Technology Presentation

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Nick Ambrogio & Carrie Blais

PHED 239 - Module 4: High School

Dr. Mangano
Springfield College
December 8, 2014

Types of Technology

Smart Phones

Team Maker App. - Administrative

Free in the application store, (play store)

Easier to upload on tablet but will work with phone

Add names - Choose male, female or neutral

List of names

Choose the # of teams and whether or not to make gender specific

Bracket Maker - Administrative

Free in the application store, (play store)

Easier to upload on tablet but will work with phone

Add names & Choose # of Divisions

Choose Division & Seed


Coin Flip - Communicative

Free in the application store, (play store)

Easier with phone but will work with tablet

Choose background & type of coin

Saves time, easy to use and interactive

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