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I have learned a lot through the months of being in English 113A, an example would be on how to

properly read and understand a text. In order to understand a reading there has to be a process in which
you have before actually reading an article or ones own essay. The process would be to re-read,
annotate and summarize. Another way that I have improved my English skills would be with my
University 100 class with my SI leaders. They have showed me the ways of understanding and mastering
essays in order to improve or include more specifics on the opinion I am making. I enjoyed making a
website instead of an essay because it did not only help my creativity in my writing but also around it. I
enjoyed the reading journals because they helped my on understanding every event on the book I was
reading and to find out the importance of that chapter so that I can memorize it. Learning how to write
thesis statements helped me to understand that I need to be specific on what I will be talking about on
my whole paragraph and how it is not bad to change the thesis because sometimes changing a sentence
can improve the whole essay. I enjoyed making quote sandwiches because it helped improve my body
paragraphs and also how much detail I need to put in order to prove my point. The topic sentence to an
essay, in my opinion, is like the attention grabber and in order to prevent people from not reading my
essay I have to make my essay outstanding instead of an information page that someone will not bother
to continue reading until the end. I enjoyed the proposals because I was able to think ahead of time of
what I was going to write and if I made any change then it will be okay because I still had time until the
final essay was due. I like the class work readings because it not only helped improve my reading ability
but also because I was able to meet new people and create new friendships. This class had taught me a
lot of great skills in which I will use in the future and I am glad I was able to learn so much in a little
amount of time. I am now able to write an essay that sounds like a college paper than a junior high and
high school essay.

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