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Health Promotion Plan

Overall Health Content targeted - Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Endurance

Specific Component targeted Circuit training and the movements involved in the circuit
Client or Group Profile: College aged students, with a variety of fitness levels and without any biomechanical or
physiological problems.

Session Activities
Opening activity Warm up
Time frame: 5-10 min.
Activity Description: warm-up movements Frankensteins, toe touches, lunges with twist (forward and back), side lunges, knee to chest
(hamstring stretch), heel to glutes (quad stretch), high knees, butt kicks
Activity Objective: Increase heart rate, core temperature and flexibility in order to theoretically decrease the chance of injury and improve
specific performance
Materials needed: none

Main activity Circuit Training

Time frame: 30-40 min.
Activity Description: Circuit will be held on indoor track with 8 activity stations where the participants will run to each station and
complete an exercise, then proceed to move on to the next one. (Have low-impact movements for clients that are injured)
EXERCISES (In no specific order):
1. Burpees Start in standing position. Then drop in squat position with hands on the ground, then kick feet back and return to squat
position. Then from squat, jump up and return to standing position and repeat. The client will do 10 and then move to the next
2. Jump Squats Similar to a burpee, but eliminating going down to the ground. Squat down, and then explode out of squat and
thrusting with arms over head. The client will do 10 and then move to the next station.
3. Agility ladders (forward station) Start at bottom of the ladder and use one foot in each box. The client will go up and down the
ladder and then move to the next station. The next time they arrive at the station, the client will use two feet in each box. This will
alternate (one and two feet) each time they arrive at the station.

4. Agility ladders (sideways station) Start at the bottom of the ladder and move laterally down the ladder using one foot in each box.
The client will go up and down the ladder and then move to the next station. The next time they arrive at the station, the client will
use two feet in each box. This will alternate (one and two feet) each time they arrive at the station.
5. Sit ups The client will perform sit ups that use the fitness testing form. The client will perform 15 sit ups and then move on to the
next station.
6. Lunges The client will lunge out with one leg, than lunging out with the other for one repetition. They will do 10 repetitions before
advancing to the next station.
7. Mountain climbers The client will get into a proper plank position and then proceed to bring their right leg forward into the chest
while the left leg remains straight and alternate. They should keep their core engaged the whole time. Advance to next station when
10 repetitions are completed.
8. Jumping jack planks The client will get into a proper plank position and then proceed to kick their legs out and in like a jumping
jack while keeping their core engaged. Advance to next station when 10 repetitions are completed.
Provide low impact movements for those who cant do movement or are suffering from injuries. Check pulse before cool down.
Activity Objective: The core objectives of circuit training are to increase muscle strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination ACSM
also working on aerobic fitness component when dealing with aerobic circuits
Materials needed: Agility ladders

Additional activity Cool Down

Time frame: 3-5 minutes
Activity Description: some same stretches as warm-up and stationary stretches
Activity Objective: give a smooth and gradual cool down and decrease heart rate while helping increase flexibility
Materials needed: none

Closure: Questions and Answers

Question # 1: How did you like this version of circuit training?
Desired Client Response: We enjoyed it
Question # 2: How does this compare to other versions of circuit training?
Desired Client Response: truthful varying opinions and points

Description of additional supporting activities for individual to perform on their own:

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