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Ryan Bruin


Math 1040 Stat Crunch Exercise #3

Car Weight And Gas Mileage Data

Linear Correlation Coefficient: R= -0.79267256

A significant linear correlation exists.
Linear Regression Equation: y=-0.0066952812x+52.354964
Predicted Gas mileage for car weighting 2800 lbs is 33.608177 MPG

Predicted Gas mileage for car weighting 2800 lbs is 33.608177 MPG

Foot And Height Measurements Data

Linear Correlation Coefficient: R= 0.84203767
A significant linear correlation exists.
Linear Regression Equation: y=4.2912533x+64.125614

Predicted height of a person with a foot length of 15.3 cm is 129.78179 cm.

This height is a good prediction for the foot length, because there is a significant linear
relationship between foot length and height.

Age and Foot Measurement Data

Linear Correlation Coefficient: R= 0.35910154
Not a significant linear correlation.
Linear Regression Equation: y=0.051946911x+23.824197

Predicted foot length of a person who is 42 years old is 26.005967 cm.

This foot length is not a good prediction for the age, because there is not a significant
linear relationship between foot length and age.

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