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Mandatory Referral to Discovery Facilitator Program


Unless otherwise ordered by the trial judge assigned for all purposes, any
party wishing to file a discovery motion must first serve a Request for
Assignment of Discovery Facilitator by fax or email on The ADR office of the
Contra Costa County Superior Court (ADR Office) , Fax No. 925-957-5689;
A copy of the Request for Assignment of Discovery Facilitator shall also be
served on all parties to the action.
The Request for Assignment of Discovery Facilitator shall provide the name
and the fax number and e-mail address of the party who intends to file the
discovery motion, of all other parties against whom the motion will be filed, and
of all other parties in the action.




ADR-602 Rev. 3/13/13

The Request for Assignment of Discovery Facilitator must be served on or

before the last date for filing the discovery motion. Service of the Request for
Assignment of Discovery Facilitator shall be deemed the proper filing of a
discovery motion for purposes of the rule requiring that discovery motions must
be filed within 45 days of service of the discovery responses.

Discovery Facilitators.

The ADR Office shall maintain a list of Discovery Facilitators. Cases shall be
assigned to Discovery Facilitators in the order in which they appear on the list.


Before notifying the parties of the assignment of a Discovery Facilitator, the

ADR Office shall contact the proposed Discovery Facilitator to confirm
availability and willingness to serve.


Within 3 calendar days of being contacted, the proposed Discovery Facilitator

shall perform a conflict of interest check. A Discovery Facilitator shall decline
the assignment if he or she knows of facts that would serve as grounds for
disqualification under CCP 170.1 if the Discovery Facilitator were a Judicial
Officer. The Discovery Facilitator shall also inform the ADR Office of any
disclosures he or she deems appropriate to be forwarded to the parties.


Discovery Facilitators shall have the following minimum requirements: 10 years

of experience in Civil or Probate Litigation.

Assignment of Discovery Facilitator.


The ADR Office shall serve a Notice of Assignment of Discovery Facilitator

within 10 calendar days of receipt of a Request for Assignment of Discovery


Rejection of Assigned Discovery Facilitator.


The party who filed the Request for Assignment of Discovery

Facilitator shall have 5 court days after service of Notice of Assignment
to serve on the ADR Office and the parties in the action a Rejection of
Assigned Discovery Facilitator.


If the party who filed the Request for Assignment of Discovery

Facilitator does not file a Rejection of Assigned Discovery Facilitator,
the party against whom the discovery motion is filed shall have 5
additional court days to serve a Rejection of Assigned Discovery
If no Rejection of Assigned Discovery Facilitator is served within 10
court days of service of the original Notice of Assignment of Discovery
Facilitator, the Notice of Assignment of Discovery Facilitator is



ADR-602 Rev. 3/13/13

If the first Discovery Facilitator declines to serve or if either party

serves a Rejection of the first Discovery Facilitator who is assigned, the
ADR Office shall serve a Notice of Assignment of Second Discovery
Facilitator within 5 calendar days of receipt of a Rejection of the first
Discovery Facilitator. The party who has not yet served a Rejection
may, within 5 court days of service of the Notice of Assignment of
Second Discovery Facilitator, serve a Rejection of the second
Discovery Facilitator who is assigned. If that party does serve a
challenge, then the ADR Office shall serve a Notice of Assignment of
Third Discovery Facilitator, who shall be confirmed upon service of the
notice. If the party who still has a right to reject the Second Discovery
Facilitator fails to exercise it on time, the Second Discovery Facilitator
is confirmed 5 court days after notice of his or her assignment was

Hearing of Discovery Dispute.


The Discovery Facilitator shall hold a hearing on the discovery dispute no later
than 30 days after confirmation of the assignment of the Discovery Facilitator.


One of the purposes of this Discovery Facilitator program is to narrow the

number of discovery disputes, should a hearing ever be required before a
judicial officer. Another purpose is to allow for informal resolution of discovery
disputes at a lower cost to the parties than they would otherwise incur.
Therefore, the format of briefing done for a hearing before a Discovery
Facilitator should be brief, practical, and informal. Within these guidelines, the
Discovery Facilitator has the discretion to determine the format of briefing
required or whether any briefing will be required, and the schedule for service of
such briefing. The Discovery Facilitator shall also have discretion to determine
the structure of the hearing.


If the Discovery Facilitator determines that the hearing cannot be scheduled or

completed within 30 days of the date of confirmation of the assignment of the
Discovery Facilitator because of conduct of one of the parties, the Discovery

Facilitator shall issue a Finding of Non-Compliance, specifying the party and/ or

attorney responsible. In the event a formal discovery motion is subsequently
filed, the moving party shall attach a copy of the Finding of Noncompliance to
its papers as an exhibit and may submit a brief, factual, non- argumentative
recitation of the facts regarding the non-compliance. The policy of the court will
be to award monetary sanctions against the party responsible for the Discovery
Facilitator's inability to schedule or complete the hearing within 30 days,
regardless of the outcome on the merits of the motion. In the case of
represented parties, the monetary sanction shall be assessed against the
attorney and/or the party.

ADR-602 Rev. 3/13/13


The Discovery Facilitator program is not a mediation program. The Discovery

Facilitators are not mediators and the proceedings under this Program are not
subject to mediation confidentiality rules. While the Facilitator may encourage
compromises in discussion at the hearing in order to narrow or settle disputes,
Discovery Facilitators should not simply try to produce a compromise at any
cost. In making his or her recommendations, the Discovery Facilitator will give
an opinion on the merits of the dispute in a manner that he or she believes is
consistent with applicable law.


If the discovery dispute is completely resolved at or before the hearing, the

parties will confirm the terms of the resolution in writing, and the appointment of
the Discovery Facilitator will terminate automatically, unless the Discovery
Facilitator and the parties agree that the Facilitator will continue to serve.


If the discovery dispute is not completely resolved at the hearing, the Discovery
Facilitator shall, within 10 days of the completion of the hearing, serve a
document on the parties entitled Recommendations of Discovery Facilitator
and Termination of Appointment of Discovery Facilitator. The Discovery
Facilitator may require the substantially prevailing party to do the initial draft of
the recommendations. If so, this initial draft shall not be required to be sent to
the opposing party for approval as to form, but rather will be sent directly to the
Discovery Facilitator.


If service of the Recommendations of Discovery Facilitator and Termination of

Appointment of Discovery Facilitator does not resolve the dispute, the moving
party shall have 30 days from the service of the Recommendations of
Discovery Facilitator and Termination of Appointment of Discovery Facilitator to
file with the clerk of the court and serve on the parties formal discovery motion
papers. Those moving papers shall include a declaration that the parties have
completed the Discovery Facilitator Program and shall attach the
Recommendations of Discovery Facilitator as an exhibit.


If for any reason the Discovery Facilitator fails to serve the Recommendations
of Discovery Facilitator and Termination of Appointment of Discovery Facilitator,
the moving party shall have 40 days from the completion of the discovery
hearing to file formal discovery motion papers regarding the discovery dispute,
which papers shall include a declaration regarding the failure of the Facilitator
to serve the Notice.



Urgent discovery motions.



ADR-602 Rev. 3/13/13

The court will consider the Recommendations of the Discovery Facilitator in

deciding the merits of the motion. The purpose of this Discovery Facilitator
program is to facilitate discovery and the resolution of discovery disputes
without, or with minimal, court supervision, given current budgetary restraints
on the court. The policy of the court will be to award monetary sanctions in
favor of any party who substantially prevails on a discovery motion that is
subject to the Discovery Facilitator program.

A party may present an ex parte application to shorten all time frames set forth
in this Rule upon a showing of good cause.

Compensation of Discovery Facilitators.


Recognizing the importance of the principle of maintaining access to justice,

and the fact that there is only a nominal fee for filing a discovery motion to be
heard before a judicial officer, Discovery Facilitators shall serve without any
monetary compensation. The parties to the discovery dispute are counseled to
bear in mind that the Discovery Facilitators are donating their time, to grant
them the courtesy and respect that they would grant to a judicial officer, and to
minimize the paperwork that they serve on the Discovery Facilitators.


If the parties choose to use the services of the Discovery Facilitator after
completion of the assignment, compensation shall be pursuant to agreement of
the Facilitator and the parties, which agreement should be confirmed in writing.

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