Peer Teaching Unit

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Unit Plan

Course Name

Title: Motion Media _______________________

Length: Nine Days__________________

Grade Level


1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
2. Envision and Critique to Reflect
3. Invent and Discover to Create
4. Relate and Connect to Transfer

High School

Grade Level Expectations

1. Visual art has inherent characteristics and expressive features
2. Historical and cultural context are found in visual art
3. Art and design have purpose and function
1. Reflective strategies are used to understand the creative process
2. A personal philosophy of art is accomplished through use of sophisticated language and studio art processes
3. Interpretation is a means for understanding and evaluating works of art
1. Demonstrate competency in traditional and new art media, and apply appropriate and available technology to express ideas
2. Assess and produce art with various materials and methods
3. Make judgments from visual messages
1. The work of art scholars impacts how art is viewed today
2. Communication through advanced visual methods is a necessary skill in everyday life
3. Art is a lifelong endeavor

Colorado 21st Century Skills

Creative Process in Visual Art

Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Think Deep, Think Different

Information Literacy: Untangling the Web
Collaboration: Working Together, Learning Together
Self-Direction: Owning Your Learning
Invention: Creating Solutions

Studio Thinking
Develop Craft: Learning to use materials, tools and techniques
Engage and Persist: Learning to embrace problems and not give up
Envision: Imagine the possible next steps; see what is not there
Express: Convey an idea, feeling, personal meaning
Observe: Seeing things that otherwise might not be seen
Reflect: think, talk and evaluate your work and the work of others
Stretch and Explore: Reach beyond ones perceived capacities
Understand Art World: Learn about contemporary and past art(ist)

Lesson Titles and Description

Lesson Length


Film Study- Through the eyes of a critic -In this lesson students will become familiar with film
production and how film is composed trough viewing a variety of films from multiple eras.
Animation -Students will learn how to produce a stop motion animation using iMovie. The lesson
involves using planning techniques such as flipbook, storyboarding, and class discussion.
Additionally, students will be introduced to stop-motion animation as it relates to a variety of other art
media. Animation history will be addressed.
Videography- Directors choice Students will be given a camera and will learn how to produce a
short film based on technical art, general art, and film criteria.

3 Days


3 Days


3 Days


Unit: Focusing Lens/Lenses:


Unit: Prepared

Recognize, articulate, and debate that the visual arts are a means

Timeless, Transferrable and

Universal (I.E. Beliefs/Values,
Identity, Relationships.
Tension/Conflict, Freedom, Design,
Aesthetic, Patterns, Origins,
Transformation, Change, Influence,
Collaboration, Intention,
Play/Exploration, Synergy/Flow,
Choices, Balance, Inspiration,
System, Structure/Function, Reform)


Unit: Standards
and Grade Level

for expression.
Make informed critical evaluations of visual and material
culture, information, and technologies.
Recognize, demonstrate, and debate the place of art and design
in history and culture.
Use specific criteria to discuss and evaluate works of art.
Critique personal work and the work of others with informed
Recognize, interpret, and validate that the creative process
builds on the development of ideas through a process of inquiry,
discovery, and research.
Develop and build appropriate mastery in art-making skills
using traditional and new technologies and an understanding of
the characteristics and expressive features of art and design.
Create works of art the articulate more sophisticated ideas,
feelings, emotions, and points of view about art and design
through an expanded use of media and technologies.
Recognize, compare, and affirm that the making and study of art
and design can be approached fro ma variety of viewpoints,
intelligences, and perspectives.
Identify, compare, and interpret works of art derived from
historical and cultural settings, time periods, and cultural
Identify, compare and justify that the visual arts are a way to
acknowledge, exhibit and learn about the diversity of peoples,
cultures and ideas.
Transfer the value of visual arts to lifelong learning and the
human experience.
Explain, compare and justify that the visual arts are connected
to other disciplines, the other art forms, social activates, mass
media, and careers in art and non-art related arenas.

(Visual Arts Standard # - Name; GLE #, # and #)

Observe and Learn to Comprehend

(Unit must have all

standards; NOT all



Visual art has inherent characteristics and expressive features

Historical and cultural context are found in visual art
Art and design have purpose and function

Envision and Critique to Reflect

1. Reflective strategies are used to understand the creative process
2. A personal philosophy of art is accomplished through use of sophisticated language and studio art processes
3. Interpretation is a means for understanding and evaluating works of art
Invent and Discover to Create
1. Demonstrate competency in traditional and new art media, and apply appropriate and available technology to express ideas
2. Assess and produce art with various materials and methods
3. Make judgments from visual messages
Relate and Connect to Transfer
1. The work of art scholars impacts how art is viewed today
2. Communication through advanced visual methods is a necessary skill in everyday life
3. Art is a lifelong endeavor

Unit: Inquiry
In art, what does it
mean when something is
beautiful? How can
something be so ugly it
is beautiful?)

What is it about black and white films that cause a reaction differently compared to color films?
Why does sound dictate the mood of a film or scene? (Silent films?)
What is a narrative? What is a story? Is there a difference?
Why is stop motion animation considered art?
Why do we still film in old techniques when CGI can be done for all of it?

Unit Strands
Unit: Concepts:
Transferrable and
Universal (I.E.
Composition, Patterns,
Technique, Rhythm,



Paradox, Influence,
Style, Force, Culture,
Line, Law/Rules, Value,
Expressions, Emotions,
Tradition, Symbol,
Movement, Shape,

Mediums and Materials
Design Principals

For each statement you create below align with Standard(s), Prepared Graduate Competencies, and Grade Level Expectations. Refer to Standards: Inquiry Questions, Relevance and
Application and Nature of Statement when writing understandings.

Enduring Understandings: My students will UNDERSTAND...

(Timeless, Transferrable and Universal. Shows a relationship between two
or more concepts.)
Mediums and materials can be used in conjunction with technology to create
artistic productions.

Conceptual Guiding Questions

Factual Guiding Questions

What actions make an artistic production?

How can traditional mediums be used in nontraditional ways?

How can two-dimensional feel in motion?

What line elements create movement?

What art period focused on movement?

A narrative can be communicated visually through the use of technology.

How does placement and use of a camera

strengthen a narrative?

What are the main components of a


How do you read symbolism with out knowing

the culture?
Why do we have symbolism?

What does symbolism say about a culture?

Cultural understanding of symbolism dictates the way a creative production is


Basic design principals influence artwork that incorporates movement.

Critical Content: My students will KNOW...

(NOT Timeless, Transferrable and Universal. Factual information in the unit
[topics] that students must know.)
Students will know how to use iMovie and Final-cut Pro editing techniques to
edit their own film.
Students will understand how symbolism is used in film.
Students will understand how emotion effects the expression of an idea.
Students will know how to operate a video camera effectively.
Students will know how stop motion films are created.

Key Skills: What my students will be able to DO...

(Timeless, Transferrable and Universal. What students will do AND be able to
transfer to new learning experiences as a result of learning the unit.)

SWBAT create a visual plan

SWBAT collaborate with peers to complete a project in a timely
SWBAT learn how to navigate a new technological program

SWBAT critically analyze the work of their peers


Stop motion, Film study, Videography, perspective, for shorting, composition, frames, rules of thirds, director, screen
direction, non-linear, dialogue, improvisation, birds eye view, lighting, ambiance, film flubs.

Literacy Integration

Students will write a summary on a narrative, write reflections on films that they watch, read texts and articles on history of
film and film makers

Numeracy Integration

Sequencing, calculating frames per second, calculating distance of subject from the camera, calculating assessment scores

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