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The Annotated Bibliography

Equality between men and women

Paelee Aung
English 1010
Mulrine, Anna. "Army opens Ranger School to women, a Historic Leap toward equality." Christian
Science Monitor. 30 Sep. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. In the past women cant
be a ranger, but now the Army is now inviting women to join the ranger school. Its a promising
development development' toward equality for male and female soldiers."(Anna Mulrien}. Even when
they opened an army school they still banned women from becoming a ranger, so I still dont see any
fairness, however it is a big step for women. This article shows a sign of none equality for example,
women cant be a ranger. In the other way I like how they opened a school so women who are interest
in becoming a ranger can go to school and they can be prepare themselves later on when people are not
banning women for becoming a ranger. I like this article how they shown a reasons and given hope to
women to become a ranger.
Claire, Miller Cain. "Microsoft Executive's Remark Highlights a Paradox on Women's Wages."
International New York Times. 13 Oct. 2014: 17. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. Microsoft
Company is one of the companies that pay women less than men. I can see that this company is not
supporting women to get equal payment with men because one of the example is talking about how
"When Satya Nadella. Microsoft's chief executive, told a conference of women in tech that they should
not ask for a raise, but trust 'faith' and 'karma' to reward them appropriately."(Miller Cain Claire} this
problem shows that some men do not support women. I strongly disagree how men tells the female
worker to believe in that. Some people work really hard so they should get support from their coworker
or chief instead of bringing them down. I dont really agree with the man who told those women. I sure
when other people see this they will not happy with this guy. Those women need people who are
support than not someone who look down on them.
Murray, Sara. "Equal-Pay Rules Create Tough Puzzle for Employers." Wall Street Journal. 09 Jul. 2014:
B.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. This is about a big topic in an America, it is how some
company are unwilling to public how their unequal payment take between the genders. Now the federal
require some company to show the gender pay role. My opinion is that the government should push
those company more to shown their payment role because it tells clearly how that those company are
unwilling to shown their payment role because of their unequal payment going on their company. We
have a law in the country and the government should use those law to get to the company owner. I
sure that what they do is not right with the payment, if they do it right they will not hide it.
Labaton, Vivien. "5 Myths about the Gender Pay Gap." Washington Post. 27 Jul. 2014: B.2. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. This article talks about the Paycheck Fairness Act failed. The reason is
that some women get pay less because they work less. Also they see some change, the pay gap between
women and men equality payment increasing. They know this because they compare the years, in 1980
women make only 64 percent, but in years 2012 women make 84 percent as much as their peer males.

For me it is ok to get pay less if I worked less but if I work as much as my male co-workers I should get
pay equally.
Works cited
Mulrine, Anna. "Army opens Ranger School to women, a Historic Leap toward equality."
Christian Science Monitor. 30 Sep. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014.
Claire, Miller Cain. "Microsoft Executive's Remark Highlights a Paradox on Women's Wages."
International New York Times. 13 Oct. 2014: 17. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014
Murray, Sara. "Equal-Pay Rules Create Tough Puzzle for Employers." Wall Street Journal. 09 Jul.
2014: B.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014
Labaton, Vivien. "5 Myths About the Gender Pay Gap." Washington Post. 27 Jul. 2014: B.2. SIRS
Issues Researcher. Web. 31 Oct. 2014

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