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Jocelyn Hernandez
Professor Batty
English 113A
21 October 2014

The Reality in Discrimination

Racism is defined as prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different

race based on the belief that ones own race is superior. It is known that racism began while
racial segregation was occurring during the slave trade era in the nineteenth and twentieth
century. Experiences on racism, negative actions and responses that it caused because of it and
the fact that racism still exists can easily change a persons self-esteem and effect his/her way of
living with doubt.

Once people experience racism, doubt can occur in their mind on whether or not they should
be proud of where they come from or try to change in order to be accepted on where they are
recently living, especially if that experience was at a young age. In the story How to Tame a
Wild Tongue, by Gloria Anzaldua, there are examples given of how the author had her own
moments of racism as a child. If you want to be American, speak American. If you dont like
it, go back to Mexico where you belong. Anzaldua was given this comment when she was
trying to explain how to properly say her last name to the teacher. Discrimination is shown in
many ways like in the media, in person and in music.

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There was a story in the media about how a Mexican woman hung a Mexican flag in the
front of her house. Once her neighbor, Tressy Capps, saw the flag she was confronted by Capps
and was insulted. Capps was angry of seeing the flag and told Mrs. Banuelos that she is living in
America and if she wishes to keep the Mexican flag visible to others then she should move back
to Mexico. Both these events demonstrate how it does not matter whether it is a child or adult,
racism will still be given to them by people who believe that they can control those who come
from a different country or who show a light accent when they speak.
Racism can cause many negative outcomes from people. They are Hispanics so they must
be Mexican. And They are black so they must like watermelon. are some examples of how
these types of comments can create conflict between people. These comments can cause others
to actually think at some point whether it is true or not and then manipulate their minds to think
that it is alright to say it whenever they please. People either think or say a comment that is racist
but even they do not realize it until the end. Racism has been occurring so often that it is now
becoming like second nature to people.
Racism still exists in todays society even though many live in denial. The political cartoon
Getting Kicked on Route 66, created by Monte Wolveron on 2010, shows three white Arizona
police officers beating a Latino. The camera is in front of the subject in order to show how the
victim is trying to protect himself from the police officers and is far from the subject to show
where this event is taking place. The colors that are brought out in the picture, in my opinion,
shows that the event is happening in the evening, which is a stereo type since it is saying that

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Latinos try to enter the United States illegally at night. The artist is portraying that all Latinos
have a dark skin color when in reality, most Latinos skin color is as light as whites.
The police uniforms the white men are wearing demonstrates the power they have which
they believe have the right and freedom to hurt people since they know that immigrants will not
fight back. The Arizona abbreviations that are on the uniforms gives people the idea that Arizona
is the only path that immigrants use to get to the United States. The purpose of this image is to
show how racism still exists even though some places try to cover it up. Some people still
demonstrates racism against immigrants in a way that they will not get into any trouble.
This picture demonstrates how there is still destruction in the world involving racism even from
those who tend to serve and protect us. In reality, it is difficult to believe that people will be on
your side because of the ethnicity you happen to be. In reality, there is no way for people to run
away or ignore racism, especially since there will always be a group that tends to believe it is
superior to others.
Racism can cause many problems in a persons life and/or the group they come from. Once a
person experiences racism, whether at a young or old age, it can harm his/her ability to live with
being proud of whom they are. Once a racist comment or action is given to a person, conflicts
occur and dont end until something bad happens, either physically or emotionally. Racism exists
even now, though people wish to believe it doesnt so they wont have to worry about being
victimized with the actions or words thrown at them for being different. In my opinion, racism
will never change in a positive way, not as long as there is one group believing they are better
than the rest.

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Work Citations
Gloria Anzaldua-Situating inquiry-Boston-Bedford/St. Martins-20076th Ed.

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