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Peter Holc

Kasra Nas.
Afectve Computng presentaton outline
1. What is afectve computng?
1. Short introducton to topic
2. Showcase of several example/ real-life applicatons
3. What research is being done
4. Potentals of the technology
2. Detecton & Recogniton
1. Diferent ways of recognizing emotons
2. Sensors
3. Diferent ways Speech, facial features, physiological data
3. Emotons in Machines
1. Systems of expressing emotons
2. perhaps slightly touch upon examples
3. Why is this needed/ useful?
4. Info on research / researchers
1. What they are doing?
2. What the future of the subject is
3. General info about them and their research.
5. Applicatons
1. Currently existng
1. how it is being used
2. Potental uses
3. Showcase of applicatons.
6. Closing
1. Recap main points
2. Conclusion

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