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Mersey way splash screen and logo

Girlfriend Checks phone to see text from

murderer (Name Hidden) saying to meet up at
stockport plaza stairs.

Flashback to the night of someone picking up the

jacket and phone from the scene to hide/burn

Next shot shows girl at the bottom of Stockport

plaza stairs, phone in her hand, outline of figure
standing above her. (Picture shot in the evening)
(Lay next to smashed phone and her jacket)

Shot of ambulance speeding to the scene,

ambulance siren playing loudly.

Body is found the next morning by someone that

calls 999 to contact police and ambulance, shot
of calling the police, (Close up of face/phone).

Different shot reverse shot/over the shoulder

shots of characters asking each other where
they were on the night of the murder.
where were you?, you were with her last night?

Tracking shot of footsteps walking up to a fire in


Action match shot of body bag being zipped up


Action match shot of body bag being zipped up

Killer places items into fire, silhouette is out of


From behind shot of person walking towards fire

with phone and jacket in hand, phone is ringing.

Pull focus from shot of fire to focus of silhouette.

(Fade to black inbetween each shot)

(Cut length speeding up)
Final shot of Mersey way logo, channel broadcasting information etc.

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