesting and
well-timed. Students show mastery of
presentations using Prezi.

Presentation Visuals

Student came off as very rude

from the perspective of a
native speaker, lacking proper
meeting language. Student
reverted back to their native
language when frustrated.

Student used some

memorized meeting
expressions correctly, but
lack of confidence hindered
their ability to participate and
express themselves.

Student used a fair amount of

meeting expressions properly
and was able to express
themselves well. Some minor
errors interfered only slightly.

Student used a wide variety of meeting

expressions for agreeing, disagreeing,
interrupting, dealing with interruptions,
turn-taking, expressing opinions, asking
for opinions, etc, with great accuracy.

Meeting and Debate

(Individual evaluation)

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