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Wendy Sanchez

Professor Sakata & Castillo

College 1
12 December 2014

College Reading Reflection #1

Throughout my scholarly journey Ive adapted to certain formats that our
teachers handover for a better understanding on our reads. College doesnt stand so
far from there its not very different, encountering a good read like The Madonnas
of Echo Park by Brando Skyhorse seems so seeming less when inputting yourself
into the RRJs. The requirements that are asked for the RRJs made me digest the
chapters so in depth, overall it made me think differently. The way I actually saw
and understood the characters it was as if I was having an on going conversation
about themselves, situations, and critical thoughts. I didnt have to agree with them
but I could acknowledge their point of view. They helped me gather my thoughts
and opinions in ways I could make them stronger.

Reading page after page you will encounter one of the most out spoken
Mexican American men, Efren Mendoza who lives his life with so much anger and
resentment. Efren is that one character that is out spoken, he has no shame what so
ever in speaking his mind even if he hurts some ones feelings but he says it in a very
seemly effortless way. He represents that fierce, aggressive side each of us capable

of expressing in an email, driving on the freeway, waiting in line at the

supermarket (authors note). This is the side that many of us decide to show only
when we are put in situations of discomfort but Efren takes it to another level. He
says things in such a real and pure way his voice will suck you into seduction and
wont let go. You wont be able just to walk away, he is very opinionated and you will
sit there and listen to whatever he has to say even if you dont agree.

This chapter left me with many unanswered questions but is Efren a traitor
for trying to hide his Latino roots and the way he finds himself speaking of them, his
own people. This really got to me, I my self am Latina so trying to understand
Efrens character had an impact on my daily decisions, actions, and values. I dont
ever wish to become a person so cold like him; I try to see life from a positive
prospective admiring my culture, and my people so instead of degrading them we
can help each other rise up to greatness. In order for that we must change peoples
ways like Efrens who doesnt have an open mindset to positivity, who bares on
keeping grudges towards people of his own color for absolutely nothing. When you
come to realization that Efren is just a character yet there are still people who exist
out in the real world, it makes me cringe that is why I took action with my overall
decisions, actions, and values. I love myself way too much to hurt others and accuse
them of nonsense just because of their skin color or their immigration status.

Since the first moment I stepped into a college classroom automatically

something changed. The way I even saw the term reading sounded like something
so ordinary but it wasnt it was a word that expected a lot more from you. With so
many reading assignments being thrown at a student it can get very overwhelming
so you have to figure out what works best for you, just you. In my case I would sit
down highlight what I thought was important but that wasnt enough thats when I
brought out my pen Id pretty much argue with the character as if I would get a
response back. I would get to know the character, there purpose which helped me
get a better understanding of the chapters book. Something that I read and found
difficult was summarizing articles knowing me I tend to surpass what a summary
should look like. I feel like an insider when it comes to reading specially because I
am bilingual, so coming across a book with the languages I know I have a better
understanding than a lot of my classmates.

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