Story of Iblis

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Sainabou Jallow

World Religion

The story of Iblis talks about how the jinn named Iblis came to be known as Shaytan (Satan).
The story stems from Ibliss disobedience when God commanded him to bow to Adam (the first
human). He refused to do so because he felt as though he was superior. As a consequence for
his disobedience, he was banished from paradise. Angry, Iblis then vowed persuade as many
men and women he could to disobey God until the Day of Judgment. God allowed him to do so.
Iblis even succeeded in tricking Adam into disobey God; hence he began to execute his vow to
lead as many humans astray as he could until the Day of Judgement.
Butler, Jean. "Reading Satan, Remembering the Other." Reading Satan, Remembering the Other
(2011): 157-87. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials. Web. 112 Dec. 2014.
Shulamith L., and Oppenheim. "Iblis." Iblis (1994): n. pag. GEORGIA STATE UNIV's Catalog.
Web. 13 Dec. 2014.
LARSSON, GRAN. "The Sound of Satan: Different Aspects of Whispering in Islamic
Theology." The Sound of Satan (2012): 60. Print.
Klar, Marianna. "The Poetics of Ibls: Narrative Theology in the Qurn." The Poetics of Ibls
(2013): 102-31. Print

Sainabou Jallow
World Religion

Story of Iblis:
The creation of mankind is what brought forth the story of Iblis. Iblis is identified as Shaytan,
which is synonymous to the English translation of Satan. Islam teaches that there are three
known forms of being. The first beings are angels, who have no free will or power to disobey
God and his authority; they are created from light (nur). The second being jinn, whom are
granted free will and can be good or evil, are created from smokeless fire. The last form are
humans, who are also allotted free will and can choose from between performing good or evil
actions; they are said to be created from clay or dirt. Angels and jinns were said to have come
prior to humans.
Adam was noted as the first human created by God. Iblis was a jinn who at the time of Adams
creation, was said to be ranked on the same level as angels. He was in good terms with God until
he was commanded to prostrate to Adam along with the angels and refused to do so. When God
asked him why, he stated, I am better than him; you created me from fire and created him from
clay. Ibliss focal point was not on the portrayal of Adams creation, but rather an emphasis
on clays superiority and on Iblis belief in his own greater power (thus al-Tabari, on the
authority of Ibn cAbbs, in his exegesis of Q. 7:12 fire is more powerful (aqw) than clay, and
in his exegesis of Q. 38:76, fire consumes clay, and burns it)i. This disobedient act resulted in
his expulsion from Jannah (Paradise). His haughtiness and pride caused him to anger God and
earn a place in Jahannem (hell).

Sainabou Jallow
World Religion

Upon his expulsion he was given respite after obtaining permission from God. In doing so he
vowed to lead as many women and men astray from the straight path as he possibly could. He
was given permission to do so until the day of Yawm Al-Qiyamah (Day of Judgement). When
this happened he became known as Shaytan (Devil/Satan) rather than being referred to as Iblis,
the jinn. Iblis the jinn is seen as the character of the narrative while Shaytan is viewed as
principle. They simultaneously correlate when used in a theological context. God dismissed
Shaytan and proclaimed that his true servants would not be influenced by him to be led astray.
God stated this in a theological dialogue Q. 15:39; Ibls then said to God, Because you have
put me in the wrong, I will lure mankind on earth and put them in the wrong, all except your
devoted servants. God said, [Devotion] is a straight path to me: you will have no power over my
servants, only over the ones who go astray and follow you). ii It should be noted that God did
not give Iblis any true authority to make mankind sin, but rather Iblis is said to operate by
whispering and suggesting evil; giving the urge to commit sin. Furthermore, it is believed that
Satan as the whisperer can cause compulsive and neurotic ritual behaviour in believers, so that
they distrust themselves when it comes to Islamic rituals and practices.iii It is however
completely left up to the individual to decide on whether to follow or commit wrong/forbidden
The first noted instance where Shaytan was able to lead mankind from the straight path was
explained during the story of Adam and Eve, whereby God forbade them to eat off a specific tree
in paradise but they succumbed to the influence of the Shaytan and disobeyed Gods instructions.
It is also clear that Satan has the power to convince Muslims to question or doubt God's

Sainabou Jallow
World Religion

intentions and laws. Just as he (i.e. Satan) seduced Adam and Eve into eating from the forbidden
tree in paradise, he makes believers take individual initiative and introduce new traditions, not
found in the Qur'an or in the Sunna of the prophet Muhammad. By this means, Satan will cause
fitna (division) and conflict within the community and condemn it to damnation. Shaytan does
not whisper alone; he is said to have other jinns who aid him in leading humankind astray.
Similar to humans jinns have the choice to participate in good or evil acts.
Jinns who help Shaytan do so by many means, particularly they try to get people to commit shirk
(worshipping of anything besides God). For example they can take several forms in disguise
such as people, animals, objects etc. This is used to explain idol worship and the possession of
individuals or things of that nature. Shaytan is viewed as the leader of the chaos caused by evil.
He is sometimes referred to as the Father of Jinns in the same way Adam is referred to as the
Father of Man.
Sahytans display of pride and disobedience when commanded to bow down to Adam,
constituted as an act of disbelieving (kufr). Jews are said to share this title of disbeliever (kafir),
because Jews do not acknowledge the Prophet Muhammad as the prophet foretold by their own
scripture. In essence they are viewed as thematic parallels, whereby the failure of the Jews
to submit to the message of Muhammad comes to mirror Iblis act of utter haughtiness (kibr) and
disobedience {kufr) towards God.iv Christians are referred to as People of the Book, however
are viewed as guilty of disobedience (kufr) towards God as well. This is because they do not
recognize the Prophet Muhammad as a divine messenger and have altered their book to do so.

Sainabou Jallow
World Religion

These different beliefs and viewpoints, warrant chaos (fitna) and confusion which Muslims
would attribute to the whispers of Shaytan and help of the evil jinns. Shaytan is blamed for
people doing bad things and for turning people into non-believers (kafir). The story of Iblis is
used as an example of how one can fall from grace as a result of haughtiness, disobedience and

LARSSON, GRAN. "The Sound of Satan: Different Aspects of Whispering in Islamic

Theology." (2012): pg 60
LARSSON, GRAN. "The Sound of Satan: Different Aspects of Whispering in Islamic
Theology." (2012): pg 60
Klar, Marianna. "The Poetics of Ibls: Narrative Theology in the Qurn." The Poetics of Ibls
(2013):g 117
Butler, Jean. "Reading Satan, Remembering the Other." Reading Satan, Remembering the
Other (2011): pg171

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