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Early Childhood Special Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Becca Ratzenberger

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Lesson: Rhyming Words Sorter

Unit of Study: Dr. Seuss
Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate)
RS.FS.2 - Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
RS.FS.2.a - Recognize and produce rhyming words.
RS.FS.2.e - Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words
SWBAT sort words based upon endings that rhyme during independent activity (12 out of 15 trials)
Teacher will assess the students level on rhyming words during the read aloud by having the students guess which word will
be next based upon the previous word read from the book.
Teacher will assess students accuracy done in the activity sheet.
The Cat in the Hat
Large chart paper
Activity sheet
Use of Technology:
- The students will have larger words (three syllables) added to activity sheet.

Made up words will be added to activity sheet.

- The students who have difficulty cutting will be given a majority of the words but are required to cut at least three
words out.
- Pictures will be located next to all words to help children read the words.
Seating Configuration/Use of Physical Space:
Students will first be seated at carpet, each in own spot facing teacher on chair next to large chart paper.
Students will move to desks when told to do so. Desks are arranged in groups of 4.
Teaching roles and collaboration:
Head teacher will sit in front of class on carpet to read story and demonstrate writing activity. Teachers assistants will be
seated on carpet with students to aid students who require extra attention. Paras will sit with assigned student.
Classroom Management:
Teacher and teachers assistants will give verbal praise to students for desired behavior. When students portrait disrupting
behavior, teacher will address behavior and redirect towards desired behavior.
Engagement of students/anticipatory set/Motivation:
Consistent and appropriate verbal praise to increase/keep desired behaviors, multiple opportunities for students to provide
Connection to Previous lesson/Prior Knowledge:
This will be the first day the class will start the Dr. Seuss unit, however, the students have learned about rhyming words in
previous lesson when nursery rhymes were discussed. Also, the class has learned about word endings, and how that plays into
rhyming words.
Lesson Presentation:
Estimated Time: 45 min
1. The teacher will read The Cat in the Hat
2. Through out story, the teacher will ask students to guess what the next word will be based upon what the previous word
was (ex. What is a words that rhymes with bump?)
3. After the story is over, the teacher will demonstrate on big chart paper how to separate rhyming words based upon the
endings of the words.
4. The teacher will give the directions of the activity and hand out the activity sheet to the students
5. The students will first cut out all the words on the sheet

[the activity sheet has three columns, each with a word above (cat, fish, ball)]
6. The students will then glue each word that they cut out into the column they believe the word belongs (wall will be glued
under ball, pat will go under cat, etc.)
7. Once everyone has finished, the class will go back to carpet to play a quick game of rhyming telephone.
8. The teacher will start with one of the words on the sheet, and each student will go around and say one word from that
column. When that column is done, the next student has the opportunity to say a new word they think rhymes or can start
with the next column. Before the next column is begun, the teacher will ask if anyone else has a new word they think will
Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice:
Estimated Time: 25 min
Students will answer questions during read aloud
Students will do activity sheet independently
Final Summary/Closure:
Estimated Time: 10 min
The students will come back to the carpet to play a game called rhyming telephone. Each student takes turns saying a word
that rhymes with the previous one said. The game will begin with the words used in the activity and students may add new
words to the list as the game goes on.
Music will introduce rhyme games
Rhyming card games in work time area

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