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Reading | Lesson 1: Credit Risk | TW3421x Courseware | edX

DelftX: TW3421x Credit Risk Management








An Introduction to

Week 1:Introduction

In order to complement the information I will give you throught the video
lessons, I ask you to read a document titled "Principles for the Management


Lesson 1: Credit
Lesson 2: Basel II

of Credit Risk".In particular, I ask you to read pages 1-10.You can find a copy
of the documenthere(click).
Reading this document you will start familiarizing with the basic principles of
credit risk management. This is very important for a fruitful understanding of
many of the topics we will discuss together. During the course all the different
points that you can find in the document will become clearer.

Lesson 3: Basel III

The document is publicly available on the website of the Basel Committee on


Banking Supervision.
As we will see in the next classes, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

The Sofa

(BCBS) is a committee of banking supervisory authorities. Its goal is to foster the

understanding of key supervisory issues and to improve the quality of banking
supervision worldwide.

Weekly Discussion

The Committee has written and released the famous Basel Accords, which we
are going to discuss in the next videos.
The Committee's members come from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United
Kingdom and the United States.
TheCommittee's Secretariat is located in wonderful city of Basel, Switzerland.

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Reading | Lesson 1: Credit Risk | TW3421x Courseware | edX

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