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Early Childhood Special Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Hector Alvarez


Grade Level:

Lesson: Guided Reading

Unit of Study: Reading Strategies
Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate)
Children will learn decoding strategies to help them read
Common Core Standards met:
RF.K.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
RI.K.7 With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and
the text in which they appear
During independent readings Students will observe pictures if needed to help them read the text
If needed during independent reading students will use letter to sound correspondence correctly as a
strategy to identify words with 80% accuracy
Teacher will ask children: What do we do when we have trouble reading a word in a sentence?
During independent reading, teacher will observe children to see who is sounding out the letters and
using the pictures as an aid to identify text on a page.
Teacher will ask children to share the strategies they learned and give examples where they used

Book: My Big Pig, by Elena Martin
Reading pointers for each child

Use of Technology:
Book My Big Pig will be uploaded on to the smart board so that everyone can view the book together
Lower: Children who are struggling reading will be picked on to read simpler high frequency words
Chart paper will be displayed nearby students with popular sight words and pictures so they
can refer to it during reading
Across: Children at moderate reading levels will be asked to try identify words they are unfamiliar
Higher: Children who are at a high reading level will be asked higher level thinking questions in
relation to the text
Seating Configuration/Use of Physical Space:
Class will do a read aloud in the beginning of lesson together in front of the smart board. During
independent practice children will do partner reading While the teacher does guided reading with a group
of 5 children, the rest of the class will engage in partner reading.
Teaching roles and collaboration:
Teacher will begin with whole group instruction, and then take a group of 5 children to do guided reading.
Classroom Management:
Children will be given reading pointers to help them stay on task

When children are done reading their book they will be asked to take out a book and do
independent reading

Engagement of students/anticipatory set/Motivation:

Teacher will ask children to share what they know about pigs. Teacher will provide them with fun facts
about pigs to peek their interest
Connection to Previous lesson/Prior Knowledge:
Teacher will review sight words they have been practicing: my and can. Teacher will ask them to read
and sound it out
Lesson Presentation: Mini Lesson
Estimated Time: 10 min
Teacher will begin by stating they will be learning two strategies to help them reads words in a page.
Teacher will ask: What do we do when we have trouble reading a word in a sentence? How can we
help us identify what the author is saying in a page?
Teacher will then introduce front cover of book and will ask children, What do you think this book is
about? and wait for responses
Teacher will introduce title
After children looked at the picture and describe what they saw, teacher will introduce how to use
pictures to understand text they are not sure how to read
Teacher will then present the two sight words they have on the word wall and ask them to identify
the words
Teacher will then introduce second strategy, which is sounding out unfamiliar words to serve as an
aid in reading
Teacher will perform read aloud
Teacher will then provide instructions for partner reading (Described in guided practice)
Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice:
Estimated Time: 25 min

Teacher will then instruct children to sit with their partner and practice first by looking at all the
pictures in the book and talk about what is happening in the illustrations. Then they will read
together and use their sound to letter correspondence strategy to help them read unfamiliar words

Guided reading:

Teacher will have index cards of words they will see in the book. They will go over the words and
practice sounding them out.
Together, teacher will have children look through book to observe the pictures from beginning to end.
For each page, the small group will discuss with the teacher what they see.
Students will then read the book together. Children will have pointers to read the text as they
enunciate the words out loud.
Teacher will call on children to sound out certain words
Teacher will remind students to look at pictures
Children will then read the story on their own while teacher observes
Together, children will construct sentences that were read in the book with indexes cards that have
words related to
The text, such as can, walk, pig and my. For example, one child will start of the sentence
with my, then another child will add to that word until they create the sentence My pig can jump.
Comprehension questions will be asked as story is read
Students will discuss what happened with the pig in the story

Final Summary/Closure: 5 min

Estimated Time:

Children will regroup and share words they had problems reading and share how they tried to identify
the word.
Teacher will then restate the two strategies that can be used to read words in a book


Children will be asked to draw a picture of something the pig did in the story and try to write a
sentence saying what the pig is doing

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