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Current Issue in Educational Technology

Tiffany Hilgemann
EDU352: Foundations of Educational Technology
Instructor: Lisa Sill
December 14, 2014


Current Issue in Educational Technology

I chose the issue of educational funding, and whether or not its worth spending scarce
funding on technology. I chose this issue because I believe that it is one of the biggest
arguments against integrating technology into schools; as it is the biggest argument regarding
anything with our educational system. I think by proving the many benefits of technology for
our students, we can help make the push for integration. Technology is in the hands of everyone,
everywhere, and it has now become our job as educators to ensure that our students are wellequipped for a high-tech world.
Technology is now considered by most to be an essential part of providing a superior
education. There is concern, however, that not all students have equal access to educational
technology. Rural school and schools with a high percentage of minorities usually dont have
the proper funding which causes the availability of equipment, as well as the successful
integration of technology into the classroom, to fall behind (ED, 2003). There are many factors
that determine the degree to which students will be participants in a technology-driven society:
how much is being spent, where the funds come from, and whether funding will be continuous
(Vincent, 2000). Through fundraising and cost-saving efforts, as well as restructuring budgets to
support technology, this subsidy can be possible even in the smallest of schools. I believe it is
ultimately up to the teachers and administrators to define their determination and passionately
push for technology funding.
Three sources that focus on the issue of educational funding for technology are listed
below. I encourage everyone to research options for this type of funding. Technology is an

important aspect in our world today, and we would only be holding our students back by not
jumping on the technology train.
1. >> This is an
older source (who wouldve thought that 1996 would someday be considered old), but very
helpful. The information is provided by the NC Regional Technology Laboratory and lists
strategies for technology acquisition and application.
2. >>
Fund for Teachers is an excellent source, not only for technology grants, but also a one-stopshop for all information on grants, professional development, and award opportunities.
3. >> This site is excellent! It is a hub for any information you
would need to know about educational technology. They develop national educational
technology policies and establish the vision for how technology can be used to support learning.


Department of Education (ED), O. S. (2003). Federal Funding for Educational Technology and
How It Is Used in the Classroom: A Summary of Findings from the Integrated Studies of
Educational Technology. US Department Of Education.
Fund for Teachers. (2013). Grants Technology. Retrieved from
NCREL. (1996). Funding Strategies for Education Technology. North Central Regional
Educational Laboratory. Retrieved from
Office of Educational Technology. (2014). Retrieved from
Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2010, July 20). Top ten issues shaping today's technology
uses in education. Retrieved from
Vincent, P., Kaberon, R., & North Central Regional Educational Lab., O. I. (2000). Sustaining
Educational Technology: Funding Challenges and Opportunities for Policymakers.
Policy Issues. Issue 4.

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