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Installation Instructions

1. Install in a new installation of Windows 7 if possible.

2. Background services may interfere with printing and should not be running dur
ing printing. Anti-virus real-time services and scanning should be disabled and
firewalls disabled.
3. By default the printer will automatically shut down a standard set of Windows
services. If this is not desired, go to the C:\Hydra\files\Hydra.config and set
the StopServices value to "0". For it to shut down services it must be run with
Administrator privileges or these services will fail to turn off. To run as Adm
inistrator, select the properties window for the Hydra Print shortcut, go to Com
patibility and select "Run this program with Administrator Privileges". When the
program starts a number of warnings regarding security services will be seen (f
or windows firewall, security center and possibly others).
4. The task bar should be set to auto-hide or this application should be set as
the user shell.
5. The printer license must be installed in C:\Hydra\printers with the name Hydr
aPrinter.pcfg. Replace the default file that is there. A backup of the printer l
icense file should be maintained separately from the printer computer as the pri
nter is unusable without it.
6. The IP address of the Ethernet port used to attach the print head or heads mu
st match the "Local IP" address in the "Advanced Settings" tab in the printer co
nfiguration window. This value is set to by default. In addition, the n
et mask should be appropriate for the Head IP addresses and the Local IP. 255.0.
0.0 will always work as net mask. All network services on the Ethernet adapter u
sed by the printer other than IPv4 should be turned off (such as IPv6, Netbios a
nd any other installed services). This is done by unchecking the services in the
adapter properties box. The Ethernet port used for the printer must not be conn
ected via USB.
7. The encoder, if one is used, must be calibrated. Print the PrintTest.job on t
he printer and measure the length of the test pattern in the middle (excluding t
he dark bars). This length should be exactly four inches. If not, go to Printer
configuration from the main menu, go to Encoder and Edges, and set the Speed nex
t to "Use external encoder" to the appropriate value. Setting the value higher l
engthens the image, setting it lower shortens the image.

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