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Nosotros commands

The nosotros command is used when the speaker suggests an action to be performed by a group of people he or
she belongs to. There are two ways to form nosotros commands in Spanish: the subjunctive form and the ir + a +
infinitive form.

Trabajemos juntos. (Lets work together.)

Comamos aqu. (Lets eat here.)
Vamos a ir a la playa. (Lets go to the beach.)
Vamos a divertirnos! (Lets have some fun!)

The Subjunctive Nosotros Command Form

The subjunctive form for the nosotros command is most commonly used form in informal speech among friends. To
form the subjunctive nosotros command, simply state the verb in the nosotros form of the present subjunctive.

Tomemos un taxi. (Let's take a taxi.)

Comamos aqu. (Let's eat here.)
Leamos los peridicos. (Lets read the newspapers.)
You will use the present indicative instead of the present subjunctive for the verb ir in the affirmative.

Vamos al restaurante. (Lets go to the restaurant.)

Vamos a nadar. (Lets go swim.)
Vmonos de aqu. (Lets get out of here.)
Vmonos de la casa en cinco minutos. (Lets leave the house in five minutes.)
When attaching a pronoun to the end of a nosotros command, drop the final -s of the verb before attaching the
pronoun and add an orthographic accent to the second to last syllable of the verb. - See Pronoun Placement below.

Negative Nosotros Commands

For negative nosotros commands, there is only one form: the present subjunctive. Simply add a no, or other
negative word, in front of the verb to make the command negative.

No nademos. (Lets not swim.)

No salgamos. (Lets not leave.)
Nunca vayamos all. (Lets never go there.)

Pronoun Placement
When attaching direct and indrect object pronouns or reflexive pronouns to the end of affirmative nosotros
commands, drop the final -s of the verb before attaching the pronoun and add an orthographic accent to the second
to last syllable of the original verb.

Sentemos + nos = Sentmonos aqu. (Let's sit here.)

Hagamos + se + la = Hagmosela. (Let's make it for her.)
Vamos + nos = Vmonos! (Lets go!)
Pronoun Placement
The pronoun(s) is/are attached to the end of affirmative commands. And since the main verb of the command is also
an infinitive, it will always be attached.

Vamos a sentarnos aqu. (Lets sit here.)

Vamos a dormirnos. (Lets go to sleep.)
Reflexive, object, and indirect object pronouns follow negative words but precede the verb.
No lo comamos. (Lets not eat it.)
No se lo demos. (Lets not give it to them.)

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