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Flipped Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Calla Urban


Date: 1 1/17/14
Grade Level: 9th

Title: Clay Bowls

Content Area: Art

Lesson #:1_ of _3_

Content Standard(s) addressed by this flipped lesson:

-Art and design have a purpose and a function
Prerecorded Lecture
What content do students need to know before class to successfully engage in the in-class activity
(this will be your prerecorded lecture)?
The students will need to know how to effectively knead the clay( pressing and rolling the clay with ones
hands to make sure all air bubbles are out). They will also need to know how to coil-build (roll thin, long
coils and wrap them around and upward to build a rounded shape). They will also need to know slabbuilding (rolling out an evenly thick sheet of clay to cut your base from. They will also need to know the
term leather hard, and how to slip and score a piece of clay (apply small criss-crossing marks and add
water to help the clay stick to itself
What method will you use to deliver your prerecorded lecture?
In my classroom I would upload it to my classroom website (such as edmodo or blackboard) and make
sure the students view it before coming in to class
Evidence Outcomes: (Lesson Objectives)
Every student will be able to: (Create your own lesson objectives from the standard, using student voice)
I can: Create a work of art (bowl) with both asthetic qualities and functional qualities that can be used
functionally as a bowl and admired as a piece of art

How will you check for understanding:

What questions will you ask students to check for understanding (following the prerecorded lecture
before or at the beginning of the in-class activity)?
Does the thickness of your coils and slab matter? If so what is an appropriate thickness?
How will you add design elements to your bowl when your piece is at a leather hard state?
What is the biggest enemy of clay and what is the most important thing to do to counter that enemy?

Colorado State University College of Health and Human Sciences

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