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Physical Activity & Physical Fitness at

the High School Level

Physical Activity is the process. Fitness is the
Healthy People 2020 national health
objectives designed to identify the most
significant preventable threats to health and
to establish national goals to reduce these

Physical Activity on a Continuum

Physical activity = any body movement
carried out by the skeletal muscles and
requiring energy.
Exercise = planned, structured, repetitive
movement of the body designed to improve
or maintain physical fitness.
Physical fitness = a set of physical attributes
that allows the body to respond or adapt to
the demands and stress of physical effort .

Physical Activity Pyramid

Benefits of Different Programs

Physical Fitness
Consists of:
5 health-related fitness components
6 skill-related components

Health Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular endurance: the ability of the
body to perform prolonged, large-muscle,
dynamic exercise at moderate-to-high levels of
2. Muscular strength: the amount of force a
muscle can produce with a single maximum
3. Muscular endurance : the ability of a muscle or
group of muscles to remain contracted or to
contract repeatedly.

Health-Related Fitness Components

4. Flexibility: the ability to move joints through
their full range of motion.
5. Body composition: the proportion of fat and
fat-free mass (muscle, bone, and water) in the

Skill-Related Fitness
1. Agility
2. Balance
3. Coordination
4. Speed
5. Power
6. Reaction time

Physical Fitness versus

Physical Activity

Copyright 2012 Pearson Education, Inc.

Need for Fitness

Effective study & work

Good health
Face emergencies
Enjoyable leisure
Value of fitness
Look good
Feel good
Enjoy life
Be healthy

Purpose of Fitness Testing


Proving feedback
Setting goals
Charting improvement

Testing Options:
Physical Best & Fitnessgram
Presidents Challenge Tests

Fitnessgram vs Presidents Challenge Tests

Both use criterion-referenced standards, which examine
scores against a particular health criterion.
Benefit: possible that students from quality PE programs
can all reach a particular health standard on a test.
A. Fitnessgram/Activitygram = A comprehensive,
educational and promotional tool for fitness and
activity assessment for children.
B. Presidents Challenge = A program that encourages all
Americans to make being active part of their everyday
lives. No matter what your activity and fitness level, the
President's Challenge can help motivate you to

Fitnessgram H.E.L.P.
HEALTH comes from regular physical activity and the development of
health related fitness.
Physical activity and fitness are for EVERYONE regardless of age,
gender, or ability.
Physical activity and physical fitness are for the LIFETIME.
Physical activity programs should be designed to meet PERSONAL
needs and interests.
Regular physical activity will improve a childs level of health- and skillrelated physical fitness.
The focus in the FITNESSGRAM program is on health-related fitness - considered to be greater importance than performance in sports.
Important for children to develop physical skills in order to perform
physical activity as adults. However, health related fitness is a more
important objective and is necessary for all people!

Fitness and health benefits obtained in childhood

will not be retained in adulthood unless the person
remains physically active. The best way to promote
adult health is to promote adult activity!
Therefore, the goal in Fitnessgram is to increase
the likelihood that children will become active
The FITNESSGRAM report prints out an
individualized report that evaluates a students
personal level of fitness compared against the
established health standard, the Healthy Fitness

Appropriate Uses for Fitnessgram

Facilitating fitness education
Providing feedback
Teaching students about criterion-referenced
health standards and what types of activity
are needed to reach them
Helping students track fitness results over
Documenting that assessments are being
administered in the school and that student
results are being tracked over time
Institutional testing to allow teachers to view
group data (for curriculum development)

The Fitnessgram Assessment

Aerobic Capacity: PACER; One Mile Run-Walk; Walk Test;
Body Composition: Percent Body Fat from Skinfold
Measurements; Percent Body Fat from Bioelectric Impedance
Analysis (BIA) Device; Body Mass Index from height and
Muscle Strength, Endurance & Flexibility: Abdominal Curlup; Trunk Extensor Trunk Lift; Flexibility Back saver Sit
and Reach or Shoulder Stretch; Upper Body 900 Push-Ups,
Modified Pull-up, Flexed Arm Hang

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