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Robichaux 1

Jorden Robichaux
Jason Ryan King
English 1 Honors
December 8th, 2014

Blame Game Essay

Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers that first caused so much violent
commotion, finally bring peace to their hateful families, with their own deaths. For
many reasons, there is belief that Romeo and Tybalt may be responsible for Juliets
death, because of their careless acts of fighting as well as Mercutio setting a curse
on the Capulets and the Montagues. Romeo should have never went after Tybalt
and fought him, which caused the death of Tybalt, which banished Romeo from the
city of Verona. But the one who is ultimately to blame is Friar Lawrence, which
was Romeos father figure.
Friar Lawrence is the main culprit in Romeo and Juliets deaths because he
made some very rash decisions which all led to their untimely deaths. Although,
Friars rash decisions may have been meant for the greater good for Romeo and
Juliet, in the long run they were huge mistakes.

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Frair Lawrence, who was also a priest, convinced Romeo and Juliet to allow
him to marry them in secret stating that their families were sworn enemies and a
secret marriage would alleviate unseen altercations between them. Romeo and
Juliet went along with the secret marriage because Frair was Romeos father-figure
so he trusted him. But, the marriage should not have been kept a secret because
Romeo and Juliet did not have to hide their relationship/marriage and they could
stand up to Lord Capulet together instead of Romeo sneaking into the Capulets
home and reading scripture with Juliet.
Another reason that Frair Lawrence was the one to blame for their deaths is
because, Frair Lawrence should not have faked Juliets death in the first place
because she wanted to see Romeo in Mantua where he was banished because he
killed Tybalt for revenge. Had Friar Laurence acted as Juliet's mediator and
explained his perfectly legal involvement in her marriage, Juliet may have still
been disowned by her father, but she would have also been united with Romeo in
Mantua, which was the ultimate goal.
One passage proving that Friar Laurence's act of deception fell through are
the lines he says to Juliet in the tomb, "A greater power than we can contradict /
Hath thwarted our intents" VIII(8). The "greater power" can be interpreted as God
who was displeased with the Friar's choices and, therefore, prevented them from
being accomplished.

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The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact
William Shakespeare. Some class mates believe that Romeo is the one to blame for
the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because of various reasons but the focus is mainly
on why he went and fought Tybalt. If Romeo had not killed Tybalt, he would not
have been sent into exile, and thus neither of them would have died. You could
also consider the idea that Romeo acted rashly by buying poison to kill himself
after hearing of Juliet's death. If he had waited a few moments, he would have
realized that she was just asleep. But, his immediate reaction is to drink the poison.
If he had waited a mere matter of minutes, she would have awakened and they
could have gone away together. However, Romeo always the impatient man that
he is, refuses to wait for anything. He can't take anything that resembles pain and
chooses death instead.
Even though we will never know the true answer for who was really to
blame for the tragic death of Romeo and Juliet, we all knew their deaths were
coming from the beginning of the story. But in act one scene four Romeo says I
fear, too early: for my mind misgives some consequence yet hanging in the stars
shall bitterly begin his fearful date with this night's revels and expire the term of a
despised life closed in my breast by some vile forfeit of untimely death. But he,
that hath the steerage of my course, direct my sail! On, lusty gentlemen . I believe

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that he knew that he had to do anything to get Juliet to be his forever love, no
matter the cost and by any means necessary in life or death.

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