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Megan Reitzel

Comparative Essay
History 1700
Ken Hansen

John F. Kennedy v. Barrack Obama

There are always presidents who impact our country in a positive way and
presidents who impact it in a negative way. When the president of the United States is
elected the first speech that is given is the inaugural speech. These are the first words
heard from our newly elected president that can give us some insight. This is broadcast
to the nation and the world.
I am going to go over two of these speeches. The first speech that I will go over
is the speech given by John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, on
November 22, 1963. Then I will go over the speech of President Barrack Obama, the
44th president, given on January 20th, 2009. After which I will compare the two and what
they did while in office and why they are different.
While Kennedy went over many of the new abilities that man now has such as
the ability to save life by helping the undeveloped countries or completely distinguish life
on earth as we know it using such weapons as the Atomic bomb along with other

weapons of mass destruction. Kennedys main address was focused at foreign affairs
with some issues affecting the United States. Obama, in his address, was primarily
focused on the domestic issues plaguing Americans with a little on foreign problems.
However the different times did equate to different struggles and battles. While
Kennedy was in office he had to deal with the Cuban missile crisis while Obama is still
currently in office we have insufficient and unaffordable medical programs and lack of
The similarities between both presidents, prior to taking the oath, were that they
were both senators although Kennedy had served longer than Obama. Kennedy
of Massachusetts served in the House of Representatives (1947-1953) and in the U.S.
Senate (1953-1960). While Obama served from January 4, 2005 and ended on
November 16, 2008. He resigned his seat as a Senator from Illinois.
Both presidents struggled to the office they were in. Obamas uphill battle was
because of his race, he was the first black man to run for and be elected as president
of the United States. There has been speculation of his citizenship and other questions
regarding his loyalty to The United States of America.
While Kennedys uphill battle was because of his religious belief. Kennedy was a
Irish Catholic whose family were immigrants in a time where immigrants were looked
down on and discriminated against. Kennedy did not hide his heritage from reporters or
articles. He would proudly state his ancestry.
In both of their addresses to the nation they pointed out, not what your country
can do for you but what you can do for your country, although said in a different way.

Obama stole and reworded Kennedys most famous line of his speech, Ask not what
your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. When Obama stole
this very impactful statement he did word it differently. He stated For as much as
government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the
American people upon which this nation relies.1
Both of our presidents addressed issues such as race. Obama on racial profiling
and Kennedy spoke on racial segregation. Both messages served the purpose of
reaching a domestic as well as an international audience.
The differences between the two presidents are their political agenda or platform.
President Kennedy campaigned on a tough foreign policy and defense agenda, while
President Obama campaigned on a domestic policy platform. His speeches were
captivating and full of supposed hope.
While in office Kennedy approached a standoff during the Cuban missile crisis
that ultimately avoided a nuclear war with the Soviet Union and secured the removal of
missiles from Cuba. Kennedy was committed to landing a man on the moon. Sadly this
happened after his death but his support of the space program helped make it possible.
Kennedy also decided to help secure the passing of the Area Redevelopment
Act.2 Kennedy also promoted the arts by holding concerts, plays, and musicals at the

Obama, Barack. "Barack Obamas Inaugural Address." The New York Times. January 19, 2009.
Accessed December 5, 2014.
John F. Kennedy Fast Facts: President's Civil Rights Accomplishments." - John F. Kennedy
Presidential Library & Museum. Accessed December 2, 2014.

White House. He also issued an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the sale or
lease of housing that was financed by federally guaranteed loans or owned by the
federal government. I do understand that Kennedy on April 12, 1961, lied when he
publicly denied claims that The United States was not planning on supporting an
invasion of Cuba. Details of the plan had been exposed and Kennedys administration
was heavily implicated. His biggest issue while in office was the Bay of Pigs invasion.
During April 1961, Cuban exiles launched what became a botched invasion at the Bay
of Pigs on the south coast of Cuba.3
While Obama has been in office he has created a health care plan called
Obamacare. He instituted a bailout for major corporations where taxpayers lost 25
billion dollars on the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler. Veterans received poor
health care, and Obama is taking 700 billion dollars out of Medicare to put into
Obamacare. Obama also Ended the War in Iraq. He ordered all U.S. military forces
out of the country. The last troops left on December 18, 2011.4
Both presidents have faced different kinds of issues, foreign and domestic. I
believe that Kennedy handled his task while in office more professionally and with the
American people knowing what was going on. Yet, President Obama has done some

US News. Accessed December 2, 2014.

Obamas Top 50 Accomplishments." The Washington Monthly. Accessed December 2, 2014.

things that raise concern. For example Obama let out five known terrorist leaders in the
middle of the night without full approval or with the American people knowing.5
Obamas health care plan has put the American people in a position where they
no longer can get the medical insurance that they used to have. It also has a fine for
those who are unable to get medical insurance from their employer before the
designated deadline that has been set. If you go beyond a year without medical
insurance that fine goes up. There are some people who do not want to have to carry
medical insurance. Instead of still having that freedom it has been taken away and they
will now be fined for not carrying it.
While I know that both presidents have had to face different issues that they
addressed in their inaugural address they handled them differently. While both
presidents addressed many issues that the country was facing at the time as they were
being sworn into office of the president of the United States, it is my belief that Kennedy
faced the challenges that were before him with the intent of the common good of the
American people.
While Obamas plans and intentions have been put into motion that he spoke of
in his inaugural address, the American people have been harmed. When comparing the
two speeches things were stolen and reworded by Obama and the things that Obama
spoke of in his address either never came to pass or harmed the American people.

"Reports Show Danger of Releasing Gitmo Terrorists As Obama Frees 5 - Judicial Watch." Judicial
Watch. June 1, 2014. Accessed December 5, 2014.

JFK-Obama Parallels More Apparent than Ever." TheGrio. Accessed December 2, 2014.
John F. Kennedy Fast Facts: President's Civil Rights Accomplishments." - John F. Kennedy
Presidential Library & Museum. Accessed December 2, 2014.
Obamas Top 50 Accomplishments." The Washington Monthly. Accessed December 2, 2014.
US News. Accessed December 2, 2014.

Obama, Barack. "Barack Obamas Inaugural Address." The New York Times. January 19, 2009.
Accessed December 5, 2014.

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