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The Protestant Reformation

Learning Outcomes
Participate in a Mind Map exercise on the Whiteboard
All pupils must add a comment to the Whiteboard
Note Taking Exercise write down key notes that are
important to understand for Christmas Exam

Relay Race competing against other students in a relay

race 2 minutes whiteboard activity

Mind Map Activity

Add facts under the following four headings


Key figures

Note Taking Exercise

Take out pens and copies

Make sure you do not just write down the sentence. You
will need to understand it in order to answer questions
correctly in the exam.
Note Taking useless unless you absorb what is being

SNAP the main reason for the Reformation



Ninety Five Thesis

Martin Luther nailed the Ninety Five thesis to the church

doors of Wittenberg Castle.
This started the Protestant Reformation.

What could money buy you

before the Reformation

John Calvin

He setup a new religion AFTER Martin Luthers Ninety

Five theses.
Religion known as Calvinists or Presbyerians.
He ran and controlled the city of Geneva.

First Name

Henry VIII

Converted (changed) the English people to Protestants.

Act of Supremacy made Henry the head of the English

church remember Plantations

Results of the Reformation

New Religions Protestantism, Anglicism, Calvinsim
Church lost a lot of Power Kings (monarchs) became
more powerful
Use of vernacular
Counter Reformation

Relay Race
In two teams, groups will have one minute to share
ideas and answers.
Then teams approach the board in a line and each pupil
will add ONE comment, then the next and then the next
The teacher will have a stopwatch 2 minutes max.
Students will have to write as much as they can about
Martin Luther.




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