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By: Brian Holmes

This white paper is composed to show two cloud storage systems. The two suites in question are Google
Drive and SkyDrive. These are two programs that are quite common in an students life. As the cloud has become a term of technology rather than something found in the sky.

Tests were performed to determine the ease of use by each program.
1. Ease of uploading document

2. Ease of accessing document after saved to cloud

3. Cost
4. Size of document upload
5. Total space of use

Task 1
At the end of task one a few things were found out for each program. Google Drive will constantly
upload your work as you produce it. It constantly saves changes of each document or project that is being
worked on. SkyDrive does not have a live upload the project must be uploaded to the suite when changes
are to be saved in the cloud.

Task 2
When retrieving the project that is desired both programs have a different way of going about it.
Google Drive lists each project that has been uploaded to the cloud through it, it will list the most recent
document or project that was accessed. SkyDrive has more organization to it which can be nice at times but
the user needs to remember the file path that he used to upload his file.

Task 3
When it comes to cost Google Drive is entirely free, this includes add-ons for some of the programs
in the suite. SkyDrive can be accessed for free with Email for sending files via Email, however, to get the actual program SkyDrive it needs to be purchased with Microsoft Office .

Task 4
Some programs that have been used in the past have had a restriction on the size of an individual
file to be uploaded, with these programs being the leader in their field they have an unlimited size on the
file as long as it is under the total remaining memory of the suite.

Task 5
Total memory is an important subject with these programs, it determines how much data can be
kept and dictates how soon more memory needs to be freed up to allow for new projects. Google Drive
comes with 15 GB of memory to store files in the cloud. SkyDrive however only has 7 GB of data available
without upgrading to a larger capacity which can add up to 500 GB of space for files. Students get an additional 3 GB of space with the free 7 GB.

Final Thoughts
A student in todays society being connected to the cloud is an easy way to keep on top of the ever
growing workload. Depending on what the user needs to meet their standards varies greatly if more space
is needed and price is not an option SkyDrive is the way to go but for a student on a budget and lets be
honest most of them are. A free online cloud storage system is greatly appreciated with an easy interface
and the ability to modify documents in the suite is an added bonus.

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