Chapter 5

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CHAPTER 5. CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL CONCEPTS REL EVANT TO PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING The focus ofthis chapter is the sty of vious sociocultural concepts that ave a impact onthe way individuals interact with each other. Exuphass i given to Northem Baropean American, Aftican Americans, Native Americans, Asian/Pacific Islander American, Latino Ameticans, Western European Americans, Arab Americans, and Jewish Americans. The concepts of human sptituality and religion as they relate to client needs are addressed LEARNING OBJECTIVES Afier reading ths chapter, the student willbe able to: 1. Define and differentiate between culture and ethnicity 2, entity cultural differences based on six characteristic phenomena 43, Describe cultural va for zces, based on the six phenomen a. Northem European Americans ». African Americans Native Americans Asian/Pacific Islander Americans Latino Americans Western Europes fg. Arab Americans 1h, Jewish Americans 4. Apply the nursing process inthe care of individuals from various cultural rou 5. Define and differentiate between spirituality and religion 6. ‘dentify clients spiritual and religious needs 7. Apply the six steps of the nursing process to individuals with spiritual and religious nceds, KEY TERMS CORE CONCEPTS ceurandera culture ccurandoro ethnicity density religion distance spirinality folk medicine shaman stereotyping territoriality yin and yang, CHAPTER OU INE/LECTURE NOTES Introduction A. Culture describes apaticular society's entire way of living, encompassing shared patems of bli, fling, and knowledge that aie people's condut an are passed down from generation to generation. 1B. Ethnicity relates to people who identity with each aher because of a shared heritage ©. Norse mast understand these cultural coneeps because cultural influcnoes affect human behavior the interpretation of human behavior, and the response to human behavior. D. Caution must be taken not assume thal indviduals who share & ‘culate of ene group ae identical. This constiues stereotyping, and rust be avoided. All individuals must be apprectated for their uniqueness 1. How Do Cultures Ditter? A. Commun 1, Has its oot in cute 2. Ibexpressod through language, paralanguage, and gestures, B, Space (the place where the communication occu) 1. “Temitoraity seers to the innate tendency o Ov space 2. Density refers tothe number of people within piven environmental space 2. Distance i the means by which varius cultures use space to ‘communicate, In Westera culture, distance is perceived as follows: Intimate distance i 01018 inches bs, Personal distance is 18 inches to 3 fst Social distance is 310 6 fet . Social Organization 1. Socal organizations are the groups within which individual are nculurted, aquitng knowledge and internalizing values. 2. Examples of social organizations are fami 5 teligious groups, and ethnic groups D. Time 1 Some cultures place great importance on values that are measured by time, whereas others are actually scomful of elock time, oviontation influences many aspects of hee ives EE, Environmental Control 1. Has todo wit the degree to which individuals perceive tht they have contol ove their envionment 2. Cultural beliefs and practices infence how individuals respond to their environment during periods of wellness adie F. Biological Variations 1. Differences among people in various racial groups include body structure, skin color, physioiogicl responses to medics cleccocardiographie patems, susceptibility to disease, and nuttional preferences and deficiencies. 1. Application ofthe Nursing Process A. Background Assessment Data 1. Northem European Americans 4 Language has roots in the fist English setlers b, Descendants ofthese inmnigrants make up whats considered the dominant eultral group. ‘They value territory; personal space is about 18 inches to 3 feet 4. Less value is placed on marriage and religion as once was, Punctuality and effcieney re highly valued They are fiture-oriented, {& Most value a healthy lifestyle, but stil enjoy fast fod, 2. Avian Americans 42. Language dialect is thought to be a combination of various Atican languages and the languages of oer eultual groups present inthe US. atthe tine ofits settlement. Some African Americans ere completely assimilate int the dominant culture; others find it too difficult and prefer to remain in their own social organization, Forty-six peroent of Afican American households ae headed by 3 4d, They have large support groups of families end friends, Some Aftican Americans (particularly ftom the rural South) practice folk medicine and receive their care from “granny,” “old tad,” orspiitustist.” Hypertension and sickle cll anemia have genetic tendencies ‘within the Afiican American culture 3. Native Americans ‘4. Less than hal of Native Americans live on servations '. Touch is nt highly regarded hy Native Americans and a Ihandshake may be viewed as aggressive 6. They sometimes appear silent and reserved 4d. They can be uncomfortable expressing emotions ‘© The primary social organization isthe family and tribe. Children are taught to respect tration. Native Amerians are presen-time oriented. The medieine man is called a shaman, and uses a variety of methods in practice. He may work closely with traditional medicine to eal the sick fh Health problems include diabetes, heart disease, tuberculosis, alcoholism, and nutitional deficiencies, 4. Asian/Pacific Islander Americans ‘Very large group in the U.S. today, with immigrants and their ‘descendants from Japan, China, Vietnam, the P ‘Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, Laos, India and the Pacific Islands. ‘They reviewed as one (Asian) culture, but in fact constitute a multiplicity of dferences regarding tudes, bei, valves, religions practices, and language. Asan American ae quiet spoken, foro rise the voice indicates 4 lss of conta Many of the younger generation Asian Americans have become almost ttlly accurate into the dominant culkurl group “Touching is not considered toaly appropriate by some Asian Americans ‘The family isthe ulimste social organization nthe Asian American culture, and loyalty to family is emphasized above all ele education is highly valued, although many remain undereducated. Religious practices and beliefs ae very diverse and exhibit influences of Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Ila, Hindus, and Chvistanity. |. Time orientation ison both past and present Restoring the balance of yin and yang is the Fundamental concept ‘of Asian healt practices. Rice, vegetables and ish are main staple foods Psychiatrie illness is viewed as behavior thats out of cone and ‘beings great shame tothe uly 1m. Alcohol consumption i low due toa possible genetic intolerance ofthe substance 5. Latino Americans 4 Ancestey is traced to Mexico, Spa, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and other counties of Cental and South America. +b. ‘The common language is Spanish «, Touch isa common form of communication. 4. Latinos are very group oriented, snd she primary social crzaizaton is a large extended family Latinos tend to be very present-rented. {Roman Catholicism isthe predominant 4. Folk medicine combines cements of Roman Cathalicsm snd Indian and Spanish ancestries 1. The fo healers called a carandero (mse) or cwrendera (Gemale). Many stil subsribe othe “hot and cold” theory of seas (concep similar tothe yin and yang beliefs ofthe Asian Americans), i. The prevalence for pychiatr illness higher among US.-bora Latinos than its for immigrants for the same cultural geo. 6. Western European Americans Origins from France aly, and Grecce b. ach has unig language with unigue diets within ach language. Warm and affectionate, very physically expressive and use alot «of body language, inching hugging and kissing. 4 They ar very family vient ad interact in large groups .A.stong llegance to the cultural ertage is commen. {The fathers head ofthe household. Taitonal Western European ‘women view thei role as mother and homemaker. Chien are prized and cherished, and elderly are respected for their age and wisdom. Roman Cathie is the predominant eligion forthe French and Ialans, Greek Orthodox for the Greeks. 1 Westem European Americans are presentorentod and view whatever happens the Fature as Go's wil. i. Most llow health beliefs and practices ofthe dominant American culture, but some flk beliefs and supesitions sill endure |i Wine sth beverage of choice, but the alcoholism cates ot 1. Arals Americans 4. Ancestry and tadions at raced to the nomadic desert tribes of| the Arabian Peninsl, Arabic isthe offical language ofthe Arab world €. Conversans stand close together, maintain steady eye contact, and ‘ouch (only between members ofthe same gender) the ater’ hand or shoulder.

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