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Chapter 4 Components of the System Unit

1. Do p 220 quiz yourself

2. Finish the Journey Inside worksheet (link is on homework calendar and the bulletin board)
3. Create crossword puzzle using vocabulary terms for the first part of Chapter 4
a. Create a crossword puzzle using 12 of the above terms and an additional 4 terms from any
previous chapter. Save file as CROSS4.TXT in your CH4 folder and setup in the appropriate
format for Eclipse Crossword
4. Create a Publisher poster explaining:
a. main parts of CPU (monitor, input devices, output devices, system unit)
b. machine cycle (fetching, decoding, executing)
c. Processors ( processor, multi-core processor, dual-core processor, quad-core processor)
5. Create an Alice movie explaining part of computer - monitor, input devices, output devices, system unit.
Use P:\DEMETER\BASICS\CH4\COMPUTER.A2W. (Gee, we learned about these in Chapter 1!!!!)
6. Create a spreadsheet comparing the numbers of transistors in the following transistor chips. Use
TRANSISTORS.XLS and the Charting in Excel.htm webpage.

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