Chapter 11 Vocabulary

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Chapter 11 Vocabulary

1. Active motion- movement through range of motion done by the athlete during

examination to assess injury

2. Anthropomorphic data- statistics in size, weight, body structure, gender, strength,

and maturity level or particular individuals.

3. Assessment- the orderly collection of objective and subjective data on the athletes

health status

4. Diagnosis- using information from assessment and physical examination findings

to establish the cause and nature of the athlete’s injury or disease: made only by a

physician or other licensed health care provider.

5. H.O.P.S- an acronym for the approach of the secondary injury survey: history,

observation, palpation and special tests

6. Ligamentous laxity-

7. Mechanism of force- all energies involved at the time of an impact, including the

direction, intensity, duration, activity, and position of the body or body part

8. Palpation- touching during examination to determine extent of injury

9. Passive motion- movement through range of motion performed by the examiner

while the athlete relaxes all muscles

10. Primary injury survey- assessment of life threatening emergencies and

management of airway, breathing, and circulation. EMS should be activated when

threats to life are suspected. ABC

11. Secondary injury survey- a through methodical evaluation of an athlete’s overall

health to reveal additional injuries beyond the initial injury

- First question to ask is what happened

- Second question to ask is how did it happen

- Third question to ask did you hear anything rip, snap, tear, pop, crack

- Fourth question to ask has this happened before

- Types of pain

- Radiating – moving pain

- Throbbing – pulsing in one spot

- Point specific pain – in one spot

- Factors influencing athletic injuries

1. Anthropomorphic data

2. Mechanism of force

3. Speed

4. Protective equipment used

5. Skill level

- R.O.M – range of motion:

• Passive – trainer moves

• Active - athlete moves

• Resistance – applies pressure

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