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Dec. 13, 2014

Board members present were Sandy Roberts, Lillian Bagus, Bill Raub, Hans Wile,
Carolyn Leech and Terry Straup. Absent were Bill Wallace, Rick Dosch, Liz Posner,
and Dave Keener.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Ken Skahn. The minutes from the last
meeting were read by Secretary, Carol Leech. They were approved as read. Lillian
Bagus gave the financial report. It also was approved as read.
The attorneys for Bear Mtn. have said that since we are not paying clients, they are too
busy at this time to take anyone to court for nonpayment of dues. They will, however,
continue to send letters to them.
James Anders told Ken that he would like the job of snow plowing for this winter.
Since he charges more than Dave Keller, our present plower, we are continuing with
Dave. James did, however, agree to be our backup if Dave couldnt.
Terry told us that come spring, more work will be done on the mountain roads.
Maryland Ave. plus side roads. It depends on how much money we have, as to how
much work will get done. He stated that around $20,000 would get much of the
necessary work done. In the spring a letter will be sent to all residents asking, again, for
donations and telling them of the work to be done. In the same letter we will inform
them of the annual road dues being raised to $250 starting in 2015.
It was brought up that there are saplings, bushes and low hanging branches that need to
be cut back from the road and away from any wires. When they get ice and snow on
them, not only is it a nuisance, but it can be dangerous. It will be put on face book, as
well as in emails, that we are asking all residence to cut these potent hazards down. If
they dont, the board will have someone do it. If any owner doesnt want anything cut
on their property, they will need to let the board know.
With no one having any more business to discuss, a motion was made and 2nd to
adjourn the meeting. The next board meeting will be held on March 7th, 2015 at M-26.

Respectfully Submitted
Carolyn Leech

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