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Physical education, IF it is TAUGHT

properly, is just as important as any

other subject in the curriculum and
can make just as valuable a
contribution to the total growth and
overall development of the student.

D. F. Staffo

Created by the NASPE (2009)

HS - transition time from adolescence to

Physical education teachers can:
o help foster positive self-concept and social development
through physical activity;
o contribute to students knowledge and understanding how
their bodies function with and without exercise.
Learning to achieve physical fitness and

maintaining active lifestyle becomes the goal.

Areas of Focus:
1. Learning Environment
2. Instructional Strategies
3. Curriculum
4. Assessment
5. Professionalism

a. Create positive teaching/learning environment

Teacher model appropriate behavior.

b. Exercise used NOT as punishment but instead

to . .
Promote benefits of participating in exercise
outside of class healthy lifestyle.

c. Safety
Facilities and equipment.
Position self - - see all the Ss all the time.

d. Equity
Create equal opportunities for all Ss regardless of
developmental level, ability, and gender.
Students vs You guys use neutral language.

e. Inclusion
Adapt lesson for Ss based on their IEPs and/or injury no
one needs to sit out!

f. Competition and Cooperation

Offer competitive and non-competitive activities not all Ss
want to keep score.
Modified games - lots of benefits (success, challenge,
strategies, decision-making).

a. Expectations for student learning

SPOs including all 3 domains & hold students

accountable measureable.
b. Class organization
Use creative ways to get Ss in partners, small and
large groups/teams.

c. In-depth instruction
Variety of skill levels extensions up
and down).

d. Class design
Create warm-up activities that relate to lesson
or skills previously taught fun & creative.
e. Learning time
Units = 6-8 classes. Want instructional time for
Ss to acquire concept/skill.
Academic Learning Time in PE (ALT-PE).
Revisit skills/concepts. Did they get it? Can
they apply it?

f. Maximizing participation
Ideal - equipment for every Ss / 3 per line max.
Plan lesson to allow QUALITY practice opportunities.

g. Teaching/Learning styles
Teach by Invitation.
Emphasize critical thinking and problem solving
tactics & strategies.

h. Teacher enthusiasm
Set the tone and sell your product by
your enthusiasm and excitement.

i. Success rate
Nice try. This time try moving a little closer to
your target.


Teacher feedback
Mary, what a great throw. I like the way you
turned your side to the target.

k. Use technology
Create PE department web page.
Podcasts, You-tube, HRM, Pedometers,
Wii Fit, DDR, etc.

a. Focus on physical activity and motor skill

Follow National Standards & Grade-Level
Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education.
b. Student choice (student-centered)
Offer lifestyle sports & activities, outdoor
adventure, novel or modified team

c. Concept knowledge
Apply knowledge and understanding of:
skills, strategies, and tactics applicable in
a variety of sports;
exercise science and biomechanical
analysis (i.e. difference between
anaerobic and aerobic activities?).
d. Self-responsibility and social skills
Create opportunities that require and
reinforce cooperation, teamwork,
responsibility, leadership, trust, risk-taking,
and communication.

e. Valuing physical activity

Want to make PE fun!

f. Interdisciplinary instruction

Goal = develop a physically education individual

by implementing a multidisciplinary curriculum.

g. Special events

Get parents, teachers, community involved.

Parents vs. students volleyball tournament?

a. Assessment use
On-going process and an expectation.
b. Variety of assessment
Assess all three domains (P, C, A).
Alternative make a video, portfolios,
Authentic assess skill in game-like setting.
Performance create games, choreograph
dance routine.
Rubric skills test based on rating a list of

c. Fitness testing
Option - FITNESSGRAM Ss obtain valuable
personal fitness report. Good opportunity to
set personal fitness goals, journals, etc.
d. Testing procedures
Private and focused on individual results
rather than comparing with others.

e. Reporting student progress

Inform Ss of their progress regularly.

f. Grading
Assessment matches goals and objectives
of your program, student outcomes, and
national standards. Effort is not an option
for grading criteria.
g. Program assessment
Collect data on student achievement to
evaluate your programs effectiveness.

a. Professional growth
Membership (MAHPERD/ED/SHAPE). Attend
local, regional, and national conventions.
Stay current on new information and research.
b. Professional learning community
You are the physical activity expert in the school.

c. Advocacy
Promote your program within school, at home, and
around community by creating newsletters, etc.

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