Balance of Power: Prof. Dr. Ijaz Khan

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Balance of Power

Prof. Dr. Ijaz Khan

A Realist Theory
As all states seek power, a balance of power
can result in peace and stability.
Balance of Power is a feature of the State
Balance of Power is/ can be a policy option
actively pursued by states

Though the term Balance of Power is of recent

origin, the concept is old.
Without the use of the term Thucydides refers to
it. What made war inevitable was the growth of
Athenian Power and the fear which this caused in
Mechiavelli also wrote of the requirement of
balance for peace in Italy
Morgenthau, Keneth Waltz and Hedley Bull are
the main classical Realists of the 20th century who
developed the Concept of Balance of Power as a
means to achieving peace and order in IR

BOP as feature of the State System

As all States seek power. They end up equating each
others power.
It is inherent in the system that if one state becomes
too powerful other will join to balance it
Similiarly it is inherent in the system of power politics
that if a state is seen as acquiring more power, other/s
will act to pre-empt it
BOP assures Peace between major powers but do not
eliminate the use of force
It is more in the interest of major powers than the
weak ones

Types of BOP systems

Simple Balance of Power
Unipolarity with one super power and a number of
major power followed by smaller or weaker states
the one major /super power ensures BOP. Britain in the
19th century USA today
Bilpolarity Two states or alliances balancing each
other Cold War USA and USSR
Complex Balance of Power - More than two Power
Centers end of 19th century and early 20th century
probably the World is moving towards that right now
Regional Balance of Power

Realist Rules for BOP

Always increase capabilities, but choose
diplomacy over War without ruling it out
War rather than loss of capabilities
Oppose/ resist preponderance of one power
Avoid uncertainty of eliminating other powers
or allowing other system not based on Power

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